"Bang, bang, bang!"

It was like squeezing bubbles, crushing the head of the leader of the Hand.

Wanda finally felt better.

I've avenged you, the seedlings that were trampled on the farm...

Wanda said in her heart.


She didn't leave, but continued to go deeper.

"Dragon bones, Kunlun..."

"Is it something from the Godfather's hometown?"

She was interested in the secrets of the Hand, or she thought Guan Fuyun would be interested.


Just like a game of clearance type, after clearing the soldiers and killing the leader, the real BOSS will appear.

As Wanda went deeper, the killer weapons and trump cards of the Hand were stained with the demonic power called "beast", and the black sky was carefully cultivated.

"Shua" flashed out.

His whole body was covered by black air, and two knives were stuck in his back. The air was like a living thing, gathering behind him, forming an abstract and curious demon face, grinning with a bloody mouth and sneering.


Then Wanda clasped her hands together, and slapped the beast and the black sky to death like slapping a mosquito.

"Scare me!"

The little witch patted her chest in shock. These ninjas had no strength, but they would suddenly appear.

They were as annoying and disgusting as cockroaches.

She waved her hand.

The scarlet "telekinesis" was like an endless blood-colored tide, with waves changing and sweeping underground.

Although she did not have super hearing and perspective.

But every ray of "telekinesis" was equivalent to an extension of her senses, outlining the outline of the world for her.

Kill the lurking ninjas by the way.

This was very efficient.

Wanda soon "saw" a huge dragon bone that was neither Chinese nor Western, and was about several hundred meters long.

Like a fossil embedded in the rock.

The bone powder of this dragon bone is the secret of the resurrection of the Hand. Take a sip and the corpse will feel warm.

Of course.

Guan Fuyun doesn't need it, and Wanda won't let Guan Fuyun die.

But just like Bucky's head and two arms, if this thing is taken back as a specimen or a figurine, wouldn't it be very cool?

Even if it is used as firewood for fun, it is considered to be fully utilized, right?

Wanda tidied it up and put the dragon bone into the bracelet.

Then she was surprised to find.

In the pit under the huge dragon bone, there was actually an altar with a huge egg.

It was really big!

The eggshell was snow-white, and the egg body was two people tall, bigger than Wanda.


"How many meals of fried rice can this make?!"

Wanda was shocked.

After meeting Guan Fuyun, her first reaction to seeing something was whether it was edible, and then whether it tasted good.

"I'm rich!"

Such a big egg, suspected to be a dragon egg, Wanda couldn't even imagine how delicious it was.

She packed it up and took it away.

By the way, she destroyed the underground base of the Hand and the financial building used as a disguise.


This force that gave the Avengers and the Defenders a headache and even fear to the Street Office.

It just became history.

What a pity.

In their memory, the guy who issued the task to deal with Guan Fuyun did not show up or leave any identity information.

All they knew was that he was an American warlord.


When school was over, Guan Fuyun and A-Zu came to pick up Wanda together. The family was happy and ordinary.

It was completely unpredictable that everyone was busy killing people and silencing them during the day, and blood flowed like a river.

Back to the farm.

"That's the situation."

Wanda briefly talked about the Hand and the American warlords, and then the three of them mourned for three seconds for the trampled seedlings.

"That was the corn I planted myself!"

"It could have been made into corn soup!"

Azu kept pouting, took out the adamantium sword, and gestured. He was really angry.

What a pity.

The Hand had already made Wanda a mess, and now he had no place to vent.

"You can't waste your energy, you have to open your mind, Azu."

Guan Fuyun taught him earnestly, like an old father, telling him the truth of life: "There's no need to know who it is."

"Fight arrogance with arrogance."

"You can just kill an American warlord and let him know our attitude. It's also revenge."

"That's right!" Azu's eyes lit up, and he was so angry that his father knew how to behave.

He became happy again.

"After dinner, go out to warm up and digest the food." Guan Fuyun said with concern.

"Listen to Dad."

A Zu felt warm in his heart.

The three of them worked on the dragon bones for a while, just as a family entertainment.

Then their eyes fell on the "dragon egg".

"What kind of pot should I use to cook it?" Guan Fuyun was thinking.

"Let's make it into a baked egg!" A Zu was also greedy.

"Gu"Dong." Wanda swallowed her saliva. She could only describe Guan Fuyun's cooking skills as amazing.

She was really fed up with white people's food.


Seeing that the kids were really hungry, Guan Fuyun took out a chopping board and a kitchen knife and planned to crack the eggs.


Then the egg cracked by itself.

No egg white or yolk flowed out.

Only one Godzilla stuck its head out of the eggshell and just met Guan Fuyun, who was wearing an apron and holding onions, ginger and garlic.


The little Godzilla cried out. It thought it had met a breeder. It opened its mouth and took a bite of onions, ginger and garlic. It smacked its lips and tasted okay.

"Is this a swamp puppy?" A-Zu.

"Is it edible?" Wanda was puzzled. "Can it taste itself? ”

Guan Fuyun: “…”

What the hell!

It turns out that this is not a dragon egg, but a Godzilla egg!

Yes, that is the most famous Godzilla with the most monster movies and the one that can breathe atomically!

It is exactly that species.

As a well-known Japanese monster, Godzilla has also joined Marvel because of his high popularity.

And it is the main world Marvel, not some other multiverse.

In the comics, Nick Fury even complained that as the director of SHIELD, he actually had to fight a monster that could breathe atomically.

And Tony Shit also developed anti-Godzilla armor.

So it is not surprising that Guan Fuyun picked up a Godzilla egg...


This is fucking outrageous.

Guan Fuyun could only scratch his head for a while. He asked Wanda to take out the information of the Hand. , archives.


Oh my goodness, there has never been any dragon. The dragon bones are most likely a dead ancient Ghidorah.

It's just that the ashes have been eaten for hundreds of years and the original appearance is unrecognizable.

To prepare for a rainy day... After all, the dragon bones will run out one day.

The Hand has been looking for giant beasts.

They once spent a huge amount of money to go to an isolated island full of giant pythons to collect blood orchids.

They also went to Skull Island and found a huge gorilla.

Godzilla eggs... were accidentally discovered during this series of tossing and turning, dug out of the ground.

After identification by experts from the Hand, they believed that this was a dragon egg.

It's even logically closed.

Guan Fuyun couldn't hold it for a while, and what made him speechless was that after confirming each other's eyes, Godzilla seemed to regard him as his father.

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