In the world of black robes, even in the poorest areas, when you meet the most monkey-like wild man, you will know the famous name of the motherland.

That is a god-like influence.

And in today's Marvel.

There are still many people who don't know A Zu and Guan Fuyun.

This is normal.

For example, vampires, although they are modernized and dressed in suits.

But those real masters are still in the coffins with flip lids, soaked in the blood pool, with good sound insulation, and unearthed without knowing the world.

Don't say whether they can play with mobile phones. Once they get up from the coffin, they often fight immediately, very busy.

There is no time to go online.


This is the Marvel world!

As early as ancient times, there was a traditional virtue of wearing strange costumes.

Vampires can survive to this day, and they also have a set of skills to observe people.

For example, Blade Warrior.

Even if he fell on his butt and was bleeding, he would put on sunglasses, pose, and show his silver sword when he got up.

He had the vibe that he could be killed, bleed, and pretend.

He was just too cool.

Even if it was the first time, passers-by could tell that he was a master of masters of masters.

On the other hand, Guan Fuyun and his group...

A giant baby drinking milk, a girl in a JK school uniform, and a handsome guy with the temperament of an old farmer.

No underwear worn outside, no fancy sexy suits, no costumes.

They were all carrying a lot of goods.

Big and small bags.

It was like they had just come back from grabbing eggs at a supermarket discount sale, their eyes were clear and stupid.

The style was completely different. If they were not passers-by, who were they?

They had no worries when they got up.

"Damn it! Don't underestimate me!"

Forget about vampires.

It was Blade Warrior himself. He had just left the Abandoned Land and was still immersed in the tense atmosphere of the battle.

He did not recognize that these people were the company's God Daddy.

He feinted a few times, biubiu, and then drew his blade fiercely.

The silver sword swept through the sky like a crescent moon.

He narrowly frightened away the vampire.

Then, Blade Warrior stood in front of everyone, the collar of his leather coat standing upright, swaying in the wind, aloof and cold.

He looked like a master who said, "Don't panic, it's not a big deal." He showed his side face and said in a heavy and hoarse voice, "Go, I'll cover you."

Guan Fuyun: "..."

Wanda: "…………"

Azu couldn't help his curiosity and asked, "No, buddy, you wear sunglasses at night, aren't you blind?"

"I'm a half-human, half-vampire daywalker."

Blade Warrior didn't look back and said coldly, "I have all the advantages of vampires, but none of their disadvantages."

"I've long been accustomed to the darkness."

People say, night vision, not blind.

"Is there such a superpower?"

Azu was thinking, talking to himself, "I can wear sunglasses 24 hours a day. What else can this ability do except pretending? It's hard to dig the ground..."


Is it time to talk about this now?

Blade Warrior was a little embarrassed and almost turned back, but the vampire attacked at this time.

While resisting, he hurriedly said: "Let's go, let's go!"

"No! Let's go together!"

A Zu said mischievously, but with great emotion.

He also acted.

On the side, Guan Fuyun and Wanda seemed to be deaf and dumb, with calm expressions.

It's like walking on the street and seeing a vampire chasing a pretentious guy, which is a very normal and reasonable thing.

Let this delay.


Vampires kept coming out all around, all wearing leather clothes and necklaces, non-mainstream outfits.

They carried guns, swords, and metal baseball bats, and said: "You shouldn't come back, Daywalker!"

"But I'm back."

The Blade Warrior didn't care about passers-by at this time. He was concentrating and cold, holding a sword flower in one hand and pulling out a silver gun in the other, performing a wave of one-handed bullets.

Then he said with certainty: "Tonight, only ghosts will die!"


At this time, Wanda also lived in Bengbu.

It was very rude to interrupt others when they were showing off, but she really couldn't stand it, so she reminded: "Sir, you are bleeding."


After falling down, the Blade Warrior was pierced with glass, and the cuts were bleeding like springs.

"It's okay! You won't die." The Blade Warrior smiled.

"I mean, your blood is about to flow to the things we bought. Can you stand further away?" Wanda frowned.

Blade Warrior: "..."

No, what's wrong with you people?

He was really a little broken.

He turned around suddenly.

Finally saw Guan Fuyun and A Zu's faces clearly.


"Mr. Zu, Mr. Guan..."The Blade Warrior was stunned. These two were the gods who brought him out of the abandoned land and made Cassandra give up her bald head to be touched.

Although he was not qualified to witness the battle between his fellow villagers and the God of Stories.

But he knew from what he had seen and heard that the power gap between the two sides was about the size of a ping-pong ball and the sun.

Such a powerful guy, is he so down-to-earth at ordinary times?

"There is a flaw!"

Seeing that he was distracted, a group of vampires became excited.

They rushed up with a howl, and then were killed by silver swords and silver bullets, turning into ashes.

Why should you pay attention to chopping vampires?

This has long been the instinct of the Blade Warrior.

He held a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other. He could suppress firepower when advancing and control bats with a sword when retreating. He was experienced and ruthless, and lived up to the name of a hunter.

This scene stimulated the old vampire who appeared at the beginning.

It was trembling with anger.

Dark, black gas kept coming out of his body, and his skin cracked like a cicada pupa, from which a brighter blood cloak, a paler and more terrifying body, and the whole ghost's temperament was completely changed.

As expected.

It was Dracula.

Dracula in Marvel has the ability to atomize, change shape, call clouds and rain, summon lightning, and turn into a bat, wolf, werewolf, half-man bat monster, etc.

Any mirror or camera equipment cannot capture its image.

What it likes most is to pretend to be cool with nesting dolls.

For example, attaching to other people's bodies, or attaching to other vampires' bodies.

At this moment.

Dracula revealed his true face.

Those little Mara vampires also sensibly gave up the camera, bowed their heads and crawled into human-shaped stairs.

"Didn't I tell you to die?"

Dracula climbed the stairs, elegantly and cruelly saying:

"Do you like to be a hero and then implicate others? Because of you, those three people will really die miserably, even Jesus can't stop them, I said."

"Skin men to make outer clothes."

"That girl will have her neck broken by me and her life squeezed out."

It was talking about Wanda.

This is Dracula's second hobby, he really likes to catch girls and suck their blood.

In the comics, Dracula has caught the Asgardian Valkyrie, competed with Thor the hammer god who came to rescue him, and also caught Storm, and then was beaten up by the X-Men.

It even provoked the Silver Glider.

It is the old Biden who, if he were a mortal in DC, would definitely catch Lois and suck her, and then be beaten to death by Superman.

It has the strength to survive until now without being beaten to death.

Although the Blade Warrior is its nemesis, the same old saying still applies: the protagonist relies on explosiveness.

If the rules of the black robe are really followed, the mortal-level Blade Warrior, even if he has special attacks and equipment, will only be killed instantly.

After saying that.

Dracula saw that the iron-willed Blade Warrior actually gave up resistance.

He made way.


Dracula smiled. As mentioned before, it has some strength. If it is a father, it should have noticed something wrong at this time.

Unfortunately, it is not.



When Azu's figure flew through the air and punched Dracula in the face, it made a sharp explosion.

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