
Wanda was surprised.

It was not until this moment, staring at the magic circle she was rubbing with her hands, that she truly felt the difference between "telekinesis" and magic.

Almost equivalent to a fire stick and a modern firearm!

More precise, more concentrated, more powerful!

And more beautiful.

At this moment, Wanda was wearing a JK school uniform, standing in the magic circle, with her reddish-brown hair fluttering, a real magical girl.


Guan Fuyun pinched the little witch's face.

Look back.

Master Mordo and Casillas had already shut their mouths, all with stunned and dumbfounded expressions.

In a trance, Guan Fuyun seemed to hear a "click", which was the sound of shattering three views.

Recalling the hardships he suffered when studying magic.

Look at Wanda again.

Both of them had a sense of "cultivating to a dog", feeling that they were a waste.

The seemingly serious Master Mordo's eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Not to mention Kaecilius.

His eyes were almost red.

He was regretting now, very regretful, with a pain of shooting himself in the foot.

The performance of the two almost made Guan Fuyun lose his temper. Boiled eggs really know how to raise Gu for fun, and Kamar-Taj is also called Little Arkham Asylum.

But he didn't do it.

First of all, after all, Ancient One hasn't fallen to death, and Mordo and Kaecilius haven't gone crazy.


Although his [Father Zonohu] eliminated the impurities and negative buffs on Wanda's body.

But it also made her lose the Dark Book.

Sithoen, who is so petty, must have run away with the Dark Book and cursed behind her.

And now it's still early for Agents of SHIELD, not to mention Wanda's search for relatives TV, he can't intercept it even if he wants to.

If these two people fight for their own strength, they might be able to find the Dark Book and send it to Wanda.

That's what Guan Fuyun planned.


The premise is that no one else will do anything to him.

As a young old godfather.

He still underestimated Wanda's talent and magic power, and how tempting it was to a magician with bad intentions.

It was like putting a Kennedy/Abe/King of Understanding family bucket in front of the gunman.

Who can resist freezing their hands?

On the spot.

Casillas opened the mirror space, he chattered, it looked like he had cast a hypnotic spell, and then asked Wanda: "Where does your magic power come from?"

Wanda: "?"

She didn't want to talk, and looked at Casillas with a fool's eyes.

"Don't you know?"

"Indeed, this level of magic must have a very high origin, which is not something you can know... Then, what about you?"

Casillas said pretentiously, looking at Guan Fuyun.

Guan Fuyun: "..."

No, buddy, are you brain-dead?

Why do you think you can control Scarlet Witch and her godfather?

Guan Fuyun moved his lips and wanted to curse, but finally gave up.


Then, Casillas pricked up his ears.


Guan Fuyun sighed silently.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Casillas' ears, and pulled hard!


Casillas' body froze.

He was surprised to find that Guan Fuyun could move, and then wanted to deal with it.

But the strange thing is.

Guan Fuyun's movements were obviously not fast, but he couldn't resist!

Under the effect of [True Immortality], any character will be hit by dimensionality reduction!

Casillas rubbed the magic circle with his hands, turning it into a magical sword and shield, and then saw these weapons shattered like bubbles.

He controlled the mirror space again, trying to distance himself.

But it still didn't work.

At this moment.

Guan Fuyun was like a god, with absolute suppression power over low-dimensional life!

All means were ineffective... He turned Casillas into an ordinary person, but even ordinary people's means couldn't hurt him.

At the same time, any big blow from Guan Fuyun was a real injury, and it was difficult to heal.

He just grabbed Casillas' ears and pressed him to the ground.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

He repeatedly smashed and smashed his head, causing blood to flow, his neck to break, and his flesh to be bloody.


The style of the black robe is brought in again.

"Burn it."

Leaving the body to Wanda, Guan Fuyun looked at Mordo who had been standing aside from the beginning and seemed to have not reacted.

"This, this shouldn't be, Casillas is too rude, but you can't..."

Modo was a little incoherent.

He really wanted to get some benefits from Casillas, like digging out the girl's secrets, getting the favor of God or something.

But he really didn't expect that Guan Fuyun'sThe reaction will be so big.

This is also a common problem of Marvel, or America.

Whether it is a superhero or a villain, they always like to attack others first for no reason, then run away with their heads in their hands, calling on others to calm down and restrain themselves, saying "Stop hitting me, I'm just joking."

Highlight a divine gold.


The bracelet lit up, and the space gem was activated.

Guan Fuyun first flashed to Mordo's side, and then started with an adamantium kitchen knife, stabbed his heart with a puff, and then cut it into eight pieces.

Wait until Mordo is burned to ashes.

The mirror space began to disappear.

The two blinked and returned to Kamar-Taj, surrounded by the group of shocked magicians.

"Godfather, is this okay?"

Wanda pursed her lips, blinked her eyes, looked at the handsome Guan Fuyun, and stabilized the bow on her chest.

Lei also has troubles when he grows too big.

"It's okay, they were just two poisonous insects, small characters."

Guan Fuyun smiled, "We can still find the Dark Book without them."

He walked to Gu Yi's reception room and poured himself tea.


Wanda nodded obediently, her pleated skirt swaying as she walked, revealing her fair skin.


After a while, the boiled egg came back.

Gu Yi didn't care about Mordo and Casillas's death, their fate was like this.

She had a calm, knowing smile on her face.

When she came back, she taught Wanda magic directly, such as slapping out souls, binding fairy ropes, turning into butterflies, controlling water, etc.

Then there was the fireball technique that Guan Fuyun had been thinking about, and some summoning techniques.

Maybe it was because of the special nature of chaos magic itself.

Wanda's summoning techniques were always very curious, and she could summon tentacle monsters, vicious slimes, etc.

The most noteworthy thing is that the whole process of Ancient One teaching Wanda was exposed and made public for all the people in Kamar-Taj to see.

When they saw the fireball with a radius of more than ten meters, the tentacle monsters as big as a hill, and even the magic circle that covered the sky again and again.

First they were shocked, then they were broken, then they were numb, and finally they accepted it.

It seems that the foreshadowing is almost done.

Ancient One was also a drama queen. She called everyone together and held a meeting. She said a few simple words at the meeting, such as "Kama-Taj is doing a good job, and the multidimensional world is peaceful and prosperous", and "Everyone has worked hard! We must continue to work hard, update and iterate our tactics, and grasp the direction of the dimensional demons" and so on.

Recalling the past, savoring the present, and emphasizing corporate culture.

Then she sprained her ankle when she stepped down.

The invincible Ancient One fell down just like that. Before she died, she said with difficulty and determination:

"...I fought a great battle with Dormammu, and ahhhh, I was injured by the dark magic. From now on, Wanda will take over as the Sorcerer Supreme... ugh."

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