F*ck Yeah! I'm The Villain
Chapter 16
I wonder
How you put up
With me.
Then I remember,
Oh I put up with you.
So we're even
Sebastian and I were having a fun time playing and hanging around. He is older than me by 4 months. I don't mind though, I like older men. Wink wink.
"Hey Mel Bel wanna be friends?" We are laying in a pile of colorful balls when Tan Tan asked the question.
"Sure. Now that we're friends though. What are we suppose to, you know, do?"
"I don't know. But the children I read about in stories, who are friends, usually have sleepovers. They talk about.....um..... stuff, and they always hang out and do activities together." For a baby you sure are smart. The only reason I'm like this is because I was born with memories from my past life but you- sniff sniff are a natural born genius. 'Sigh' I am willing to admit defeat.
"That sounds like fun. Tan Tan can I ask you a question?"
"You just did." Ugh you insufferable fool.
"You know what I meant moron. Anyway, the question I wanted to ask is; how come you can talk and know all of these cool and top secret information already when you're only 7 months old."
"To be honest with you. I really don't know. It just sort of happened one day when I woke up. Things that I couldn't comprehend before I understand and words that I didn't even know about I could say. With no problem at all."
"Weally! I 'ave a lot of poblems wen it coms to peaking."
"Yeah. I've noticed." He says. I glare at him and he shuts his mouth.
"Mel Bel, if you want I could help you with that."
My eyes light up happily at his words. Oh my gosh I'm going to be able to speak words YAY!
He crawls on top of the colorful balls towards me. His warm palm is soft and creamy as it touches my forehead. A bright light emanates from his palm while his eyes are closed. He mutters a spell under his breath and then I feel a burst of warm energy easing its way into my head. It's warm and comfortable like a field of flowers dancing in the wind as the bright sun shines down upon them.
He removes his hand I open my eyes. My entire being feeling new and refreshed.
"Woah! How did you do that!?"
"I learnt it in a book I read inside of my father's study. He has a lot ancient relics and scrolls on the shelves and in my free time I like to leisure around in there."
"What's the spell called?"
"'Mind Transformation' It's used on people who sustained heavy trauma to the head and helps with restoring the brain's fucntions." His dimpled smile lights up the room as he proudly states the information, bragging about his knowledge.
"Thanks Tan Tan, this means alot." I say gratefully. My heart fills with warmth. If this is what it's like having someone care for you then I'd rather die than give it up.
"What are friends for?" After that we continue playing games.
This is so much fun! I hope this night never ends.
Sadly not all wishes are heard since 10 minutes later a maid came in saying it was time for Sebastian's departure.
His mom came in and picked him up. She is a beautiful woman. Her hair charcoal black ending mid back. With plump rosy lips and sword like eyebrows her beauty meets the same standards as mommy. Going out the door she turns towards me and winks at me. Violet eyes closing only for a moment before opening again.
I unwillingly bid Tan Tan goodbye and he waves.
"See ya later alligator!" He shouts, leaning over his mom's shoulder.
"After awhile crocodile." His small figure along with his mom's tall one dissapears from my vision and I suddenly feel lonely and cold in the desolate play room. I sigh dejectedly.
Muttering under my breath I whisper; "Hope I can see him again. It's nice having a friend."
Daddy came to get me later on. I inform him about my newly acquired ally Sebastian and how I hope he can visit us more often. Of course, although hesitant at first, Daddy agrees.
"Yay!!! You're the best daddy in the whole wide world." It seems as though I got myself a powerful and reliable golden thɨġh. Hallelujah.
"Only the best for my little girl." He says. Wasn't it you who was against this whole arrangement in this first place daddy. I leave him be though. It's his first time being praised by me and he needs time to register that.
Daddy takes me to my room. By the way, I haven't seen that despicable wet nurse lately. Wonder what happened to her?
"Daddy where's the wet nurse?"
"She has been conferred to a different department sweetheart. Your mom and I have decided to ween you off brėȧst milk so you can get use to the bottle." He states with indifference. It might not be significant to him but for me this calls for a celebration! No more nɨppŀės! I swear I could cry. I've been waiting for this day for centuries and it has finally come. There really is a god!!!!!
My mood earlier is lifted now that I don't have that blasted wet nurse. She was a good woman, kind and hardworking but I am 20 years old, well, not now.....but you get the point. A person like me has boundaries and she crossed those boundaries, though unknowingly, she still crossed them.
Daddy gives me a a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles. Scrubbed clean and smelling like freshly picked strawberries I am laid to rest in my black and white panda onesie. It even came with a matching hat. Cute!
