Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 814: 《ULtraman:Towards…

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Football is also a business.

Although Meng Lang didn't manage his business carefully, he should have lost a little bit if he counted currency depreciation. But for so many years of operation, Bolton has also created a great reputation for PD.

Rounding up, still no loss!

Of course, whether to lose is a small matter. Meng Lang is no longer what it used to be, and the PD paradise of billions or tens of billions can accept it, and still care about this loss?

Speaking of PD Paradise...

Because of the "free ticket for one month" benefit, the number of admissions has increased sharply recently. In the four parks, the daily tourist reception volume all exceeded 100,000.

Among them, Kyoto Paradise performed best.

Neon has a small land area and dense population. When the tickets were collected before, everyone didn't like to go to PD Park. Tickets are now waived, and all are coming!

Come on!

You said that this group of people, visit PD Park for free, and don’t even buy souvenirs. Isn't it a bit too much to bring your own food and drink?

"Neon has a unique lunch culture!"

In an internal email, President Ono reluctantly said: "Although Kyoto Paradise receives the world's largest number of tourists per day, it has the lowest performance. Everyone likes to bring their own bento drinks. The restaurant in the park can be used..."

Are you all dogs?

Uncle Meng trembled with anger when he saw this email, almost changed the ticket, flew to Neon and squatted at the entrance of the park, and saw that a lunch box was confiscated!

No wonder Disney in the original time and space will prohibit tourists from bringing food and drinks into the park. Although it's so low, it's all for making money!

Confiscating the lunch, Meng Lang can't do it.

Disney's approach is always not on the table. Once stabbed out, it must be insulted by 10,000 people.

How about another approach?

Do you bring a lunch box? Bring a drink, right?

It's okay! The security will not stop you, just take it in. But Uncle Meng found an excuse to tear down the table in the paradise so that you wouldn’t find a place to eat!

Is this down?

what? You said that there are benches and stone benches in the paradise. You can eat without a table, and that has little effect?

That won't work!

Paradise hurriedly issued a regulation that does not prevent you from eating bento on the surface, but secretly punishes you for "food soiled the benches".

for example!

The park does not prohibit you from eating bento, but your bento rice is oily and falls on the benches, then you have violated the rules of the park and need to be punished.

In this way, everyone felt: "Hey! Bringing a lunch is so troublesome! The restaurant is not expensive anyway, let's go to the restaurant to eat!"

Anyway, Meng Lang hollowed out his mind to allow tourists to enter the park restaurant for consumption, and do not bring any bento drinks into the park.

After all, he is free!

Tickets are not charged, so you can eat and drink here to buy souvenirs. Is there any problem?

Of course, if you are determined to use prostitution, no one will stop you. After all, after one month of free ticketing, everything returned to its original state.

Neon has a lunch culture, so the performance of Kyoto Paradise is very poor. But in Jiangchuan, Paris and Los Angeles, PD Park's performance is still good.

Too many tourists!

With so many tourists, even if only one in ten are willing to spend, the sum is not a small number.

Not to mention, the company has done statistics before. The consumption of tourists who come to visit PD Park is about 73%. In other words, almost two-thirds of tourists are willing to spend money.

White prostitution parties are a minority after all.

If you go out to play for a day, you will spend a little bit more or less. The only difference is that some people will eat a meal and buy some favorite souvenirs. And some people just buy a bottle to quench their thirst.

"Taurus Paradise, how many buildings are left unfinished?"

As soon as the plane landed, after seeing Kent at the airport, Meng Lang couldn't wait to ask: "Can it be completed this year?"

"should be no problem!"

The two got in the car and on the way to the North American branch of PD, Kent reported to Meng Langhui: "The main building of the park has been completed, and most of the remaining parts are supporting facilities. It will definitely be completed within this year."

"That's good!"

Meng Lang pondered: "I decided to start the construction of the Gemini and Cancer paradise projects at the same time within this year. Where do you think is better?"


Responding casually, Kent frowned and said: "Can we start two park projects at once, can our capital chain support it?"

Under normal circumstances!

The construction of PD Paradise is built every two years. It took eight full years to build four parks.

If it is changed to two in two years, the average is one per year. With PD Group's existing revenue capacity, I am afraid that this huge consumption cannot be sustained.

"I have plans in this regard."

Meng Lang shook his head and said: "One a year, it should be the limit speed. No matter how fast, then you have to borrow desperately, so the risk is too high."

"You said it was built in China, what do you think? Tell me in detail!"

"The Huaxia market is huge, and a Jiangchuan Park cannot meet the demand. If the group needs to build a new park, I think Huaxia is more suitable."

After speaking, Kent added with a smile: "Of course, I think North America is also good! After all, the population here is not small, and the consumption potential is huge."

"It makes sense!"

Meng Lang nodded and said, "So be it, Gemini is built in China, Cancer is built in Canada. One on each side, perfect!"

Kent: "???"


President Meng's thinking has always jumped off.

Last second, everyone was still struggling with "two new park projects a year". In the next second, Meng Lang talked about the FOX cooperation.

"This cooperation is mainly to ease the tension between us and FOX and eliminate the influence of external public opinion. After the cooperation, we have no affiliation with FOX."

"So, this project is destined to not have a sequel! If you have any ideas, just put it forward! Anyway, it's FOX that pays, and we pay, don't worry about the budget..."

No budget limit?

That's great!

Hearing Mr. Meng's remarks~www.ltnovel.com~, a group of producers in the conference room rushed to express their thoughts.

Some people say that since FOX does not have a budget limit, it will be desperate to make a wave of blockbusters!

It is also said that although the budget is not limited, the work is produced by PD after all, and word-of-mouth issues must be considered and cannot be justified.

"How about the sequel to Jonias?"

"It seems okay! The previous sequel was stranded, isn't it because the budget is too high! Now that we are being taken advantage of, why don't we shoot?"

Someone mentioned Jonias, which instantly aroused everyone's unanimous approval.

At this time, Meng Lang nodded and said: "It's not impossible to shoot Ultraman, but even the sequel of Jonias. Let's build a new Ultra fighter, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion!"

"I agree!"

Seeing that there was no objection, Meng Lang threw out the plan he had prepared for a long time, asked the secretary to distribute it to everyone, and then introduced: "New project, Ultraman: Facing the future!"

English name "UItraman: Towardsthefuture"!

Everyone looked at each other.

Kent weakly said: "This naming...a bit unconventional, isn't it? Can it afford an informal name for everyone to understand?"

Makes sense!

Meng Lang thought about it for a while, and that was the truth.

Looking at the name alone, it is really hard to understand what the project is. Let alone them, the audience may be at a loss.

Then choose a "nickname"!

After thinking about it, Meng Lang finally remembered what the nickname of this product was, and clapped his hands: "If you are not used to this name, you can call it "Ultraman Grey", or Ultraman G for short!"

Ultraman G...G guy?

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