Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 794: Passerby

Where is Asuka's father?

No one can answer this question. There has been a guess about the connection between Asuka's father and the mysterious light.

The situation encountered by Asuka's father was similar to the situation encountered by Dagu.


He is not the "heir of light" of Dagu, and he is not qualified to control this light. However, his soul, or "will", was sheltered by this light.

Therefore, he guided the light and found his son. And with his own help, let his son carry this light and condense the physical giant of light.

This is not a mere brain hole!

This argument is very marketable among the Austrian fans. Many people believe that "Dynah" or "Dynah's Light" is actually Asuka's father.

There are also many hints in the plot.

In the "Mobile Fortress Troubled" episode, Asuka sees his father in the light. After Asuka entered the black hole, he also saw his father. When I caught the light in the first episode, I also saw my father...

So many hints are unlikely to be pure coincidence.

No matter what others think, believe it or not, Meng Lang feels it himself. Asuka can become Dynah and get the recognition of Dynah's Light, and can't get rid of his father.

Asuka is very likely, not a "son of destiny"!

People like Dagu who have been identified as "heirs of light" very early are considered children of destiny. As for Asuka, it is very likely that under the operation of his father, he replaced the original Son of Destiny and was forced to become a giant of light.

This is for a reason.

The first is Asuka's character, reckless and impulsive, and a little bit of arrogance. From this point of view, he, Dagu and I dream are not the same kind of people. The Light of Inheritance chose him, which is indeed unexpected.

Secondly, the light of Dyna has a long history. It is difficult to know which inheritance is longer than the light of Tiga, but one thing is certain!

Tiga's Light has been choosing a suitable heir. From the ultra-ancient period to the ancient period, and then to the TPC period, the light of Diga has been active.

The Dynah Light did not!

For so many years, I haven't selected a suitable heir of light, and suddenly selected Asuka. Who believes that there is no strangeness here?

Of course, these are all guesses.

The most reliable answer is that these so-called hints are all bugs left by the screenwriter accidentally after writing the script.

Probably, the screenwriter himself never thought so much.

"It doesn't make sense to entangle this!"

Meng Lang let out a long sigh of relief and walked out of the horns and said, "Whether it is Flying Bird's father or not, in short, this light chose Flying Bird."

"Our story begins from here!"

Asuka is a lucky guy, and his teammates should be regarded as the type who has taken more care of the human body in the previous generations of "Otto Team".

If the captain is replaced by "Seven Masters", with Asuka's personality that is a troublemaker, it is not a matter of cursing, and maybe he will be kicked out of the team.

Don't believe it!

If Qi Ye didn't know that Flying Bird was Dai Na, it would still be okay to kick off a troublemaker according to his temperament.

Therefore, Asuka is lucky.

Captain Hibi, formerly a small soldier in the TPC police department. In Dyna, he became the captain of the Super Victory team, with a relatively generous personality, playing the role of the "old father of the whole team".

To be honest, this is one of Meng Lang's favorite "Captain Otto"!

The Otto team has changed so many generations, and the captain has also changed different candidates. The captains who can impress him are the "Seven Lords", "Iimae" and "Captain Hibi".

Qi Ye is known for being severe.

The military training Leo left a deep impression on him. Even in the past many years, he still can't forget the fear of being trained by the Seventh Master.

Iimae is known for being "gentle and beautiful".

Although I do not want to admit it, Captain Intermediate is the first "female captain" in history. With his outstanding looks and gentle and considerate personality, he has really captured the hearts of many young boys.

And Captain Hibi...

To be honest, Meng Lang was so impressed by him. Mainly the word he scolded the most-"idiot"!

In terms of team leadership, management ability, and TV record, he is not very good. But the "super winning team" he led is indeed one of the teams with "the best atmosphere in the team".

Funny, lively and full of fighting spirit!

These are the scenes that the previous "Otto Team" did not show. Maybe the team atmosphere was comparable during the Mengbius period.

Forget the other teams!

The human body of Dina is a culprit, and it’s normal for all members of the team to have a "fun and play" and a lively atmosphere.

But then again...

The Dynaudio players, apart from the captain, seem to lack some characteristics.

For example, Asuka's sister "Liang", who looks good, just can't remember. A bit marginalized, I don't feel strong presence.

This "sense of presence" does not mean less drama. But the character is not three-dimensional enough, even if you often see her, you always ignore her existence.

"Lu... Passerby heroine?"

Yan Tao, who happened to like the second element, heard Mr. Meng’s mutter while visiting the class, and subconsciously said the name of an anime.

And Meng Lang nodded and said, "That's right! It's the feeling of a passerby heroine, with a weak sense of existence."

"Then how to correct it?"

Li Wanbo is very old and has never seen this animation. I don't know what dumb puzzles Meng and Yan Tao played. But he did find a problem, the heroine's presence is very thin.

"This one……"

Meng Lang and Yan Tao looked at each other tacitly, seeing the answer in each other's eyes.

"How to develop a passerby heroine? 》

The charm of Sage Megumi can only be discovered after a long time together. In the same way, if you want to highlight the charm of the heroine, she must also get along with the protagonist for a long time.

That's easy!

In the process of getting along, arrange some insignificant sections to show the gentle and considerate, kind-hearted and lovely personality of "Liang", so that the audience will like her and will not treat her as a transparent person.

"Just change the script!"

Li Wanbo didn't think it mattered. He had been following Mr. Meng for a long time, and he also knew that Mr. Meng had problems in his mind. Sometimes on a whim, he would overthrow the written script and start over.

Just get used to this kind of thing.

"Then do it like this!"

Yan Tao was clearly on a "vacation" status. He came to visit the class to see the situation. He was inexplicably mixed into the discussion and made a decision for President Meng.

This makes Meng Lang very upset!

Who are you? What is your status? Is there any place for you to speak here? Can you climb out quickly?

"Aren't you on vacation?"

Meng Lang asked uncomfortably: "Why do you think of me here?"

"Too boring!"

Yan Tao smiled and explained: "During this period of time, I have read "Thunder Puppets~www.ltnovel.com~~ I feel that they use puppets to film, and their brains are really big."

"Nonsense, you still have to say it!"

Meng Lang waved his hand impatiently and said: "If you have a fart, let it go, if you have something to say, don't you just come to visit the class? Do you have any ideas, hurry up, I'm still busy!"


Yan Tao didn't expect Mr. Meng to guess his intention so quickly.

But it didn't matter, he hadn't planned to hide it from President Meng. Today, I came to visit the class and wanted to ask President Meng's opinion.

"Then what..."

Yan Tao hesitated: "If the puppet theater can be made into a drama, can other things be okay?"

"For example?" Meng Lang asked.

"Magic building blocks?"

Le... Lego movie? !

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