Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 807: PD incredible comedy

There are no major works for pd film and television this year, except for the well-behaved "sequel", there is no project above the S grade.

This can't help but make people doubt?

Meng always shifted his focus to the animation company. In the future, the king of painting will be the most favored prince, and the king of shadows will fall back to the second line?

Of course, this suspicion is unnecessary.

Although the animation company has developed very well over the years, it has indeed made a lot of money for the pd group and consolidated its reputation. But pd made its fortune in live-action dramas, and this market Meng Lang will never give up.

He just didn't think about what to do.

With the launch of the "Ultraman", "Kamen Rider" and "Super Team" series one after another, Meng Lang's choice space has become smaller and smaller.

There are not many suitable works!

Or start with "Spider-Man" and build a pd superhero universe. Either create a new series similar to "Toei's Incredible Comedy" in a unique way, or spend a lot of money to create a "fang wolf".

There is one more option!

Drawing on the experience of successful works, the heroes in the Chinese legends and myths are presented in the form of special dramas and evolved into a brand new "Chinese Myths" series.

To be honest, Meng Lang is very excited.

Although I have been taking pictures of other people's works, Meng Lang always has a feeling of emptiness in his heart, although he has gained a lot. If you can come up with the "China Mythology" series, it will be quite complete.

But it's not right now!

At present, Meng Lang has no time to polish the script plan, no serious study of relevant materials, and no accumulation of sufficient experience. Do it rashly, it is very likely to mess up.

So he decided to slow down.

When the time is right, consider this matter again. As for now, I'm going to follow Toei's old path and engage in the "pd Incredible Comedy" series that the audience "please see".

Someone may ask!

Why, why not the tooth wolf?

The reason has already been said!

The expected production date of Taomi is approaching, and Meng Lang estimates that there is not much time in the first half of this year. Even Dyna has been entrusted to Li Wanbo, how can he have time to ponder the tooth wolf?

As for the "Unbelievable Comedy" series, because it is a series of multiple works connected in series, it is a bit similar to the "Metal Hero" series, so other people can also shoot.

In the original "Toei Incredible Comedy" series, in the 12 years from 1981 to 1993, a total of 14 TV works were produced, with more than ten producers.

Meng Lang borrowed this model.

He decided to bring in the directors under the PD, no matter whether they are on-the-job (Yan Tao) or retired (Shi Sen), one person will make one or two, never more than a trilogy.

All together!

This is a grand plan!

Don't worry about not being able to finish it. The director of pd can say that there are seven or eight, one person shoots two, and it is easy to finish. Moreover, this is not "within a year".

Just like Meng Lang's promise of fans' "18 Seven ov", we will do a little a year and solve all of them in about ten years.

The first "Little Robot 8" and the second "Little Robot", the director is tentatively scheduled to be Yan Tao, and the producer will be Ma Teng, who will be filmed and broadcast within this year.

Yan Tao is happy to take over this project.

Although he was tinkering with his own "Building Block Special Photo", this thing has no clue, and he doesn't know when he can tinker with a complete project. Just when the vacation is over, I'm making a drama.

Speaking of these two works, they are actually related to "Ishimori Shotaro".

For Ishimori, the first impression of many domestic audiences is probably "the father of Kamen Rider". I think he has no other representative works except Kamen Rider.

In fact, they are very good!

Ninety percent of Toei’s early live-action special drama projects are marked with the text "Original: Shotaro Ishimori". Many people are familiar with "Super Team", "Metal Heroes", etc., and you can see the shadow of Ishimori's works.

we can even say!

Ishimori alone supported half of Toei's "Showa Live Special Drama".

The "Toei Incredible Comedy" series is also derived from Ishimori's original work. From "Come on! From "Little Lubao" to "Robot 110", "Robot 8" is the third Ishimori robot work to be adapted.

However, the small 8 is different from the previous two games.

Xiao Lubao and No. 110 were photographed earlier, and their style is naturally different from that of Xiao 8. Moreover, the main promoter of the adaptation of Xiao 8 is Channel 8 of Fuji TV.

Put it this way!

Toei’s incredible comedy series was born not because Toei wanted to shoot, but Fuji TV found Toei and said to them, "Brother, how many dramas shall we make?"

Then it is!

Because of Kamen Rider and the intertwining of shares, Toei and TV Asahi are closely related.

Fuji TV came to ask for cooperation. Toei couldn't leave them alone. If they fooled around, it would be considered a good brother.

So there is this series!

It's also interesting...

When Fuji TV came to Toei, it didn't even think about making a series, it was purely a "la-la relationship". Looking back, if Toei brother has any blockbuster new dramas, think more about Fuji TV.

It turned out to be patted and the audience's response was okay! Fuji Station thought, how about we also shoot a series?

Toei said, yes!

Then I took a dozen works one after another, until the end of the cooperation in 1993, this series is already very famous among neon audiences.

Intentionally planting flowers will not bloom, unintentionally planting willows and willows!

Sometimes, a great work, or even a great series, is often born by chance. Before doing this, neither of the parties had expected that the "Toei Incredible Comedy" series would last for twelve years.

I wanted to get a vote and left...

I can only say that things are unpredictable!

The original "Toei Incredible Comedy" series is said to be 14 but in fact there are more than 14. Because of this series, it is essentially possible to "shoot down infinitely".

Therefore, as long as Toei is willing, Fujidai has no objection. The lifespan of this series will not be shorter than that of Ultraman and Kamen Rider~www.ltnovel.com~ The 14th filming stopped abruptly. There are two main reasons. The reason is that the first is that the cooperative relationship has ended, and neither of the two parties wants to shoot anymore. The second is the follow-up works, which failed to get very good results, a little bit of a downward trend...

Anyway, it's a pity.

In fact, Meng Lang likes this series. The nonsensical variety label is also his favorite style. It's a pity that it took only twelve years to shoot and it ended in a hurry.

It is said that...

Toei has an idea to restart this series. The specific information is unreliable, and Meng Lang doesn't know. Anyway, he didn't even see Aunt Dong's announcement of new progress.

Of course, he thinks the probability of restarting is not high.

Because this series is not only the works of the Toei family, but also involves the collaboration of Fujidai back then. Domestic resources are scarce, and even some works can’t even find resources on the Internet. It is said that Fuji TV is the source of the problem.

So, how does Toei restart?

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