Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 804: Revenue in 2012

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FOX is very passive now!

Public opinion is down-to-earth that FOX used the opportunity of cooperation between the two parties to eavesdrop on calls and intercept emails to collect PD company secrets for intelligence agencies.

Although they resolutely denied and claimed that this incident was purely a rumor, they had had a "previous record" and the clarification announcement was not very convincing.

Of course, some people still believe this.

After all, the FOX media giant, its newspaper and TV are brainwashed every day, and there must be one or two silly lacks, thinking that PD is purely nothing to look for. My family’s FOX is so pure, how could it be possible to do such a nasty thing?

However, PD also has evidence.

As early as September last year, Kent reported to Meng Lang. It is said that the company's mail may be hijacked, and the phone is also tapped.

Meng Lang didn't care much at the time.

He did business honestly and didn't break any laws. Even if others want to engage him, it is not so easy to catch the handle.

Moreover, Kent did not notice at the time that FOX was involved behind this incident. So at that time, the cooperation was still close.

However, in mid-July this year, when the PD Super Hero Festival was held, FOX was responsible for the TV broadcast. Kent found a hidden route to a department in North America.

This line is also broadcasting!

Through FOX's carefully hidden cameras and recording equipment, the content of PD Group meetings and internal discussions are relayed to unknown intelligence agencies.

What do you want to do?

Meng Lang was angry at the time, but he did not say anything. Pretending that I didn't find it, I asked Kent to investigate in private. As a result, many bugs and pinhole cameras were found in the North American branch.

The most overwhelming thing is that someone secretly installed a Trojan horse on the computers of Kent and a group of executives, hijacked the email and forwarded it to a certain department.

Judging from the investigation results, these Trojans have been latent for a long time. PD internal emails are mostly leaked.

"Who touched my computer?"

This is the most incomprehensible question for Kent.

Meng Lang couldn't understand either. It stands to reason that only a few people can enter Kent's office. It's impossible for him to install the Trojan horse, right?

Continue to investigate, only then found out the inner ghost arranged by FOX.

Because of the cooperation, FOX often sends people to the PD North America branch to discuss some publicity issues and even exchange production experience. The North American branch of PD even has a studio dedicated to "receiving" FOX.

As a result, one of the people sent by FOX was counted as one, and they were basically "spies." Those who install bugs and Trojan horses for PD are the same people!

This made Meng Lang's heart cold.

He is not bad for FOX. No matter what price others pay, PD dramas are sold to FOX first, so that the good brothers are just full.

As a result, actually stabbed him back?

The back stab from a good brother made Meng Lang depressed for several days. The termination of the partnership with FOX this year is also the first step in the counterattack.

There will be more counterattacks!

But the rest of the counterattack can only be carried out behind the scenes. The embassy has obtained the evidence collected by PD, and they will help Meng Lang obtain the protection of his rights...

Of course, this is a story.

What Meng Lang couldn't figure out the most was why FOX was an accomplice. Honestly, following Mengzi's back is not bad money? Why do this kind of thing?

"Maybe it's involuntary."

Chen Huan shook his head and said, "No matter what the reason is, our interests have been damaged. I suggest that major overseas branches conduct a large-scale investigation to prevent such incidents from happening again."


There are many branches overseas, and the North American branch is tapped, which does not mean that other branches are safe. Maybe other branches have been infiltrated more seriously?

Meng Lang agreed to a thorough investigation.

But he asked everyone to keep silent about this matter. The wind is not allowed, so as not to stun the snakes, and the final check finds nothing.


PD was tapped by foreign intelligence agencies!

This news came from North America, and many Chinese felt it incredible.

What did Uncle Meng do?

He is a profiteer selling toys, how could he be bugged? What benefits can be gained by tapping his phone emails?

Learn how to pit money?

This news is simply a strong contender for the annual sand sculpture news. Eavesdropping on politicians and celebrities are easy to understand. Eavesdropping on Uncle Meng, isn't that enough to support you?

Everyone can't figure it out.

But some smart people can see it.

PD is now a taxpayer, making a lot of money from overseas to return to China. Some people must have been uncomfortable. If someone engages in eavesdropping, maybe they just want to trip up and bring PD down.

Once the PD is broken!

The so-called "cultural export" has disappeared, and so has the domestic subsidies for fishing overseas. The Huaxia film and television industry finally had the opportunity to counterattack Hollywood, and it was completely out of play.

It's important to think about it this way.

Before Meng Lang won the "2022 Economic Person of the Year" award, some people still felt dissatisfied, and always felt that this guy was not worthy of the award.

But as soon as this incident happened, everyone woke up instantly. It turns out that the scale of PD has reached this point, enough to allow other countries' intelligence agencies to name their names and ruin bad tricks!

Meng black pig mighty!

No matter what, let's blow a wave first!

Everything has two sides!

Although this wave of eavesdropping incidents caused Meng Lang to suffer. However, after the media exposure, it has improved a lot of prestige for PD.

You take a look!

They are also making toys. Meng Black Pigs have been targeted by the US intelligence agencies. How about you? what are you doing?

The colleague lowered his head in shame.

It's not that we don't work hard, it's really the black pig that has opened up, we can't beat it!

They have built a Fortune 500 in the world and the number one giant in the industry in ten years! Our ten-year performance has increased by 182%, and the market value has doubled or tripled. The gap is not too big, right?

"The world's top five hundred? The old calendar!"

"Believe it or not, this year's PD can enter the world's top 100 companies?"

"The top one hundred? Impossible? Last year it was only over three hundred, no matter how the performance grows, it is impossible to rise so fast! Unless...unless he opens up!"

It's really broken...

As 2022 is about to end, UU Reading www.uukanshu.comPD Group also held a general meeting to summarize the gains and progress of the past year. Among them, revenue has become the focus of everyone's most attention.

PD Investment Holding Group, entered the world's top 500 for the first time in 2020, with revenue breaking the tens of billions of dollars. In 2021, the ranking will rise to 393, with total revenue of 31.9 billion US dollars.

This is the first time that PD has broken $30 billion!

What about this year?

In the eyes of much-anticipated, President Chen Huan glanced at the financial report and said quietly: "In 2022, PD Group will achieve total revenue of 51,284,416,700 US dollars."


That's 50 billion?

In the conference hall, as the series of numbers was finished, there was a tsunami-like applause.

What is the concept of 50 billion?

According to the latest exchange rate, it is converted into RMB 350 billion! This scale is placed in the domestic private enterprise sector, second only to a few giants such as Warwick Weiqiao Suning.

How long have these companies been established?

PD has only been established for 10 years! Even the same young rice company is still struggling to "enter the top 500", and PD is already hitting the world's top 100.

Of course, the top 100 are out of play.

Although the ranking has not yet appeared, Meng Lang estimates that this year he will rise by more than a hundred. From 393 to more than 200, no matter how high it is.

After all, the world's top 100, the threshold is approaching 100 billion US dollars anyway. The 51.2 billion PD is still a younger brother to be honest!

But to put it another way...

In the entire toy manufacturing industry, the second to tenth place adds up, and the revenue is less than one-half of PD!

Meng Lang feels...

Seeing this financial report, my colleagues probably have the desire to die. So far behind, catch up?

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