Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 844: Innocence

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Conference room.

A group of screenwriters and supervising producers showed big doubts in their small eyes, and they were incomprehensible to Mr. Meng's words.

However, the boss spoke.

Regardless of this setting, no matter how ridiculous and unreasonable, since the boss says it's okay, it's really okay.

They are not the ones losing money anyway.

Now that it is determined, we must use a "fair game" to compete for the Peace Star. You have to think about the way of the game.

"How about football?"


Meng Lang nodded, motioned to the secretary to write down this method, and then pointed to the screenwriter who spoke and praised: "You are very good, plus a thousand yuan bonus at the end of the month!"

Huh huh!

Everyone gasped for breath in an instant, and their eyes flashed with a red light called "Desire", wishing to replace it.

Does one suggest one thousand yuan?

Get out of the way! let me do it!

"Meng, how about playing chess?"

"Yes! One thousand bonus at the end of the month!"

"How about running?"

"To be more specific, long-distance or sprint?"

"One thousand-meter relay!"

"Yes! One thousand bonus!"

"Cooking competition?"


"Basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, shot put, hockey, wrestling, tug-of-war, craps, singing K and dancing golf..."

Wang Kui blushed and stood up and talked about a long list of competition items, which made the other people in the conference room want to kill his mother.

One person who agreed to mention one, Mr. Meng's bonus is everyone's share. Why did you say so much in one breath?

Eat alone? Hurry up!

"You don't count!"

Meng Lang didn't change his face and said: "You don't want to mention common sports, you don't have money to take it. What I need is the kind of unusual, interesting or intense competition."


"Can you guess lantern riddles?"


"Hide and seek?"


"One, two, three, wooden people?"


"How about writing a love letter?"

"This...this also works..."

Conventional sports competitions were excluded by President Meng, but there are still many, many kinds of unconventional competitions.

It didn't take long for Meng Lang to give out hundreds of thousands of bonuses and solicit hundreds of competitions that can be used in the play.

Among them, there are sports such as table tennis, football, and long-distance running, as well as children's games such as hide-and-seek, wooden figures, and lantern riddles, as well as unconventional events such as cooking competition, king of karaoke, and big stomach...

It can be described as all-encompassing!

With Meng Lang alone, he really couldn't think of so many types of games. Although hundreds of thousands of bonuses were spent, he felt that this wave was very worthwhile.

Because some projects, if it weren't for the screenwriters to come up with the "bonus temptation", he might not have thought of it in his life.

For example, "idiom solitaire"!

This is a very typical "Chinese Characteristics" competition. If Meng Lang came to think about it, he might not be able to think of it.

The original Iron Armored Little Treasure has many competitions and has "neon cultural characteristics". In other words, this kind of project is only available in Neon, and it is either not available or rare in other regions.

For example, sumo wrestling, Edo weapons, two wins in three rounds, neon cuisine competition, kendo and karate and more!

These games, Meng Lang cannot copy.

Use idioms such as Solitaire, rolling hoops, kicking shuttlecock, cockfighting (holding one foot, banging with one foot), spinning top, throwing handkerchief and other games to replace the original "neon characteristic" gameplay, and become the best select.

Of course, there is also a problem!

Part of the "competition" really tests the actors too much. For example, "cockfighting" and "shuttlecock kicking", what do you let the holster performer do? He is also desperate!

"No way! Practice more!"

Meng Lang laughed presumptuously. At this moment, a picture appeared in his mind.

Scorpion Lailai, Spider Detective, Cockroach Bully, Shark Pepper, etc., when experiencing these "Chinese Characteristic" mini games, their faces were full of "poor and helpless" expressions...

We are robots!

Let the robot kick the shuttlecock, fight the cock, roll the hoop, Captain Dragonfly, what do you think? Please be your own person!

How to play!

It is necessary to formulate corresponding rules for each gameplay so that Captain Dragonfly can conduct enforcement refereeing.

This is a meticulous job!

Many small games were played when everyone was a child. I haven't played them for many years. How can I remember the rules?

Even if you remember!

When I was young, the rules formulated by a group of preschool and kindergarten kids were full of loopholes and had to be revised.

How to revise it?

Of course, everyone can play together, experience the gameplay during the game, and formulate corresponding rules to facilitate later shooting!

and so……


A strange scene appeared in Jiangchuan!

A group of PD Pandaren who usually "stay at the company" and refuse to go out suddenly flocked to the "Park Plaza" and played games that children can only play very enthusiastically.

There is also a black pig, leading several PD executives, rolling hoops unscrupulously on the sidewalk.


Confiscated by the police uncle!

"It's very dangerous for you to play the hoop. You can go to a place where no one is. If you roll the hoop on the main road, how much will it affect other citizens' travel?"


Meng Lang lowered his head and admitted his mistake decisively.

Ma Teng Wangkui and others behind him have quietly hidden the iron ring behind him to prevent the police uncle from seeing it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Unexpectedly, the police uncle has sharp eyes.

"You guys come here, and are you hiding? When I didn't see it, did you? Take it out for me!"


Wang Kui Ma Teng and others reluctantly handed the iron ring to the police uncle.

"Deserve it!"

The surrounding citizens applauded and applauded.

Well done!

These villains of Jiangchuan, who used to deceive men and women for doing all kinds of evil, were finally punished today. What a delightful feeling!

Hurry up and arrange the pennants with the words "elimination of harm for the people" and bring a string of ten thousand-ring firecrackers to the police station overnight.

"Forget it this time!"

The police uncle educated: "I'll take the iron ring back to the police station first, let your parents come and take it back. Think about it, what did you do wrong!"

"Report! My parents passed away..."

"Then let your wife and children come!"


A few elders watched the police car leave, with "shame" written on their left cheeks and "grief" on their right cheeks, and their eyes were blank.

The surrounding citizens, seeing the excitement over, are preparing to go back to each house.

Suddenly, Meng Lang shouted.

"Brothers, don't be afraid! I have money! Let's find a blacksmith again and make more hoops!"

"Oh yeah! Long live President Meng!"

Onlookers: "..."

Can I play this way if I have money?

Uncle police, come back soon, these people have not changed after repeated teachings, so please go back for tea!

no one knows……

Meng Heizhu took the lead in rolling the hoop, and PD employees threw their handkerchiefs in the square park for cockfighting. What was it for?

Anyway, everyone remember.

On that day, Meng Heizhu Iron Ring was confiscated, and the PD executives shrank into a group of photos of being educated by the police uncle, and posted on Weibo hot searches.

This incident was also featured on the "Jiangchuan Network News", which was dubbed by the host as "childlike innocence"...

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