Dare to resist the strong, in the Hundred Beasts Pirates, it is tantamount to death.

Plague Quinn is very skilled, he is a man who is good at giving injections.

Take out a needle and directly extract the perfect t-virus drug from the test tube.

"Don't make such an expression, you will immediately feel extremely powerful."

Peggy Wan and Run Q, who are on patrol, are brothers and sisters of Fei Liu.

At the same time, Runqq can also be said to be a rare beauty in the Beasts Pirates.

He is also a good friend of Yamato.

Run Qianq said: "My lord, what are you doing with Lord Plague Quinn?"

Ye Fan: "One more experiment needs your help."

Run q: "If you have anything to tell the son-in-law, tell me directly."

Ye Fan: "After this bat monster is transformed by the t-virus, I want him to fight Peggy Wan."

Peggy Wan seemed to hear a huge joke.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates are ranked according to their strength, the Flying Six Cells, the numbered ones, the real fighters, and then the poor endowers.

This son-in-law named Ye Fan only wants to rely on a potion, so that the giver has the strength to fight Fei Liubao. Isn't this funny?

Peggy Wan laughed loudly, and it took him a long time before he said, "Is it just him? I'm afraid I'll be killed with a single punch."

Ye Fan: "You don't need to be responsible for killing him, just fight him once with all your strength."

Bat monster was injected with the perfect t-virusAfter that, there was not much reaction at first.

Perfect t-viruses are different from ordinary t-viruses that fail.

It will not cause the human body's genes to change rapidly in the shortest period of time, thus turning it into a terrifying monster.

The perfect t-virus can evolve the ability of the human body, but it will not have any effect on the appearance of the human body.

Even offspring of normal humans can be born.

But a minute later, the Bat monster's reaction began to change dramatically.

When the perfect t-virus starts to fuse the bloodline factor.

These two forces that also changed human genes began to compete with each other for territory.

The appearance of the bat monster began to undergo a huge change.

Suddenly, the wings of a pair of bats expanded several times, and then turned into the appearance of ordinary humans.

The painful roar of the bat monster and the rapid changes of genes in the body are unbearable pain for ordinary people.

Looking at the bat monster whose physical body has been changing rapidly.

Ye Fan had already used the ability of the Thunderbolt fruit to retreat several hundred meters away.

Only Plague Quinn was still standing there blankly.

A little puzzled, he said: "It stands to reason that this genetic medicine should not have such a big reaction."

Ye Fan: "There is nothing strange about this. The perfect t-virus is trying to change his bloodline factor. If he succeeds, his fruit ability will also evolve."

It can actually affect the bloodline factor.

This is really a great invention.

The bloodline factor is the latest research success of Vegapunk, and not many people in this sea know about it.

This is the origin of the devil fruit. The devil fruit is in the ordinary human body, which increases the blood factor and changes a person's dna to make people stronger.

If this perfect t virus can strengthen the blood factor, it means that it can strengthen the power of the devil fruit.

For example, the common fruit of the animal family, after genetic evolution, becomes a powerful animal family and ancient species.

Now Plague Quinn is looking forward to the effect of the genetic medicine.

How powerful he would be if he could evolve his ancient fruit into a phantom beast.

The bat monster on the ground has stopped roaring.

He has fused the perfect t-virus.

And the shape has changed, he still has a pair of black wings, but there are four more sharp bone spurs on the black wings.

Makes Batmon appear more aggressive.

"I feel my body is full of power, I can destroy everything now, this feeling is really great hahaha."

The bat monster looked around. Now that he was full of power, he had become arrogant and arrogant. Not only did he look down on Run Q and Peggy Wan from the Six Cells, he even looked down on Plague Quinn.

Ye Fan said: "Peggy Wan, it's up to you now, if you can't defeat the Giver Batmonster, I'll upgrade him to Flying Six Cells and downgrade you to Giver Batmon."

Peggy Wan: "Don't underestimate me, it's just a genetic enhancement drug, how could it be my opponent, Peggy Wan."

