But this method also caused a lot of consumption of Ye Fan's physical fitness and fruit ability.

The goal of Fujitora's smile is to make Ye Fan consume more energy.

Make Ye Fan's body weaker.

He was already ready to fight Ye Fan for three days and three nights.

Ye Fan: "The admiral's gift is really special. It even gave me nine islands. In this case, after this battle, I will go and rob the countries that belong to the nine Celestial Dragons."

Now Ye Fan was also angry.

In Ye Fan's opinion, Fujitora's proposal would definitely agree with a smile.

Just like when fighting Luo and Sabo, just fight and pretend.

Honestly leave this country to seek the consent of the kings of the powerful alliance countries, and at the Tianlongren meeting, propose to cancel Qiwuhai.

Unexpectedly, the Fujitora in front of him smiled, and when fighting him, he didn't feel like letting go at all.

If you hit me with nine meteorites, I will snatch the alliance countries of the nine Celestial Dragons.

Ye Fan's words strengthened Fujitora's killing intent even more.

But he still showed a good old man's smile.

Said: "Since it is a gamble, the old man will naturally go all out."

Ye Fan looked at the nine huge meteorites in the sky.

Estimate the energy in your body.

Just relying on the ability of the thunder fruit is not enough to destroy these meteorites.

Although Ye Fan has realized the awakening of the ability of the thunder fruit, there is not much power left in the body of the thunder fruit.

To restore strength, at least a few sea kings must be eaten.

In such an environment, he has no way to eat.

But Ye Fan's eyes rolled, and he still found something very interesting.

Of the nine meteorites that Fujitora summoned with a smile, six of them were actually rich in metal.

There are generally three types of meteorites in space.

A meteorite composed entirely of objects such as ice or liquefied nitrogen that, when exposed to heat, turns into water or gas.

Another type of meteorite, which resembles clay, consists of a large amount of rock and dirt.

The last type is metal meteorites. Even in the time of Blue Star, some satellites discovered meteorites composed entirely of platinum.

If he could bring that meteorite back to Blue Star safely, he would directly become the richest man in Blue Star.

The most common are iron meteorites.

That's why, when Blue Star was underdeveloped, the best swords were made of meteorite.

At that time, the iron-making technology was very backward, and the iron contained a lot of carbon, which made the sword made of iron even inferior to the bronze sword.

After the meteorite enters the atmosphere, because of the high temperature, it has even become a rudimentary alloy, which is extremely strong.

For Ye Fan, these six meteorites are the ones he can controlof.

Although he has just obtained the power of the superhuman-magic fruit.

Ye Fan's development of Cici Fruit is still in its infancy.

But because of the ability of the nature-type thunder fruit just now, it has made great progress.

Ye Fan's ability to project magnetic force over a long distance can still be easily achieved.

What's more, these meteorites are originally metal, and it is too simple to attach magnetism to them.

Ye Fan turned three meteorites into positive poles and three meteorites into negative poles.

Before the six meteorites hit the ground, they collided with each other at an altitude of more than 100,000 meters, turning into a large number of fragments and scattered in the entire sky.

Countless rubble turned into a large number of fireballs, which burned rapidly in the air.

It quickly becomes a more nuanced level.

The entire sky turned into a fiery red color because of these fireballs.

It's just that most of these tiny meteorites are destined to fail to land on the ground.

When they are in the air, they will turn into gas or dust due to the huge friction with the air.

Only some are large enough to fall to the ground, and most of the surviving meteorite fragments are about the size of a ping pong ball to a basketball.

There is no longer any lethality.

Chapter 104 Falling Meteor・Spreading Dust

There are still three meteorites left, and they are still the three largest meteorites, and the smallest one has a diameter of eighteen kilometers.

Most importantly, they are already very close to the ground.

Now the sky has become dark.

It's just that a huge meteorite blocked the sun over the island.

Coupled with the broken meteorite fragments scattered around, the flames produced by their friction with the air gave off a dark red light.

Reflected on the sea, the sea water is not blue anymore. The sea water has no color, just because after the colorful sunlight hits the sea, only blue is reflected in the end.

Now the sunlight in the sky is blocked by the huge meteorite, and the sea surface is dark red.

The scene of this island now seems to be in the end of the world.

Ye Fan's Thunderbolt fruit was running at full capacity.

"The amount of Momo fruit is 100 times that of a bag of rice."

Two huge Leiying appeared in the air.

With the doubling of Momo fruit.

They also have a diameter of ten kilometers.

However, it did not fall from the sky, but flew towards the two meteorites in the sky.

"boom boom"

Two loud explosions sounded.

Once again, two huge meteorites were smashed into pieces by Lei Ying's bombardment.

Just this attack now.

Ye Fan's thundering fruit ability has almost been exhausted.

The two huge meteorites were not completely destroyed into pieces.

There are still dozens of meteorites that are more than tens of meters in size, scattered in the sky.

However, the target of their attack has deviated from the location of the gravity lightning island.

Doflamingo in the distant sky hastily made a move, and a large number of silk threads popped out of his hand.

Form a huge net in the sky.

Destroy these larger fragments.

The reason why he did this was not to help Ye Fan.

Although the location of the gravity lightning island is more than a hundred kilometers away from the Kingdom of Dressrosa, these meteorites that deviate from the course will still cause a huge tsunami.

Doflamingo doesn't want his dock destroyed by these tsunamis.

As the largest middleman, every minute that the port terminal stops running, it is a huge Bailey.

Now the last piece of meteorite remains.

It is also the largest of the nine meteorites.

Ye Fan held the blue sun wheel knife in his hand, and poured the domineering aura into the weapon.

"One hundred times, thunderous attack · Asura."

This is Ye Fan's new trick.

The teacher is from his father-in-law Kaido.

Thunder gossip is meant to be a super fast thump.

It's not just an attack with a domineering look, but also an extremely fast attack.

Luffy has awakened the arrogance of knowledge, and has the ability to briefly meet the future.

But he still couldn't dodge Kaido's thundering gossip, because the attack speed was too fast.

He can only rely on changing the shape of his body to try to resolve Kaido's attack.

And Ye Fan, on the basis of this trick, added the speed of Momo fruit.

The speed of Ye Fan's shots was exaggerated to the limit.

Outsiders, even Doflamingo, could barely notice Ye Fan's speed of attack.

In his perception, Ye Fan draws out the sword and withdraws the sword.

But at this moment, how many times Ye Fan launched the domineering and domineering slashing strikes, he can't accurately perceive the current domineering and domineering.

Fujitora smiled: "What a fast sword."

As one of the few people in this sea who has cultivated to the peak of knowledge-colored domineering, he may even be the strongest knowledge-colored domineering in this sea at present.

The speed of Ye Fan's shot just now naturally couldn't escape the perception of General Fujitora's smile.

In less than 0.01 seconds, Ye Fan sent out a hundred slashes.

After Ye Fan issued this slash, there was no special effect or exaggerated sound.

It's like not sending out a slash.

But a hundred terrifying slashes with domineering and domineering colors have already hit the last meteorite.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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