Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 946: IP authorization

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The name Nexus is derived from the English "Nexus", which means "link".

What is a bond?

One explanation is that Nexus, as the core link, connects and revitalizes the entire N plan.

And another explanation is...

Just the bond!

Those who are fit to pass the "light" like a relay race. The prospective brother who starts the race first may not be able to cross the finish line.

So, he fell!

He was not the first fit person to fall, nor was he the last.

20 episodes, 15 episodes, 10 episodes... To paraphrase a famous football saying: There is not much time left for the fittest!

Noah's awakening is imminent.

When the darkness Zaki appeared, Simon Sang who had always been sane was blinded by hatred, and the light was about to be swallowed by the darkness, Noah finally appeared.

Transfiguration, Gu Yihui!

This is also in line with the audience's psychological expectations.

From the beginning, they felt that Gu Yihui was not easy, and he would definitely become the successor of "Brother Quasi" in the future.

The reason is very simple...

This kid ranked first in the "credits" at the end of the film, and he was duly "male number one"!

It's not too late.

There are five episodes left on TV. Noah will be on stage at this time. Everyone can enjoy the posture after "Awakening".

But Gu Yihui is real...

After solving Zaki, he never changed to Noah. Seeing that there is not much left in the series, the audience is anxious.

Can you play?

You can transform into Noah, and use Nexus to fight monsters. Can you be a bit promising? Just change Noah and open Wushuang to mow the grass!

What's more is...

After Zaki's battle, the alien beast became weaker and weaker. Sometimes there is no need to transform Gu Yihui, and the night raid team can solve it in one shot.

This is not normal!

According to the "special logic", after the protagonist masters the "ultimate form", the monsters on the stage will only get stronger and stronger, how can they become weaker?

If something goes wrong, there must be something strange!

In this weird atmosphere, the "Ishibori" team members who disappeared with Zaki appeared, and the dark Lucifer struck...

As an Ultraman TV series, it is also the first work launched by Yan Tao after taking over the series. The audience is very satisfied with the performance of "Nexus".

At least, there are no slots.

Perhaps the only problem is that the plot is too repressive and dark, and it is not very pleasing among the young people.

But this problem is not serious!

Teenagers do not like this repressive plot, but this does not mean that they do not like Nexus or Noah.

In fact...

The kids love Noah!

Since the broadcast of "Nexus Ultraman", there has always been a kid who took Noah to PK with other Ultraman and had a great time.

Meng Lang saw the thief speechless.

Whether it's Nexus or Noah, the worldview system is completely independent. Is it interesting for Qin Qiong to fight Guan Gong?

Of course, he will not stop.

Although "Obio" is naive and brainless, it is the freedom of the audience. As long as it does not hinder PD's making money, he is too lazy to care.

Speaking of making money...

This year is really not good!

The knight next door, since the launch of Dragon Knight, AgitΩ and 555, and the development of the "drive and accessories" industry chain, the revenue has skyrocketed.

Let’s not talk about Super Team!

This is the "Dinghai Shenzhen"-level work of PD North America. Don't look at Kent saying nothing. In fact, he made a fortune and laughed happily.

The same goes for the European branch!

The three combos of Teletubbies, Garden Baby and SpongeBob completely established the position of the "kindergarten principal" of PD Europe.

Looking back at China Headquarters...

In the past, it was the headquarters of "Yiqi Juechen", and the overseas branches only had the eyes to "eat the dust".

It’s good now. The overseas branches are working hard to catch up. China Headquarters is still in place, with little growth in performance.

You say Guangmei?

This is indeed fierce!

But the problem is that the revenue growth brought by Guangmei can only smooth out the decline in IP revenues such as "yo-yo", "gyro" and "four-wheel drive".

Alienated Girl 2?

Can be pulled down!

You can only make a small amount of money by selling this gadget. Can you expect to make a lot of money?

Nawa, the armor warrior, made a profit!

The question is, how long has it been for Navarre? This popularity has dropped rapidly. How long can toy sales last?

Ultraman? Pull the gate!

All the money made by "Did De Gai" last year went into Nexus' N plan.

The only IP that can be regarded as a "growth point" may only be the "Hatsune Miku" launched by PD Technology.

This makes Meng Lang very worried.

The emperor stayed in place, and overseas vassals became bigger and stronger. In the long run, can his throne be kept?

