Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 911: 【STANDING BY!】

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After fierce negotiations, the representatives of the two sides fought each other for nearly two days, and the deal was settled.

The transaction price was 230 million yuan!

This price, even if it includes the copyright of peripheral derivatives, is a proper "premium".

after all!

The profitability of "Golden Armored Warrior" lies here, and it will take at least 20 years to pay back after spending so much money to buy it back.

Li Xinglong is really crazy!

The investor promised him a budget of only 250 million in total.

He spent 230 million to repurchase "Golden Armored Warrior", and the remaining 20 million to restart the "Warrior Series", it can be described as desperate!

If you fail, you will become benevolent!

Either wear underwear or stand up! Whether it's life or death, it's all about the later "Golden Armor Warrior 2".

"I think he is too reckless!"

Chen Huan is not optimistic about Li Xinglong's desperate move, and believes that "Golden Armor Warrior 2" is not an excellent project.

Meng Lang thought so too.

After so many years of "Golden Armor Warrior", why hasn't PD announced a "sequel" plan? Didn't Meng Lang consider it?

of course not!

He has considered sequel plans for all major IP works under PD. Among them, it even includes the unwelcome "Alienated Girls" series.

But consider it!

Should I shoot or not? How should I shoot? Can the cost be recovered after shooting?

These are the key points!

The brainless sequel is a gambler's behavior. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of investments have been invested. Once it fails, do you know how serious the consequences are?

Li Xinglong is really reckless!

Perhaps it was the repeated failures that made him lose his eyes. In order to win back the bet, this time you played so big?

I hope he can succeed!

Although they disliked each other, they quarreled and sprayed on Weibo all day long. But Meng Lang still hopes that Li Xinglong will not lose too badly.

250 million!

The large sums of money are not brought by the wind, and for no reason to lose so much, can Li Xinglong have good fruit?

"Forget it, good luck to him!"

Meng Lang sighed and was too lazy to think about whether Li Xinglong died by "suicide" or "unfortunately drowning" after the failure of Li Xinglong's "Stud".

It has nothing to do with him.

The most urgent task is to get the Mandarin dubbing of "Kamen Rider 555" as soon as possible and choose a suitable schedule for broadcasting.

Time waits for no one!

A week ago, Neon ANB TV officially aired the first episode of "Kamen Rider 555". The second episode will be broadcast on Mu Yao this week.

The English version has also landed in Europe and America.

Now only the Mandarin dubbing is left, and it has yet to be resolved. Around this topic, there has been an uproar on the Internet...

Meng Lang was scolded bloody!

The knight chef with a better attitude will leave a message in the comment area, urging him to solve the Mandarin dubbing and arrange the broadcast of "Kamen Rider 555" as soon as possible.

The knight chef, who had a bad attitude, directly clicked on the private message, and "voiced fragrantly" and "Internet violence" on him!

Even someone threatened him...

"Meng Heizhu, I'm telling you, my relatives are doing business in Vietnam. You don't broadcast Kamen Rider 555 anymore. Be careful that the killer flies to Jiangchuan and splashes your face with dung!"

"Come on if you have the ability!"

"If you just say you don't practice fake handles, I will be afraid of you? A joke!"

Saying "not afraid or not afraid", Meng Lang still feels a little worried when seeing so many users threatened by private messaging.

After all, there are too many people!

Among so many people, if someone takes action, wouldn't he be miserable?

To be on the safe side, don't be too arrogant, and quickly arrange a few voice actors to satisfy the wishes of these knight chefs.

This is not...

This is called retreat for progress, do you understand the strategy?

Under the personal supervision of the boss, the dubbing work went smoothly. In just one day, the first episode was finished.

Then, schedule the premiere!

21:35-22:00 Thursday evening!

The schedule is not bad, at least before the students and office workers go to bed collectively, the ratings should be guaranteed.


Thursday, nine o'clock in the evening.

In the No. 1 building of Jiangchuan University's male dormitory, at this moment, the needle was suddenly quiet. For the dormitory manager Lao Luo, this is something worthy of "warning".

what happened?

At this time in the past, there would always be crackling keyboard clicks from the men’s sleeping quarters, as well as the yelling of the boys about "fighting", "waiting for my development", "big dragon" and "shrinking circle".

