Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 943: Kamen Rider step shocked the clouds?

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After entering the twelfth lunar month, Lao Meng returned to China.

In the deserted villa for many months, with the return of Lao Meng and the arrival of his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, he finally felt a little at home.

of course!

It's usually quite lively.

After all, there is a little ancestor who "loves toss" in the family, which adds a lot of joy and popularity to the few Meng family.

It was not the turn of Meng Lang and Tao Mi to intervene in the work of buying new year goods and cleaning the villa.

What they should do!

After the first broadcast of "Pretty Girl of Light" ended, Tao Mi couldn't wait to start the broadcast of the second and second episodes of the first season of "Dancing Girl".

She wants to take a "exhaust"!

In this winter, "Guangmei" is undoubtedly a depth bomb thrown into the film and television industry, setting off a huge wave. It is no exaggeration to say that Guangmei has re-established the benchmark for the theme of "Magic Girl", giving this theme a new life!

As the "Dancing Girl" with the same theme, the front foot is attached to the back foot. If it can catch a little bit of popularity, the ratings will not be...Wuhu takes off?

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel.

Although the subject matter is the same, the audience of "Dancing God" and "Pretty Girl of Light" have a low overlap rate. Audiences who like to watch "Beautiful Girl of Light" do not necessarily like to watch "Dancing Girl".

Drainage failed...

Fortunately, the audience is tolerant, and the ability to accept live-action girl special photos is better than girl animation.

Therefore, the results are not bad.

"Don't be so frustrated, just take it as a basic practice, maybe the second season and the third season will be accumulated!" Meng Lang comforted his wife.

"I know!"

Tao Mi nodded, and soon calmed down his frustration.

Husband is right, there is still a chance!

[Dancing Goddess] is an IP series, not a single work. If the first season is not tepid, then the second season will come back, no problem.

Just as the couple were prepared to "accumulate a lot of money" and decided to abandon the first season of Dancing Goddess and start preparing for the second season, Tao Mi received a message.

The little actor Xu Wenwen who played the "Fa Su Tianma" Lin Danni fell ill!


Before thinking about it, the couple hurried to the hospital to visit Xu Wenwen.

"Why didn't you get the doctor in time?"

"Now that the condition is getting worse, have you parents considered the consequences? The illness was found half a year ago, and now you are sent to the hospital?"

Faced with successive questions from the attending doctor, the parents of Meng Lang and Xu Wenwen bowed their heads in embarrassment.

The doctor shook his head disappointedly.

He has seen too many patients and too many joys and sorrows. The little girl who had just arrived, he had already guessed the answer based on the medical record.

Most of the time after the detection of the disease, the parents feel that the treatment fee is too expensive and choose to take the child home for conservative medical treatment. How long can you live...

What a beast!

While secretly scolding these parents for being irresponsible, the doctor did not forget to tell them about the patient's condition.

Just talking, he seemed to recognize Meng Zi...

"Hey, who are you?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Before coming here, Meng Lang had never thought of hiding his identity, so he took off his mask and confessed happily.

"Meng Black Pig!"

Seeing this disgusting face, the doctor's hands trembled and furiously said: "Are you still a person? Is this little girl a relative of yours? Why can't you help me?"


The doctor roared so loudly that all the surrounding nurses and the patients' family members looked over.

"What happened?"

"I heard that it is Meng Heizhu Xiaosan, come here to have a baby!"

"You have a problem with your ears. Why did I hear that Meng Heizhu drunk driving, injured a little girl, and refused to pay for medical expenses?"

"No wonder Dr. Wang is so angry..."

Good guys!

It was only a while, and there was a circle around watching the lively patients and family members, and they talked about it.

"Doctor Wang, calm down!"

"Let's go in and say..."

The corridor is not a place to talk. After walking into the office and closing the door, Meng Lang told the doctor the reason for "sending to the doctor in six months."

"So that's it..."

After learning that the little girl was delaying the best treatment time, it was not because the family was reluctant to spend money, but because she volunteered to do it, Dr. Wang also sighed.

"That's difficult!"

"After such a long delay, the condition deteriorated rapidly. To be honest, after entering this stage, you must be psychologically prepared..."

Wenwen's parents were struck by lightning.

Tao Mi couldn't help crying. Although Meng Lang didn't cry, he still felt heavy.

The subtext of Dr. Wang's words is obvious.

The treatment is of little use, at best it reduces the pain. From this moment on, the child has entered the countdown to life.

Wenwen woke up!

