Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 781: Marbles

At the end of October, the popularity of "Transformers" remained unabated.

Although the box office dropped slightly, the hot scene at the premiere was not visible. But discussions about movies are still flooding every corner of the Internet.

The "wires" are quite enthusiastic!

The live-action adaptation of Transformers really satisfied a large number of "mechanical fanatics". Faced with the mighty and domineering, handsome, deformed and blasting brother, the boys are very satisfied.

The sponsor is also very satisfied.

Film placement ads are not uncommon in the industry. Except for those historical films in period costumes that are limited by subject matter, other types of films basically have advertisements.

Transformers also have advertisements, but there are still quite a few!

Among the advertisers, Dia Auto is definitely the manufacturer with the highest profit this time. Their new energy sports car-Tamron series, borrowed from the reputation of the "Bumblebee", the first scheduled for more than one thousand.

This is not a small amount!

Sports cars are no better than family cars. Although they have four wheels, they are faster and more expensive, and sales are also very low.

Take Tamron for example!

Equipped with Dia's new battery technology, a super sports car that accelerates from 100 kilometers to less than 3 seconds, excluding various options, starts at 1.28 million yuan.

Optional equipment, buy insurance and buy insurance, the landing price is less than two million.

One thousand, how much does it cost?

Meng Lang's math teacher died early and didn't teach him how to count. Anyway, he broke his fingers for a long time, and finally only reached one conclusion.

This wave of blood loss!

Knowing that this wave of advertising was very successful, Dia should pay more for buying out the Hornet model...

He only sold 20 million!

At that time, Meng Lang pondered. Bumblebee is not particularly brilliant compared to Zhu Zi. For this model, it is pretty good to sell for 20 million. After all, the peripheral development rights are still in hand, and the other party is just using it to make an advertisement.

In the end he still underestimated it!

Mr. Wang, who was surprised, was afraid that Meng Zi was not angry enough. After the scheduled results of the new car were released, he made a special call to thank him.

Thank you for a hammer!

Mengzi almost didn't eat the lemon tree!

At this moment, he is most fortunate that in addition to Bumblebee and Zhuzi, the remaining King Kong models are still in his hands.

One time is enough.

For the remaining few models, he must ask for a high price to slaughter this group of car companies, otherwise it is difficult to understand his hatred.

The Bumblebee real car sells well, and the toys are not bad.

With the launch of the "Pro" and "Plus" series, the steel wires bought while cursing, and soon rushed the sales of Transformers to the top three positions this month.

The first is Yugioh!

Needless to say, it has been in the top five since its launch, and the god-level "IP" that has never fallen behind is called the PD cash cow.

The second sales this month is the new IP Longqi!

Longqi's ratings have pulled his hips, and recently it has dropped to the bottom. But the toys are selling well, even more than any knight in the past. The specific reasons must be known to everyone.

Looking through the financial report, Meng Lang was really a little embarrassed.

In the top ten of the ranking, the "yo-yo" and "four-wheel drive" are no longer visible, only one "top" is still struggling to support it.

The old IP of PD has declined one by one. Children don't like this kind of "old-fashioned" toys anymore, and begin to pursue more novel and fun "magic blocks", "game king cards" and so on.

This is an irreversible trend of the times!

Meng Lang has done his best. Every year, he allocates a large sum of money to hold yo-yo events, gyro championships, four-wheel drive racing and other competitions, buy various advertising spaces, and promote old IP online and offline.

Unfortunately, little effect!

The children are very blind, maybe he still likes yo-yo, but the little friends around him stop playing, he has no choice but to give up and stuff the yo-yo into the locker.

This is the sadness of the entire industry!

All Meng Lang could do was to run forward desperately. Strive to develop new products that children love before they give up and prevent PD from falling behind.

Fortunately, he has found his way.

Not 400 aunts!

Although the little spider is fierce, the value of the surrounding derivatives is probably no better than a small spinning top. Unless Meng Lang is willing to spend decades to build a complete superhero system, there is little hope.

But this is not possible!

Meng Lang is not Stan Lee, and he does not want to be Stan Lee. If it weren't for Kent's temporary dumping of the pot, he wouldn't be able to shoot 400 aunts.

His so-called direction is actually an animation.

In childhood memories, there are very few works "The protagonist's attributes are not fire, and his hair and clothes are not red". Basically every boy has played the battle props used, and he feels full of substitution.

That's right!

This work is...

"Little Soldier"!

Okay, just kidding! It is impossible to be a young soldier. This work is "anticlimax", because it is so popular that it can barely be continued. How could it be?

Although Meng Lang likes it...

But his real goal is actually "Legend of Pinball." In domestic animation, there are rare works with excellent plot, excellent dubbing, and unawkward lines.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Many animations have the above advantages. The main reason why "Legend of Pinball" is concerned by Meng Lang is mainly because of "Marbles".

Who has never played marbles in childhood?

Although this marble is not the other marble, when you play, you don't have such a cool marble fighter, and you don't want to be a marble fighter. They just want to win friends and collect more marbles.

But what does it matter?

Anyway, they are all glass beads, no one stipulates that the gameplay must be unified. You use marbles as bullets to hit people, and you are not allowed to use marbles to play checkers?

When Meng Lang was a child, every village had a different way of playing marbles. This is still the difference between the two villages. Looking at the whole country, there are probably thousands and tens of thousands of ways to play...

At most, the gameplay of "same school in the same village" can be unified!

What Meng Lang wants to do ~www.ltnovel.com~ is a unified gameplay.

This small glass bead is promoted to every corner of the world. Let the children realize that such a small glass bead is **** charming!

It’s best for boys to go to school, trouser pockets, stationery boxes, schoolbag sandwiches, shoes and socks, ear seams, all TMs are marbles...

Let the teacher completely despair!

Forfeit it, the office drawers are full of marbles and there is no room left. Don't confiscate them. I'm really angry watching them get together to play marbles after class.

This thing is really poisonous!

Meng Lang still remembered that the third grade of elementary school was still a few years old, and the principal told everyone clearly not to play marbles anymore. If he finds out, all confiscate the dumping pit!

It didn't take long for him to regret it.

Because there are too many marbles, there is not enough space in the pit. When it rained, all the teachers and students of the school looked at the dung water overflowing from the toilet, looking at each other...

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