Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 935: Inheritance of new and old holster actors

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Everything is possible!

Regardless of "Golden Armor Warrior 2" or "Dancing Girl Dofalla", only two episodes have been broadcast at present.

Who can tell the rest?

After instructing Yang Ping to collect more information about Li Xinglong and Golden Warrior 2 for him, Meng Lang no longer pays attention to the PK of these two dramas.

After all, it makes no sense.

Li Xinglong wins Tao Mi, and Golden Armor Warrior 2 wins the dance goddess. Is bullying a woman a sense of accomplishment?

Mengzi who has the ability to be tough!

If it's a movie, Meng Lang is really a little bit empty, but TV dramas, especially children's dramas, who has he counseled?


If you really want to avenge Tao Mi, you have to let Yan Tao come. Meng Lang's "Super Galaxy Legend" is just a movie.

Besides, it's not finished yet...

It has been more than a month since the launch of "Super Galaxy Legend". In a blink of an eye, the annual Mid-Autumn Festival came again, and the shooting progress was still slow.

"It's not easy to shoot!"

Meng Lang was also very depressed. He sat behind the monitor all day, his **** was numb and he couldn't shoot a few scenes.

Is this a human life?

He also wants to speed up the progress, but the problem is that it cannot be speeded up. There are too many big scenes and fighting scenes in "Super Galaxy Legend", and every scene has to be pondered.

"Keep one!"

"OK! Keep one more!"

These two sentences are probably what Meng Lang said the most.

The director is tired, the holster actors are even more tired.

As an actor of the "Ultraman" queen holster, Li Yong, who is affectionately referred to as "Uncle Yong" by fans, and "Invisible Ultraman" by the media, was exhausted during this time.

He is forty years old this year!

Li Yong and Yang Jun, as the first holster actors to join Pengda, have now worked for 10 years and have played more than a dozen Ultraman roles.

At this age, it's time to retire!

After years of fatigue, Li Yong accumulated a whole body of injuries. Persuaded by his wife, he originally wanted to resign to President Meng after he finished the filming of Altman Gaia this year.

As a result, Yang Jun stopped him.

I can't say to stop it, it should have changed his mind with actions.

Yang Jun, who is three years older than him and just turned forty-three this year, has been active in the crew of "Kamen Rider" as a holster actor of "First Generation Ultraman".

He also thought about quitting. The money he earned over the years is enough for him to have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life.

But every time he saw those enthusiastic children and the simple eyes that worshiped him, he was shaken.

Yang Jun said that he worked hard in Neon for nearly ten years, and slowly developed from an unknown "behind the scenes" to a banner figure of Kamen Rider!

The audience never knew him, to know and understand him, to "recognize him by body", it only took ten years...

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Even if he didn't make money, didn't think about himself, just for the look of expectation, he had to grit his teeth and persevere.

Brother Jun's words touched Li Yong.

He thinks of himself. There are so many fans all over the world who like Ultraman, shouting the children of "Uncle Li Yong" in a crisp and childlike voice, can he go?

Is he willing to go?

When he thought of this, he tore up his resignation application without hesitation, and resolutely renewed his contract with the company for 10 years despite the opposition of his wife and children.

Tired is definitely tired!

But you want to ask him whether he regrets it? Actually do not regret it.

As President Meng said ten years ago, it is not only our mission but also our glory to create a joyful and happy childhood for children!

Perhaps, he is destined to become an "invisible hero"!

Even if no one knows the name...

"Master, drink tea!"

Taking off the Siro leather case soaked in sweat, Li Yong sweated profusely and took the herbal tea from his apprentice. After drinking it, he let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the group of young people around, Li Yong nodded with satisfaction.

These are his "disciples"!

After PD established a holding group and established a "holstered actor training base", he was invited by President Meng to take up the post of lecturer.

Over the years, there have been more than a dozen holster actors trained by him and took up positions!

Doesn't sound like much?

You have to consider the "elimination rate"!

PD is no longer what it used to be, and the standards for selecting holster actors in the training base have been mentioned again and again.

Every year, thousands of young people with low diplomas and poor families who are eager to get a high salary to change their destiny enter the base for training through the "primary election".

Among them, only 50 people are left!

