In Asgard.

In 1500 years.

How many times did Thor use his hammer to make Loki scream?

He couldn't remember.

I guess Loki couldn't remember either.

One of them was foolish and bold, and the other liked to play pranks, get jealous, and cause all kinds of incidents.

They seemed to be born to be resentful.

They were once hung under the world tree by Odin and beaten, and their buttocks were bruised.

They also joined hands to conquer the nine realms and made a great reputation.

One is Thor (the hammer god).

The other is the first wizard in the nine realms (the knife assassin).

The rainbow light of the rainbow bridge is a miracle and a miracle for all beings in the vast universe.

And they have long been accustomed to it.

Meteors fly, stars go out, collapse, and turn into black dwarfs.

They have seen countless beautiful scenes in this universe together.


Thor had never seen Loki at this moment.

It was not because Loki picked up his Meow Hammer. Since Guan Tianshen got hold of this hammer, it has been a bit like a hammer that everyone can swing.

It made Thor sad for a long time.

But at this moment, Thor was extremely shocked because he saw his brother's eyes.

Those eyes were full of vicissitudes and sighs, and a little joy.

Like his father Odin.

And like the heroes in Valhalla.

"Are you Loki?" Thor asked.

"Of course it's me, stupid Thor." Loki smiled happily.

"...Are you Loki from the future?" Thor said again.

"How do you know?" Loki smiled more like a child, with tears in his smile, happy and naughty.

"Because you are much older."

Thor described it clumsily, saying: "It's like you have suffered a lot."

It's you who suffered.


You finally became the God King, but you are only the God King.

The God of Stories Loki thought.

After he sat on the throne of time, he was everywhere and knew almost everything, except that adult.

But what he liked to reminisce most was Asgard and the stupid Thor.

Because he was the son of Odin, Thor's brother, and the God of Tricks Loki.

I thought he would be lonely for ten thousand years from now on.


A fellow villager appeared.

This completely new anchor, the son of that adult, pried the fate of too many people in a ridiculous way.

Loki didn't care about too many people.

It's not that he had never been a super villain, and he had killed people, which was also a serious crime.

He only cared about Asgard, and the stupid Thor. And those partners of the Time Variance Administration.


When he saw the only good ending in countless multiverses.

He laughed until he collapsed.

When he found that getting close to his fellow villagers, or getting close to that adult, could eliminate all rules and restrictions.

He bravely did it.

"Didn't you say you wanted to hug me? Come on, Thor."

Loki opened his arms.

"Humph! I was just talking, you took it seriously, stupid Ou Doudou..."

Thor is straight, arrogant, and stubborn.

But he was stubborn for only a second.


Loki's figure blurred, disappeared, and reappeared, as if he walked out of the story.

He came directly in front of Thor.

Give this idiot a punch first.

Then give him a brotherly hug.



He struggled for a while, and then enjoyed it.

A-Zu: "(눈_눈)."

A-Zu couldn't help but ask: "Am I here at the wrong time?"

"No, you're here at the right time."

Loki, the god of the multiverse and the god of stories, was full of heroic spirit and shook in front of Thor as he wished:

"Let's go together."

"Let's have a fight!"

This is how the Asgardians are.


In the abandoned land, the wind blew up the yellow sand.

"Wow, this..."

For the fact that Loki will become a god in the future, and a god of the multiverse, and has completely surpassed Odin in some areas.

Thor accepted it, and was happy and shocked.

Then he was eager to try.

He wanted to fight.

He was itching!


He swung the Meow Hammer wildly, and the man and the hammer became one, turning into a beam of lightning that pierced the sky.

Fierce and brilliant.

The red cloak fluttered, and Thor was fearless like a god of war.


At the same time, as Loki, no, the finger of the God of Stories fell.

The vast void.

It was actually covered by pages of books.

The book was so huge, like an independent small universe. Every word in the story chapter was a fragment of time, like a superhero high-energy clip in a short video.

Among them.

The lightning strike from the Storm Axe Thor was actuallyThe deception of the story has come.


Two similar but completely different lightning bolts collided suddenly!

It was obviously light and heat, but at this moment, it was like two knives, two military formations, and two kingdoms colliding. Light spots like the Emperor of Welding Martial Arts were splashing everywhere, like stars rising in the night sky, setting off a visualized hurricane sweeping in all directions!

In the strong wind.

Loki, the god of stories, calmly flipped through the book, gentle and elegant, like a scholar.

In front of him.

The brilliant and blazing thunder scurried around like a snake, and the high temperature vitrified the yellow sand.

But it couldn't touch him at all.

Dominating time, incarnating stories... Loki and Thor seemed to be on different levels.

And opposite Loki.


Thor grinned, flew backwards, and smashed on the ground.

Loki smiled slightly.

Inwardly: "Powerful! So powerful! So strong, this is what I want to see!"

Outwardly: "Thor, if you are new, practice more. Are you the god of thunder or the god of hammer?"

The trash talk has a significant effect.

Thor was stunned as if struck by lightning.


At this time.

Azu also started.

His figure flew through the air, so fast that he disappeared. He could have been very tough, but he chose to sneak attack.

An adamantium blade slashed from behind Loki and cut him off!


"How can there be no confusing fog in the story?"

Loki still smiled elegantly.

Clearly visible.

His wound was not flowing with blood, but fog!


Heavy fog!


The fog spread like a sea and tide, like a greedy tentacle, rolling towards Azu!


But at this time, the sun actually rose in the fog!

Artificial sun + Pym particles.

It was like a real star, burning in the universe, the sun shone, and Azu's combat power soared!


The thick thermal line of sight shot out, like a diffuser, wantonly venting Azu's tens of thousands and millions of tons of power!

It looked like meteorites fell one after another, shaking and breaking the abandoned land!


At the same time, the sound of the God of Stories turning the book was also louder.

The thick fog continued to spread, as if responding to Azu, the two gods touched each other and wrestled with each other.

"Is this... the Father?"

Thor stood there like a passerby, holding the hammer and not knowing what to do.

He looked up blankly.

It can be seen——

The abandoned land has been broken, the land plates are like puzzles, flying in the void, the fog is like a tide, the sun is like a sword, and there is endless yellow sand besides.

It was a chaos.

But in this chaos, Thor "saw" two huge beings, confronting and competing!

And he was like an ant under the feet of a giant, and could only look up!

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