Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 957: Leaf rot arrangement

   In early August, Yalang II aired.

   As a shining superhero festival work, before the second season of Fanglang, it has accumulated a lot of popularity and popularity on the Internet.

   Wait until the second season airs...

   Many viewers who watched this drama for the first time finally understand the unique charm of the so-called "late night special drama".

How to describe   ?

   "Tooth Wolf" belongs to that kind of work that is frantically tempted on the edge of the ban, and adults and children see the beast blood boiled, and they call it addictive!

   It is quite strange that...

  According to the data provided by the PD neon division, the ratio of male to female fans in the entire series of "Arab wolf" is about 7/3.

  In other words, of the ten Fanglang fans, about three are women.

   This ratio is not low!

   You should know that according to PD's internal estimates, at least 98% of Jalang's audience are men.

   Where did such a high proportion of female viewers come from?

   After careful investigation, Meng Lang got a result that surprised him. It turns out that the vast majority of female audiences are all attracted by "male sex"!

   The protagonist Gangtooth is so handsome!

   is accustomed to wearing a windbreaker and can freely switch between the "gentle/violent" dual mode, Kongdao Gangya has become a popular lover.

   Of course, the supporting role is not bad.

   Young male supporting roles such as "Leo", actors are also quite handsome. The whole Yalang is full of neon-standard "male and beautiful women".

   Amamiya has a good cast!

   However, male/female **** can only be indulged for a while, not for a lifetime. What really makes the Gargoyle shine is the unique visual style of Amamiya Keita.

   This also caused a lot of criticism!

   Yalang is not RMB, it is impossible to please every audience. For parents and teachers, this kind of content is still too "adult".

   even has "sexual hints"!

   Many people, holding the "Hora" oil painting at the beginning of the first season of "Tooth Wolf", criticized PD for fouling the children's spiritual world.

   The result is naturally nothing.

  What is oil painting? !

   I did a sideball in the first season, what's up with me in the second season?

   The evidence is untenable, coupled with Meng Tsai's tough attitude, the so-called "reporting ban" is naturally impossible to talk about.

   Fortunately, Yalang is not long enough!

   If it is a long story of forty or fifty episodes, the pressure Meng Lang will endure is unimaginable. Fortunately, it was a short story with more than ten episodes, which was broadcast in two weeks.

After the end of the second season of "The Gargoyle", "Kamen Rider's latest masterpiece" followed immediately with the slogan "The Ace of Destiny", "Kamen Rider Sword" that gave the weirdos and the knight playing cards. .

   As we all know, the Cavaliers do not need to warm up!

  PV trailer, the first to break the news?

  What are all these bells and whistles doing? Kamen Rider has been broadcasting for so many years, the basic disk is as stable as an old dog, and the update is done on time.

   But, this is a TV series...

   The message of "Kamen Rider Sword" spread through various forums, knight exchange groups and social networks long before the broadcast. You know everything you need to know.

   But the 555 theater version is different!

  As the second Kamen Rider theatrical version produced by Omori, it is also the tenth anniversary film of Kamen Rider. "Kamen Rider 555: Lost Paradise" still needs to be promoted.

   Don’t worry about Meng Lang!

   The children have grown up and have learned to think independently. The PD neon branch will handle this aspect by itself, without the headquarters helping.

   Old father Meng Zi is very pleased.

   After being relieved, he has to continue to work on his trap. As the Mid-Autumn Festival approached, he had to finish filming the scene before the "third wedding anniversary" anniversary.

   Because Tao Mi said, I plan to take the whole family to travel on the third wedding anniversary!

  He can't be absent...

   Not to mention that there is a rare family trip, and the absence will make Xiaotao and his parents regretful. Even he himself wants to go out and have fun!

   But what he thought was too simple.

   As time approaches, he finds that he may not be able to go on this family trip.

   is not only because of the catcher!

   No matter how busy the catch is, it won’t be long after all. I don’t know much about the prostitution crew, so I will continue filming when he comes back from the trip!

   mainly because the entanglement between Li Wanbo and Yan Tao prevented him from getting out...

   "Mr. Meng, Max and the human body fast fight, do you really want to separate? How should Ye Fu's description be converted into a picture?"

   "President Meng, I have an idea! When the Leonic Warrior controls the monster, can he merge with the monster? It's like the relationship between Ultraman and the human body!"

   "Fuck, you are so annoying..."

