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Chapter 923: Shikali, the source of all evil

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"Mom, buy this for me!"

"What to buy? I bought one for you last time, and I have to buy it again only a few days ago. Are you a money printing machine as an old lady?"

"It's different!"

"Before that was Dyna, this is Gaia!"

"What's the difference? Isn't it all Ultraman?" Mother said as she grabbed her son's little hand, "Oh, obedient! It's almost at the end of the term, and I will buy it for you if you get 100 points!"

"I don't, I don't, I want it!"

The son cried and cried, shaking his mother's hand and making noise: "Liangliang has Gaia, and I want me too!"

"You kid..."

Looking at the crying son, my mother was not beating or cursing, she could only sigh when she felt the gaze from the people around her.

"Fine, I'll buy it for you!"

Grabbing her son and walking into the magnificent PD home on the street, the mother said to the clerk: "How much is your new Ultraman?"

"Madam, do you mean Gaia?"

The customer came to the door, and the clerk warmly received: "We have more than ten new Gaia products in our store. I don't know which one you want to buy?"

More than a dozen kinds?

"so much?"

Mother curiously said: "Take me to see!"

"Okay lady, please follow me."

The clerk led the mother and child to the nearby booth, picked up a sapphire cone and said, "This is Gaia Ultraman’s transfiguration device [Sapphire cone]. It comes with a variety of sound and lighting effects and uses battery power. ..."

"how much is this?"

"This is new!"

After emphasizing the new style, the clerk spoke eloquently: "The official guide price is 98 yuan, and we can give you a 30 yuan discount for activities in our store!"

That's 68?

Mother shook her head and said, "It's too expensive! Are there any dolls? It's the Ultraman plastic villain..."


The clerk fetched an SHF Gaia action figure from the side, broke the joints a few times and said: "This is the new SHF Gaia action figure, beautifully shaped and movable all over the body. A special price of 398 yuan for a limited time!"

"If you buy the SHF Gaia + SHM Gob set, you can save 50 yuan, and you can take it away at 749 yuan!"

"Why is it so expensive!"

My mother frowned and said, "You are not a scammer! The last time I came to your store to buy Dai Na, it was only a few dozen yuan!"

"Madam, this is the SHF series!"

The clerk explained: "SHF Ultraman and SHM Monster series, the price has always been so much. The Dyna you mentioned should be a normal model!"

"Yes, yes, normal models!"

The mother nodded and said, "Bring me a normal model!"


The clerk took out an unopened V1 regular version of Gaia, and just handed it to the mother, the child next to him shouted: "Mom, not this!"

"Why not?"

Mother took the box and looked at it, "Didn't it say, Ultraman Gaia!"

"not this!"

With a flushed face, the son pointed to the Gaia pattern on the packing box and said: "The chest, the chest is black!"

Mother looked at the clerk curiously.

The clerk nodded and said, "Children, you are talking about the V2 version of Gaia! V2 version, only SHF is the one just now!"

Which one just now?

When my mother heard this, she instantly thought of the high price, shook her head and said, "Forget it, wrap this for me, and we will buy this."

"No, I don't want this!"

The son is noisy and noisy, which makes mom look very ugly. If it weren't for the bad shot in front of outsiders, she would have beaten the bastard.

As a last resort, my mother had to ask: "Then what, Gaia with a black chest, is there no ordinary model?"


The clerk shook his head and said: "Gaia V1 only has ordinary models, V2 only has SHF basic models, and supreme only has SHF collector's version!"

"If you want to buy V2, I suggest you add two hundred yuan, and directly buy the SHF Collector's Edition Supreme Gaia in one step!"


As if not seeing the sudden black face of this mother, the clerk said to himself: "In the past few days, many parents who brought their children to the store have bought Supreme Gaia after considering it."

"The SHF Collector's Edition Supreme Gaia is also the best-selling new product in our store... Madam, don't you go!"

This sale is yellow!

Let’s not talk about what kind of brutal beating this kid will face when he comes home, just say that Gaia’s three forms correspond to three products, which is really bad.

The form upgrade corresponds to the consumption upgrade!

How much money you spend determines not only how much happiness you will get, but also your "status" in the class.

Children who buy the V1 regular model cannot look up in front of the V2 model. The child who bought the V2 model can't look up in front of Supreme Gaia...