The little girl had a serious illness, her face was pale and she did not look like she used to, but she still smiled happily.

Finding that the TV in the ward was broken, she was clamoring to change to a ward where she could watch TV. She didn't want to miss any episode of "Dancing God" because of her hospitalization.

"What's the hurry!"

Meng Lang smiled and comforted: "After being discharged from the hospital, there is time to watch."

"I don't think I can get out..."

I have to say that women have a strange intuition called the "sixth sense", even for little girls.

She might have guessed it too.

After all, she was so smart, and the faces of her parents and Tao Mi's sister were very bad, and most of them could see it.

"Uncle Meng, you don't need to comfort me."

The little girl smiled brightly and said: "I knew that this day was a long time ago, I am not afraid! Sister Tao Mi helped me realize my wish, and I am very content."

Sister Tao Mi?

Uncle Meng! ?

Meng Lang raised his eyebrows and silently gave the little girl a one-star negative comment.

Of course, he didn't care.

Who would care about such trivial matters with a child lying on a sickbed, whose life is about to die?

He sighed.

After leaving time and space to Wenwen's family, he and Tao Mi turned around and left the hospital and returned home.

This incident was a big blow to Tao Mi!

For three whole days, she didn't sleep well, and she was very concerned about Wenwen.

What worries her even more is the lack of strict confidentiality measures at the hospital. A nurse broke the news to the media, which aroused the attention of many fans and passers-by of the "Dancing Girl".

Lin Danni, the goddess of Fasu!

This role may have been a little transparent a week ago, and few people know that...

But after a week, the fire spread all over the country!

Xu Wenwen's deeds touched countless netizens. She was also named the "Most Beautiful Magical Girl" and many people gave her donations.

Of course, no one collects this money.

There is no need for outsiders to worry about Wenwen's medical expenses. Compared with this, Wenwen's condition is more worrying.

Wenwen is a sensible child!

Since her parents told her that there are many good-hearted people outside who are paying attention to her condition, the child has learned to take short vlog videos and share her own dynamics every day so that everyone does not have to worry.

She told everyone to stop "donating money and materials", saying that she didn't need these things. If you really want to help her, then go and watch "Dancing Goddess"!

"I want more people to see me become a magical girl!"

"Yes, we will!"

Under Wenwen’s appeal, there are fewer donations and materials, but the ratings of "Dancing Girl" that is currently on the air continue to soar...

Within a few days, Wenwen broke off.

Her video Vlog hasn't been updated for several days, and the moved netizens recovered their calm and began to question the truth of this incident.

A big V publicly stated that this is undoubtedly the best "marketing". Using people's kindness to increase the ratings of a TV series, all colleagues in the circle should learn PD.

The rhythm is up!

When the netizens were angry and felt that the big V made sense and planned to collectively blast the PD official blog and Mengzi Weibo, they found that their avatars were all "grey".

Wenwen is gone!

She has not been able to survive this winter, seeing the spring blossoms, nor the ending of the first season of "Dancing God".

[Fasu, who yearned for the moonlight, finally returned to her magic kingdom! ——Meng Zi is not short of money]

At this time, no one said anything.

The big V who swore before, quickly deleted the "small essay", opened the comment area to restrict speech, and pretended that nothing happened.

The angry netizens also calmed down.

No one took the opportunity to hype in the production team of Dancing Girl, PD Film and Television and Tao Mi.

But everyone knows what to do!

Wenwen said that she wants to be a magical girl so that everyone can see her most beautiful look!

Dancing goddess, go!

This is an unorganized mourning event. With a heavy heart, everyone watched the latest episode of "Dancing Goddess" that night.

Fa Su Tiannv is on fire!

Originally the second heroine, Fasu Tiannv, who was inferior to Duo Mi Tian Nv, and not as popular as Lati Tian Nv, became the most popular character in the whole play.

This makes Tao Mi very distressed.

She really never thought that Wenwen would leave her such a gift before she left.

If possible, she would rather not have the current grades or the Fasu goddess who went out of the circle, just hope that Wenwen can survive...

The Sri Lankan is dead, the living is strong.

No matter how sad, the worst result has already appeared.

The only thing Tao Mi and Meng Lang can do is to shoulder high hopes and work hard to do the second season of "Dancing God".

The second season will not start temporarily.

Wenwen had just left, and the crew was in grief. At least after everyone calms down, we can consider the production and shooting of the second season.

But G4 Legend can't wait!

The sound of New Year’s firecrackers dilutes the haze caused by the "Fasu Goddess" incident.

