Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 907: Horror sucking monster!

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"The second episode, the mysterious boy!"

The Queen of the Demon Fairy, with delicate makeup but difficult to conceal her aging, gave her a treasure box of musical notes "containing musical gems" on Xiaolan's birthday, hoping to help Xiaolan and Mae Chee Miyuki.

The three return to the human world!

The mysterious boy appeared, and the unknown forces had already focused on the musical note box and music gems in Xiaolan's hands, but Xiaolan didn't know...

As a TV series, the plot is coherent and smooth is a basic requirement.

The first two episodes of "The Mystery of Musical Notes" were just a pavement for the later plots, and there were no particularly intense conflicts and contradictions.

Therefore, there are few things to watch.

But this does not mean that the first two episodes are as plain as boiled water, and they are not attractive at all.

Although there is no conflict in the plot, the curiosity of the audience has been aroused.

What is the power of the music gem that has been highly valued by Xiaolan and the Queen has repeatedly urged?

Who is the boy who appeared suddenly?

What is the relationship between this guy and the mysterious woman who is hiding in the dark and peering silently at Xiaolan?

The story of this episode perfectly corresponds to the title of the show "The Mystery of Musical Notes". A series of puzzles unfold around the treasure box of musical notes sent by the queen.

The screenwriters are all "broken dogs"!

In order to increase the ratings and increase the audience's enthusiasm for chasing dramas, the screenwriters of TV dramas, especially TV series, are outstanding "out of chapter" experts.

They will deliberately create a question at the end of each episode that makes the audience "eager to know the answer". And the answer to this question is hidden in the next episode...

Then, the audience who fell into the "trap" chased the whole show without knowing it.

Tao Mi is not good at screenwriting.

But she is the PD boss, so she doesn't have to take matters into her own hands. Don't forget, Meng Zi has a large-scale "PD screenwriter" under his hands.

With the help of the screenwriter, the plot of The Mystery of Musical Notes is absolutely ups and downs, with twists and turns, which can't be stopped after watching one episode.

and so!

The audience retention rate for episode two is amazing! The Mystery of Musical Notes did not disappoint, and the opening was smooth.

Although the evaluation is mixed...

However, PD dramas never pay attention to wind reviews. The hundreds of people in the company all believe in Mr. Meng's words: you scold you and you scold you, don’t count me lose!

Tao Mi was relieved that the premiere scored a good start.

But the next step is the key!

As soon as the TV premiere ended, PD Film and Television announced that "The Mystery of the Musical Note of the Little Demon Fairy" was successfully launched on Big Bird Video.

Users can pay through the "advanced on-demand" to watch the third and fourth episodes to be broadcast tomorrow night, and even the finale!

The message area is full of question marks.

The audience are all dumbfounded, see the finale in advance? What kind of show operation is this?

This just premiered, right?

How can a TV series premiere on the first day, and the online version will immediately broadcast the "grand finale"? If you do this, the TV station is still not broadcasting?

Some people suspect it is fake.

The TV station has only broadcast two episodes, and Big Bird Video has already launched all the episodes, including the finale!

How is this possible?

It must be Uncle Meng's gimmick!

In the spirit of "anti-counterfeiting", many people try to pay to watch the third episode. I thought the video page couldn't be opened, but I didn't expect it to buffer successfully and played!

Moreover, it is really the third episode!

It turned out to be true?

Even if you can see the third episode, some people still don't believe it. From the third episode to the tenth episode, the results can all be buffered and played.

Ah this...

Some were shocked, some were ecstatic.

Since the tenth episode can be broadcast, there is no need to try the following episodes. Be bold and buy the finale directly!

As a result, it can still be seen!

After this experiment was successful, there was a huge wave on the Internet. No one has ever dared to think that you can watch an entire TV show on the day of its premiere.

If this is true, who will squat in front of the TV in the future and follow the drama on time?

Is the TV platform really going to be wiped out by online video?

"No, no! It can't be eliminated!"

Someone answered their doubts: "This advanced on-demand by Big Bird Video requires a fee of five yuan for each episode to be unlocked. If you want to watch it in advance, you need to pay more than 200 yuan!"

"To spend money on a favorite TV series, I think most people are happy. But, are you willing to spend money to watch the drama in advance?"

This topic instantly detonated the Internet.

Although the big names and celebrities of the film and television industry did not speak, but the onlookers had been discussing in full swing.