I get a good nights sleep and wake up feeling anew. Sadly this was never meant to last for long, I am being sent away on a long and probably torturous seclusion like training with the 'Elder'.
Mommy cried a lot. Her face is all puffy with salty tears leaking down it and I feel my heart clench. I dont like it when one of my family members is hurt and there's nothing I could do. Daddy holds her comfortingly but he doesn't look to good himself. His eyes are red rimmed with dark circles under them. His lips purse into a thin line as if he's holding himself back. He resembles a very grouchy cheetah at the moment. Hehe
Little Benjamin is taking it the worst though. He just got a little sister, one whom he lives dearly because of her peerless beauty, kind heartedness, genius mi-....ok I am probably getting a little off track. Where was I? Oh yes. He had only recently gotten the sibling he never had but yearned for and now, she's being sent away before he could even get to know her better! This is proposteruos! He holds his fists at his side. Face red and gloomy with anger and sadness while his body shakes in frustration. Poor Benjie. He must feel so helpless.
I whisper a few words in the 'Elders' ear and he nods in agreement.
"5 minutes. No more no less." He gives me to daddy and the whole family comes together. Initiating a group hug. I can feel a bit of wetness leaking onto my face and when I turn my head, I see it's Benjie. Awwwww not Benjie.
"Benjie don't cry. I will protect you okay. So don't cry." I wipe the excess salty liquid from his face with my tiny hands and he starts crying even more. Mommy whispers into my ear to be strong and gives me a peck on the cheek. Daddy follows after. He tells me that I am a brave and strong girl and that these are only obstacles that'll be easy to overcome.
With one last goodbye I am taken from the only home and family I have known since being in this world to face the cruel and desolate reality. We get into a carriage, travelling towards and unknown destination.
Forests and grasslands pass by. The scenery filled with greenery and flowers. Soon hills enter my field of vision and then Crystal blue lakes followed by a large mountain. It's height towers in the distance practically concealing the sun. When we arrive at the foot of the large and Rocky mountain 'Elder' and I get out. He pays the carriage driver and we head further and deeper to my future.
" 'A Thousand Lights' " the leader's strong and from voice resonates throughout the valley. A long stack of golden steps line up one after the other magically. The sun's rays shining upon them causes the staircase to glitter brightly, giving off the image of tiny crystals jumping up and down like rabbits.
The elder takes a deep breath to compose himself before he walks up the steps. Looking back on his actions, only a person in the Profound light realm would be able to cast such a spell. Woah, just how powerful is this man. He had the light element so his knowledge must be astounding. Wonder if their healing abilities are as good as the rumors say.
Only people with the light element have the ability to become an alechemist. Alechemist are strong and powerful pharmacists that are fought over widely in every country because they provide a strong energy and the pills following the elixir they produce are astronomical. If you offend an alchemist, the only benefit you'd get is seeking trouble on yourself or your clan or probably your kingdom. This action is not only careless but you will be sent to King Yama way before your due date. Who wants that?
Alchemists are very easy to offend so you must be humble in their presence. The reason they dare to be arrogant is because they have no doubt in their ability. The connections they have are a long list and only very few people know them personally, besides their disciples.
The further we go the denser the fog surrounding us gets. It's to the point that I can not make out a single object. The cold air hits me with full force and I tuck my head it to elders gray and comfortable hair
He looks at me and chuckles at my antics. "This is the type of life you will be living from now on. Hidden enemies will strike at opportunities to take your life. Most will only help you if they can get benefits while some will try to suppress you if they feel you could be an enemy. The cultivation world is full of dangers but if you stick close to me and the people I am about to introduce you too, you'll be fine." He says. His stern face is a mask of aloofness and arrogance.
"Remember, trust no one..excpet for me and those other people."
I nod taking his advice and warning to heart. We finally reach the peak of the mountain after 8 long hours and I think my fingers have developed frostbite.
I can't feel my toes. OH MY GOD I CANT FEEL MY TOES!!!!!
A blinding light of radiance shines on us as we walk towards a majestic looking manor. It has golden gates blocking off its entrance giving off an imposing aura.
"Wow. So this is what it's like to live as a cultivator."
"Yep!" He says through pursed lips.
A man in a green tunic with a yellow belt tied around his waist comes to greet us with a traditional bow.
"I greet the 2 esteemed guests and welcome them to the Seven Qillin Mountains Jade Sect."
His words sends my mind reeling with a BOOM!
Say what now!?
Another long chapter in celebration of reaching 633 reads. This chapter is well over my writing limit at over 2,000 words but anything for the readers. Yayyy. I cant believe this story is attracting so many readers. Thank you for your time and your votes. You did not waste them and that's all fow now.. See you next time folks.✌
I wonder
How you put up
With me.