To this end, he deliberately met to discuss.

As the prime minister of the empire, Chen Huan put forward the "decree to cut the vassal". The princes under the empire are required to hand in a certain amount of income every year to enrich the treasury.

Hubu Shangshu Ma Teng strongly opposed.

Slashing the feudal clan sounds good, but it touches the core interests of the overseas feudal kings. Once the contradiction intensified, I was afraid that it was not because the Eighteenth Route princes shouted "Side of the King" and rebelled on the spot.

"Ai Qing's words are reasonable!"

Meng Lang also felt that the strategy of cutting the vassal was not advisable. He is an emperor, and he always stretches out his hand to ask the king for money. How ugly is it to spread out?

"Then what to do?"

The prime minister said, "If you don't cut the domain, where do we get the money? Don't forget, we have to build two gardens this year!"

The ministers nodded together.

The black pig emperor was extravagant, always moving money to repair the garden, causing the treasury to run into deficits every year. If you want to make the country rich and rich, where do you get the money?

"How about this!"

Meng Lang pondered that the core revenue of PD Group comes from toys, and all toys are produced by "PD Toys", "Lego Toys" and "Lebao Toys".

These three companies produced more than 98% of PD's toy derivatives and contributed more than half of the group's revenue.

Since the performance growth is not strong enough, can you let go of the restrictions and license IP to other companies?

"Is this bad?"

Wang Kui chewed melon seeds and said, "IP is authorized to other companies. If they are priced cheaply, who will buy our self-produced toys?"

"The pricing power is in our hands!"

"We can stipulate that the same product they produce cannot be sold at a lower price than ours."

"Then they don't do it!"

Chen Huan curiously asked: "For the same spark prism, at the same price, why don't I buy the PD version, but the authorized version?"

"The channels are different!"

Meng Lang explained: "Every toy company has different distribution channels."

for example!

Based on a certain toy company in Sichuan Province, the sales channels he laid in the province are definitely much stronger than PD.

So they can push the products to the village and town-level canteens, and the PD channel pushes the products to the supermarket or toy store in the county at most.

This is the biggest difference!

Don't underestimate a village-level channel, although the per capita consumption level is not as high as that of the city. But the children there also have consumer demand.

Maybe they can't buy a boutique figure that costs a few hundred to a thousand dollars, but a dozen or dozens of dollars can always afford toys?

PD can authorize some of the products whose prices are low and rely on "volume" to enterprises with "wider channels".

With the appeal of PD's products, no one will buy it.

In this way, they made money, PD took a lot of licensing fees, and there was no loss to themselves.

Good thing for a win-win situation!

For example, Xiao Ming lives in a mountainous area. Although he longs for toys on TV, he cannot buy PD toys around due to factors such as traffic and geography.

Want to buy it to the county seat!

After PD was authorized to a local toy company, they spread their sales channels to the small shop in Xiaoming Village. Xiao Ming finally bought the PD toy that he wanted for a long time...

After Meng Lang's explanation, everyone understood this truth.

Now there is a problem!

With so many IPs under PD, which ones can be authorized, which ones cannot be authorized and need exclusive operation?

"First of all, Ultraman!"

"Low-end transfigures and plastic doll products can be authorized! But be careful, ENN cannot authorize!"

The first generation-Eddie can authorize!

New Austrians such as Didygues, Aguru and Nexus are temporarily not authorized to other companies.

This is also a sales strategy!

Putting up two fingers, Meng Lang went on to say: "Passed IP such as yo-yo, gyro, four-wheel drive, etc., can also be appropriately licensed to other companies for production..."

all in all!

PD cannot sell products, and old IP whose revenue has been declining year by year, can release authorization and earn a little authorization fee.

The IP that can maintain its popularity and account for a higher proportion of PD Group’s revenue will have to be held in its hands as an "exclusive monopoly."

The authorization period is three years!

Within three years, if the authorized company does not manage well and cannot generate income for PD, then the contract will expire and the authorization will be cancelled, and try another company.

Anyway, PD will never lose.

With a well-known IP in hand, it is natural to do "no business". Just like the "Kitaro" doll produced by Lao Meng in the past, PD doesn't spend money or effort, just enjoy his achievements.

As for authorized IP, does anyone buy it?


Moreover, the number is quite large.