Some people say that I can watch without spending money, just a few days later. Meng Heizhu wants to make my money, dream it!

Some people also say that you don’t have to endure the torment of "chasing drama", you can watch it all at once, or even see the ending. This idea is quite good.

But the charge is too cheating!

It takes more than two hundred yuan to finish watching in advance, which only saves one month of chasing drama time? Ask yourself, do you think it's worthwhile?

"It's definitely not worth it!"

"In my opinion, Meng Heizhu is purely thinking about money and crazy! Why doesn't he grab more than two hundred yuan?"

"No? This kind of service, which is obviously an IQ tax, won't anyone buy it?"

"Sorry, I bought it! By the way, the scarf boy who appeared in the second episode is Omar, the son of Queen Harley. He cheated the note box and then washed it..."

"Spoiler for the dog and the family, okay?"

Along with the online scolding war, Big Bird Video also released a data the next day.

In just one day, 54.7 million won!

This report card is really shocking.

In the entire film and television industry, including major video sites, everyone did not expect that a small, advanced on-demand business could create such a high income.

Who is paying?

Just looking at the scolding voices on the Internet, I always feel that Big Bird's video is "ugly" and offended countless users at once. As a result, this result has proved their success.


When someone is spoiled, someone gets angry.

They asked the official website of Big Bird Video, why do you have to pay extra to watch after opening a member?

As the topic heats up, many celebrities have raised questions one after another. Meng Lang also made an official response to this incident on Weibo.

"Before making this decision, we consulted with lawyers and related departments. The advanced on-demand model itself is not a problem."

"As for whether the rights of members have been infringed, do you know about the members of Big Bird Video?"

The members of Big Bird Video have been revised several times, and they are sold cheaper than their peers, only 10 yuan a month. Except for "Advertising Jump", "Super Clear Bit Rate" and "Member Dress Up", there is only one "member exclusive" video library.

Advance on-demand does not involve the above areas. The Mystery of Musical Notes is not a "member exclusive" video, so there is no hidden danger.

Big Bird is not Iiqi.

Aiyiqi was sued because it violated the rights of members and users. In their membership rights, they clearly marked the rules of "members no ads and unlimited viewing" videos.

So it constitutes a fraudulent consumer.

And why are the members of Big Bird Video selling cheaply? It's not because the rights and interests are more hip, you can only watch the video "no ads" but not "unlimited".

Meng Lang's explanation is reasonable.

Although everyone is dissatisfied, they are well prepared, and indeed there are no loopholes to attack.

It's the friend and business next door stunned!


Can't your members watch the videos of this site without restriction? No wonder it is sold so cheaply, sometimes no one buys the discount!

Let's look at the rights of our own members...

That's it!

Seeing that Big Bird Video makes a lot of money through "advanced on-demand", the video sites that wanted to imitate this model are now big.

How to do?

Their members generally cost 15-20 yuan a month, and even sold for 30 yuan if they were too much.

When members sell expensive, their rights and interests are naturally good.

No ads, no restrictions, everyone has it, you want to imitate the advanced on-demand model, have you asked tens of millions of paying members?


"Mr. Meng, have you watched the news?"

Ma Teng cried and laughed: "Several video websites announced that they would upgrade their original video membership system and change some of the terms, and they were hung up and sprayed by users."

"The ship has a disaster to turn around!"

Meng Lang shook his head and said, "In order to increase the number of members, they wanted to fill up their membership rights. Now they want to change it, I'm afraid it will not be so easy..."

"Don't talk about them!"

"Nava's later stage is finished, what about Li Tianming's soundtrack? When can I make it?"

"This one……"

Ma Teng said with a bitter expression: "I don't know! He told me two days ago that the theme song was finished recording immediately, but he called him today and no one answered!"

Not answering the phone, it's really awesome!

Meng Lang was also speechless, Nawa had done everything, but he was stuck in the soundtrack level. If you drag it further, I am afraid that the Lantern Festival is over.

"How about Shimori?"

"Not long after it started, it's too early to complete! Ishimori said, "Alienation Girl 2" is expected to premiere in the summer of 2024..."

"What about Li Wanbo?"

"Godzilla is scheduled to be released on New Year's Day!"

New Year's Day? !

Meng Lang broke his fingers and counted it. It was not a few days before the Chinese New Year.

