Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 830: I accidentally bought a genuine product

"It's so expensive, why don't you grab it?"

"Young man, you can eat rice, but you can't talk nonsense. I am a sacred pinball fighter. It contains pinball spirits. Can it be the same price as ordinary pinball fighters?"

"Marbles? Is there really any?"

"If you believe it, there will be nothing!"

The store manager took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat and posted a Moments message, which made Pan Peng stunned.

Xiaotao: "I accidentally bought the real one! What should I do? Duel.rmvb"

Shop manager: "Congratulations, I didn't expect you kid to buy the only genuine product in my store! You will become a pinball warrior in the future, but don't forget to lead the uncle..."

The video opened at one point and saw a child raising the pinball fighter in his hand, aiming at a building next to him, and pulling the trigger.


At this moment, the pinball fighter emitted infinite fire, and a lava fire dragon sprang out, smashing the building to pieces.

The boy put away the pinball fighter and said with excitement: "I bought the real one!"

Then, the video came to an abrupt end.

"This kid is lucky..."

The boss leaned his chin and said with emotion: "Before, I met a young man like you who came to me to buy a spark prism. At that time, I told him that spark prism is alive, as long as you are faithful to the light, The light will definitely take care of you, and later..."

"What happened later?"

Pan Peng was addicted to listening to the story, and couldn't wait to know if the young man realized his wish later.

The boss glanced at him and said calmly: "One day, he came to say goodbye to me. The universe was in chaos, and he was going to save those bright-minded children. Since then, I have never seen him again, mostly... ...Become light!"


A glimmer of longing flashed in Pan Peng's eyes.

Upon seeing this, the boss hit the railroad while it was hot: "Some people always say that I sell all fakes, but they are all wrong. Without a firm heart, how can you become a hero?"

"How about, boy?"

"Are you ready, do you think the uncle sells fakes?"


Pan Peng is hesitant now.

Reason tells him that the boss is telling lies, how can anyone buy a genuine transfiguration device? But he is an immature child after all, and there is always a glimmer of hope in his heart.

just in case……

What if the genuine product is bought?


After swallowing, Pan Peng gritted his teeth and said, "Bring me a Chasing Bird!"

"Good Le!"

The boss Ma Liu handed over a box and solemnly said: "I have heard people say that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight. I hope that while gaining strength, you can also hold onto your original intention and not be fooled by desire."

"I will!"

Pan Peng hugged the sacred Marble Fighter "Chase Bird" and hurriedly left the store.

It seemed that he wanted to go home immediately to unpack and check whether he had bought the genuine product.

Watching the little guest leave, the sparsely-haired boss shook his head and sighed: "As we grow old, this world will eventually be entrusted to you young people to guard it. I hope you will not let my expectations down. !"

The clerk who had just applied for the job a few days ago couldn't help but curiously said: "Boss, has anyone really bought a genuine transfiguration device?"


The boss rolled his eyes and said, "The videos and Moments are all sales strategies arranged by the headquarters. I have sold so many transformers, are they true or not, am I still not sure?"

Clerk: "..."


There has been a wave recently.

Someone vowed to say on social networks that they had bought a genuine magic wand/knight belt/armor summoner and were about to embark on a journey to save the world.

Sounds ridiculous, right?

Transfiguration devices are all fabricated and fabricated products of film and television dramas. How can there be "genuine products"? Even Uncle Meng, if you give him a magic wand, he probably won't change his body.

But the tone of these people is very calm.

Some people even said that if it hadn't "did not want to reveal their identity and attracted the attention of government departments", they would have broadcast a live broadcast to prove that they did not lie.

Not to mention, it's pretty good.

Everyone will not care about a person's crazy words. But ten people, or even hundreds of people, said this, everyone inevitably drums up.

How to say?

Is this true?

It shouldn't be!

Not to mention that this thing is a fictional product, even if it can be transformed. Why can you change, I can't?

Obviously spent the same amount of money!

Some people are playing drums in their hearts, others are complacent, and others are frightened and feel that this is a "resurrection of spiritual energy", a harbinger of a troubled world.

No matter how.

The industry peers see it clearly.

This wave of PD propaganda has really grasped the point, and it has set off a storm of "accidentally buying the genuine product" online and offline, and took the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Meng Black Pig is really bad.

Consumers are also really stupid!

How can you believe his nonsense? If he has a genuine transfiguration device, he doesn't need to sell it to you? Think with your ass, is this possible?

Lamenting its misfortune, angering its indisputable!

The colleagues were trembling with anger, and the children were too happy to find North. Although they also knew that Uncle Meng's words were unbelievable, they were all deceptive tricks.

But who made them have a heroic dream?

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure, even if others look jealous, there is no way to rectify the black pig. After all, the black pig is not fighting alone, there are thousands of children behind him.

Do you dare to move him?

Ignoring the sighing colleagues, after Meng Lang dealt with the trivial matters, he flew straight to Kyoto and arrived at the crew of "Kamen Rider Dragon Rider".

He has something to discuss with Shiracang.

With him are Omori, Robert and George.

After these three completed the assessment task of "Pandamen", they were considered to be under Meng Lang.

In this trip to Kyoto, in addition to discussing the new knight project, Meng Lang also plans to find a reliable mentor for them for the third stage of training.

This tutor is Bai Cang.

Bai Cang studied under Shi Sen, majoring in university, and worked in photography and scripting. From the perspective of professional knowledge, he is better than Meng Lang and Yan Tao. After all, Bai Cang is the orthodox director of "Root Red Miao Zheng".

Meng Lang, Yan Tao, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can only be regarded as "half-way renunciation".

"no problem!"

After learning about Mr. Meng's intention, Bai Cang happily agreed. Moreover, he also formulated a particularly clear training route.

"What class are you taking! Go straight to work!"

"The Kamen Rider team is just short of people. The three of them directly join the team, starting from the grassroots slowly, and mastering more knowledge through practice."

"Then please."

Meng Lang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "By the way, Dragon Knight is over in two weeks, right? Is there any problem with the new knight?"


Shirakura groaned: "I want to use a rookie scripter. I admire his talent. But there is a lot of resistance. President Ono and other high-level officials are not assured of handing Kamen Rider to a rookie... "

This is a tricky question.

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