Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 919: Alter Combat Skill

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Make sense!

The playability of the Faiz device is indeed not as good as the previous generation of "Dragon Knight Card Set" combination. After all, a variety of card combinations greatly enhance the playability of the toy itself.


Faiz device, or Faiz drive package, has an "unprecedented" advantage, that is, "expandability".

In the setting in the play, the Faiz drive is the third belt made by SmartBrain. It is not the strongest, but the belt with the most stability and the most accessories!

Perhaps Dragon Knight started his head, making everyone suddenly realize that the original knight belt can also make money from "accessories".

Therefore, in later works, drive accessories have become a crucial prop for the whole show, and related IP derivatives also use "drive accessories" as the main profitable product.

Faiz is one of the best!

In Meng Lang's view, the playability and fun of the 555 series toys, even in the entire Heisei Knights sequence, are among the forefront.

Wang Kui and Lin Jin are addicted to them, and they cannot be blamed for their low self-control, after all...

Even he himself likes to play!

People are often curious. Although the Kamen Rider drive is a toy derivative, you can’t transform it after you buy it. What is the point?

The answer is actually very simple!

When you imitate the protagonist's way of transforming, implant the drive attachment into the drive, the drive is authorized to pass, the dazzle lights up and the sound effect of "Complete" is emitted, you have already reaped happiness.

Yes, that's right!

The happiness that the drive brings to children is not really transforming, but fulfilling their dream of "being a hero".

Although this is just a toy, in the eyes of the children, the moment the authorized sound effect sounds, they have become Kamen Riders and have gained unparalleled happiness!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this idea is naive...

However, a man is a boy to death!

When I was young, I used firecrackers to blow up the dung pond, picked up the wooden sticks on the roadside to hit a set of "Qiantian stick method", and regarded the small wooden pistol made by grandpa himself as a treasure...

Isn't these things naive? But why do you always enjoy this?

I still responded to that sentence!

Everyone lives in a childish ghost yearning for happiness!

PD Toys made a total of three sets of "Faiz Drive" samples, one set was broken by Wang Kuilin Jin, and Meng Lang sent them another set.

The remaining set was sent to Jiangchuan PD’s home to provide "early early adopters" service.

Because it was an "experimental" product, not many samples were sent. But in the following week, the major PD toy factories were running at full capacity, and their production capacity was quickly increased.

Capacity is not a problem!

The only thing to worry about is probably how many copies of this product named "Kamen Rider Faiz Drive Set" by President Meng?

"I think it would be great to sell one million copies!"

Ma Teng seriously analyzed: "The previous Kamen Rider belts sold approximately two to three million copies a year."

"Dragon Horse is a little better. The monthly sales of belts have exceeded 1 million. Faiz, this set of toys, should be about the same!"

"Not always……"

According to the past product sales, analyzing and predicting the monthly sales of new products, Ma Teng's idea is fine, but he still underestimated the potential of the Faiz drive.

Meng Lang's first month sales estimate is about 3 to 5 million copies, and annual sales may hit tens of millions.

Honestly, it's not difficult!

After "Kamen Rider 555" received AgitΩ, the popularity continued to explode. Both the ratings and the amount of network broadcasts surpassed Dragon Knight.

In this case, it is a big joke that the toy derivatives market is cold!

Of course, nothing is absolute!

In order to avoid the worst situation, Meng Lang still prepared a back move.



The Gaoliang family, who lives near the Second Machinery Factory of Binhai City, welcomed new members in the snowy winter night.

Because Gao Liang's wife always had a strange dream when she was pregnant. There was nothing in her dream, only a barren land and a towering mountain.

The couple are a bit superstitious, after discussing, they decided to name the child "High Mountain Dream", the nickname Mengmeng.

This kid is very proud!

From kindergarten to university, he has always been a standard genius boy, with certificates of merit on the walls of his home.

Gaoshan Meng, who received a doctorate in quantum physics at the age of 17, and a group of like-minded geniuses jointly established an elite group called "Alchemy Stars". And then, developed the light quantum computer.

Through the optical quantum computer, they predicted in 1996 that the "root-destroying inviting body" would attack the earth, which attracted the attention of governments.

They secretly formed the "Earth Joint Defense Organization", referred to as "GUARD". In this organization, there are not only scientific research institutions, but also a cross-regional all-weather combat force called "XIG".

