The current Daddy Company Super Seven has the following members:

Bully Spider-Man, Peter Parker.

Speedy Elbow Slammer, Locomotive.

Hulk, and Jinchūriki Banner.

Doctor Doom, who practices both magic and technology, Doom.

Professor X, the dean of Xavier School for the Gifted.

Magneto, the man of the show.

The last one was originally Thor, the hammer god, but he returned to Asgard and his popularity has dropped a lot recently.

So it became a floating position for Deadpool/Wolverine/Juggernaut, as well as Blink/Storm/Mysterio and others.

Can this team fight Big Mom?

Can they?


As a street slicker in the universe, Big Mom has strong expressiveness. In her first show, she fought against a battleship with her body and fought against Thanos without any injury. Whether it was Thor or Hulk, they were all defeated by her in the comics.

But it is different from the numerical crushing of A-Zu.

It is not like Wanda who is a master of magic and skills.

Once these two people are ahead, it is normal and hard power that is superior. The weak can't use quantity to pile up damage.

But Aunt Marvel's basic attributes are not outstanding.

She can play such a brilliant record and become the first person under the Father because of energy absorption.

Light speed engine + space gem, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, open the door at a glance, let her have top superpowers similar to Titan.

She can also absorb energy, even cosmic energy.

And the upper limit is almost infinite.

The most important thing is that like the purple potato spirit, although it can absorb cosmic energy, it cannot absorb kinetic energy. It needs a process of "grabbing and refining in an instant" before it can be transformed into combat power.

But Aunt Marvel is like a vibranium spirit.

She can absorb everything and rebound everything.

You can directly use your ability in actual combat.

After years of experience in the universe, Aunt Marvel's "energy absorption" skill has infinitely tended to be a passive.

She doesn't need to take the initiative to perform any attack on her. Her cells can reflexively form an energy absorption layer in any form of attack.

Covering the whole body.

That's why she has a superhuman-like physical defense.


Like Steve, Big Mom Marvel actually has the problem of being stronger when facing a strong opponent and evenly matched when facing a weak opponent.

No matter who she fights with, both sides throw skills at each other, showing special effects, which looks very lively, but in fact there is smoke but no damage.

Moreover, the magic of the female ghost Wanda can restrain the Illumination Society's Marvel.

How is Doom's black magic not disadvantageous?

This is really a show worth looking forward to while eating.

Of course.

Before the show, the struggle and hard pretense of Lu Dan also made people laugh.

"They are all talented."

Guan Fuyun praised, and then took Wanda to rest.

A Zu stayed to wash the dishes and pots, and then took Godzilla to bask in the artificial sun.


Time passed day by day.

Guan Fuyun just farmed every day, went to the company's studio to hang out, asked the mutant Flash to call him godfather, and made some small movies from time to time.

Go home at night to urge Wanda.

Occasionally, he also did some work, such as hearing that the Lizard Man was about to be dredged to death in India, he quickly asked someone to live broadcast.



And A Zu focused on filial piety.

Continue to collect Marvel beauties, like collecting toys.

As long as he can see his father's smile, he is happy.

"Boss Zu."

"Good news."

One day, the pear knocked on the door and came in and said: "Deadpool contacted the Time Mutation Administration."

"He also took Wolverine to the abandoned land."

"I heard that he also discovered a few employees."

"Do you want to go for a field investigation?"

She was a little excited and her ambition was particularly strong.


A Zu was thinking.

Normally, the biggest fighting force in the Abandoned Land, Professor X's bald sister, would not pose a threat to him even if she was not dead.

And the current situation is obviously abnormal.

Deadpool can contact the company in the Abandoned Land.

This means that Mr. Paradox and the bald sister should have been dealt with.

Very good.

Deadpool, this little jerk, is good at it.

At the same time, Azu's bracelet space contains tens of thousands of artificial suns and heaven-defying Pym particles.

His own state is also at its peak.

Even if he goes like this, it will be a crushing victory.

But Azu was still cautious and went to school first to ask Wanda for a magic shield.

Then he went to ask his father.

"You can go."

He got a positive answer from Guan Fuyun.

Only then did Azu set off.

After he and the troublemaker went out, he saw the foot-sucking boy begging for food at the subway station where he met Deadpool.

He looked decadent and bearded, like a wild man.Huddled in the corner, his eyes were blank.

"It's you!" The pear was startled.

"It's not me! It's not me!" Hearing this, the foot-sucking boy panicked and covered his face with his hands.

"Boss Zu, it's him!" The pear turned into a boy who wanted to take credit.

"It's not him! It's not him!" The foot-sucking boy kept backing away, eating dog food.

Da Da Da.

Footsteps sounded.

A Zu, a gentleman in a suit and tie, appeared. He lowered his eyes to look at the foot-sucking boy, without a trace of expression on his face, and said:

"Who are you?"

Hearing this, the foot-sucking boy's heart broke again. His face turned pale in an instant, and he covered his ears with his hands, shouting "No, don't do this kind of thing", and his saliva flowed all over the floor.

"Who are you?"

A Zu asked again, then shook his head and laughed: "Forget it, it's not important."

He didn't even look at the foot-sucking boy a second time.

He walked straight into the subway station.

Came to the Time Management Bureau.

As expected, I saw Mr. Paradox being captured.

I also saw X23, another Erica, Blade, Gambit... and even Cassandra Nova Xavier.

That is Professor X's bald sister.

No one is born in a wheelchair, but Professor X would never have hair.

The same is true for Professor X's sister.

The bald head looks like a boiled egg without a shell, which is very pleasing.

It made A-Zu laugh.

He flew away, caught Professor X, and threw him an umbilical cord of a cloned fetal Blue Eagle.

Then he said, "You, go strangle her to death."


Professor X pointed at his nose, looked at Cassandra, and sighed, "How many fights have we had?"

"I don't remember." Cassandra said meaningfully, "I remember that we started fighting in the womb."

"That's the instinct of animality going crazy."

Professor X sighed, "Humanity should be above animality. After all these years, don't you understand, Cassandra?"

"Come home with me."

Cassandra shook her head, "If you want something, you have to get it yourself. You already know the truth, Charles."

As soon as the two met, they started to fight each other.

Professor X is old and almost suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Cassandra looks young, but that's because her mental power can affect the material world, can replicate, repair, and renew cells and even DNA.

This is also the reason why she doesn't suffer from Wolverine's claws.

She doesn't have the ability to heal herself, but can repair her body through mental power.

The self-healing ability is a passive one.

Repairing requires continuous and active output of mental power. Once interrupted, it is easy to deform and hit Ji Ji.

But like Professor X.

Cassandra's life form is also beyond matter.

In the comics, she seems to be strangled by the umbilical cord.

In fact, she survived in the form of spirit and attached to the wall of the sewer for decades, constantly replicating cells and making flesh, making herself strong enough until she can walk upright.

Then she was caught by the Time Variants Administration.

Her life experience and setting are so bizarre that they are more abstract than the Compound No. 5 baby.

"Fight, fight." A Zu cheered on the side.

After that.

The two boiled eggs began to stare at each other.

Professor X: "(ΘoΘ)."

Cassandra: "(눈_눈)."

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