Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 900: The 10th Carnival

Godzilla became famous!

Three screenings were held, and more than 1,200 journalists, stars and even self-media practitioners watched the screenings.

Through their dissemination, more and more passers-by audiences learned of the information of "Godzilla" in advance, and they had great expectations for this movie!

Unfortunately, it will take a while.

According to a well-known media worker, the founder of the "Video Observation" column, PD's top licking dog Yang Mingjin broke the news: "Godzilla" has not yet finished filming, and the release date may be postponed until after the Spring Festival!

His words are extremely credible.

After all, it is PD's number one dog licking, the first person from the media industry to have the bad money in Meng Tsai, even he said so, it seems that Godzilla is really not finished.

Wait slowly...

Although "Godzilla" has not finished filming yet, many viewers feel sorry. But this carnival still has a lot to watch.

December 12, 18 o'clock in the evening.

The opening ceremony of the 10th Pengda Carnival and Fans Year-end Ceremony kicked off in the rising fireworks.

Many senior executives of Pengda Group, leaders of various departments in Jiangchuan City, media workers and PD fans at home and abroad gathered in PD Paradise Plaza.

Leaders speak, executives speak...

As the chairman of Pengda Group and the spiritual pillar of PD Pandaren, Meng Lang also took the stage and gave a wonderful speech.

"...Looking back over the past ten years, the thing I am most fortunate to have is meeting you! Forever tolerating me and giving me endless motivation for fans!"

"On the occasion of the tenth anniversary celebration, let me say sincerely to everyone at the scene and in front of the TV, thank you! Thank you for supporting me and PD..."

Uncle Meng is so sensational!

I don't know who wrote this manuscript. The tear gas effect is pretty good. Many young viewers shed tears at the scene and in front of the TV.

The parents sighed leisurely.

Ten years!

For a whole ten years, they have not been able to bring down this black pig, giving him enough time to develop.

Today, the black pig has full wings!

I'm afraid it won't be so easy to bring him down. I knew there would be today, they would never try to save money, what cheap version of the Vietnamese killer...

It's too late to regret!

Some regret it, others are moved to tears, and others are sincerely proud of PD's achievements in the past ten years!

No matter what others think, Meng Lang standing on the stage has finally become a climate.

Ten years ago, the unruly "factory second generation" experienced Nirvana rebirth and finally evolved into "East Asian cancer" and "Children's cancer".

Looking back on the past and looking to the future!

This is the theme of Meng Lang's speech, the main tone he set for PD, and his solemn promise to all fans.

PD will not forget the past history.

So he responded to the appeal of fans and brought the exclusive revelation of "Alienation Girl 2" at the scene of this carnival.

PD will not stop for future innovations.

Therefore, he introduced Keita Amamiya to everyone and chose to use the "Arab wolf" series as the stepping stone to "towards the future".

Very wonderful speech!

When everyone thought that Uncle Meng was almost finished speaking and it was time to roll off the stage and change someone else, he threw another blockbuster.

"Ten years ago, I met my current wife for the first time..."

Offstage, Tao Mi smiled sweetly at the camera while holding Xiao Meng Tao.

"At that time, she asked me, if I had a lot of money, what would I choose?"

"I answered her, if I have a lot of money, I would choose to build an amusement park. Using money to make money is not what I want. Using money to bring happiness to the children is my lifelong pursuit..."

Tao Mi's smile froze instantly.

She pledged her personality, she had never asked such a question. The man on the stage is obviously making up a story!

"Think about it now, I was able to chase her back, mostly because of my great ideals, which touched her deeply!"

Meng Lang on the stage didn't even see his wife's darker face, and said affectionately: "After our child was born, I made a promise to her to commemorate our love with the twelve constellations!"

"Now, the twelve constellation paradise has been completed. Everyone at the scene and in front of the TV, are you willing to help me complete the remaining constellations?"

"Yes! I do!"

"Wow! So romantic!"

"Unexpectedly, Meng Heizhu looks ugly and is still a romantic in his bones!"

Tao Mi: "..."

She has nothing to say.

My husband, in order to cheat the children of money and shamelessly, even sold her together.

Is it too late for divorce now?

Although the romantic love story made up by Meng Heizhu cannot bear scrutiny, it sounds very touching.


Parents have long cultivated a heart of steel, and they will remain unmoved as long as you speak smartly.

It was the group of children who were all crippled and crippled. They were so excited that they wanted to sell their blood to realize their dreams for Uncle Meng.

Meng Lang achieved his goal.

After his exaggeration, the Gemini Pengcheng Paradise and Cancer Beijing Paradise had gained a lot of fame before they were completed.

At this point, the speech is also over.

The remaining time of the opening ceremony was reserved for all star guests. The specially prepared show attracted cheers and applause.

Meng Lang left early.

Originally, he wanted to watch for a while, but Xiao Tao was weak and might catch a cold after staying outside for a long time. Considering his son's health, he had to leave with his family in advance.

