Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 841: Gibon's story

The Best Special Photo Era Volume Chapter 841 The Story of Gibon, Monday, April 6.

   In the evening, the land of China is brightly lit, and every household is preparing dinner and enjoying the most rare leisure time of the day.

   At this time, Bird Satellite TV is working hard.

   As the first "mixed ownership" TV station, Bird TV has done things that many TV stations "dare not think".

   For example, there is no weather forecast!

   There are no news programs, including the local "Jiangchuan News", except for the necessary "Network News" at 7 o'clock every night.

   This also means...

  Their schedule is very sufficient. Whether it is because of bad money in advertising, or the number of TV shows earning ratings, the number will always be more than other TV stations.

   "Bird TV is very good-looking, but there are many advertising thieves! It is very annoying!"

   Many advertisements are disadvantages.

   But on the other hand, Bird TV also has an advantage. That is enough "self-made drama resources" to ensure that the audience is dedicated to different excitement every night.

   will premiere a new drama today.

   has been warmed up very early, and the copywriting has been regarded as a "joke" that has caused countless people to ridicule "Metal Hero Gibon".

   Although Uncle Meng’s copywriting is very ridiculous, ignoring his own Transformers and causing fans to complain, Gibon has really aroused the curiosity of many people.

   Robot as the protagonist?

   Is it a Transformers live-action drama?

   Driven by curiosity, the viewers who are staying at home to have dinner at the moment turned on the TV to lock Bird TV, looking forward to the upcoming "Metal Hero Gibon".

   After the annoying advertisement, a soft piano sounded, the screen went black for a moment, and a white jade hand slowly lifted up...

   As the screen brightens, the audience can see everything clearly. Outside the transparent glass cover, a group of scientific researchers in white coats are busy nervously.

   "JIBAN system has been activated!"

   "Check the calculation module, weapon module and memory module!"

"Operating normally!"

   "Great! We finally did it!"

   "Should we have a name for him?"

   People cheered and hugged each other. A man in military uniform with a vicissitudes of face walked up to the glass cover and said to the audience: "How about Gibon? The warrior of the future, Gibon!"

   "JIBAN! Jiban?"

   seems to be the old man in charge of scientific research. After chanting twice, he nodded: "Okay! Just call it this name! Gibon!"

   Seeing this, everyone seems to understand.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   As the protagonist, Gibon is not an alien robot like "Optimus Prime", but a robot made by humans.


   Just as everyone cheered for the name "Gibbon", several soldiers walked in and said to the man in uniform: "Some protesters have come outside. They demand that we immediately stop developing weapons of mass destruction..."

   "This group of flies again!"

   The general said: "Who leaked the news? Forget it, it's too late to investigate this. Move quickly and hide Jibang to a safe place!"


   A missile smashed the ceiling. As the explosion sounded, the building was instantly annihilated. The reporters and protesters in the periphery were frightened and fled when they saw this scene.

   "In 2091, the rebels broke through Jiangchuan, causing millions of casualties... In 2093, the leaders of the rebels were brought to justice, the crisis was lifted, and Jiangchuan was rebuilt..."

   In the voice of the narration, a group of "white fat" robots resembling Dabai are cleaning up a ruin.

   Suddenly, a dusty hand stretched out, and the robots gathered around.

   "Alert! Alarm!"

   "An unknown robot was found in the ruins of B-31, and an unknown robot was found in the area of ​​B-31..."

   At this time, the screen turned.

   The opening song and the opening editing that never appeared until this moment did not appear.

   The audience breathed a sigh of relief.

   The scene just now aroused everyone's curiosity. Before the title was over, many people took out their phones to post on the forum to express their opinions.

   "Future world, cool!"

   "Isn't the protagonist a robot? Why are the hands of humans? They are cleaner than girls? I admit I'm sour!"

   "Don't doubt the identity of the robot, if the hand is artificial skin?"

   "Stop talking! The protagonist shows his face..."

   In the midst of heated discussions, the passionate opening song ended, and the protagonist who had not shown his face finally revealed the whole picture.

   Very standard East Asian face.

   At first, the audience thought this was a young actor in the show business. Until the next second, they were stunned!

   Inside the police station, the sheriff stared at the protagonist, then took out a knife and stroked the protagonist’s face.

   Half of the face fell in response.

   Under the human skin, there is a silver mechanical structure exuding a cold luster.

"never seen it……"

   The sheriff touched his chin and said, "This is not made by aliens, right?"

   "Don't guess! We made this."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Another man with glasses walked in, raised the file in his hand and said: "The superior has replied, this is our own robot, and it is a military grade . It was lost during the previous rebellion, so we can reactivate it."

   "Doesn't the military take it back?"

   "They let us keep it for use and don't know what it means."

   "Then use it! I am worried that the police robot is not strong enough, this time is good, let's get a military machine!"

   "These are all obsolete items a few years ago! Boss, are you sure you want to use it?"


   Sheriff said with a smile: "Activate first! Go back and give him a name and put him into our arrest team."

   "What's the name?"

   Just as the sheriff was troubled by the name, the protagonist's eyes lit up instantly, and the half of his face suddenly recovered automatically.

   "Gibbon! Gibbon!"

   "Yo! Is there a smart system?"

   The sheriff patted Jibang on the shoulder~www.ltnovel.com~ very happy to say: "Sure enough, military supplies are amazing. Your name is Jibang, right? Follow me in the future to fight crime and protect the peace of one party!"

   "Fight crime!"

   "Guardian peace!"

   "Cough cough cough..."

   Jibang opened his mouth and instantly laughed at countless people.

   This product looks mighty and domineering. I don't know the sound is so soft and cute, and when I listen carefully, it turns out to be the sound source of "Luo Tianyi".

  Uncle Meng, I really have you!

  Which ghost is this? Such a fierce Robocop, you let him use Luo Tianyi's voice? This is not... the rooster lays eggs!

   How can you play like this?

  Panfan returns to Penfan, and the story continues to develop.

After    Jibang was activated, he was assigned to the arrest team under the Jiangchuan Police Department. Commanding twelve "Dabai" robots, began to guard the peace of the people on this side.

   At this time, the background was revealed.

   really is the future world!

   Human beings have rushed to the sea of ​​stars and established the "Galactic Federation". As the home planet, the earth gathers unimaginable wealth and resources.

   Because of this, the earth arouses the greed of many "space pirates", evil organizations, and wanted criminals in the universe.

   They invaded the earth one after another, secretly searching for wealth and resources.

   What's more, intends to destroy this planet, so that the Galactic Federation will be greatly injured, take advantage of the chaos, and rule the entire galaxy.

  Gibang’s story unfolds...


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