During the quantum acceleration experiment, Gaoshanmeng broke into a strange space accidentally. Here, he met a giant who was full of red light and gained the inheritance of light.

Afterwards, Root's Destroyed Inviting Body launched the first round of offensive, opening a space-time tunnel to send combat weapons and space combat beasts to the earth.

XIG was unable to fight, and the desperate mountain dream awakened the light of the earth, transformed into Gaia Ultraman, defeated Gob, and joined XIG as a scientific consultant...

The story of Gaia begins!

The whole script can be roughly divided into three stages: the birth of light, the conflict of light and the evolution of light!

As the most comprehensively evaluated work by the Heisei three Jerry, Gaia's story is more tense and full of thinking about human philosophy.

Of course, this is not to say that Digadina is not good!

The three masters of Heisei have their own characteristics.

Di Jiasheng is in the novel "morphological change", the theme of the story can be summarized as "the fetters between humans and light". The story of Dyner focuses on the magnificent "Great Universe Age"!

Where is Gaia?

If you have to summarize, the theme of Gaia's story is probably "Human Ultraman".

It is only the guide, but the human being is the executor!

Because of the disagreement between the concepts, the light of the earth and the light of the ocean fought. This kind of strange thing can only be seen in Gaia TV.

You said the super ancient dark giant vs the light giant? Beria VS Light Country?

This nature is different!

Whether it is the dark giant or Beria, they are all villains in the setting. The struggle they had had was different from Gaia Aguru.

Aguru is not a villain!

The conflict between him and Gaia was only because of the disagreement between the two concepts. Neither the light of the earth nor the light of the ocean prevented them from the civil war.

This is the biggest attraction of Gaia!

To have depth and depth, to have gimmicks and gimmicks, even the nirvana photon streamline is so different!

The reason why the Heisei Sanjie is regarded as a classic by fans, after years of still shining, also has Gaia's contribution.

Just imagine!

If Gaia is not so good, and one of the trilogy is worse than the other, can there be the legend of "Heisei Three Masters"? I'm afraid it is not being ridiculed as "Heisei three insects"!

The three masters began with Tiga and ended with Gaia.

Whether it is Tiga who is in the lead, Dana who has laid a brilliant foundation, and Gaia who is the finale in the decisive game, they are all rare classics.

Now, this classic is over!

On the spot, applauded, the actor sent flowers to the lead actor, and everyone chanted "Gaia Finish", Meng Lang, who was squatting behind the monitor, breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally finished!

The Heisei Sanjie finally came to a successful end today.

Although he felt that the completion quality of the PD version of Heisei Sanjie did not reach the expected level, there are still many points worth polishing.

But the flaws don't cover up!

In his previous life, he could only shoot anti-Japanese dramas. What kind of third-rate directors who played the tears of ghosts, can shoot such quality, it is already extraordinary.

My family knows about my family affairs!

Meng Lang is very self-aware. He didn't say that Heisei Sanjie was in his hands, he must have air every second...

That's not realistic!

The most arduous work is over, and the rest of the post-production, just spend some time staring at it.

After a lively "Filming Barbecue Party" was held in the small pond next to the filming location, the crew disbanded.

Meng Lang returned to the PD building.

After simply dealing with a few problems that Chen Huan could not solve, he drove to the "Thunderbird Culture" company located next to Sunshine Avenue.

Thunderbird Culture, formerly known as "Thunderbird Studio".

That's right!

It was an outsourcing special effects studio that produced special effects for "Boys of Fire" and used Rolls Royce to receive Meng Zi and impressed him.

Thunderbird and Mengzi have cooperated for many years. Later, after Mengzi made a fortune, he also bought them and included them under PD Film and Television.

But they did not change their name.

"Thunderbird Culture" joined the PD Group in the form of a subsidiary, directly under the jurisdiction of Ma Teng of "PD Film".

They have two businesses.

One is to do special effects within the group, and to collect money is just left-handed and right-handed. The other is to undertake special effects outsourcing and continue to work in the industry to earn extra money.

Of course, there is no Rolls Royce this time!

After Meng Lang acquired Thunderbird, it did not restrict them from continuing to accept outsourcing, but restricted their "reception specifications."

