Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 791: Phase 2 tasks

Jiangchuan Primary School.

A very special class meeting is being held in the fifth (1) classroom.

Old Tang, the head teacher, clapped his hands to signal the students to be quiet, and then let the three "foreign transfer students" sitting in the last row of the classroom come on stage.

"Everyone knows them?"


The students replied in unison.

Although Omori, George, and Robert had just transferred schools for only half a month, they quickly made friends with the whole class. Everyone sympathizes with them.

Dementia since childhood delayed the best school age. The parents spent huge sums of money to transfer to China to seek medical treatment, and it took a lot of hard work to cure them, leading to the fifth grade in their thirties.

Teacher Tang had already introduced their backgrounds during the first class meeting.

Moreover, Teacher Tang also said. The reason why these three students transferred was mainly because they suffered isolation and cold violence at the previous school. I hope my classmates get along well with them and don't alienate them because of their appearance and age.

Everyone is very obedient.

From Teacher Tang, after learning about the miserable experience of the three of Dasen, the children are very happy to make friends with them, play with them, teach them simple equations, calculate the area of ​​polygons...

Today is the class meeting, what do you ask them to do?

The children have question marks on their faces.

I saw Omori three people wearing "large school uniforms" stepping onto the podium, first bowed deeply to everyone, and then explained in crappy Chinese: "Thank you very much for your help during this time. Very much. Sorry, we hid something."

"Re-introduce yourself!"

Teacher Tang encouraged: "After half a month of getting along, you and your classmates have forged a deep friendship. Before you leave, it's time to tell the truth."


Omori took the lead and said: "Introduce myself, I, Omori Keihito, the current deputy director of the PD neon production department and the producer of Kamen Rider. It is a great honor to spend half a month with everyone in this way!"

"My name is George Louis. I am currently PD Europe production director and chief producer of Teletubbies! It is an honor to meet you!"

"My name is Robert Carter, and I am currently the deputy director of PD North America Production Department, and the producer of Super Team. The familiar Jonas Altman, I also participated in the production!"


The whole class was in an uproar.

Unexpectedly, these three foreign transfer students would have such a hidden identity.

Although the position of "production director" is not understood by the children. But it's not important, just remember that these three made Kamen Rider, Teletubbies, and Super Sentai series separately.

May I ask which boy hasn't seen one of the above works?

Girls may not have seen it, but these three IP works are well-known at home and abroad. Even if they have not seen it themselves, they have heard of it more than once.

It's so magical!

The new transfer students turned out to be three superhero producers. The idols the children worship are basically created by them.

How lucky this is!

After the three of Omori blew themselves up, they thought everyone would be angry because they were deceived. As a result, the children were not angry at all, but whirled around them, asking about things that were usually curious.

such as……

Does Kamen Rider really exist?

Where does the Teletubbies live?

Can the robots of Super Team be available in PD Mall?

For these questions, although the three of Omori were dumbfounded, they still gave reasonable answers.

Kamen Rider does not exist, Teletubbies live in another world, and robots can be bought in PD Mall. They came here because it was an assignment assigned by Uncle Meng.

"So adults also have homework!"


"What kind of person is Uncle Meng? Is he very vicious? My father told me that if Meng Heizhu can't sleep at night, he will turn into a man in black and eat the kid who doesn't sleep at night!"


The three were sweating profusely.

Although President Meng is quite fierce, he is not so fierce, right? Eat kids or something, you still believe in fifth grade?

After answering everyone's doubts, this class meeting is coming to an end. Although very reluctant, but after all, we must make a difference.

Can't bear to look at the red eyes of the children, after the three of Omori distributed the "presents", they reluctantly left the campus in a hurry.

"A good harvest!"


The three of them walked to the PD building, while exchanging their experience of "primary school life" in the past half month.

Although I don't want to admit...

But they did fall in love with elementary school.

If they can, they are willing to give up everything they have, let the time go back to the "carefree" elementary school, and go back to childhood.

This time is really wonderful!

Don't worry about the troubles at work, don't worry about children and wives, don't worry about the future, laughing and joking every day, on the way to and from school, shed a string of carefree laughter.

Of course, this dream is awake after all.

Looking back on this experience time, the three of them have deep feelings. Not surprisingly, I can write an essay when I go back, and analyze what kind of work the current children like.

"By the way, what do you think will be the next task Meng Meng assigns to us?"

"do not know!"

"I have some ideas..."

George touched his chin and said, "This experience in elementary school has made us understand elementary school students. The next task should be to let us understand middle school students."


Robert Omori nodded together.

The group of PD members has the largest number of elementary and middle school students. In order to "prescribe the right medicine", Mr. Meng will definitely arrange them to get a deeper understanding of contemporary middle school students.

This task is not difficult!

Elementary school students have been pretending for half a month, and middle school students will be fine for another half month.

While they were talking, the three of them walked into the headquarters building, and in the chairman's office on the top floor, they saw Yang Ping who was sorting out documents.

"Secretary Yang, where is President Meng?"

"Meng has something to go out! You came just right. Before leaving, Mr. Meng asked me to give you this document."

After receiving the document from Yang Ping, the three Dasen looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine Meng was selling in the gourd?

"Take it down now?"

"Take it apart!"

After consulting with his peers ~www.ltnovel.com~ Robert opened the document bag and took out a thin A4 paper from it.

"Congratulations, you have successfully completed the first phase of the learning task!"

"But don't be proud, this is just the beginning. The next stage of learning will give you a deeper understanding of what is the hardship behind the shooting."

"In the No. 21 safe in Area B of the archives room, there is a plan prepared in advance. That will be the next stage of the assessment task for the three of you."

"Funds, actors, equipment, headquarters will not provide you. You must pool your own funds, find your own actors, prepare your own machines, complete the shooting of the work before the end of the year, and distribute and promote it yourself, through the development of peripheral derivatives, and the recovery system Film cost."

Omori: "???"

George: "???"

Robert: "???"

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