Now I finally don't have to be afraid of the arrogance of the Tianlong people.

Except that Im who has gained immortality.

If other people attack themselves with life-consuming arrogance, they will die in front of Ye Fan because their lifespan is exhausted.

Yamato saw Ye Fan regained his health.

Throwing into Ye Fan's arms, he said, "Husband, I must improve my strength as soon as possible, and I will never be a useless drag bottle again, and let you face the highest combat power of the navy alone."

Yamato has such determination, and Ye Fan can't discourage her enthusiasm.

Said: "Okay, since this is the case, I will take the time to train with you, and strive to make my family peaceful as soon as possible, and also have the strength to beat the admiral."

Yamato: "I will definitely work hard."

Ye Fan sniffed the air around him.

Said: "Why is there a sour smell around?"

When Yamato heard it, his face flushed immediately.

Run q next to him said: "My son-in-law, you have been in a coma for seven days. During this time, Master Yamato is praying for you. As long as you don't wake up for a day, she won't eat or take a bath."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Fan was also very moved.

She really deserves to be her own wife.

Really treat yourself wholeheartedly.

He hugged Yamato.

Said: "It just so happens that I haven't bathed for a few days, let's go take a bath with us, do you want to get wet together?"

At this time, it was the turn of the lovely Runqq to blushed.

Although she felt a little awkward, she still followed Ye Fan.

The three entered the huge bathroom together.

What followed was a burst of white mist in the bathroom, making it impossible to see clearly.

These pictures can only be imagined by others.

In the next few days, Ye Fan and Yamato will take time to practice in the Time Gravity Room every day.

Kaido has been away from Oni Island for a month.

This day is back.

Chapter 78: Fishman Island

Ye Fan came to Kaido's room.

Seeing that Kaido's face was not very good, he already knew the result.

Sure enough, after Kaido drank a large bottle of wine.

He said: "As you expected, without knowing the coordinates of the four historical texts, there is no way to find the final island."

Ye Fan: "It's not surprising, otherwise Joey Boy wouldn't have left four pieces of the coordinate history text, only three pieces would be enough."

Kaido: "But when I went to sea this time, I still discovered a great secret."

Ye Fan: "What a secret, you can feel the shock, father-in-law."

Kaido: "I found that the entire Valley of the Gods has completely disappeared, and that island no longer exists."

Ye Fan: "How is this possible, father-in-law, did you remember the wrong location?"

Kaido: "How can I remember that place wrongly? That's where I obtained my Yuyu fruit and green dragon form. On the route to find the final island this time, I happened to pass by the Valley of the Gods. I'll go and have a look. Although there After the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, there were no more Celestial Dragons, but such a huge island suddenly disappeared, which is too strange."

Ye Fan: "In this way, it can only be said that the Tianlong people moved the entire island to another place, but such a huge island was transported away by them out of thin air, even a guy like the Lord can't drag such a huge island Island."

Kaido: "So I suspect that the Celestial DragonsMaybe I have some secrets that I don't know. If I can find the final island, I can know what the Tianlong people are afraid of. "

Kaido is not a simple pirate, and a simple pirate cannot become the Four Emperors.

Even the aunt Charlotte Lingling knows that collecting as many racial genes as possible is the only way to defeat the threat of the Celestial Dragons.

The two discussed for a long time, but there was no result.

Ye Fan also told Kaido that he had automatically activated the life-consuming arrogance of the Tianlong people from Garp.

Kaido: "No wonder, even the incomparably powerful Rocks will be killed by Garp, and the Celestial Dragons still have such a hole card."

"It seems that we are going to kidnap a few Tianlong people to obtain this legendary domineering."

Kaido is worthy of being a great pirate. When Ye Fan knew about this, his first thought was how to restrain or how to resist.

But Kaido's first thought was how to snatch this domineering cultivation method.

Ye Fan: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Doflamingo is also a Celestial Dragon. If he could have this kind of domineering spirit, he would have become the Four Emperors long ago."

"I think only a few Tianlong people know this kind of special domineering. These people should be the elite among Tianlong people, not those waste who only know how to buy slaves."

Kaido: "There is no rush on this matter, we still have time, let's create Pluto and the Giver Legion first."

Ye Fan wanted to say, father-in-law, without me, in two and a half years, you will be defeated by the enemy because of the three sticks.

The first stick allows Lu Fei to awaken Liu Ying, the second stick allows Lu Fei to learn the overlord color domineering winding, and the third stick awakens Nika form.

In fact, the time left for you is much less than you think.