So here comes the problem!

After buying the SHF Collector's Edition Supreme Gaia, can I be at the top of the "chain of contempt", watching the boys in the class?

The answer is no!

On top of Supreme Gaia, there is also a special limited edition "Crystal" Gaia!

The crystal version is sold in limited quantities around the world, and money may not necessarily be available. This is the version that stands at the top of the chain of contempt.

Of course, this stuff is too rare.

According to the limited number, a prefecture-level city may not have a crystal Gaia. The SHF Collector's Edition Supreme Gaia is enough to pretend.

It's strange...

Among Gaia's many peripheral toys, the "Sapphire Cone" as a transforming device is actually the lowest-selling new product.

Why on earth?

If it's because of "ugliness", then the original Sapphire cone is really ugly, and children are unwilling to play with it.

But Meng Lang has changed it!

The redesigned Sapphire cone, not to mention how beautiful it is, at least is more pleasing to the eye than the original version, and it also has the characteristic of "spreading wings". Why is no one buying it?

Under curiosity, Meng Lang sent someone to inquire about the children's thoughts.

As a result, he was speechless.

The reason why children didn't buy Sapphire cones was not because of the ugly shape, but because the thing was "not compelling."

According to the story in the play, Lamborghini is a transformation device made by Gaoshanmeng himself, creating a precedent for "human body hand rubbing transformation device".

This setting is very interesting!

But for children, the transforming device made by the human body itself is certainly not as powerful as the transforming device "given by Ultraman".

to be honest……

He is a "fake"!

It is also a transforming device, my sacred light stick and his flash sword, which are all "genuine products" given by Ultraman, is your Sapphire cone actually rubbed by human hands?


Too rubbish!

Children's thinking is sometimes so strange. Their reasons for vetoing Lan Baozhu also made Meng Lang dumbfounded.

Forget it!

The fake is just a fake, since the kids don’t like this setting, next time, don’t use the "human body hand rubbing device".

He also realized.

Among Gaia's many innovations, some of the settings were very successful and were used in subsequent works. Some settings were not pleasing, and were finally reluctantly abandoned.

This is one of them!

The human body rubs the transforming device, it sounds so cool. Adults will think, wow, this is amazing, the screenwriter who came up with this is amazing!

But kids don’t like...

There is no way! Altman is always an IP supported by children. The settings they don't like must be given up even if they are successful again.

Maybe someone will be curious?

The Kamen Rider next door, isn't it also a human body hand rubbing transformer? Why is there no objection, the belt drive is still selling hot?

The two are different in nature!

Kamen Rider has clarified the transformation system from the beginning of the first work, that is, the era of "transforming people".

Since it is to transform people, the belt must also be made by humans!

Since the first work, they have already shaped relevant settings. And what about Ultraman? The “giving” system is the beginning!

Of course, it was changed later.

Gaia tried this time but it failed. Later Tsuburaya thought for a while, since the "human body hand rubbing equipment" is not suitable, then try another person?

But who should I change?

The human organization in the play? That is not appropriate, "artificial Ultraman" is always a taboo topic!

How about the Kingdom of Light?

This seems to be possible. The Bureau of Science and Technology has the strength to manufacture a series of Ultra equipment.

In the background of Ultraman Showa, many equipment produced by the Bureau of Science and Technology, such as Jack's Ultra Bracelet, were also mentioned, which is a good foundation...

Thus, Shikali was born!

"The Source of All Evil" Hikali, can be called the biggest behind-the-scenes man in the history of Otter, and his insidious degree is no less than that of "Safrin".


Meng Lang has a guess!

Shikali is a blue athlete who works for the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light. Because of his contributions in investigation and research, he was recruited by Captain Zofi as a member of the Space Guard. The silver dot on his chest is the same "Medal of Merit" as Zofi.

Why is it such a coincidence?

When coincidences are so dense, there is only one truth: all coincidences are deliberate!

The armor of vengeance is probably a secret hand planted by Zofi in order to control Shikali and secretly control the "Science and Technology Bureau".

On the face of it, Hikali had broken free from the control of the armor of vengeance. But this is an illusion created deliberately by Zofi, and the real Shikali is still under his control, constantly making all kinds of equipment in preparation for subverting the Kingdom of Light.