   These two bad guys pestered Meng Lang all day to ask questions, like the heroine in "Bing Guo", they opened their mouths: "Meng Sang! I'm very curious!"

   Shut up, I'm also curious.

  Meng Lang wanted to open the heads of these two people to see if there was a copy of "Hundred Thousand Whys" hidden inside.

   is really big!

   To say that in normal times, they would not be so presumptuous. Except for the problems that can't be solved, you can use it to consult President Meng, and won't disturb him at other times.

   But Meng Zi has a cheap mouth!

   He said during a meeting, don’t be behind closed doors when filming, and don’t be afraid to communicate with others. If you don’t understand, please tell me and let everyone think about it.

   Three heads, have you beaten Zhuge Liang!

   As a result, these two people seemed to have won the "freedom from death gold medal", and they immediately let go of their guts, but any problems that they couldn't figure out were all confounded by Meng.

  Meng Lang wanted to kill them.

   Fortunately, the rule of law society saved them. After all, it was what he had said, and Meng Lang could only hold back his breath.

   "Separation of the human body is not the first setting. There has been such a precedent long ago!"

   "As for leaf rot..."

   Mention Ye Fu, Meng Lang also got a headache.

  The true name of Yefu is [Complete Life Form Yves] and appears in the 15th episode of "Ultra Max" TV "The Miracle of the Third Planet".

   This is a BUG monster!

   Have you heard of the Murong family’s Dafa of "returning the body to the other side"? The strength of leaf rot depends entirely on the strength of the opponent.

   coupled with the powerful regeneration ability, Ye Fu was nominated as one of the "strongest monsters" list by many Ultraman fans.

   is well known...

   The so-called "fastest" and "strongest" in Tsuburaya are usually "time-sensitive". Tsuburaya can do things like eating settings and screenwriters stabbing each other back.

   So don’t be excited!

   From an objective point of view, "Leaf Rot" is just an ordinary monster. After all, it debuted in Chapter 15, which is neither the final episode nor the theater version.

The reason why    is so popular is that everyone in the Austrian world knows it because the screenwriter gives it a unique setting that makes it appear very "BUG".

   Remove these settings?

  Is anyone paying attention to this ordinary monster? I'm afraid there is not so much, right?

  Many people only know that leaf rot is very powerful and talk about it, but when you ask him what leaf rot looks like, he can’t tell...

   So what everyone likes is the "leaf rot" itself? Or is Yefu's extremely BUG setting?

   Meng Lang prefers the latter.

   Yefu itself is just an ordinary monster. The setting on it appeared on an ordinary monster, which was unreasonable.

   Don’t talk about the ones that are not...

   Leaf rot is so perverted and buggy, it is clear to everyone after watching the original drama.

   Like this setting, it is more than enough to make a "theatrical BOSS", and to make a TV ordinary monster, do you think it is normal?

   The strongest, fastest, and most buggy, it's by no means a vain name!

  Meng Lang wanted to delete this stuff.

  As an audience, he likes to see this kind of bugs, but as a "PD carrying handle", he hates this kind of "uncontrolled" factor.

   But it's a pity that Ye Fu deleted it!

   This weird setting, including the way it later "beats" it, is full of drama. The metaphor of the undesirable theme of "controlling violence with violence" is also very humanistic.

   So the story is wonderful!

   Max originally had fewer episodes and fewer original monsters. Finally, a monster worthy of "relishing" appeared, but it was deleted because it was too abnormal, which is really inappropriate.

   Then the question is coming!

   If leaf rot is retained, how should it be treated? Continue to be a normal monster? Or should you raise your status and put it in the theater version or the final word?

   "The final word will not work!"

   Yan Tao objected, he thought Max’s final remarks had a pretty good theme. Replaced with the leaf rot plot, it would not be so complete.

   "Then the theater version!"

  It just so happened that, apart from guest appearances, Max didn't have an exclusive theater version.

   made a movie for him with the theme of "leaf rot". Forget it but many old wheat fans regret it.

   "Is the time too late?" Yan Tao said, breaking his fingers, "Next year there will be Gauss and Mambius, how can I find time to shoot this?"

   "Time is like... what, there is always a squeeze!"

   Meng Lang encouraged: "The Kamen Rider next door, do you know how Shirakura and Omori made the movie?"

   Yan Tao: "……"

   Of course he knows such things.

   Isn’t that the theatrical version and the TV series share the same set, and the actors immediately rushed to the next room to perform the theatrical version after playing the TV series!

   can you know, go to know!