On New Year's Day, G4 is coming!

As the theater version of Kamen Rider AgitΩ, there are many fans who are willing to pay for the "feelings". The first day of the show was almost full.

Meng Lang also took his family to the theater to watch the film.

About 81 minutes, he felt a little dissatisfied. Because he knows that it takes 92 minutes to submit the review version!

No doubt, it was cut!

This is not the first time he has dealt with Big Scissors, and he also knows the necessity of auditing. But this time, the cut for nearly 10 minutes really made him very dissatisfied.

Ten minutes!

A movie is only tens of minutes?

If such a long scene is cut, will it really not destroy the integrity of the plot?

With curiosity, he looked down.

The background of "Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4" is set in a parallel world.

The Super Power Development Institute was attacked by a large number of unidentified life forms, and Xiao Lei and Sha Ayaka escaped. But it didn’t take long for the unknown lifeforms to stare at the two again. After Shoichi learned about it, he quickly took G3-X to rescue...

As a result, G4 appeared!

His appearance surprised everyone. Because G4 design drawings and semi-finished products were stolen not long ago, this cannot be a G4 made by the police. Who is it?

Around the layers of conspiracy, many knights launched a desperate struggle.

Among them, the cameo from the first generation Kamen Rider "Hongo Meng" father, really surprised many viewers.

It's been a long time since the old man!

Hongo Meng, who used to make guest appearances before, has not been very good in recent years, and has resigned many unnecessary guest invitations, so the audience rarely sees him return.

Unexpectedly, this time Dasen invited him out!

The scene of "Friendly Interaction" between the old man and his younger generations really made many knight chefs happy.

The plot is OK!

The cut part should be the part of the "military." This is also reasonable, after all, this is a neon movie, and the neon military...

Although the branch line is a bit broken after being cut off, the overall logic is self-consistent and enjoyable. It is very good as a theater version.

The two appearances of G4, the fantasy before the death of the G4 dresser, the appearance of the burning form, and the cool back of the audience at the end of the film, these scenes are all classic.

Knight Chef is emotionally stable...

They are ready to welcome a big bad movie, and the movie ticket is regarded as "paying for the feelings."

It turned out to be pretty good!

This big explosion scene, the wonderful fight, is not worse than TV drama!

"Are you complimenting me or hurting me?" Omori asked with a dark face.

"Of course I praise you!"

Meng Lang laughed and said, "By the way, who designed your fight? How can I see the taste of Tai Chi?"

"Designed by the little master!"

No wonder!

Meng Lang patted his head.

The little master hasn’t seen him for a long time. He has never seen him since he was sent to the neon branch to support international friends after he finished filming the armor warrior Xing Tian.

That's the master of Tai Chi, everyone!

No wonder the fights designed by him have a "martial arts" flavor. But seriously, in recent years, Kamen Rider's fighting ~www.ltnovel.com~ has indeed become more and more "martialized".

I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

Too lazy to think about the long-term Meng Lang, he asked Omori: "Didn't you go next door and watch the wandering moon? Tell me what you think!"

"Very... shocking!"

Omori hesitated: "The idea of ​​the planetary engine is amazing! Of course, their special effects are also very powerful..."

"That's what I guessed right?"

Meng Lang smiled, patted Da Sen on the shoulder and said, "Don't think about the box office champion, and be the second child with peace of mind!"

"This is also..."

Before watching the film, Omori is still confident of winning the box office. After reading it, he completely put out this idea.

It's not a movie at all, how do you play it?

China’s box office is estimated to be available for the first three days. Wandering back to the moon, word of mouth broke out, and it was not far from being cut!

North America and Europe can look forward to it!

But the most important position is the neon local area, there is no strong competitor, it is easy to cut 1 billion yen at the box office!

"What are you going to film next?"

Meng Lang took a sip of hot tea and asked Omori: "Is it a movie version of Dragon Knight?"

"Dragon Knight has a special TV episode and a special ending. The theater version is not in a hurry, I want to shoot the 555 theater version first!"

555 theater version? !

Could it be... the disappearing paradise?

Meng Lang seemed to think of something, and thoughtfully: "I want to know, have you considered using Huaxia actors?"

"Chinese actor?"

Omori scratched his head and said, "Would you please cater to the Chinese audience? It's not bad, do you have any recommendations?"

"Lu Xiaobu!"

Without thinking, Meng Lang called the name of a certain Chinese actor.

let's go!

The Kamen Rider step shocked the clouds!

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