Chapter 99: Heart Pirates

Akainu is so angry because Fujitora laughed at this guy, and he joined the dove faction as soon as he entered the navy.

Now the navy is divided into two forces.

The eagle brand headed by Akainu, he has an extra loyal younger brother, the general Lvniu Huangmu.

But his rival faction has grown stronger.

Although Sengoku and Garp have retired.

But the two of them firmly controlled the elite naval training camp.After their training, the future naval elite must be more dovish.

And there are four generals left.

Huang Yuan does not participate in the struggle, but only guards his technological troops, which belongs to an independent system in the navy.

Both Momotu and Fujitora joined the Dove Faction, and together with Aokiji, the Dove Faction had three admirals.

Akainu felt that his position as the marshal would be emptied by them.

As an admiral of the navy, there is only one general who is slightly obedient.

The most important thing is that even if it is the general Green Bull, this guy is not very obedient.

He has always treated pirates as if he could kill them and never let them go.

It's just that he likes killing too much.

Now the navy is still expanding its army, and its foundation is still not stable. He won't help him win over more eagle-branded lieutenant generals and major generals.

Instead, he ran to the sea and killed other pirates everywhere.

Many pirates actually serve the Tianlong people.

For this reason, Akainu has received complaints from several Tianlong people's families.

Finally became the admiral of the navy, and issued three important orders.

I didn't expect that the current Akainu's daily life is a pile of chicken feathers.

Among the dove generals, Akainu hates Fujitora the most.

This guy, instead of dealing with the pirates, was thinking of attacking Qibukai, an ally of the navy.

That's fine.

Now he suddenly found Ye Fan again.

Red Dog fought Ye Fan himself.

Relying on Fujitora's strength, there is no way to kill Ye Fan.

And Ye Fan now has the highest bounty on the sea beyond Kaido.

It is because Ye Fan can use Zizaimen to destroy any naval branch at will.

If Ye Fan retaliated after the incident and destroyed several naval branches, how much loss would the navy have to bear.

That's why the angry Akainu growled.

After Fujitora's adjutant was scolded by Akainu, although he was very wronged in his heart, even a small adjutant could not stop what Fujitora is about to do, what's wrong with you old man scolding me.

But he still pleaded and said: "General Fujitora has turned that island into a gravity environment. Even if I want to get close to stop him from continuing to fight, I can't do it. In that environment, I don't even have the ability to stand up." ah."

"The old bastard."

"The old bastard."

"The old bastard."

He cursed several times in a row.

Akainu gave the order.

"If Fujitora just smiles and refuses to admit his mistakes, he will be banned from approaching all naval branch supplies."

This trick was originally used by Akainu to limit Fujitora's smile two years later.

If you don't go to the branch to supply him, you can only stay at the Navy Headquarters.

I didn't expect it to be used by Akainu ahead of time.

Since you don't obey your orders, you don't even think about leaving the Navy Headquarters in the future. As the admiral of the Navy, although he has no way to relieve Admiral Fujitora from his post.

But it is still possible to restrict his actions.

After finishing speaking, Akainu hung up the phone angrily.

The anger in my heart has nowhere to vent, and I used to level the desk in front of me.

The adjutants at the door have obviously seen such scenes a lot.

Skillfully cleaned up these debris, and brought in a new desk.

A few kilometers below the surface of the island, there is a yellow submarine.

It was Trafalgar Law and his Red Heart Pirates.

Recalling the first time I met Ye Fan, it was still in the Chambord Islands, when I saw Ye Fan bullying Buffalo, he even fantasized about using Ye Fan's relationship with the son-in-law to find a way to get rid of Doflamingo .

But now seeing Ye Fan actually fighting an admiral in order to help the Don Quixote family, Trafalgar Luo's heart was completely cold.

Looking at the terrifying battle scene in front of him, he knew that his own strength was even smaller than that of the Don Quixote family.

The name of the Red Heart Pirates is to commemorate his most respected person, son of Sengoku, younger brother of Doflamingo, the second generation of Red Hearts, Don Quixote.・Rosindi.

Over the years, Luo has always wanted to help Don Quixote.・Rosindi's revenge, but he is far from Doflamingo's opponent now.

Bepo: "We'll all be killed in an instant with this terrifying fighting method. It's really abominable that Doflamingo is protected by the Beasts Pirates."

Trafalgar Law stared resolutely at the two people fighting on the gravity island.

It seems that it is possible to rely on Ye Fan to get rid of Doflamingo.

Maybe this admiral can help him.

But how can a pirate invite a general.

Trafalgar Law thought of Blackbeard.

Maybe I, like Blackbeard, can become Shichibukai by killing a few pirates with high bounties.

There are three vacancies in Qiwuhai now.

The sand crocodile defeated by Luffy, Moonlight Moriah, who was too weak in the top battle, and Kaixia Jinbei, who was unwilling to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, all three of them were eliminated from Qi Wuhai's identity.

As for the trusted Qiwuhai, there are currently only two.

One is Blackbeard, and the other is the clown Bucky who looked very powerful in the Top War.

After the war on the top, Bucky the clown's reputation has risen, but he is not at all slower than the protagonist Luffy.

Now Qiwuhai is still one position away.

Seeing the battle in front of him, Trafalgar Law felt that he had to obtain the position of Shichibukai and the support of the admiral, so that he could have a chance to defeat the Don Quixote family.

In fact, he was misleading. If he was willing to rely on Ye Fan, it would be easier to get rid of Doflamingo.

Ye Fan and Fujitora smiled, and soon began the second round of fighting.

Fujitora smiled: "I didn't expect you to have such a strong swordsmanship at such a young age. The old man has lived for decades."

Ye Fan: "Hui Yong, who has awakened the fruit of gravityIf you change the environment for a long time, you are still weak, and there will be no strong people in this sea. "

Fujitora's smiling expression was now very serious.

"Young people nowadays are really scary. This old man must use all his strength to fight you."

Fujitora smiled and continued to attack Ye Fan with the Gravity Knife Tiger.

Only this time, Ye Fan could no longer parry his slash calmly.

It's not that Fujitora's power has become stronger, nor is it that his moves are faster.

Instead, the surrounding gravitational environment has become too complicated.

Chapter 100 The Scary Fujitora

The gravity around Ye Fan is no longer dozens of times the normal gravity.

Now, every time his body moves a centimeter, it may be another gravity environment.

For example, when he swung his sword to fight against Fujitora's sword.

It was 60 times the gravity at the beginning of the shot, but the gravity after the shot suddenly became 20 times the gravity, which caused Ye Fan to move the sword faster.

But when Ye Fan wanted to hold back his strength, he missed blocking Fujitora's attack because he drew his sword too fast.

At this time, the gravity suddenly became 70 times the gravity.

He would also be unable to resist Fujitora's attack because the strength and speed of his sword were not enough.

And that's just three gravity changes.

In fact, every time he strikes a sword, there are at least a dozen kinds of gravity changes.

Rapid changes in this environment.

Most people have emergency reactions because they cannot adapt.

For example, motion sickness, why do people get motion sickness.

It's actually an emergency response.

The human eye sees that the surrounding objects are moving rapidly. Under normal circumstances, the surrounding mountains, stones and trees will not move. It should be that the surrounding scenery will change when people are moving.

But when a person sits in the car, his body does not move.

The messages from the body and the vision are contradictory, which can cause motion sickness and the feeling of vomiting.

But now, the surrounding gravitational environment began to undergo complex changes.

Changing the strength of the shot at any time is actually not the most difficult thing.


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