Among these 50 people, at most five people have passed complete training and obtained official PD contracts, leaving the status of "apprentice"!

Therefore, Li Yong can train more than ten qualified holster actors, which is already a very good result.

There are more than one hundred "disciples" accepted by Li Yong. The vast majority of them are "apprentices", more than a dozen formal actors, and most of them have gone overseas.

"Master, the Neon Division needs me, an email written by Mr. Baicang himself!"

"The North American branch has good benefits, but it still earns dollars!"

"The European branch is not bad, the working environment is relaxed and comfortable..."

Li Yong did not oppose the choice of the students.

He also knows that the reason why these young people become holster actors is to earn a "high salary" to change the destiny of their families. There are indeed better opportunities to go to overseas branches.

But... meeting is difficult!

The filming of "Super Galaxy Legend" requires a large number of leather actors. In addition to “recruiting” holster volunteers from the society, Mr. Meng also sent hundreds of apprentices to the holster base.

This is an opportunity for them!

As a person in the past, Li Yong knows the importance of this opportunity.

He often took advantage of the rest time to teach his apprentices his experience, hoping that some of them would have apprentices, and seize this opportunity to win President Meng’s approval and succeed in becoming a regular employee.

Although, it is difficult!

In the Super Galactic Legend, a large number of Ultraman appeared.

Long Taoao, that is, those holsters that are shoddy and shoddy, do not need to do, stand in place as the background board, all volunteers.

A little bit of a scene, the Ultraman who needs to play with Beria, or the monster who plays with Siro, will be served by the apprentices.

As for the more roles, such as Dreambius, the first generation and Saiwen, they are formal holster actors.

The protagonists Cerro and Beria are respectively played by Li Yong and another senior "monster" holster actor.

Clear division of labor, deep level!

The performance opportunities left for these apprentices may only be a short shot or two.

How to behave yourself has won the approval of President Meng. This is a profound knowledge!

Li Yong can only do his best.

This group of young people is not easy. The apprentice salary is only 3K a month, and the regular salary is 10K to start. Whether they can seize the opportunity or not depends on them.

"Xiao Luo, come here!"

Li Yong beckoned, motioning Ronaldinho to come closer.

After Ronaldinho approached, Li Yong said: "Your Ultraman is called Max, right?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Then you wait and pay attention!"

Li Yong pondered: "There will be a scene later on yours, and you will fight with Beria."

Ronaldinho looked surprised.

Li Yong revealed: "Max is a rare Ultraman with a name. After the movie is released, there will be subtitles to remind the audience. Do you know what this means?"

"I...I know!"

Ronaldinho thought thoughtfully: "Master, do you mean that Max's identity is not simple? Will there be roles in the future?"


Li Yong actually knew the inside story, but he could not tell his apprentices that by revealing some inside information to Ronaldinho, he had violated the company's confidentiality rules.

But he can't help it!

Ronaldinho's father is disabled and his mother is mad. The whole family depends on him to make money to support, he needs this job too much.

He can also see Xiao Luo's usual efforts. Li Yong felt that he was worthy of a regularization contract, and he needed this opportunity more than others.

"How is the script written?"

"Two sticks fly away..."

"Then you don't care about the script, and you have a few more tricks with Beria. If Mr. Meng asks, you say that acting like this is more in line with the character setting."

"Master, is this good?"

Ronaldinho said nervously: "I heard that President Meng hates actors making temporary changes."

"Listen to me, I won't hurt you!"

Li Yong hated iron and screamed: "Your family is too poor to open the pot. If you don't seize this opportunity, when do you want to wait?"

"I... I get it!"

When Xiao Luo heard this, he didn't hesitate, and immediately decided to do what the master said.

He wants to change the fate of the family!

If Mr. Meng is scolded, or even expelled from the crew, he will lose a job at most, and if he enters the electronics factory or moves bricks on the construction site, there will always be a way out.

But what if there is a turnaround?

The monthly salary is over 10,000!

For Ronaldinho, who has a junior high school diploma and has no skills, this is an opportunity to change his destiny, and he must firmly grasp it.

"Who is Max?"

The court clerk shouted: "Hurry up and change the holster, it's your turn to play!"

"I'm coming!"