This is the daily routine of the boys' bedroom!

Lao Luo, who was used to the noise, suddenly enjoyed a rare moment of peace, which made him a little puzzled.

What happened tonight?

After wandering around several bedrooms, I didn't see anyone playing games.

The big guy has a pack of melon seed snacks for one person, indecently surrounding him in front of the computer, what video seems to be watching?

"Is it impossible..."

Lao Luo also came from this age, and naturally knew what these young people were thinking all day long.

At the beginning, when he was this age, Mannaizi had a brain...he had watched many "teaching" videos.

Let the boys in the entire dormitory sit together and enjoy the same video with all their faces full of enthusiasm. What else can it be except... what?

"This won't work!"

"I have to tell the principal! Jiang Da is a prestigious school anyway, if this scandal spreads..."

Lao Luo took out his cell phone and just wanted to report to the vice principal in charge of Fengji, something suddenly occurred to him.

its not right!

The boys in the whole building are watching...what a video, is this too exaggerated? Generally speaking, even if the neon teacher releases new works, this is not the case!

Is there a misunderstanding here?

Lao Luo put down his cell phone and decided to walk into the bedroom to take a look. If it is true, it is not too late to report the situation to the principal.

402 bedroom!

Because the door was open, when Lao Luo walked in, the head of the dormitory, Panda did not notice the abnormality.

He stretched out his hand from Du Bishu's potato chip bag, grabbed a handful of potato chips and put it in his mouth, chewing and saying: "This piece is absolutely punctual! I went over the wall and went to Neon to see the original, good fellow!"

"So you organized everyone to watch it together? You really have Dada!"

Du Bishu moved the bag of potato chips behind him to prevent Panda from catching it, and then he smiled: "Will Lao Luo also participate in this good thing? I think he is quite lonely..."

Good guys!

Is this the culprit caught?

Still want to pull me into the water?

Lao Luo's face was uncertain, and he never expected that these boys would actually do such "shameless" things.

Not only that, but behind the scenes that he is a "lonely old man", need to watch this kind of film to resolve loneliness?


Too obscene!


Lao Luo coughed, and Panda was shocked.

When they turned their heads and found an old Luo hidden behind them, their nervous expressions collapsed.

"Hi, what are you doing, Lao Luo?"

"That's right, why don't you go to bed at night, why don't you hang around here? Your voice almost scared me to death."

"Lao Luo, let's not take this as an example!"

"A bunch of bastards! When I don't exist, am I? Actually in public, watch this...this kind of video!"

Lao Luo Qibeard stared and said, "Quickly shut me down, and write a review paper back to me. Otherwise, I will tell the principal and let you little **** not graduate!"

"What do you mean?"

Finding that Lao Luo's angry expression did not seem to be fake, Panda cried out: "Who do you scare Lao Luo? Which rule says that you are not allowed to see Kamen Rider in the bedroom?"

"This kind of depravity... Wait! What are you talking about? What Kamen Rider?" Old Luo was stunned.

Panda pointed to the computer screen and said, "Do you know the characters? Kamen Rider 555!"

"What do you think we are watching? No? You don't really think that we like to watch that kind of video like you do, right?"

Lao Luo: "..."

He took a serious look and found that it was indeed "Kamen Rider 555" on the screen, and couldn't help asking: "Then...the other dormitories are also watching this?"

"Of course!"

Panda proudly said: "This is a collective activity organized by our special photo agency. The boys in the whole building participated!"

Special photo agency?

Lao Luo thought for a while, it seems that the school really has this club.

It is said that it was established by freshmen last year. The activities are mainly for the main purpose. The members wear fancy holsters all day and go to all corners of the campus to "violently" recruit new students.

What is "violent" adoption?

The Stars of Baltan and Uyingdam, each grabbing you by one hand, and a Kamen Rider AgitΩ next to them, are moving their hands and feet, preparing to kick you a Justice Knight.

How can an ordinary college student have the courage to refuse this kind of battle?

Relying on this disdainful method, the Teshe Club quickly developed into the school's No. 1 club.

It is still possible that the club activities organized by them attract boys from a building.

The misunderstanding is clarified!

The children were still pure and did not do anything "injury to the morals", which made Lao Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

at the same time!

He also has a hint of curiosity. What is this "Kamen Rider 555" that attracted boys to watch collectively?

