This terrifying meteorite with a diameter of 23 kilometers.

In an instant, it was destroyed from the outside to the inside.

The domineering and domineering entangled attack, whether it is the enemy's body surface or the enemy's interior, will be instantly destroyed.

This huge meteorite turned into a huge cloud of dust in an instant.

Suspended in the sky, forming a dark cloud with an area of ​​millions of kilometers.

this is aThe terrifying meteorite with a diameter of 23 kilometers, together with the remaining eight meteorites, formed a very large dust cloud in the sky.

There was also the smell of burnt earth in the air.

Doflamingo shook the dust off his body, and his face became serious.

"This guy Fujitora has such terrifying strength. If the green bull and Momotu are also so powerful, the strength of the navy will expand too fast."

The soldiers on the warship watched the scene in the sky one after another.

After seeing Ye Fan actually chopped up the last meteorite.

The crowd cheered.

"Great, this guy actually blocked General Fujitora's attack."

"My life was finally saved. This move doesn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and General Fujitora didn't say hello in advance."

Many marines who were relaxed, their bodies immediately lost their strength.

Sit directly on the deck of a warship.

It feels so good to be alive! !

In the eyes of these navies, the usual Admiral Fujitora is pretty good, and he often uses the Bailey won in the casino to treat them to drinks.

However, no one is perfect, and Fujitora Yixiao is so fond of summoning meteorites from space that he smashes the pirates into pieces.

In the face of such an attack, not to mention the pirates are afraid, the navy standing behind Fujitora are also afraid.

They are not that powerful, and they can stay safely by the side of the hole where the meteorite fell.

In fact, they were too worried about the previous attacks.

How could such a small meteorite hurt them in front of Fujitora's domineering look.

Fujitora's domineering look is not as simple as meeting the future for a short time.

In the palace, Violet is using her fruit ability to observe the situation on the battlefield.

"Such meteorites can't kill Ye Fan. It seems that there is no hope for the restoration of the country."

At this moment, Violet was full of despair.

Looking at the current battle, even the admiral's ultimate move could not hurt Ye Fan.

Ye Fan: "It's always been you who attacked me, now it's my turn to attack Fujitora."

Now that I have passed Fujitora's smile, I know the secret of awakening the ability to grasp the fruit.

How could someone like Ye Fan still be on the defensive.

With the addition of a hundred times the speed of Momo fruit.

Ye Fan smiled at Fujitora and launched his sword move.

Ye Fan's sword moves are completely different from other great swordsmen.

This is because of his powerful phantom beast and purple dragon form, and Maple's defensive power.

Now Ye Fan's physical strength is no weaker than that of his father-in-law Kaido.

Therefore, his sword moves don't need to use any defense, and he doesn't need to leave a third of his strength in his shots. When the enemy attacks him, he still has enough energy to dodge.

Chapter 105 Thunderbolts Asura

"One hundred and fifty times. Life and death. Death."

Following Ye Fan's voice fell.

Ye Fan quickly appeared in front of Fujitora with a smile.

His kendo is like a rushing river, uninterrupted.

The overwhelming sword shadow completely covered Fujitora's smile.

During this period, Fujitora Yixiao used many methods to resist Ye Fan's attack.

For example, with rapidly changing gravity.

He wanted to mess up the trajectory of Ye Fan's sword.

But in the face of Ye Fan's playing style of exchanging injuries for injuries, it has lost its effect.

The reason is also very simple.

Ye Fan's terrifying attack completely ignored his defense.

Even if Fujitora smiled, he discovered Ye Fan's countless flaws, when he found out that he could attack Ye Fan first.

Ye Fan would not change his attacking moves either.

I have personally seen Ye Fan's terrifying physical defense power.

Fujitora smiled and knew that his slash could only slightly injure Ye Fan, but if he was hit, it might be over.

This is the Achilles' heel of Fujitora's smile.

After all, he is a superhuman fruit ability. Although the gravity fruit has surpassed the attack ability of the natural system in many aspects, he cannot realize the random elementalization of his body.

Not all superhumans cannot be elementalized.

For example, Katakuri can turn his body into glutinous rice to realize the elementalization of his body, just like the natural system.

But gravity and magnetism, the two forces of invisible things.

The body cannot use gravity to avoid attacks.

In front of Ye Fan's attack like a rushing river.

Especially Ye Fan's attack speed is too fast.

Blossoms of blood also appeared on Fujitora's smiling body.

It's all because Fujitora Yixiao couldn't dodge Ye Fan's attack in time, and was scratched by the blue sun wheel knife.

Fujitora smiled and thought: This is not good, the person who was consumed to death is probably myself.

Fujitora's smile has been used for decades of combat experience.

At such a dangerous time, he did not panic.

Instead, use the ability of the gravity fruit to cancel dozens of times the gravity on Ye Fan's body.

Even dozens of times of gravity can't limit Ye Fan's attack speed.

Then he will do the opposite. Sometimes, the gravity is too light, but it can more easily limit the enemy's attack.

In an instant, Ye Fan's body was under dozens of times of gravity.

It has become only a few tenths of the previous gravity.

Ye Fan, who was attacking quickly, suddenly found that his body was completely out of control.

Like a balloon, he quickly floated into the air.

In this sea, although there is no weakest fruit, there are only differences in the degree of development of the fruit's ability.

There are even many people who believe it to be true.

But this is actually wrong.

Take the gravity fruit of Fujitora's smile as an example, he completely crushed the fruit of the golden lion fluttering.

Fluttering fruit can only make objects lighter and float in the air.

But Gravity Fruit can easily make an object lighter or heavier.

What Piao Piao Fruit can do, my Gravity Fruit can also do, and what Piao Piao Fruit cannot do, my Gravity Fruit can still dodo it.

The funniest thing is Ace's fire fist. When he was in the world, he destroyed several pirate ships with one fire fist. It looked really domineering.

But in the new world, people and ghosts can play with fire.

Among the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy and Sanji are the masters at playing with fire.

Big Mom Charlotte Ringling can also easily use the power of fire.

In the Hundred Beasts Pirates, except Yan Zhujin, who is a master at playing with fire.

The strongest one turned out to be Beast Kaido, whose breath of a dragon can directly burn down a mountain with flames.

Obviously, I, Ace, have the ability of nature-type burn fruit.

How come Charlotte Lingling and Kaido are more brave than me when they play with fire.

Since increasing gravity can't limit Ye Fan's attack.

Fujitora weakened Ye Fan's gravity.

For Ye Fan, who can't fly, it did limit his ability to move in an instant.

Most affected by gravity, it is difficult to increase the speed of movement.

For example, if a person throws a feather by hand, it may not be able to throw it one meter away.

But throwing an iron ball, it is rumored that a specially trained master in the army may throw a grenade two hundred meters away.

Many recruits find it difficult to throw 20 meters at the beginning, but after training, they can basically throw 50 to 70 meters.

And a light feather, because it is too light.

No matter how hard you train, it's hard to throw it ten meters away.

They may even be blown upside down by more than ten meters because of the strong wind.

Ye Fan, who is in the air now, is in this situation.


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