The equipment manufactured by Shikali is frequently "stolen", and I am afraid that it was also Zuofei intentionally.

The purpose is to use the hands of outsiders to experiment with the actual combat performance of these equipment, by the way, explore the bottom of the new generation of the Kingdom of Light.

You deserve it, Sha Fulin!

With such a meticulous and rigorous plan, no one has been able to detect the abnormality, and the wisdom of that adult is simply unfathomable.

Of course, this is just a guess!

Is there any collusion between Shikali and Shafrin? Is there a huge conspiracy behind the frequent leaks of Light Nation equipment? All this remains to be verified!

Anyway, the **** of Meng Lang annoyed Hikali.

This B must be intentional...

Even if the equipment is stolen once or twice, Nima is stolen once a year!

Is your security fake? The kingdom of light dominates the universe, how can the core research institute penetrate so simply? What are the red Olympics doing?

It's not over yet!

One thing that Meng Lang couldn't accept the most was that whenever Hikali came up with a product that was against the sky, soon after the leak, the evil forces came up with "fake products."

Ah this...

Is it because Shikali's product is too easy to crack, or is it that the evil forces have obtained the true story of China, and the ability to reverse imitation is full?

This is not normal at all!

After the release of the new technology, Hikali was immediately cracked by his opponent, and the suspicion of "internal rapist" was full. In short, it was very outrageous!

But then again!

If you want to select many Ultraman, Bandai's father's favorite Ultraman, Hikali can definitely be at the forefront.

He is simply the **** of wealth!

Had it not been for Shikali to "research and develop" to save Tsuburaya, I am afraid that the Ultraman series would have died of "Mengbius" long ago.

Gaia is the last light!

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, after Gaia, Tsuburaya began to decline. Had it not been for a bite of the rabbit milk, the European political commissar came to power to turn the tide, the Ultraman series would have belched.

Gauss, Nexus, and Max, these three "S" generations, Ultraman, have an average performance.

Meng Lang is not very interested in Gauss.

Although it is "advanced fusion material", the image of a loving warrior is extremely tall and bright.

But this is just an illusion!

The benevolent warrior, in reality, strikes hard at others. There is no doubt that the idea of ​​this work has been ridiculed, and Tsuburu's face has been beaten and swollen.

Is it hypocritical?

Some people say that this is just an accident! Thousands of mistakes are also the fault of the protagonist, Gauss should not be blamed.


But the business plan clearly says "the brand new Ultraman with both strong and gentle", did Tsuburaya do it?

The role they portrayed as Gauss, or Musashi, clearly deviated from the original intention of "hardness and softness".

Why is Gauss unpopular?

Don't let the image, plot and other reasons get lost~www.ltnovel.com~ In fact, there is one reason in the final analysis: people are not likable!

Of course, China is talking about here.

In the neon market, Gauss is quite pleasing. After all, the people there are afraid of being "battered" by mushrooms, and they dream of world peace.

The protagonists of various animations are also generally based on "Asasi".

But this is just a neon!

Out of neon, who else will eat you?

The scandal that Gauss starred in beating people did not cause much sensation in China, and even many audiences did not know that this happened. Why is Gauss still tepid?

This requires reflection!

The Asashi Japanese male protagonist is not too good to be in the anime, but the live-action drama is a bit unacceptable.

Of course, Musashi also has another side.

In the face of extremely ferocious monsters, he will also show a strong posture, switch the form of the corona to send the monster on the road.

But this is not enough!

To change Gauss’s “soft” impression, he must retain his “benevolent influence” characteristics, and must inject new characteristics into Musashi.

Hard and soft!

Tsuburaya clearly found the right direction, but did not strictly follow the plan. I have to say that this is Gauss' biggest failure.

So, this is not the starring pot.

Even if there is no "beating scandal", Gauss's too "softened" personality can not win most of the audience's love.

Because of this, Meng Lang is not very interested in Gauss.

Hardness and softness are too difficult to achieve. If you fail to make a good shot and make a joke, you might as well skip Gauss!

Anyway, it's fusion material!

Whether there are TV dramas or not, it seems really not important for Gaussian fusion material.

Compared to Siro and Zaas, Gauss seems to be more in line with the characteristics of "Movie Austria"!

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