The first day of the carnival passed so peacefully.

There is a celebration the next day!

PD Carnival’s unique "Float Tour in the City" program was carried forward this year.

Hundreds of floats circled the streets of Jiangchuan at a slow speed of 10 kilometers per hour, attracting countless tourists and citizens to follow.

This is the morning show.

There are also two PD League AllStar entertainment games in the afternoon, which is the so-called All-Star game.

The All-Star is divided into two games.

One is a "professional-level" confrontation. As the name suggests, both sides of the competition are star professional players, and a "quality game" is dedicated to the audience.

There is also an "entertainment game", which was also ridiculed by netizens as "water friend game"!

The players participating in the entertainment competition come from all walks of life. Some are webcasters, others are actors, singers, or Meng Heizhu...

That's right!

Meng Lang must also participate!

This is not his initiative to sign up. Why is he embarrassed to go to the All-Star with such a dish? The reason why he is on the list is that the All-Star contestants are all selected by "voting."

So here he is!

The audience is really sinister...

Who doesn't know? Uncle Meng's level of playing games is not as good as a three-year-old! Let him go to the game, wouldn't that let him go to death?

The voting result can be placed here.

Meng Lang's votes were far more than the second King Zhou. This shows how much the audience wants him to die...

"President Meng, don't worry!"

The anchor of the big bird live broadcast platform, the first brother of the PD League live broadcast, the commentator of this entertainment game, Pan Qiliang, patted his chest and promised: "No matter how much your operation is, I will give you everything!"

That's okay!

There are commentaries to help, and thigh teammates take the flight, as long as Meng Lang is not sick and deliberately sent it, there should be no big problem.

With this thought in mind, Meng Lang walked into the arena tremblingly, preparing for the first game of his life.

BP starts!

Opposite is the red team that Zhou Tianwang belongs to. When he came up, he banned Meng Lang's best [First Generation Ultraman], [Prince of Amusement] and [Magic Valley].

Meng Lang's face turned black.

This is his best hero. I gave it all to BAN at once. What else is he playing?

"Young people don't speak martial arts!"

The commentary biscuit who partnered with Pan Qiliang said with a smile: "Knowing that I, Chief Meng, Chi Qian, is this the target?"

"Hey, don't say it like this!"

Pan Qiliang said with yin and yang strange air: "I, Mr. Meng, is the strongest king in the national service anyway. Although there is suspected power leveling, there are always one or two unique heroes in my hand?"


Biscuits laughed forward and backwards and said in harmony: "Isn't it okay, don't you want to play for me? Meng Zongyuan? Why is it strange when I speak, don't you want to mix it up?"

"No! How do you make me round? Who doesn't know, Mr. Meng is a jungler, I have three strikes, the first generation of amusement and the magic valley, you have all given BAN, can this game be played?"


Fans on the scene and in the live broadcast room almost didn't laugh when they heard Pan Qiliang's words.

It's because Meng Lang couldn't hear the commentary, otherwise he didn't want to play the game anymore, just wanted to comment.


All the good heroes were banned. When it was his turn to choose someone, he hesitated for a long time and still didn't know what to choose.

Gu Miao was also speechless.

As the human body of Tiga, the player of the big ancient players, he is not only a teammate of Meng Lang in this All-Star Entertainment Game, but also the captain of the blue team.

The most carry point of the team!

Seeing that Mr. Meng’s three-handed axe was banned, Gu Miao had no choice but to suggest: “President Meng, choose a front row meat to play wild! Wait for me to take advantage of the mid lane and take you to fly!”

Choosing the meat in the front row?

Meng Lang thought for a while and found it reasonable. So in the second hand selection, he locked [Black Rhinoceros].

"Is the Black Rhinoceros playing wild? This hand selection is fine! With control and output, you are not afraid of the opponent..."

"What control? What output? I, President Meng, choose this hero. Isn't that obvious as a bastard?" Pan Qiliang started again.

Don't say it!

As an explanation, Pan Qiliang saw it thoroughly. Meng Lang chose the Black Rhinoceros as a jungler. He never thought about playing output and playing control. He could be mixed and he could not be mixed.

The blue team has to rely on the middle dad!

Gu Miao's talent for games is absolutely outstanding among the actors and singers.

Meng Lang has already thought about it, and he will "hard brush" and "hard mix" in this round. Give priority to ensuring your own development, and then wait for Gu Miao in the middle to take over the game.

The idea is good, but the actual situation is unexpected.

The five souls on the opposite side regarded the blue team wild area as their home.

Four or five people will double-team Meng Lang at every turn. Rather than miss the line on the line, he has to go to the wild to engage in the mentality of President Meng.

in my expectation!

Meng Lang's mentality was completely blown up by them. Entering one's own wild area is as frightened as entering a minefield empty-handed.

Online advantage, big disadvantage in the wild!

In less than fifteen minutes, Meng Lang had been killed so much. King Zhou Tian, ​​who was on the opposite side of the jungle, was raised by his teammates.