This rule has caused dozens of special effects artists up and down the Thunderbird culture to see Mr. Meng’s eyes change...

Okay, let's not mention it.

Mentioned Rolls Royce, Meng Lang couldn't help but want to laugh. Since Thunderbird has become his own, he cannot sprinkle salt on other people's wounds.

Meng Lang came here not for Rolls-Royce, but for Gaia's post-production special effects.

Thunderbird made a suggestion!

"Since the light of the earth and the light of the ocean can be integrated to upgrade Ultraman's form, why not consider combining combat skills?"

Combat skill?

There is one thing to say, this Meng Lang really never thought about it.

Alter combined attack skills are not new words. As early as the "Leo Ultraman" period, specific actions have been proposed and designed.

Remember Astra?

Leo and his younger brother Astra had considered a large number of "combined attack skills" in the initial design.

The most classic is "Alt Double Flash"!

This combined attack technique is that Astra squatted in front of Leo with her hands folded and held high. Leo did a set of broadcast gymnastics behind him and put his hands on it, releasing red light.

In addition to this double flash, the Leo brothers also have many "combined strikes", such as "double kick", "double spark" and so on.

The concept of "joint attack" is very common in Ultraman. In addition to the Leo brothers, there are many Ultramans who have used them.

However, their combined attacks are at most "lights converging into one stream", without additional and individually designed combined attacks.

Lack of new ideas!

Regarding the joint attack, it depends on the Leo brothers and the Severn father and son.

Needless to say the Leo brothers, the "combined darts" of Saiwen and his son is also a model of Alter's combined attack skills.

The "cosmic miracle light" released by the six brothers of Showa together, because of the extra action, is also regarded as one...

Does the Heisei Sanjie have a joint attack?

Meng Lang scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he didn't expect the three of them to have a combined attack skill other than "light gathering".

As for Aguru and Gaia?

This one does!

In the Tsuburaya version of the "Ultraman Gaia" TV series, Gaia and Aguru have used a variety of combined attack skills.

For example, double palm light, double destruction light, double smashing streamline, double Otter cutting, double photon burst...

But here comes the problem!

These co-strike skills are still the old routines presented in the form of "light collection", without additional and separate co-strike actions.

The more special ones are probably the two skills of "Photon Square Field" and "Double Barrier".

The special effects artist of Thunderbird wants to strengthen the position of "combination" in practical applications. This is a very good idea!

But this will cause a trouble!

The fighting scene materials are all filmed. If you want to reuse the combined attack skills, you have to make up a part of the shots. It takes a while~www.ltnovel.com~ Is it worthwhile?

Meng Lang couldn't guarantee that the enhanced effect of the combined attack could surpass the existing effect.

If you spend a lot of time and energy, and the final result is not as good as the previous version, it would be too depressing.

So he was hesitating...

The proposal of the Thunderbird special effects artist is very pertinent, and he also came up with a specific implementation plan. From the rendering effect, it is indeed better than the existing version.

But what will the audience think?

Frequent use of combo skills to enhance the visual perception of combo skills, will it affect the ratings?

"President Meng, take a gamble!"

Mr. Lei, the boss of the Thunderbird Studio, said with witty words: "You think, if I didn't use Rolls Royce to pick you up at the airport, would Thunderbird still have today?"


Meng Lang wavered.

Perceiving that there is a play, Mr. Lei hits the railroad while it is hot: "If you win the gambling, Gaia will go to the next level, and it will definitely become a classic masterpiece! Even if you lose the gambling, it doesn’t matter. The audience should watch it and it won’t affect our selling toys. !"

It seems to make sense!

Even if the audience doesn't like these "bells and whistles" synergy, Gaia has done a good job in the story holster, and it can still attract numerous audiences.

In that case, what are you afraid of?


Meng Lang patted the table and said: "You let the special effects artist design well, and I will call the holster actors to make up the shots."

"it is good!"

"Meng always has courage!"

Hearing this, Mr. Lei rubbed his hands and smiled brightly: "Then we have to recalculate the special effects money!"

Brothers have to settle accounts clearly!

What's wrong with Meng is always the boss? Can the boss be for free?

We are a financially independent accounting and self-financing subsidiary, are you not happy to charge a little special effects fee?


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