Peggy Wan is an animal o dragon dragon fruit o ancient species o spinosaurus form.

He immediately turned into a human-dragon form, with a dinosaur's head on his head, and started a very savage battle with the bat monster.

Both rely on the strong defense of the Animal Department.

Started a frontal hand-to-hand fight, you punched me, I punched you, only attack without defense.

The fight was very violent and brutal.

In just a very short time, huge potholes appeared on the ground.

There are also several large pits on the city wall next to it.

Run Q was very surprised, he was just a giver, and after being injected with the potion by Plague Quinn, he was able to fight his younger brother for so long.

The ferocious battle between the two sides caused a lot of noise.

People from the Hundred Beasts Pirates kept coming.

Looking at the two people in the battle, all the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates stared out in surprise.

Chapter 9 The Shocked Peggy Wan

Who is Peggy Wan, Fei Liubao.

The Beast Pirates are the strongest except for Kaido and the three Kanbans.

As for who the Bat Monster is, the lowest-level cadre, among the 500 endowers, he is not the most powerful.

But now, the Bat Monster actually fought Peggy Wan, and he did not lose.

Solitia was very surprised. As a real fighter, she is someone who often wants to challenge Run Yuq and obtain the status of Fei Liubao.

She knew the terrifying strength of Fei Liubao and the others.

Solitia asked suspiciously: "I remember this bat monster is just a giver, how could he be Peggy Wan's opponent."

Run q: "My son-in-law has researched a new potion, after he took it, he became what he is now."

Hearing this sentence, the eyes of the few real fighters present were all brightened. If they also took the potion of the son-in-law, they would not directly surpass Fei Liubao and be able to compete with the three Kanbans in strength.

In the Hundred Beasts Pirates, strength is everything, the more powerful you are, the higher your status.

Everyone wants to become stronger and gain a higher status.

All eyes looked at Ye Fan eagerly.

Solitia is also very beautiful, but her fruit ability allows her to have six arms and a monkey's tail.

Solitia kept winking at Ye Fan, those eyes seemed to say that the son-in-law also wanted to become stronger.

Ye Fan looked at the longing expressions of many real hitters and endowers.

Said: "Currently, this potion is still in the testing stage, and it will take some time before it becomes popular. Don't worry."

Ye Fan said this because the perfect t-virus drug has not yet been mass-produced.

Just now, I just made a bottle in Plague Quinn's laboratory, and the relevant medicine in his laboratory has already bottomed out.

This kind of medicine related to genes is also extremely expensive in Pirate World.

Otherwise Kaido would not letA huge Wano country, turned into a weapons factory, was barely able to pay Doflamingo enough to buy man-made devil fruits.

The perfect t-virus drug needs to be approved by Kaido before it can be mass-produced.

Now, the battle between Bat Monster and Peggy Wan seems to be the time to decide the winner.

A few bone spurs on the bat monster's wings pierced Peggy Wan's skin, but his huge size obviously could only pierce the fur, not his flesh and blood.

And Peggy Wan's big mouth full of sharp teeth bit the bat monster's wings and tore them off forcefully.

Half of the bat monster's wings left his body.

There is a disadvantage of the fruit ability of the animal system, that is, the character will become very violent after animalization.

Let the mind stand between a man and an animal who only knows how to kill.

Peggy Wan Yang laughed out loud.

"Haha, even though you have taken the mysterious potion, you are no match for my uncle, Peggy Wan."

Unexpectedly, there was no blood flowing from the broken wing of the bat monster.

On the contrary, a large number of muscles were squirming rapidly and growing wildly. After a while, the serious injury of the bat monster was intact.

Peggy Wan was stunned to see such a situation.

Animal fruits have powerful defense and terrifying attack power.

But even Beast Kaido is known as immortal.

After being cut by Kozuki Oden, the wound was still left.

The bat monster turned out to be intact in an instant.

Seeing the results of this experiment, Ye Fan was also very satisfied.

Sure enough, as I expected, ordinary people taking the perfect t-virus can only make their bodies stronger and their resilience better.

But people with devil fruit are different.


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