   His wife had just given birth to a child, and it was just when he needed his company, but she was called by the boss as a "livestock" and couldn't stop for a moment. Who would like this?

Meng Lang glanced at Yan Tao and found that his expression was particularly "depressed", he couldn't help but encourage him: "Well, because your wife just gave birth to a child, and is in need of milk powder money, the theater version gives you 20% of the box office. !"

   "It's done!"

   What kind of animal husbandry 996, what unscrupulous black pig Meng skin, in front of the banknotes, nothing is wrong.

   As the saying goes...

   A monthly salary of 3,000, I don't want to go to work; a monthly salary of 30,000, which is still hardworking; a monthly salary of 300,000, my boss is my father! A monthly salary of 3 million...I live and die with the company!

   20% box office dividend?

   Yan Tao suddenly felt that it was the happiest thing in the world to be used by Mr. Meng as an animal.

   Isn’t that the movie version, shoot!

   Yan Tao, who received the blessing of "Buff BUFF", instantly regained his fighting spirit and prepared for Max theatrical version with great interest.

   And Li Wanbo here...

   His thoughts are quite interesting.

   Ultraman can "coexist" with the human body, why can't the monster and "Leonix" coexist?

   But there is a problem!

  Leonix often manipulates more than one monster. As the fighting equipment is upgraded, more monsters can be manipulated. For example, the famous "Gigabit Fighting Apparatus", which is amazing.

   Can’t possess a monster today, and another monster tomorrow, right?

   What has become of Leonic?

   Grass monster madness?

   The monsters in the universe with names and surnames have all been shot by Leonix?

  When thinking of this, a black line suddenly appeared on Meng Lang's forehead. I quickly rejected this idea to avoid misunderstanding.

   "Let's do it remotely!"

   Meng Lang hesitated and said: "However, Leonix's role can be enhanced a bit. It is no longer a battlefield narrator who is on the verge of summoning monsters."

   Reasonable, who needs an explanation?

   Swipe to summon monsters, and then hide to the edge of the battlefield OB, Leonix, who is responsible for commentary and cheering, is simply a scrap!

   can have a bigger effect.

  Playing with remote control racing, you can also use lightning drift! There is no reason to remote control monsters, so you can only cheer up...

   The setting of [True Leonic Fighting] is pretty good. Leonic fights against each other, monsters are attacked, and Leonic himself will also be harmed.

   But according to the setting, only Leonics who reach a certain level can carry out this kind of fighting.

   In addition to this, there are also "skills" and "upgrading forms" for manipulating monsters.

  The sense of participation is not full!

  Meng Lang and Li Wanbo felt that the core of the battle of Leonix was the battle of "monster controllers", and the monsters were just pawns.

   So the monster controller can only watch and can’t do it?

   shouldn't be!

  雷 is in "Super Galaxy Legend", but with his own fighting ability, he solved a three-faced monster "Dada".

   This means that after Leonic "transformed", he has a good fighting ability.

   What a coincidence!

   Monsters are not all huge!

   In the vast list of "Otto Monsters", there are also many monsters of "long body" size. Generally, the name of this monster is usually XX star.

   Now you can fight!

   First summon monsters, the two giant monsters fight each other, and then transform into Leonix awakening mode to fight the enemy XX stars.

  Wait, come together huge!

   This has a sense of participation, and it will not give the audience the illusion that "this person does not operate at all".

   There is actually one more point!

  Leonix is ​​in the plot ~www.ltnovel.com~ In addition to the basic blue, white and red "awakening mode", there is also a "black skin and red eyes" burst mode.

   This is out of control!

   Meng Lang believes that the blood of the "Leibundo Stars" in Leonix's body can be allowed to run out of control, can it go further and achieve "largeness"?

   Why can aliens become huge, can't Leonix? Always waiting to kill monsters, the record is not convincing!

   Is "hugeness" innate?

   This is not right!

   If giantization is an innate ability, how does Juggler explain? In the world view of the Tsuburaya structure, the ability to "enlarge" is by no means congenital exclusive.

   Therefore, it is inferred that Leonix can become huge and fight side by side with the summoned monsters!

   "Then add a mode!"

   "In addition to the Awakening Mode and the Burst Mode, when Leonix reaches a certain level of strength, it can be huge!"

   "What is a certain strength?"

   Meng Lang scratched his head, gestured with both hands and said: "This can't be described, probably because the screenwriter said: You can go! Then you can go!"

   Li Wanbo looked stunned.


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