F*ck Yeah! I'm The Villain
Chapter 26
After a whole day of familiarizing myself with the school and 6 hours of training with master I was totally out of it. The maids were understanding, quickly washing me they put me in a pink rabbit onesie. When my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
This morning was my leisure time, because master said that he wanted 'my mind to be at peace' before I started school. The two young maids came in early to dress me. Now attired in a white shirt with the image of two mandarin ducks and a pink fluffy skirt I gaze at the young girls wearily. They give off an aura that I can't explain and its making me a bit neevous.
In my luxurious cradle I spent about 30 minutes rolling around on my belly before getting tired. Then I decided to visit my obnoxious pet bird and see how he's doing inside the heavenly pavillion.
The moment I appear a fluffy bird pounces on me, rubbing its soft head under my chin.
"Master! You're back. Why did you leave Baozi. Baozie missed you so much he was planning on eating all of the fishes to comfort him." My mouth was full of feathers making it hard for me to speak as I spit them out. The last part of what he said caught ne by suprise though, how woukd eating all of the fish make you feel better. Sigh I will never understand the mind of a bird.
"I was busy training my cultivation skills that I didnt have enough time to visit you. Blame it on my master he forced me to go to school."
"Oh really!? Just you wait, when I see that saggy bag of bones I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." Yeah good luck with that, all he would be abke to hear is chirping.
I then played a bit with Baozi before I feel a tug in my soul trying to direct me towards the pagoda.
"Master?" peck peck,"Whats wrong. Dont ignore me." Shameless bird.
"Baozi, It feels as though there is something leading me towards the pagoda. Im gonna go check it out." I am quickly stopped after I finish speaking.
"No can do master. No one besides the first owner of this heavenly space has been able to enter. And that was several millenias ago. So you will just be wasting your time."
For some reason or the other I am not deterred by his words. It's as though something very important to my existence in this world is waiting for me inside.
Moving towards the door the pull inside of me gets stronger, compelling me to move faster. I reach the door and with a nervous heart push the door. What we see next has both me and the shameless bird's mouth wide open in shock.
Laying on the ground with what looks to be a blunt in his mouth was an elderly man. His gray hair surrounded his body like the suns rays. I coughed loudly as large amounts of smoke entered my nose.
This grabbed the old man's attention, his head slightly turns in our direction before going back to smoking.
"Who the hell are you?" I ask incredulously. Is this what was so important. What type of fuċkery. He looks like a modern day crackhead.
"Mind your manners young lady." Oh so the old man can speak eh.
"What are you doing here?" I say. Ignoring his criticism. I never claimed to be an angel, I just look like one.
"I don't have to answer to you, young sapling." This old guy is starting irk me.
"Are you high, or perhaps drunk."
" I have neither the time nor do I give enough fuċks to explain this to you." And I -oop. This was not the reaction I was expecting. Where is the shock, admiration, stunned face. I feel, ignored.
"Well I will introduce myself. I am Melia, the co- owner of this space." His eyebrows slightly move upwards and I feel a twinge of satisfaction, next though I come to a realization that his reasons for doing that was completely different than what I orignally thought. "And this birdy here is Baozi, my mount."
"Master you dont have to introduce me. I've met this shameles old man before. We are not friends."
The old man finally has a change in expression.
"Hahaha which idiot named you Baozi. Hahaha-cough cough cough. Serves you right, arrogant winged ȧsshat. You got what you deserved."
Melia: "..........."
"You're one to talk, you've never spoken more than one sentence since your always high. Guess you finally decided to breathe for once right. How is the air? Does it taste good." I never knew Baozi had such a slick mouth on him. Something tells me that life with these two will be very entertaining.
"Now now, no need for insults." The old man just rolls his eyes and goes back to smoking. Baozi stands there huffing and puffing.
I move closer to the man and poke him. I have a lot of questions.
"Hey you old geezer. How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to know that a certain baby better not poke me anymore or someone will be missing a finger."
Baozi: "......shameless crack head"
"Sigh I guess we better do this now or else my cigarette would have dried out before I even started to feel good." He sits up and dusts off the dirt on him, his white robe now looking pristine.
