Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 801: Everything can be humanized

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The controversy started.

The executives of PD Toys received a "bonus deduction" punishment one after another, which was regarded as three cups of self-punishment, and the incident was exposed.

Meng Lang finally calmed down.

After all, everyone is brothers. There is no need to engage in infighting all day for a little profit. It is better to think about how to improve your business level when you have this time.


PD lacks everything except IP. Once you grab a lot of profitable IPs, there is no need to hang on to the "magic building blocks".

Meng Lang, who is well versed in the truth of the "radish stick", after teaching the senior executives of PD Toys, also pointed them a clear way.

"PD Animation, hasn't it started a new project recently. You can pay more attention. If not surprising, the derivative toys of this project will not be much worse than the magic blocks."


"of course it's true!"

"That's OK, let's study it now. By the way, President Meng, what is the name of the new project? Why haven't we heard of it?"

"Legend of Pinball!"

Meng Lang rubbed his eyebrows and said, "It hasn't been long since the project was established. It's normal if you haven't heard of it."

Marbles... marbles...

Everyone murmured, curiously: "Why is it a cartoon again? Isn't it good to make a live-action show?"

"I also think live-action dramas are better."

"Look at Yu-Gi-Oh, this is going to be remade into a live-action drama. If the new project has great potential, just do it in one step and make it into a live-action drama!"

"Yugioh remakes a live-action drama?"

Meng Lang was surprised: "Where did you hear the news? Why don't you even know me?"

"Do you not know Mr. Meng?"

Everyone rushed and said, "This is what Director Wang revealed. He said that Transformers are all humanized. Yu-Gi-Oh is not far away."

Wang Kui's broken mouth!

After Meng Lang retreated from the crowd, he hurriedly called Wang Kui and asked, "Who told you that Yu-Gi-Oh is going to be adapted to a reality?"

"Everyone thinks so!"

He was scolded inexplicably. Wang Kui seemed aggrieved. He hesitated on the phone and said, "Animation based on live-action dramas, and live-action dramas based on animation. This has always been our line. It makes no sense that Yu-Gi-Oh will be an exception?"

Is this an "exceptional" question?

This is the problem of "Ye Qingjie"!

Everything can be "humanized", this sentence does have some truth. No matter what animation it is, as long as the popularity is high enough, the producer will definitely dare to start the live action and it will be bad money.

The whole world is the same!

The Transformers in North America is a relatively successful precedent, and the neon "Detective Conan" and "The Prince of Tennis" are also not bad.

As for domestic...

There seem to be few successful examples of animated adaptations of live-action dramas. On the contrary, many excellent works have been produced in the "game reform", "modification" and "comic reform".

When Meng Lang was filming the anti-war drama, I heard that "The Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit Seven Heroes" would also be changed to a live-action drama. It's a pity that he hasn't seen the film before, and people are gone.

Animation and live-action drama are adapted to each other, this is the industry trend. As a beneficiary, Meng Lang would naturally not resist this incident.

He just thinks.

Joking is not nonsense, and adaptation is not random. Certain works may really not be suitable for live-action animations, and forcible and random changes may backfire.

Of course, Yu-Gi-Oh can be changed.

The reason why he scolded Wang Kui was not because Yu-Gi-Oh was not suitable for adapting live-action dramas. It was because he felt that Wang Kui's thinking had a problem. He was in his prime of life, so he wanted to eat his own money? The first Chinese website

That's right!

Animated adaptations of live-action dramas, or adaptations of live-action dramas to animations, in Meng Lang's view, are the practice of "eating the old".

If PD lacks the ability to innovate, it is impossible to produce new works. He wouldn't say anything like this.

But now there are so many new PD projects that I can’t get too busy. At this time, it seems very stupid to eat the old book.

After his reminder, Wang Kui also realized his mistake.

Everything can be humanized, right!

Do it now, wrong!

The adaptation of Yugioh to a live-action drama may happen in the future, but it is absolutely impossible now. As for when it will be, Meng Lang is also uncertain.

It may be that ten years later, the game king is no longer hot, and PD has launched a live version to extend the life of IP. It may also be 20 years later that the little black pig took over to consolidate his prestige and specially cooked a wave of cold rice...

Everything is possible!

After talking about this, Meng Lang suddenly remembered that a task handed over to Wang Kui at the end of last year, there is no news until now. How is it going now?

"Otter Monster Lady?"

When Wang Kui heard this word, he was speechless: "Mr. Meng, I didn't mean to delay time. It is true that every character image needs to be determined after repeated deliberation, otherwise major problems will occur!"

This is also...

Otto Monster Girl, released the news of "animation and comics scheduled" a year ago. But until now, two-thirds of the characters have been painted, and the progress can be described as a turtle.

But there is no way.

The design of the character image of each Otto Girl or Monster Girl needs to be determined after several rounds of discussions. After drawing the sketch, you have to post it out to ask fans for comments.

If fans generally express dissatisfaction, they have to overturn and redraw.

One come and go, time is delayed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Wang Kui did his best.

The early first generation, Zofi, Seven, Jack and Ace, including Ultraman and TV monsters, all completed their motherhood. Only a few characters, such as Tyro, Leo and Eddie, have not come up with a motherhood plan.

According to his estimation, "Otto Monster Girl" will complete the "first phase of image design" in June next year, that is, in 2023, start animation production, and broadcast at the end of the year.

Looking through the design drawings in the mailbox, Meng Lang pondered: "I think, since the amount of work is so large. We don't need to do it all at once and solve it in stages. Isn't it good?"

"what do you mean?"

"Now the first generation and Saiwen, all the monsters are girly, right?"


"That's it..."

Meng Lang groaned: "I will do the first season of the Ultra Monster Girl animation first, with 12 episodes scheduled in the early stage. In this season, only the first generation and the Seven, no other Ultraman will appear."

"Going back to the second season, adding new characters Jack and Ace, new monsters will also be added. So every time we complete a stage, the animation will be updated for one season. What do you think?"


Wang Kui on the other side of the phone took a note of Mr. Meng’s speech and asked smoothly, “In that case, the comics will also maintain this progress and be released in stages?”


"The comics are also released in stages."

"Okay, I wrote it down!"

Wang Kui closed the notebook and asked on the phone: "Then there is only one question now. What kind of plot should be used to connect different stages?"

The original plan is definitely not needed.

After all, in the original plot, all Ultraman appeared at the same time. Now it is staged, and the plot naturally has to be changed.

"This... I can't tell on the phone, you come to my house tonight, let's sit down and have a good chat!"

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