Since the meeting ended and the PD Group released the news, representatives of toy companies from all over the world have come to Jiangchuan one after another.

The attitude is simply great!

Whatever Meng Zi said, they would do.

Of course, PD's criteria for selecting authorized cooperative enterprises are not low. Not everyone can get authorization from PD.

Almost a hundred!

Meng Lang selected about one hundred companies around the world as the first "authorized cooperation" representatives, responsible for the production and sales of "grandchildren" PD toys.

The grandson class is a ridicule of netizens.

They call toys produced by PD Toys "son class", and toys produced by Lego and Lebao as "daughter class".

Ok now...

In addition to his sons and daughters, PD also has grandsons. Further expand the product coverage, but also refine the market area.

Of course, it sounds complicated.

In fact, these three PD toys are quite easy to distinguish.

There is a "PD" Pandaren LOGO on the box, and the manufacturer is Jiangchuan Pengda Toys. It must be a pro-son version.

The manufacturer is "Lego" or "Lebao", and the box with "Lego" and "Lebao" LOGO printed on it is naturally a daughter version.

The manufacturer is not a PD toy, nor is it Lebao or Lego. There is no product with these three logos on the box, and it can only be a grandson.

Seniority belongs to seniority!

No matter which one, the toys produced are definitely genuine products, and the price and craftsmanship will not be too different.

But consumers are not stupid!

Is it bad to buy the PD version for the same amount of money? If you can't buy it, the Lego Lebao version is acceptable. Why should I buy the "licensed version"?

Therefore, many people can't understand.

What is the point of PD working on this licensed version? Unless the licensed version is much cheaper than the PD version, who would buy it?

It wasn't until many authorized companies announced the first batch of sales that they were stunned to discover that this gadget could really be sold!

Moreover, many people buy it!

"Who is buying these outdated or licensed PD toys?"

With doubts, the reporter walked into an authorized company in southern Hunan, interviewed the head of the company on the spot, and got an unexpected answer.

"There are still people buying in the country!"

"In those villages with inconvenient transportation, except for the market, children who have rarely been to the county town, they can only buy the licensed version!"

"No...Is there still such a place now? Even if you can't buy it in the village, you can't buy it in the town, isn't it still online shopping? Why spend wrong money to buy this kind of authorized version?" Some netizens puzzled.

"There is always someone standing and talking without backache!"

Regarding the disturbance caused by the licensed PD toy, Meng Lang said he was speechless.

PD is not a god. It is impossible to lay the channel in every town. It is already a great achievement to achieve "full coverage at the county and city level".

Let’s talk about online shopping...

Let alone whether the child has a mobile phone or computer, besides the postal service, which express company ~www.ltnovel.com~ has solved the "last mile" problem?

Besides, this is still domestic.

Such problems are even more serious in foreign countries where online shopping is underdeveloped.

It is normal that some children cannot buy PD toys. They have no choice but to buy a licensed version.

Sales of the licensed version are gratifying!

This has also created a substantial income for the PD Group. It is important to know that the IP authorization fee is not settled at once, but is divided according to the "sales quantity".

Therefore, Meng Tsai is rich.

If you have money, you have to spend it. If you keep it in your pocket, you can't give birth. Of course, you have to spend it out.

It just so happens that the movie needs to be announced.

"Super Galaxy Legend" has passed the review and got the dragon mark, and it will be released soon in the school season.

As an "epic" ultra-theatre version and the debut work of Sai Bunny, the announcement specification must be "full"!

Online and offline, advertising bombing.

Whether you like it or not, you have already received the news of the upcoming release of "Super Galaxy Legend" anyway.

As for not seeing, it's up to you!

Anyway, the publicity is in place, and fans who like Ultraman and are interested in Ultraman will definitely come to join the news.

After all, this is most likely the last "Ultraman" theater version of Meng Tsai.

It's so old "sensational"!

If it weren't for worrying about the cross-border chase of the star, Meng Lang really wanted to imitate the story of "I owe the black pig a movie ticket".

Of course, these are all gimmicks.

Michael Bay often said that this is his last Transformers! Like this, just listen to it as a joke.

Anyway, Meng Lang didn't take it seriously.

Even if he really doesn't make big movies, he won't take "Super Galaxy Legend" as the finishing touch, at least it is "Super Ultra Eight Brothers"!

It really doesn't work...

"Inception" is fine too!

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