"I was the one who called you here, and must I say, you're soul is particularly strong. I am going to be your teacher, a role model of some sorts. You must do everything I say if you want to win this war. Also since you are the new master of this pavilion that explains why that damned bird has been plucking up all of my marijuana plants. I'm gonna need you to be my supplier and in return I will exchange with you all of the cultivation secrets that I know.
I think for a bit before agreeing.
"Deal. Now when do we start."
"Right now. I need someone to plant those crops back and since it was your bird who did it you are going to be the farmer today, yay. Now get to work."
He goes to lay back down but not before shouting, "Baozi get me my damn whiskey. Touch it again and I'm having roasted bird for dinner!"
Ughhh even on my day off I end up working still, how amazing is that. Thinking up a hoe and all the other farm tools I get to work reluctantly while Baozi and the old man are engaged in a heated argument on why tequila and duck taste good together.
Mean while somewhere else......
"Are you sure that's her?" A cold voice sounds.
In the dark corner of a room in an unknown place Melia's maids stand humbly before a shadowy figure, their body's hunched over in respect.
"Yes master we are positive, the two look exactly alike."
Taking a sip of his chilled beverage he lets out an evil chuckle. "Excellent, just excellent."
"You are dismissed, get out of my sight." When they leave the man takes out a framed picture. Laughing with her eyes closed stand a woman, her looks resembling closely to that of Melia's mother. "Don't worry love, in time we will surely get back together." His blue eyes have a crazed look in them.
The shadow guard who greeted the maids earlier appears beside him.
"Master do you need my ȧssistance."
"Yes, actually. Keep an eye on that baby, those two sŀuts are amateurs and If something goes wrong...." he makes a cutting motion with his finger on his neck.
The shadow guard knods before returning to position, away from prying eyes.
As Melia plows the field a shiver rolls down her back. "Dammit, who's cursing this old lady." She grumbles. Her apple cheecks red from plowing as her chubby arms move the rake back and forth.
The old man looks at Melia from afar, an indescribable look flashing across his black eyes.
"Xue Tao, I hope you are right." He thinks to himself before his face reverts back to normal.
Poor Baozi doesn't even know what happened. The old man knocked him out and tied him to a stick with an apple being used to keep his beak shut.
Baozi: "wooo woo master I'm being bullied."
Sadly for Baozi his master is also cursing him for being an unreliabke bird brain, only knowing how to create a ruckus.
This morning was my leisure time, because master said that he wanted 'my mind to be at peace' before I started school. The two young maids came in early to dress me. Now attired in a white shirt with the image of two mandarin ducks and a pink fluffy skirt I gaze at the young girls wearily. They give off an aura that I can't explain and its making me a bit neevous.
In my luxurious cradle I spent about 30 minutes rolling around on my belly before getting tired. Then I decided to visit my obnoxious pet bird and see how he's doing inside the heavenly pavillion.
The moment I appear a fluffy bird pounces on me, rubbing its soft head under my chin.
"Master! You're back. Why did you leave Baozi. Baozie missed you so much he was planning on eating all of the fishes to comfort him." My mouth was full of feathers making it hard for me to speak as I spit them out. The last part of what he said caught ne by suprise though, how woukd eating all of the fish make you feel better. Sigh I will never understand the mind of a bird.
"I was busy training my cultivation skills that I didnt have enough time to visit you. Blame it on my master he forced me to go to school."
"Oh really!? Just you wait, when I see that saggy bag of bones I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." Yeah good luck with that, all he would be abke to hear is chirping.
I then played a bit with Baozi before I feel a tug in my soul trying to direct me towards the pagoda.
"Master?" peck peck,"Whats wrong. Dont ignore me." Shameless bird.
"Baozi, It feels as though there is something leading me towards the pagoda. Im gonna go check it out." I am quickly stopped after I finish speaking.
"No can do master. No one besides the first owner of this heavenly space has been able to enter. And that was several millenias ago. So you will just be wasting your time."
For some reason or the other I am not deterred by his words. It's as though something very important to my existence in this world is waiting for me inside.
Moving towards the door the pull inside of me gets stronger, compelling me to move faster. I reach the door and with a nervous heart push the door. What we see next has both me and the shameless bird's mouth wide open in shock.
Laying on the ground with what looks to be a blunt in his mouth was an elderly man. His gray hair surrounded his body like the suns rays. I coughed loudly as large amounts of smoke entered my nose.
