Thanks for the invitation!

I'm in New York, just left the farm, and raised a pet named Natasha.

Looking at the shocked eyes of the whole world.

Guan Fuyun's mood:


No wonder superheroes like to show off so much.

Because it's really pleasing to show off successfully!

Glancing at the Shi'ar battleship, the fight scene of the superheroes, and then looking at the silly barrage in the live broadcast room.

Guan Fuyun is even happier.

Sure enough, this world can't be without ghosts and animals.

The animal gate will last forever!


"Does it have to be so sensational and awesome every time?"

Seeing all the farm members appear, the superheroes immediately cheered and began to relax.

Tony twisted his mouth and complained.

But the smile on his face was equally bright.

Looking at the Shi'ar battleship and the sword fight, his eyes were also full of joy and pride.

Are you the only ones who can shake people?

It's funny!


"No, buddy..."

Seeing this scene, Queen Lilandra was also a little stunned.

Let's put Guan Fuyun aside.

Azu's strength has been shown before, and he is definitely at the god level.

And Wanda's strength is also revealed at this moment, the huge magic circle that can almost suppress the planet, and the scarlet magic.

It reminds Queen Lilandra of the allusions of the empire and a taboo called chaos magic.

And Godzilla!

Queen Lilandra doesn't know about this creature that was born and raised on the Blue Star.

But the Phoenix power on Godzilla is also a taboo passed down from generation to generation!


The cosmic war of cosmic civilization.

It is basically based on starships and heavy weapons. There are very few people like Doujian and Ronan, who exist specifically to prevent decapitation operations.

But the problem is, on the Blue Star, there are too many individuals with such super combat power, right?

She was full of uneasiness.

"You are...very powerful, especially powerful, which makes me happy."

"I want to fight with you!"

At the same time, Dou Jian's blood was boiling, he was rubbing his hands, excited and happy.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"But I don't want to fight with you for no reason."

Guan Fuyun shook his head, "For me, this is troublesome."

"You are the ones who bring trouble."

"But so far, the so-called first empire of the universe, Xia, seems to be completely unaware of this."

"As you said, this is a condescending and unilateral war."

"Little fool."

Guan Fuyun is not an Avenger, not S.H.I.E.L.D.

The aliens have come to the door and are ready to clean up the blue planet, but they can still sympathize with them and can't help it.

At the same time.

Because of the company's publicity and influence, superheroes who adapt to the black robe style are now the mainstream.

Everyone is an adult, who comes out to make a living as a superhero, fight monsters, and go back to his wife and children at night.

But there was no time to fight among themselves first, then get beaten up to awaken the power of friendship (really strong and measured), and finally the little one preached the truth, and the Avengers gathered to make dumplings.

Like the pleasing personality, the father, CP, multiple abstract genders, skin buffs, shooting... these are all personalities on the screen.

Therefore, when the superheroes heard Guan Fuyun say this, they felt it was right.

"Then, may I ask your Excellency, what do you want to do?"

Fighting swords are unwilling.

"It's very simple."

Guan Fuyun glanced at Queen Lilandra and said: [Come. ]


The whole universe seemed to echo his words and went backwards crazily.

Countless miscellaneous soldiers, huge warships, planetary-level heavy weapons and related reconnaissance and communication networks... At this moment, all went out of control and failed.

Queen Lilandra seemed to be isolated.


She was confused, and just left the throne, left the stars, and came to Guan Fuyun.

[Kneel down and be a dog. ] Guan Fuyun said again.


The noble and proud queen actually crawled down, lying on all fours, and opened her mouth to make a "woof woof woof" sound.

The best thing about doing this is that the heart and soul of Queen Lilandra are still proud.

But she can only be a dog proudly.

"That's it."

Guan Fuyun raised his foot and stepped on Queen Lilandra's face, and repeatedly crushed her with his leather shoes, making her a soldier boy.

At the same time, he looked at Dou Jian and smiled: "Come on, hit me."


The smile on Dou Jian's face disappeared.


"You are standing on the opposite side of cosmic civilization!"

At the same time, countless starships issued various symbols, words, and even special sounds that overcame the vacuum.

It can be seen that it is very urgent.

Just like MiliJust like Jian.

He hit you, it's reasonable, gentle and clear.

But if you hit him, even make him cry, that's evil, barbaric, backward, he will jump up and curse.

In an instant.

On the Xia side, they actually found their reason and confidence, and were so righteously angry!

That's when the boiled egg cracked.

Otherwise, he would probably give a thumbs up and say "6, you are more American."


The next moment, Dou Jian moved.

His figure disappeared from his warship, like a beam of red and blue light, suddenly coming.

In a ten-thousandth of a second that can't be blinked.

Dou Jian's fist has already approached Guan Fuyun's nose, followed by a space crack like glass cracking, forming a special space hurricane.


It's really fast!

In terms of pure strength and the super speed brought by strength, Dou Jian has definitely reached the level of Heavenly Father, or even the level of Super Heavenly Father.

Even the top figures among Heavenly Fathers often need to defeat Dou Jian in their own home court.

It cannot be said that he is the strongest in the universe, but there is still a little bit of truth.

Guan Fuyun couldn't react at all.

If he was hit by a punch... wouldn't it be nothing?

But that's impossible.

Dou Jian is fast, but A Zu is faster than him.

He didn't block Dou Jian's iron fist, but kicked Guan Fuyun with a left kick.


This kick shook the entire solar system, and the space cracked like a tide. Dou Jian flew backwards at a faster speed than when he came!

Seeing that he didn't die after being kicked.

A Zu frowned, and his mouth had already shrunk.

Just like Superman who saw the Kryptonians beat Martha, he was extremely angry.

If Dou Jian is close to the speed of light.

Then A-Zu really turned into light.

The power of the violent kick was still there, and A-Zu appeared again, and threw a rising dragon punch, like a large-yield nuclear bomb explosion, and the punch force directly shattered a nearby starship and turned it into cosmic dust.

This punch actually stopped Dou Jian from retreating and turned him into flying upwards.

At the same time.

Because of the inertia of his body, his whole body showed an abstract distortion, and his posture was very accurate.

"Crack, crack, crack!!!"

Then, it was the second punch, the third punch... In an instant, A-Zu angrily threw countless punches, and each punch shattered the space!

It was as if he was not fighting, but testing the self-healing ability of the universe.

During this process, Dou Jian did not resist, but it was useless to resist.

He was fast, and A-Zu was faster.

He was powerful, and A-Zu was more powerful.

He had a thermal vision, and A-Zu's thermal vision was thicker.

He froze his breath, and A-Zu spit into his mouth.

In every aspect, Azu is better than him, just a little bit.

But the result.

It is Superman fighting Zod, Zod killing Supergirl, showing an all-round crushing, like a natural enemy restraint.

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