Then I remember,
Oh I put up with you.
So we're even
Sebastian and I were having a fun time playing and hanging around. He is older than me by 4 months. I don't mind though, I like older men. Wink wink.
"Hey Mel Bel wanna be friends?" We are laying in a pile of colorful balls when Tan Tan asked the question.
"Sure. Now that we're friends though. What are we suppose to, you know, do?"
"I don't know. But the children I read about in stories, who are friends, usually have sleepovers. They talk about.....um..... stuff, and they always hang out and do activities together." For a baby you sure are smart. The only reason I'm like this is because I was born with memories from my past life but you- sniff sniff are a natural born genius. 'Sigh' I am willing to admit defeat.
"That sounds like fun. Tan Tan can I ask you a question?"
"You just did." Ugh you insufferable fool.
"You know what I meant moron. Anyway, the question I wanted to ask is; how come you can talk and know all of these cool and top secret information already when you're only 7 months old."
"To be honest with you. I really don't know. It just sort of happened one day when I woke up. Things that I couldn't comprehend before I understand and words that I didn't even know about I could say. With no problem at all."
"Weally! I 'ave a lot of poblems wen it coms to peaking."
"Yeah. I've noticed." He says. I glare at him and he shuts his mouth.
"Mel Bel, if you want I could help you with that."
My eyes light up happily at his words. Oh my gosh I'm going to be able to speak words YAY!
He crawls on top of the colorful balls towards me. His warm palm is soft and creamy as it touches my forehead. A bright light emanates from his palm while his eyes are closed. He mutters a spell under his breath and then I feel a burst of warm energy easing its way into my head. It's warm and comfortable like a field of flowers dancing in the wind as the bright sun shines down upon them.
He removes his hand I open my eyes. My entire being feeling new and refreshed.
"Woah! How did you do that!?"
"I learnt it in a book I read inside of my father's study. He has a lot ancient relics and scrolls on the shelves and in my free time I like to leisure around in there."
"What's the spell called?"
"'Mind Transformation' It's used on people who sustained heavy trauma to the head and helps with restoring the brain's fucntions." His dimpled smile lights up the room as he proudly states the information, bragging about his knowledge.
"Thanks Tan Tan, this means alot." I say gratefully. My heart fills with warmth. If this is what it's like having someone care for you then I'd rather die than give it up.
"What are friends for?" After that we continue playing games.
This is so much fun! I hope this night never ends.
Sadly not all wishes are heard since 10 minutes later a maid came in saying it was time for Sebastian's departure.
His mom came in and picked him up. She is a beautiful woman. Her hair charcoal black ending mid back. With plump rosy lips and sword like eyebrows her beauty meets the same standards as mommy. Going out the door she turns towards me and winks at me. Violet eyes closing only for a moment before opening again.
I unwillingly bid Tan Tan goodbye and he waves.
"See ya later alligator!" He shouts, leaning over his mom's shoulder.
"After awhile crocodile." His small figure along with his mom's tall one dissapears from my vision and I suddenly feel lonely and cold in the desolate play room. I sigh dejectedly.
Muttering under my breath I whisper; "Hope I can see him again. It's nice having a friend."
Daddy came to get me later on. I inform him about my newly acquired ally Sebastian and how I hope he can visit us more often. Of course, although hesitant at first, Daddy agrees.
"Yay!!! You're the best daddy in the whole wide world." It seems as though I got myself a powerful and reliable golden thɨġh. Hallelujah.
"Only the best for my little girl." He says. Wasn't it you who was against this whole arrangement in this first place daddy. I leave him be though. It's his first time being praised by me and he needs time to register that.
Daddy takes me to my room. By the way, I haven't seen that despicable wet nurse lately. Wonder what happened to her?
"Daddy where's the wet nurse?"
"She has been conferred to a different department sweetheart. Your mom and I have decided to ween you off brėȧst milk so you can get use to the bottle." He states with indifference. It might not be significant to him but for me this calls for a celebration! No more nɨppŀės! I swear I could cry. I've been waiting for this day for centuries and it has finally come. There really is a god!!!!!
My mood earlier is lifted now that I don't have that blasted wet nurse. She was a good woman, kind and hardworking but I am 20 years old, well, not now.....but you get the point. A person like me has boundaries and she crossed those boundaries, though unknowingly, she still crossed them.
Daddy gives me a a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles. Scrubbed clean and smelling like freshly picked strawberries I am laid to rest in my black and white panda onesie. It even came with a matching hat. Cute!
