Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 894: Wolfhead Golden Knight?

A golden knight wearing a wolf helmet?


The three of Omori looked at each other tacitly, their eyes sparkling with a fire named "Curiosity".

do not forget!

The three of them are neon famous "Three Knights", and any news about the "Knights" can arouse their curiosity.

First edge OB wave!

Although eavesdropping on other people's conversations is found to be embarrassing and may even be scolded, who are the three brothers Baicang?

The three of them are afraid of being scolded?

What a joke! Are there fewer people scolding them online? When have they been afraid?

As a PD person, getting scolded is a trivial matter. After all, the president once said a famous saying: As long as I am shameless, what can you do to me?

"Kyota, you are no longer young! Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your family!"

"Be your illustrator, isn't it a good character designer?"

"You said you want to be a director, OK! I will invest in you to find an actor for you, but you have seen it yourself, your work is worthless! You have no talent for director at all!"

It really is an insider!

The three people, Baicang, who overheared their conversation, analyzed it carefully and felt that the two of them should be the relationship between "artist and agent".

"I remember!"

At this time, Omori suddenly lowered his voice and introduced Shirakura Toshiki: "I know this person!"

"Who is he?" Bai Cang asked curiously.

"Amamiya Keita, an extremely popular illustrator and character designer. He has created many film, animation and game characters, and has many fans on the Internet, but..."

"But what?"

"But this person is a bit too idealistic. He wants to imitate our president and start a neon version of PD company."

"He not only established his own film and television company, but also established a toy company. The first work seems to be called Future Ninja..."

The heart is so big!

Bai Cang dismissed it and said: "There are many people imitating the president. Do you think anyone succeeded? Why does he think he can replicate the legendary experience of PD's rise?"

"That's true too!"

Although Min Shu was dissatisfied with the president's nickname "Min Gui", he also admired the president from the bottom of his heart.


This mediocre name has become the idol of many people since PD's rapid rise and becoming a world-class giant.

Maybe someone is dissatisfied?

Isn’t Internet giants like Bill Gates and Zuckerberg also legendary? Why don't you worship them, but admire a black pig essence?

The answer is simple!

The Internet is the Internet, and the industry is the industry!

People are used to seeing an Internet company, and it only takes five or six years to go from obscurity to a world giant.

But an industrial company, from obscurity to a world giant, or even the best in the industry, also took only five or six years!

Do you know how amazing this is?

To be an industry is not to engage in the Internet. To say the difference between the two, the simplest example: PD Investment Holding Group (including PD Group, Big Bird Group, Lebao Group), the total staff is about to exceed 200,000!

Mengzi can provide about 200,000 jobs and guarantee a well-off life for about 1 million people. Products cover every corner of the world, and about 3.5 billion people around the world have contacted or purchased PD products!

This is the difference!

Anyone who understands the difference between industry and Internet companies will have a sense of admiration for Meng Lang.

At the beginning of a broken toy factory, carrying two yo-yos to play the game, in a blink of an eye, after five or six years, your annual revenue has exceeded 100 billion, and you have entered the world's top 500?

Everyone wanted to ask him: how did you do it?

The more you understand, the more you admire.

It is also forgivable that Keita Amamiya worships Meng Lang and hopes to reproduce the "Miracle" in neon.

But he is miserable.

The first work after the company was founded, the "Future Ninja" described by Omori, did not receive the expected praise.

Investors scold him!

The former fans also scolded him!

Even the most trusted and gracious agent suspected that he had a brain problem and suggested that he regain his old business.

I have to say, it's really miserable!

Bai Cang curled his lips, he didn't want to listen anymore.

After all, everyone is unfamiliar. What does it matter to us if his life is miserable? If you continue to listen to the story, you might as well listen to Mingui... Oh Minshu-kun, talk about the new knight.

But a word that came after that made Bai Cang cheer up.

"Please believe me once!"

"I can guarantee that this will be a great work that is not inferior to "Kamen Rider"! Our company will become famous all over the world!"

Not inferior to Kamen Rider?

Bai Cang frowned and couldn't help but want to curse.

What are you talking about, boy?

At your level, shy to compare with Kamen Rider? Don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!

"Listen to what he said first!"

Minshu signaled that Bai Cang needn't get excited, the three of them are eavesdropping! If Bai Cang suddenly interjected, wouldn't it be exposed?

"Where there is light, there is a shadow... the knight with the golden wolf head can cut through the darkness and restore the world to light!"

"It seems quite interesting!"

As playwrights, Shirakura and Toshiki naturally have their own distinguishing ability. From the words overheard, they can conclude: This is a great subject!

If you can shoot well, it will definitely cause a sensation!

Of course, surpassing Kamen Rider is simply thinking too much~www.ltnovel.com~ As you can hear from the introduction, this story is not lacking in depth and darkness, and it is not a so-called "all age-oriented" work.

But it is still an excellent work!

Come prepared!

Bai Cang sighed, feeling stressed.

If he were to make it, Kamen Rider might really be affected. Although this possibility is very low, you have to take precautions.


His agent does not eat this set.

"Kyota, it's useless! Shareholders have lost confidence in you, and they told me they want to withdraw..."

"Let them retreat!"

Keita Amamiya is also a ruthless person, waving his hand and saying, "Even if they all retire, I can sell a car and a house!"

Damn it! Ruthless!

Selling a car, selling a house and filming? It seems to smell like President Meng! This guy can't really make it, right?

The three of Baicang are sitting on pins and needles.

The opponent is right next door and is planning to sell cars and houses to overturn the Kamen Rider. If they don't do anything bad, can they be worthy of Mr. Meng's careful cultivation?

"How to do?"

Omori thought: "Although he may not be able to succeed, he is at least an opponent! Let's...do you want to mess with him?"

"I agree!"

As a script writer, Min Shu appreciates the story he just heard. If this guy doesn't want to **** Kamen Rider, maybe they can still be friends.

It's a pity, it's actually the enemy!

Then don't blame the PD Pandaren for messing up and causing you deliberate trouble!

"Wait a minute!"

Bai Cang did not speak, and took out his mobile phone crackling and typing: "Let me ask President Ono first, and listen to what he says...Hey! What are you doing looking at me?"

Omori pointed behind him.

Bai Cang was stunned, then turned his head to find two people standing behind him.

Ah this...


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