Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 837: Red turbo, blue turbo...

Dyna is still on the air.

As the hero, Asuka is also known to more and more audiences. Compared with the predecessor Dagu, Asuka's character...

Honestly, not too pleasing!

Very conceited and reckless, doing things without considering the consequences, being obsessed with self-confidence, always getting into trouble that shouldn't be caused. The only thing that can be considered an advantage is the physique of a "comic artist".

He is not a typical Otter hero.

So far, in the Otto works launched by PD, male protagonists such as Asuka have never appeared before.

Even the most unreliable "Taylor" is not as annoying as Asuka.

The audience insisted on him.

Some people say, how many episodes is Dina broadcasting now? As the plot gets better, Asuka will definitely grow into a reliable Ultraman warrior. Don't rush to make a conclusion.

Some people say that Asuka's character is not suitable for being an Ultraman. If you let "I" come, it will definitely do better than Asuka! The male protagonist created by PD has an unprecedented failure.

how to say……

As a bystander, Meng Lang can understand everyone's ideas. After all, when he watched Dyna TV for the first time, he was mad at him.

At that time, there was a jingle.

Since ancient times, he must lose against Bozuo, except for the pig that Dina!

Really disappointed!

Dyna's basic settings are quite strong in all aspects, but it was played like this by Asuka. A good king account, why play for a silver player?

The birds in the previous episodes have no "human body" potential.

It wasn't until the monster Grosina appeared on the stage that Asuka finally set his mentality after repeated blows and became more "mature and stable" before everyone discovered the advantages of Asuka.

Strong, optimistic, unwilling to admit defeat, fearless of sacrifice, cheerful and humorous...

"The real battle only begins now!"

The early birds really disappointed many Austrian fans. It can be said that if changes are not made in time, Dyna will definitely persuade a large number of viewers.

But Grosina was a turning point.

The monster Grosina not only changed the bird, but also changed the audience's view of Dyna. It turns out that the human body of Asuka, although there are some minor problems, is still quite cute!

"Wait and see!"

Meng Lang was full of confidence and said: "Feiniao will definitely grow into a reliable hero. He will surprise everyone!"

"That is a future matter……"

Director Tao said with a headache: "What we are going to discuss now is how to save the Pandaren whose ratings have crashed?"

Zhou Tianwang is not good!

"Pandaman" has only been broadcast for twelve episodes, and fans of the King of Heaven are already disappointed and do not want to watch it any further.

Background data display.

From episodes 10 to 13, the ratings of "Pandaman" showed a "cliff" decline. In just two days, the ratings were almost cut in half.

This is very scary!

Director Tao looked through forum websites such as Germination and New Media, but did not see large-scale "bad reviews." I really can't figure out why the ratings will plummet.

Meng Lang broke the secret.

"Fans of Heavenly Kings finally realized that the dramas their idols played were actually just so-so. They were disappointed, so they didn't watch it."

What a simple truth!

"Pandaman" can become popular thanks to the support of the king and many big celebrity fans. When they are disappointed, they will naturally not watch it.

"Then how to remedy it?"

Director Tao was very anxious. In order to purchase the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Pandaman", Bird TV spent more than 20 million.

It's only half way back now.

The remaining half depends on the follow-up performance, so I am embarrassed to follow

"Advertisers" reached out for money.

"The trouble should end it!"

Meng Lang smiled and explained to Director Tao: "Let’s ask Zhou Tianwang and let him say a few words. Fans will definitely buy it."

After all, the fan base is still there!

Zhou Tianwang yelled and added a promise that "Pandaman" will have a rating of 10 and I will release a new song. The problem is solved.

But the problem is...

Is Zhou Tianwang willing to say something for "Pandaman"?

"It should be willing."

Director Tao thinks that the hope is great. After all, this drama is invested by Zhou Tianwang, and he himself is very concerned about the results. Invite him to record a show on Bird TV, and it should be fine to cheer for "Pandaman".

"That's it!"

Meng Lang pondered: "Next Saturday, please invite a few starring and supporting actors of "Pandaman" to record an indoor variety show with Zhou Tianwang."

"it is good!"

Director Tao took notes on this matter.

After arranging the matter, Meng Lang asked again: "Have you seen the US version of the high-speed team that premiered yesterday?"

"seen it already!"

Director Tao nodded and said: "The consistent quality level of the team's works has been maintained, and the brand-new setting system is the highlight of the high school students."

The naming is a bit strange.

RedTurbo, BckTurbo, BlueTurbo, YellowTurbo, PinkTurbo!

The colors of red, yellow, blue, pink and black follow the team’s usual naming rules. There is nothing to say about this, but the word "Turbo"...

Turbo, turbocharged?

Red turbine, blue turbine, powder turbine, etc., it sounds weird!

In particular, the word "Turbo" has been arbitrarily quoted by mobile phone manufacturers, and it seems even more strange after "gPuTurbo" and "cPuTurbo" are used.

"Not strange!"

Meng Lang curiously asked: "Turbo was originally the theme of this show. What's weird about taking this name?"

"I thought so……"

Director Tao explained: "Don't these five people each have a traffic vehicle? When naming them, why don't you name them by color + vehicle?"

For example, RedgT, BckTruck, BelleJeep and YellowBucky...

It's better to hear, and it highlights the "respective characteristics", isn't it?

"Then how do you translate?"

Meng Lang asked a fatal question.

RedgT translates to "red sports car", and BelleJeep translates to "blue jeep"?

It's better to call it Red Turbine Blue Turbine!


Director Tao sighed: "Anyway, the names are taken, and now it's useless to say these. Turbine is turbine. It's quite smooth to say it a few times.


"You mentioned this to me, didn't you want me to introduce this show? The US version only premiered, is it too early to introduce it now?"

"It is late!"

Meng Lang shook his head and said: ""Pandaman" can't survive the start of the school season~www.ltnovel.com~ It's okay to introduce it early, so as not to compete directly with Yajito during the summer."

"Listen to what you mean..."

Director Tao muttered thoughtfully: "Ajitu is very fierce? Can you dominate the screen during the summer?"

That's not so fierce!

The original version of Ajito, as the highest-rated work of the Heisei Knights, is a properly dominating work.

Not to mention!

The PD version also changed the g3 wearer to a Kaoru.

After receiving this news, Meng Lang has come to the conclusion: in this year's summer archive, no work has ever beaten Yajito.

The introduction of the "high-speed team" in advance is also a kind of precaution. Otherwise, if you crash into Ajito, the high-speed team may die!

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