Outside the prison.

The little brat Azu pricked up his ears and eavesdropped the whole time.

Of course, the perspective was also turned on.

But in his eyes, Wanda was not a cute little girl with red hair, but a ball of scarlet unknown gas.

"She wants to call Godfather."

"Only I can call daddy! I won!"

He seemed to have confirmed something and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Her ability is to modify probability?"

"And she can't control it perfectly?"

"Too weak!"

"I won again!"

Azu's mouth corners rose.

"Dad only told her about Hydra, and didn't tell her about Marvel, Vought, and the future at all."

"Sure enough, I'm the only one who is special!"


Azu laughed out loud.

There is no happiness without comparison.

He is very happy now, happy, and happy again.

When Wanda, who was dirty and had dark circles under her eyes, followed Guan Fuyun out, she saw a handsome blond man outside laughing like a maggot.

She: "?"

"This is a heavyweight, my good son, Azu." Guan Fuyun said.


Wanda was out of breath and her voice was soft.

This time Azu was happy again.

He now has a young father above him, a cute sister below him, and a career outside. He is simply at the peak of his life!

Who invented Guan Fuyun?

It was a great invention!


"Who do you hate the most in this base?"

"I can beat them to a pulp! All of them!"

Azu patted his chest and said in a friendly manner.

Wanda: "?"

She was stunned again.

But the future Scarlet Witch is also a person of temperament. Now she is only in her teens and does not insist on kindness and justice.

"She! He! It!"

She started to appoint troops and generals directly.

Whoever he clicked, Azu's eyes would go to him in the next second, guaranteed to burn.

"Thank you, brother!"

Wanda is so cute.

It would be fine if she didn't speak, but once she spoke, she was so cute and full of emotional value, Azu almost killed her.

He liked this feeling of being useful the most.


After a bloodbath, he ordered Garrett and Ward to integrate Hydra, mainly to purify the power in the media field.

Azu took Guan Fuyun with him, and Guan Fuyun held little Wanda.

The three flew back to New York.

And went into the city again.

It was different from Azu who could just keep her by his side and feel at ease.

At Wanda's age, she should still be sent to school for training and cultivation.

But American schools have many requirements.

First of all, admission, the main system is a system of selecting filial and honest people and recommendation letters. If you don't know someone, sorry, the phone is out of battery and there are not enough places.

American human relations, do you want to know?

The police station has violation exemption cards for direct sale, and officials can openly accept money... Even Hawking has to go to the island, and even the 1,500-year-old Thor has to pour wine for Steve.

It's really amazing.

Then there is the quality of teachers and the school atmosphere.

The background and experience of teachers must be investigated. If they have a Democratic resume, they will be eliminated directly.

For example -

Musk's eldest son had surgery and drugs and changed his sex because he was bewitched by his teacher.

According to American law.

For similar multiple transformations and gender breakthroughs, children do not need the consent of their guardians and can operate on their own.

On the contrary.

If the guardian opposes or obstructs, the official can deprive the guardianship.

The main point is an abstraction.

And there is only one indicator of campus atmosphere, that is, the frequency of shootings.

The fewer shootings, the better the atmosphere.

Very intuitive, right?

As for the expensive textbooks, the sky-high tuition fees, bulletproof school bags... they are all trivial matters.

Guan Fuyun couldn't even handle these little things.

At this moment.

He was like a father in a village in distress, who became a country bumpkin in the city, hitting walls everywhere, and was dumbfounded.

"Dad, don't worry, I'll call Hydra right away!"

"Dad, don't worry, I'll ask someone to arrange the best school! I want customized teachers, I want to order the best teaching materials! I want a special car to pick you up, and bodyguards to accompany you!"

"Dad, wait here for a while, I'm going to kill the person who just scolded you. I want the foreigner to die!!!"

So, A Zu started to show off again.

Guan Fuyun bit his son, biting with a face full of relief.

Wanda looked at him with admiration.

The expressions, psychology, and eyes of the two were a feast of supreme deliciousness for A Zu.

He was busy, and his heart was filled with a kind of happiness called "fulfillment and solidity".

Guan Fuyun was enjoying it purely.

He took Wanda by the hand and bought some school bags and stationery.

At this time.

On the street, a clown came pushing a small truck filled with shiny dolls.Baby.

Looks very cute.

Guan Fuyun looked at little Wanda. The clown toy car came from the left, but Wanda stubbornly looked straight to the right.

But there was only a gun store on the right.

A teenage girl who has been detained and imprisoned, how could she not be interested in those shiny toys?

But she is very stubborn.

This kind of stubbornness belongs to the children of poor families, and also to the children who are not loved. Its name is inferiority, and also called self-awareness.

But people often like to use a tone of praise, saying that it is sensible.


Guan Fuyun stopped.


Azu came whenever he was called, with an excited face, and his face was full of "Quickly order me, rely on me, and then praise me!"

"Buy that car of toys, I want to play."

Guan Fuyun said naturally.

Wanda: "!"

She widened her eyes in shock and looked at Azu quietly.

But A-Zu, who was the most fond of knives in the family, didn't find it strange at all. He paid the money happily and carried the truck over.

"Dad, what else do you want to play?"

He was even reluctant to leave.

Seeing the expectation, envy and admiration in Wanda's eyes, A-Zu pinched a doll for her: "Take it and play with it!"

"Thank you, brother."

Wanda smiled brightly, "Thank you, Godfather."

She was overjoyed, holding the doll and muttering in a low voice.

But A-Zu has super hearing!

"If I have a home, I won't be arrested again. I can go to school, make friends and play with dolls. I also have super powers. When I become powerful, no one dares to arrest me, including Godfather and A-Zu..."

"I don't want to be locked up, beaten and scolded if I don't train..."

A-Zu edited what he heard into text and sent it to Guan Fuyun.

Then he asked:

[Dad, are we very pitiful? ]

[Is being different a mistake? ]

Guan Fuyun replied: [It's not you who are wrong, but this world. 】

【This world itself is a ridiculous, hopeless entertainment circle. 】

【There is no need to have expectations for it. 】

【Just please yourself. 】

【Whoever thinks you are pitiful, or laughs at you, uses you, or deceives you, just kill him, don't mind. 】

Seeing these replies, Ah Zu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed happily.

Guan Fuyun smiled.


Wanda didn't know what they were laughing at, but she also smiled in a gregarious way.

She thought this scene was beautiful.

【Ding! 】

【Wanda, the second child, gratitude increased! 】

【60%...80%! 】


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