Kaido: "Now our Beasts Pirates should expand their army. Without the old guy with white beard, it happens that the huge territory of the white group is ours."

Ye Fan: "Besides that, I think we should bring in more powerful people."

Kaido: "It's just what I want. Many supernovas who have recently entered the new world, I think it's not bad."

Ye Fan: "Leave this to me. I will recruit these people into the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

Kaido: "Exactly, I'm going to attack the country left by Whitebeard."

Ye Fan: "By the way, let me take care of the Murloc Island. It just so happens that I can also recruit Haixia Jinpei into the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

After the two discussed it.

Ye Fan left Kaido's room.

Whitebeard has hundreds of asylum countries in his hands.

Kaido can snatch dozens of them, which can greatly increase the income of the Beast Pirates.

That means more perfect t-viruses and artificial devil fruits.

The strength of the Hundred Beasts Pirates will expand even faster.

Ye Fan opened the free door to Mermaid Island.

In the royal palace of Mermaid Island.

King Neptune is having a meeting with Jinbe.

King Neptune: "Now that Whitebeard is dead, the Whitebeard Pirates can no longer guarantee our safety. There have been many slave hunters sneaking into Murloc Island. Our survival is now in dire jeopardy."

Kaixia Jinbe: "Now we can only seek the protection of the other four emperors. The red-haired pirates are the best choice, and their tribute is also the least, but their territory is too far away from our fish-man island. The red-haired pirates The number of the regiment is the smallest, and I am afraid it will not be able to protect our country."

King Neptune: "It seems that I can only choose one from the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

"If we seek the shelter of Big Mom, we only need a lot of desserts. The tributes of the Beast Pirates have always been the most expensive."

Haixia Jinbe: "But I heard that after the Beast Pirates got more son-in-law Ye Fan, their tributes became very small, and they became more merciful to the dependent countries."

Ye Fan heard their discussion.

Only then did I think of the plot that I had almost forgotten.

After Whitebeard died in Murloc Island, even Seaman Jinbe returned to Murloc Island.

Just relying on his strength cannot maintain the safety of Murloc Island.

In the end, they chose to seek refuge with the aunt.

In exchange for a piece of historical text, plus ten tons of the most exquisite pastries every month, and Shi Ping's allegiance, they will be exchanged for the Big Mom Pirates' shelter on Murloc Island.

Ye Fan walked out.

Said: "Why not choose our Hundred Beasts Pirates? In this sea, there is no more powerful pirate group than our Hundred Beasts Pirates."

King Neptune and Haixia Jinbe suddenly saw someone entering the secret room where they were discussing.

Immediately looked nervously at Ye Fan.

After discovering that it was Ye Fan.

Jinbe's tense mood calmed down.

"It turned out to be Lord Ye Fan, the son-in-law of the Hundred Beasts. Our Murloc Island has become a subsidiary country of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. How much tax do we need every year?"

Ye Fan said: "We don't need taxes from Murloc Island, and we can help you deal with the Murloc rebels. There is only one request, and I need your loyalty from Jinpei."

King Neptune: "Those murlocs are also my people. I will influence them with love and kindness. I don't want to rely on force to cleanse them."

Ye Fan: "Do you still remember your wife, Princess Otohime? She was not killed by humans, but was actually Hody Jones, the captain of the New Murloc Pirates. She assassinated."

King Neptune was extremely angry when he heard this, and said, "Are you sure this news is true?"

King Neptune had true love for his wife, Bhime. As a king, he did not have a second concubine for ten years after his wife died, but he was a rare infatuated king.

Chapter 79 The Size Is Wrong

Ye Fan said: "If I arrest him, you will know if you interrogate him yourself. What's more, I have done you a big favor. You didn't sendNow, in the recent period, no one has attacked your daughter Bai Xing anymore. "

King Neptune: "Banta Daken IX, that evil fellow, was killed by you."

Ye Fan: "That's right, I took care of him. I can help you solve all the troubles in Murloc Island. The slave hunters are under the command of Doflamingo Tenyasha. As long as I say hello, I can guarantee that there will be no slave hunters." Come to Fishman Island."

Kaixia Jinbe: "Is the Beast Pirates' willingness to help Murloc Island so much only for an ordinary Murloc Pirate like me?"

Ye Fan: "Of course it's more than that. There are also three ancient weapons, Poseidon, the king of the sea who controls the sea."

King Neptune immediately showed a terrified expression.

He said in a trembling voice, "Our Fishman Island doesn't have any legendary ancient weapons. If there were any, it wouldn't be a small country that can be easily bullied."


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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