"Come on, let's watch together!"

Du Bishu moved a stool for Lao Luo, and several people gathered around the computer to watch the live broadcast through the Internet.

"Episode 1: The beginning of the journey!"

"What about the title?"

Old Luo Bei was surprised, isn't this a TV show? Each episode also has a separate title, which he did not expect.

"Of course there is!"

Panda explained: "This is a neon TV series. They are popular in unit dramas. It is also a common practice for unit dramas to give titles to episodes. I remember the original title is [旅の初め]!"

"Yo! Do you still know Japanese?"

"Ahem, self-taught!"

Panda didn’t want to have a deep chat on the topic of "Japanese", pointing to the screen and saying: "Look, the feature film is beginning!"

Is this the beginning?

Except for a title, didn't you see the title? Don’t neon TV series have any titles?

With full of doubts, Lao Luo glanced at the screen...

In an experimental building, a "dangerous" experiment seems to be going on. While the experiment was going on, a strange man invaded the laboratory building and took away the experimental product.

The experiment is strange!

It looks like it is a mechanical product!

Lao Luo had never seen the Kamen Rider, so he didn't recognize it. And Panda and others can see at a glance that this is a "knight belt".


Isn't this just a mechanical box? Does it look like a belt?

Lao Luo didn't understand, he didn't ask.

You say it is a belt, then it is a belt. He wanted to see, how did this thing become a belt?

After the laboratory was attacked, the picture turned to a "neon-style" residential building.

A young man named Yuji Kiba was flipping through an album with a young woman. Through the dialogue between the two, he learned that the woman named Chie Morishita was his girlfriend.

Is he the leading actor?

He looks pretty handsome!

Just as everyone was betting around when the male lead turned into a bet, an accident happened.

Yuji Kiba, who they identified as the "male protagonist", encountered a car accident when driving away with his parents...

Yongzhi's parents died on the spot, and although Yongzhi escaped, he still lay unconscious in the hospital bed.

"No? Just die like this?"

Du Bishu muttered, "Isn't he the leading actor? Why did he die so soon?"

"Don't talk, look down!"

Panda, who has seen the first episode of the neon version, naturally knows where the plot is going, and secretly spoilers: "He is not dead, you will know when you look back."

Panda is right!

Yuji, who was judged "dead" by a doctor, suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to a strange cry.

At the same time, Kyushu Island.

Madam Sonoda, a mysterious woman riding a scooter, and the three men who followed by caught the attention of another man.

When he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the satchel on the women's motorcycle, his expression instantly chased out with solemn expression.

Truth was troubled by three men and had to walk with them. In the process, a man named Daisuke Makino suffered unexpectedly...

On the other side, Yuji, who was discharged from the hospital, learned that his father’s company was usurped by his uncle, and his beloved girlfriend fell in love with another man...

Two story lines ~www.ltnovel.com~Two different heroes. Around "who is the protagonist", a round of discussion began in the bedroom.

In the end, the ashen-hearted Yuji turned into a weird person in the rainy night. And Gan Qiao was also in the process of chasing the truth of Sonoda, and encountered a weird person who came to **** the "bag".

The battle is on the verge!

Mari Sonoda opened his bag and took out a flip phone and belt from it. Fix the belt on your waist and dial the number "555" with your mobile phone.



With the sound of [Standby] and transforming sound effects, the whole dormitory building instantly became a sensation.


"Female knight! Fraud!"

"So she is the protagonist!"

Accompanied by the sound of the transformation sound, the man's bedroom No. 1 is like an earthquake, and there is a shout like a tsunami.

The last time the boys were so excited, it was the night of the final of the S match...

No one thought that the protagonist who guessed for a long time was actually this girl! Is "Kamen Rider 555" about to break the iron law of "Knight Gifan"?

Cheers resounded across the sky!

Without waiting for them to calm down, the truth in the picture shouted and transformed, but the expected "gorgeous transformation" special effects did not appear.


With a sound of [error], the belt automatically separated from the girl.

Ah this?

The excited boys couldn't help but froze on the spot and wiped their eyes in disbelief.

We all started celebrating!

As a result, you told me that this Nima is a "fraud"? This...what is going on?

Will you TM transform?

If you don't know how to transform, give me your belt and let me teach you.

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