Ronaldinho did not dare to delay, hurriedly bid farewell to the master, put on the stuffy and hot Max leather case, and walked into Studio 2.

President Meng is waiting for him.

Beria is also here, the texture of his suit is like a **** god. Holding a thick and hard rod, he walked slowly.

Seeing the slightly "hunched" Beria standing in front of him, Ronaldinho was instinctively panicked.

But soon, the desire for "regularity" overcame fear.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Meng Lang's time is very tight. After filming this scene, he has to rush home to cook Tao Mi's dinner. After learning the cooking for so long, it finally came in handy.

The scene is very simple, Beria can just knock Max with two sticks, no extra moves...

It was like this!

But in the process of shooting, something unexpected happened.

Max, who was supposed to be pumped, did not fall according to the original plan, but continued to fight Beria.

Beria is dumbfounded!

He looked down at the Ultimate Fighting Apparatus, almost suspecting it was a fake.

Meng Lang hurriedly called card, walked to the two of them and asked Max: "Did you not read the script?"


"I don't know if I saw it?"

Meng Lang frowned and said, "Let's talk about it, why not act according to the script?"


It was discovered that President Meng did not get angry right away, but after asking him the reason, Ronaldinho knew that his opportunity had come.

"President Meng, I don't think Max should end the battle so hastily. With his strength, it shouldn't be..."


Meng Lang asked with interest: "Where did you hear it? Or, who told you?"

"I... I thought about it myself!"

Ronaldinho didn't want to betray his master, he could only say that he came up with it.

"Why do you think so?"

Meng Lang reluctantly asked: "Max has no settings except this leather case. Why do you think he is strong?"

"Answer me, why are you?"


Xiao Luo was frightened and sweating profusely by these words. Just when he didn't know how to answer, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"first name!"

"first name?"

Meng Lang frowned and said, "Tell me!"

"Mr. Meng, I know Altman's name usually has its own special meaning. Max, should it be the transliteration of English Max?"

"Go on!"

Meng Lang did not admit or deny, but let Xiao Luo continue to speak.

His remarks made Ronaldinho see the turning point, and he hurriedly revealed what he thought of: "Max seems to have the biggest, fastest and strongest interpretation. The Altman named after this should not be so weak."

"What you said makes sense!"

Meng Lang nodded first, and then asked with interest: "Then what do you think?"

"I think...even if he is very immature and can't beat Beria, who is holding the ultimate fighting rig, he should be able to do two tricks."


Meng Lang patted the shoulder of the "Young Max" in front of him, and said with deep meaning: "Then try as you said, let's see the effect!"

"By the way, what is your name?"

"President Meng~www.ltnovel.com~My name is Luo Zixiang!"

"Well, good name!"

After complimenting him, Meng Lang turned his head and said to "Beria" and Wu Zhi Mu Jie: "It's more than a few tricks for Max to change the scene..."

"Okay, President Meng!"

After the two agreed, they looked at "Max" unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, this person actually convinced Mr. Meng to change the play?

This is an extremely rare scene!

In this situation, Mr. Meng usually runs away, throwing the guide tube on the actor and scolding: "Will you be acting? If you can't act, just get out of here!"

So amiable, is this kid surnamed Luo a cousin of Meng Zongyuan?

No, no, this is impossible!

It’s said that Mr. Meng started a fire, and even the boss’s wife and his biological parents dared to scold him. What is the mere relatives?

there is only one truth!

What this kid said was indeed in line with President Meng's wishes, and was appreciated and recognized by President Meng, so he changed the play for him.

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

After President Meng left, Mu Jie looked at the "Max" in front of him, and said in amazement: "You can do it, kid! Luo Zixiang, right? I remember you!"

"Guide Mu..."

"Don't call Guizhou Mu, call Brother Mu!"

Now that President Meng appreciates this newcomer, Mu Jie is of course also willing to give him a hand, and said with a pleasant tone: "Come on, I'll design a new action for you, please remember..."

What happened in Studio 2 quickly spread to the rest area.

Li Yong was also relieved.

Ronaldinho did not live up to his expectations and seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win President Meng's approval, which made him very gratified.

Not surprisingly...

From now on, Ronaldinho will be Max's exclusive holster actor. From then on, he has been soaring!

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