This grabbed the old man's attention, his head slightly turns in our direction before going back to smoking.
"Who the hell are you?" I ask incredulously. Is this what was so important. What type of fuċkery. He looks like a modern day crackhead.
"Mind your manners young lady." Oh so the old man can speak eh.
"What are you doing here?" I say. Ignoring his criticism. I never claimed to be an angel, I just look like one.
"I don't have to answer to you, young sapling." This old guy is starting irk me.
"Are you high, or perhaps drunk."
" I have neither the time nor do I give enough fuċks to explain this to you." And I -oop. This was not the reaction I was expecting. Where is the shock, admiration, stunned face. I feel, ignored.
"Well I will introduce myself. I am Melia, the co- owner of this space." His eyebrows slightly move upwards and I feel a twinge of satisfaction, next though I come to a realization that his reasons for doing that was completely different than what I orignally thought. "And this birdy here is Baozi, my mount."
"Master you dont have to introduce me. I've met this shameles old man before. We are not friends."
The old man finally has a change in expression.
"Hahaha which idiot named you Baozi. Hahaha-cough cough cough. Serves you right, arrogant winged ȧsshat. You got what you deserved."
Melia: "..........."
"You're one to talk, you've never spoken more than one sentence since your always high. Guess you finally decided to breathe for once right. How is the air? Does it taste good." I never knew Baozi had such a slick mouth on him. Something tells me that life with these two will be very entertaining.
"Now now, no need for insults." The old man just rolls his eyes and goes back to smoking. Baozi stands there huffing and puffing.
I move closer to the man and poke him. I have a lot of questions.
"Hey you old geezer. How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to know that a certain baby better not poke me anymore or someone will be missing a finger."
Baozi: "......shameless crack head"
"Sigh I guess we better do this now or else my cigarette would have dried out before I even started to feel good." He sits up and dusts off the dirt on him, his white robe now looking pristine.
"I was the one who called you here, and must I say, you're soul is particularly strong. I am going to be your teacher, a role model of some sorts. You must do everything I say if you want to win this war. Also since you are the new master of this pavilion that explains why that damned bird has been plucking up all of my marijuana plants. I'm gonna need you to be my supplier and in return I will exchange with you all of the cultivation secrets that I know.
I think for a bit before agreeing.
"Deal. Now when do we start."
"Right now. I need someone to plant those crops back and since it was your bird who did it you are going to be the farmer today, yay. Now get to work."
He goes to lay back down but not before shouting, "Baozi get me my damn whiskey. Touch it again and I'm having roasted bird for dinner!"
Ughhh even on my day off I end up working still, how amazing is that. Thinking up a hoe and all the other farm tools I get to work reluctantly while Baozi and the old man are engaged in a heated argument on why tequila and duck taste good together.
Mean while somewhere else......
"Are you sure that's her?" A cold voice sounds.
In the dark corner of a room in an unknown place Melia's maids stand humbly before a shadowy figure, their body's hunched over in respect.
"Yes master we are positive, the two look exactly alike."
Taking a sip of his chilled beverage he lets out an evil chuckle. "Excellent, just excellent."
"You are dismissed, get out of my sight." When they leave the man takes out a framed picture. Laughing with her eyes closed stand a woman, her looks resembling closely to that of Melia's mother. "Don't worry love, in time we will surely get back together." His blue eyes have a crazed look in them.
The shadow guard who greeted the maids earlier appears beside him.
"Master do you need my ȧssistance."
"Yes, actually. Keep an eye on that baby, those two sŀuts are amateurs and If something goes wrong...." he makes a cutting motion with his finger on his neck.
The shadow guard knods before returning to position, away from prying eyes.
As Melia plows the field a shiver rolls down her back. "Dammit, who's cursing this old lady." She grumbles. Her apple cheecks red from plowing as her chubby arms move the rake back and forth.
The old man looks at Melia from afar, an indescribable look flashing across his black eyes.
"Xue Tao, I hope you are right." He thinks to himself before his face reverts back to normal.
Poor Baozi doesn't even know what happened. The old man knocked him out and tied him to a stick with an apple being used to keep his beak shut.
Baozi: "wooo woo master I'm being bullied."
Sadly for Baozi his master is also cursing him for being an unreliabke bird brain, only knowing how to create a ruckus.
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