
Looking at the border wall, Thor's smile froze and his mouth was filled with fragrance.

He had experienced too many hardships along the way.

For example, he was beaten and scolded, shot, hijacked by gangs and called the police, and then hijacked by police officers, almost passively flew to the leaves, and almost got his kidneys choked...

Too many.

He witnessed the suffering of the world.

This suffering is called "too close to America".

The entire Americas, such as railways, energy, land, food, knowledge... are almost all controlled by American capital. Old Mexicans can only become consumables and have been fighting since birth.

One of their usual sources of income is selling blood and organs.

Although America is shot, abstract, and legalized... But compared with South American countries, America can really be said to be "stable, strong, peaceful, and prosperous".

Many people just have to go the line to survive.

Thor is one of them.

It's hard to imagine.

In this modern world where everyone has a mobile phone and the Internet, he can still live in the open air for a long time, go hungry, and sell blood to make a living.

——The mobile phone was given to him by Odin, who also taught him how to use it.

At the same time, Odin also confessed, saying, "Little bastard, I won't pretend anymore. I'm going to show my cards. I just want to teach you a lesson."

He also said that there is a god in New York. If you get his approval, he will let you return to Asgard and inherit the throne.

When Thor heard that his father still loved him, he was refreshed.

He gritted his teeth and walked the line until now.

While watching the "world's first", "freedom", "prosperity", "stocks" of the United States boasted on the Internet...

At the same time, he felt the plunder and sin of the United States.

He saw the white bones.

Thor was greatly shocked.

His arrogance and his arrogance, in contrast to the United States, all seemed humble and polite.

Taking plunder and bullying the weak as a matter of course, taking shamelessness as freedom, and letting the evildoers become members of parliament...

How can there be such a country?

"In the name of Odin, does my father want me to crush the United States?"

At this moment, Thor is not the mighty Thunder God, but just a conservative mortal.

He especially can't stand the gender of the paper catapult.

"When the cheek kisses the soil, the gods begin to think."

Thor said the words of the middle school student.

Pondering Odin's will over and over again.

"Ahahaha, donuts are delicious."

At this time, a shrill laugh came.


Thor looked Wang Defa and looked up. He saw that in front of the team, someone had crossed the border wall and barbed wire, holding donuts in his hands, kneeling on the ground and laughing crazily, extremely flattering.

Like a dog wagging its tail to beg for mercy, trying to attract the owner's attention.

Thor despised it.

Along the way, he also understood that there is a difference between walking and walking.

Some people walk because they can't survive.

Some people are born stupid and don't know it.

For example, Donut.

He abandoned everything he had and came here from afar, just to be a homeless person and pick up garbage to eat?

What's the matter, does he also have an Asgard to inherit?

He felt that he was a clown all his life, because of the place?

What's the matter, Thor is still the son of the God King, wouldn't he become a little Karami if he changed places?

Although they are both walkers.

But Thor couldn't understand Donut's train of thought.

Looking at the male soldiers wearing high heels inside the border...Thor was even a little angry. Odin, how can this be?

Odin, the father of the gods...really took great pains to torture him.

"All this is experience!"

Thor paralyzed his nerves, "Victory is just around the corner!"

"The hole is open!"

"Go, go, go!"

He followed the crowd and rushed towards the smuggling position torn by the donut.

At that moment.

The eyes of the walking army were red!

Laughing, screaming, charging, trampling, crowding.

All the people were in front of them.

When he thought of the Meow Meow Hammer, Thor was also a little excited, and the corners of his mouth raised upwards.

"Bang! Bang!!!"

At this time, the gun rang.

The bullets whizzed over the heads of the crowd, and the high-heeled soldiers on the opposite side were grinning.

This is a threat, but also a game.

Along with the sound of gunfire, the barbed wire gradually lit up, and it was electrified.


So, screaming became the only sound again.

For the high-heeled American soldiers, these people will go to grab jobs and welfare. They are homeless, but they can live in five-star hotels and even live in schools, and drive students who have paid large tuition fees to take online classes.

And these soldiers, once discharged from the army, even have no place to live.

Both sides are enemies.

For the old Mexicans, it is because of the United States that they were born, right?Life is as cheap as an ant, and there is no way to survive.

Both sides are enemies.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire was like the appearance of a starting gun, and the enemies were particularly jealous when they met.

Both sides were more persistent and more ferocious.

People screamed and rushed forward, regardless of everything. Thor was squeezed to the ground. In a trance, he saw some "parents" abandoning their babies and crossing the high wall like zombies.

Successful entry does not mean that they will not be deported.

Because it must be correct.

Babies are sometimes the license plate and amulet for living.

So if you have a chance, you will bring your baby with you.

There is even a business of selling human cubs along the way.

Buy it, cross it... you can live there, and raise it for a few years casually. The child will be killed by a school shooting.

What a good deal!

Therefore, it is normal and reasonable for "parents" to abandon their babies when necessary.

This made Thor feel like he was struck by lightning.

In Asgard, even in the most brutal battlefield, no one would swing a knife at a baby.

Almost instantly.

Thor was furious.


He roared, his clothes were ragged like iron armor, his beard was untidy like a lion, and his tattered, picked-up red scarf seemed to be transformed into a cape.

At this moment, he was still the brave, fearless, and invincible Thor!

He pounced fiercely and tore through the crowd against the current.

He caught the baby.



"Get out of here--"

Then Thor was overturned and stepped on by the crowd. He was hunched over, and his face was completely bitten in the smelly, dirty mud.

His hands and feet were trampled to pieces.

Only the spine and stomach could still arch upwards to protect the baby.


The baby was shocked and cried loudly, as if he had returned to the cave, surrounded by jungles and wild beasts.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Thor was also crying, sorry for Odin, the father of the gods... He couldn't see the gods, and couldn't go back to Asgard.


As soon as this thought came, the sky was pierced by blue lightning, and the hammer fell from the sky, bringing a whistling wind!

Accompanied by the earth-shaking thunder, Thor stood up, holding the Meow Hammer in his hand, wearing armor, and his cloak flying!

The power is back!

In the past, Thor must have cheered and vented like a barbarian.

But today, he held the baby in his arms and moved gently.

"Ahahaha, donuts are so delicious... Is this God?"

At this time, there was a bitch who knelt down to everyone she met, and now she came to kneel down to Thor.

Shameless, incompetent and ignorant.


Thor's inner disgust reached its peak at this moment. He swung his hammer like a windmill, shooting out lightning and arcs, directly splitting the group of people into charcoal.

Then he soared into the air, whistling.

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