I get a good nights sleep and wake up feeling anew. Sadly this was never meant to last for long, I am being sent away on a long and probably torturous seclusion like training with the 'Elder'.
Mommy cried a lot. Her face is all puffy with salty tears leaking down it and I feel my heart clench. I dont like it when one of my family members is hurt and there's nothing I could do. Daddy holds her comfortingly but he doesn't look to good himself. His eyes are red rimmed with dark circles under them. His lips purse into a thin line as if he's holding himself back. He resembles a very grouchy cheetah at the moment. Hehe
Little Benjamin is taking it the worst though. He just got a little sister, one whom he lives dearly because of her peerless beauty, kind heartedness, genius mi-....ok I am probably getting a little off track. Where was I? Oh yes. He had only recently gotten the sibling he never had but yearned for and now, she's being sent away before he could even get to know her better! This is proposteruos! He holds his fists at his side. Face red and gloomy with anger and sadness while his body shakes in frustration. Poor Benjie. He must feel so helpless.
I whisper a few words in the 'Elders' ear and he nods in agreement.
"5 minutes. No more no less." He gives me to daddy and the whole family comes together. Initiating a group hug. I can feel a bit of wetness leaking onto my face and when I turn my head, I see it's Benjie. Awwwww not Benjie.
"Benjie don't cry. I will protect you okay. So don't cry." I wipe the excess salty liquid from his face with my tiny hands and he starts crying even more. Mommy whispers into my ear to be strong and gives me a peck on the cheek. Daddy follows after. He tells me that I am a brave and strong girl and that these are only obstacles that'll be easy to overcome.
With one last goodbye I am taken from the only home and family I have known since being in this world to face the cruel and desolate reality. We get into a carriage, travelling towards and unknown destination.
Forests and grasslands pass by. The scenery filled with greenery and flowers. Soon hills enter my field of vision and then Crystal blue lakes followed by a large mountain. It's height towers in the distance practically concealing the sun. When we arrive at the foot of the large and Rocky mountain 'Elder' and I get out. He pays the carriage driver and we head further and deeper to my future.
" 'A Thousand Lights' " the leader's strong and from voice resonates throughout the valley. A long stack of golden steps line up one after the other magically. The sun's rays shining upon them causes the staircase to glitter brightly, giving off the image of tiny crystals jumping up and down like rabbits.
The elder takes a deep breath to compose himself before he walks up the steps. Looking back on his actions, only a person in the Profound light realm would be able to cast such a spell. Woah, just how powerful is this man. He had the light element so his knowledge must be astounding. Wonder if their healing abilities are as good as the rumors say.
Only people with the light element have the ability to become an alechemist. Alechemist are strong and powerful pharmacists that are fought over widely in every country because they provide a strong energy and the pills following the elixir they produce are astronomical. If you offend an alchemist, the only benefit you'd get is seeking trouble on yourself or your clan or probably your kingdom. This action is not only careless but you will be sent to King Yama way before your due date. Who wants that?
Alchemists are very easy to offend so you must be humble in their presence. The reason they dare to be arrogant is because they have no doubt in their ability. The connections they have are a long list and only very few people know them personally, besides their disciples.
The further we go the denser the fog surrounding us gets. It's to the point that I can not make out a single object. The cold air hits me with full force and I tuck my head it to elders gray and comfortable hair
He looks at me and chuckles at my antics. "This is the type of life you will be living from now on. Hidden enemies will strike at opportunities to take your life. Most will only help you if they can get benefits while some will try to suppress you if they feel you could be an enemy. The cultivation world is full of dangers but if you stick close to me and the people I am about to introduce you too, you'll be fine." He says. His stern face is a mask of aloofness and arrogance.
"Remember, trust no one..excpet for me and those other people."
I nod taking his advice and warning to heart. We finally reach the peak of the mountain after 8 long hours and I think my fingers have developed frostbite.
I can't feel my toes. OH MY GOD I CANT FEEL MY TOES!!!!!
A blinding light of radiance shines on us as we walk towards a majestic looking manor. It has golden gates blocking off its entrance giving off an imposing aura.
"Wow. So this is what it's like to live as a cultivator."
"Yep!" He says through pursed lips.
A man in a green tunic with a yellow belt tied around his waist comes to greet us with a traditional bow.
"I greet the 2 esteemed guests and welcome them to the Seven Qillin Mountains Jade Sect."
His words sends my mind reeling with a BOOM!
Say what now!?
Another long chapter in celebration of reaching 633 reads. This chapter is well over my writing limit at over 2,000 words but anything for the readers. Yayyy. I cant believe this story is attracting so many readers. Thank you for your time and your votes. You did not waste them and that's all fow now.. See you next time folks.✌
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