Then a critical battle for the "Vietnamese killer", Meng Lang flashed his big move and was second, and lost the game with a record of 0/11/4.

"Predict the big move! Nice!"

"Meng's consciousness is worthy of the king's level, and he predicted Zhou Tianwang's big move at once."

"Considering the great generation of King Zhou, I am afraid that the game is too empty. So Mr. Meng resolutely flashed and followed in 0.25 seconds, accurately connected to the big move, and kept the reputation of King Zhou!"

"This wave...this wave is the invisible guardian! You don't understand, so don't laugh!"

For this result, Meng Lang could not accept.

It's nothing to lose, and it's not the first time I lost anyway. The point is that the famous scene he created in this game is simply too embarrassing.

Listen to the laughter of the audience...

Meng Lang, whose face was as black as ink, left the scene in a desperate manner as soon as he finished the game. He didn't dare to stay on the scene, facing his teammates with "???" on their faces.

To be honest, the wave of operations just now not only explained that his teammates didn't understand it, but he also didn't understand it.

Why is it such a coincidence?

He was obviously fleeing for his life, why did he suddenly come out with a big move that just hit his flash point?

Meng Lang, who couldn't understand, had no choice but to attribute all this to "the will of heaven." If you do it again, the ending will definitely be different.

After leaving the competition venue, Meng Lang did not go home, but invited Chen Huan Ma Teng to enter the PD home to learn about the situation.

Last year's PD Carnival, launched a "charity limited", which received a good response from all walks of life.

There is also a charity limited this year!

Last year's theme was "Treasure Your Eyes, Spread the Light", using Saiwen SHF action figures as the material, Fukuzawa visually impaired people.

This year is the deaf-mute crowd!

The new charity-limited series with the theme of [Voice of the Soul, Reverberating All the Time], using the well-known virtual singer "Luo Tianyi" as the material, officially went on sale on the first day of the carnival.

With this limited figure, all income (except cost) will be used for deaf-mute people to help them recover their health and regain their confidence.

From the field survey, this charity limited sale is quite good. In just one day, Jiangchuan PD House has sold 5,000 stocks and 14,000 reservations.

In addition to charity restrictions, a large number of "10th anniversary restrictions" launched during this carnival are also sought after by fans.

The 10th anniversary lucky bag sold out!

Last year's PD Carnival, Meng Lang conducted a "treasure hunt" activity. The prize of up to one million yuan attracted more than 1.5 million people to participate.

This year's gameplay has been upgraded!

Last year’s treasure hunt required searching for NPCs in Jiangchuan, answering questions and collecting puzzles.

In this year's treasure hunt, clues are hidden in the "10th Anniversary Lucky Bag". Players who buy lucky bags can get a random clue.

According to clues to find the answer to the puzzle, the player with the shortest time and no cheating will receive a cash prize of one million yuan.

It is worth noting!

The clues contained in each lucky bag are different. It may be a direction or a string of numbers...

These clues ultimately lead to different answers.

Meng Lang prepared tens of thousands of puzzles for this event. No matter which puzzle you solve, as long as the time you spend ranks in the top ten, then you will be able to claim one million yuan in prize money.

Many people also participated in this event.

Because the clues are hidden in the "10th Anniversary Lucky Bag", many people bought a 10th Anniversary Lucky Bag with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

There are even local tyrants, UU reading www.uukanshu.com bought thousands of lucky bags. He is not for the bonus, but simply enjoys the process of understanding the mystery!

Perhaps this is what the rich think.

After inspecting the PD's house, it happened to be the meal. Meng Lang took Chen Huan and Ma Teng, and walked towards the PD Paradise restaurant, unidentified by his six relatives.

Before reaching the restaurant, Meng Lang ran into a sleepy Min Gui.


Min Gui also saw Meng Lang, and after saying hello, he couldn't wait to propose to change the room.

The environment of the hotel arranged by the company has nothing to say. But Keita Amamiya in the same room snored when she slept. Who can stand it?

"What the hell?"

Meng Lang was also stupid and curiously said, "You mean, the hotel arranged for you and Keita Amamiya to live in the same room?"

"Yes indeed!"

"This is a coincidence!"

Meng Lang excitedly said: "It just so happens. Since you live with him, call him quickly. I have something to tell you two."

"Change rooms?"

Min Gui yawned and said, "Such a thing, don't you need to call him?"

"What room to change! I want you two to work together to shoot a super team!"

Min Gui froze in place.

What the hell?

Isn't he the screenwriter of Kamen Rider? Amamiya Keita, isn't he in charge of the Garou project?

What does the president think?

Two people who can't fight with eight poles, make do together to cooperate, the project is actually a super team?

and many more!

The president may be wrong, and the project that allowed them to work together should be Kamen Rider.

after all……

He doesn't know anything about Super Team, and Kamen Rider is his best subject. Let him go to the super team, is the president really not afraid of messing up?


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