Since Li Tianming was dizzy, Nawa would not be able to catch up for a while. Then just stagger the schedule and let Godzilla take the lead.

The Lunar New Year stalls are highly competitive!

Godzilla's opponents this year should be the new work "Happy Land" by the well-known New Year film director Feng Dao and the military film "Evacuation of Overseas Chinese" by Haitian Film and Television.

Joyfully, the problem is not big.

This is a mid-cost comedy, and the subject matter does not conflict with Godzilla. People who go to comedy movies during the New Year will generally not go to Godzilla.

But the evacuation operation is a bit tricky!

According to the grapevine, there is military support behind this film. Although I don't know the true and false, 100% of this theme will have "high ranking movies and high box office" income.

Godzilla is afraid it is difficult!

Meng Lang's bottom line is 800 million box office, as long as it exceeds this number, Godzilla can make money.

But the current situation is not optimistic. If you want to take a bite of meat at the Lunar New Year stall, I'm afraid you have to do the evacuation operation first.

Honestly, it's hard!

Godzilla's theme is naturally not suitable for Lunar New Year's. After all, who is going to watch disaster movies in the cinema for the New Year? What a monster disaster movie!

Isn't this a brain disease?

Who doesn't want to have a good mood during a happy family holiday? Will you feel comfortable in your heart if you go to the cinema to watch the end of the world?

"Otherwise, postpone the show?"

Li Wanbo hesitated: "I'm afraid there is no box office for the Lunar New Year. What about after the Spring Festival?"

"No need to!"

Meng Lang waved his hand and said: "Godzilla itself is a commemorative movie, not for making money. Besides, the domestic box office is pulling the crotch, and we still have the overseas box office!"

"This is also..."

Li Wanbo nodded.

The Chinese New Year is a good thing for foreigners. Godzilla may fail miserably at home, but it still has a lot of power overseas.

So it was so decided.

The publicity and distribution of "Godzilla" is focused on overseas. Countries such as neon, Europe and the United States are full of Godzilla posters and advertisements.

It was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye!

Meng Langwo was at home and spent a reunion year with his parents and children. Then early the next morning, he took his wife and children to the cinema to watch Godzilla.

"There are so many people!"

Tao Mi said in surprise: "I thought that no one would watch a disaster movie during the New Year! I didn't expect that there would be so many people!"

"This is just the premiere."

Meng Lang shook his head and sighed: "After this show, there should be no more people. The main box office has to look overseas."

He was right.

In the first scene of Godzilla's premiere, theaters everywhere are full. But in the following few games, the number of movie viewers dropped rapidly.

On the day of the premiere, the total box office barely exceeded 35 million, ranking second!

Then on the second day of the new year, the box office quickly cut in half. The single-day box office is only more than 18 million, and the weekly box office rankings have quickly fallen to third place.

The domestic sorrow is bleak, but abroad it is blooming everywhere.

"Godzilla" has been almost full since it landed on Neon, and the box office quickly accumulated to 1.9 billion yen. It was called a "golden monster of horror" by many Japanese media!

Interesting to say!

Neon viewers have always liked this monster disaster movie. Not to mention, Godzilla's theme metaphor is "anti-war" and "nuclear terror."

May I ask, which country "talks about nuclear discoloration"? Which country has a deep understanding of "nuclear terror"?

Needless to say!

Don't look at Godzilla, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not a neon person!

The neon box office has exploded, and Europe and the United States are not inferior. Theaters in North America, Europe and other places also showed the miracle of "100% attendance".

The global box office has exceeded 100 million!

Unit, USD...

This result astounded the entire PD Group. So far, Godzilla is the world's best grossing movie, not even one of them!

According to this trend, it should be a good thing that the global box office broke one billion US dollars.

Unfortunately, China’s box office is not good.

If the domestic box office gives a little bit of strength, Godzilla will surpass the Heroic Company series and become the best-selling PD movie in history.

What a pity, still a pity!

The Chinese people's perception of Godzilla really doesn't like it. Even the original Godzilla has failed to conquer the Chinese fans, let alone the PD version.

For this, Meng Lang couldn't figure it out.

Godzilla is so cute, why don't you like it? Do you have to be worthy of an Ultraman for philosophical wrestling, do you guys like it?

Forget it!

Don't like it if you don't like it!

Crooked nuts have a lot of money, so Uncle Meng went to lie to them. Godzilla is so popular, it seems you can make a soft monster series?

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