Seeing Qi Yue’s eager but unsurprised appearance, Gu Jing Yuan immediately knew who the ‘traitor’ was.

He gritted his teeth, “Qi Yue…”

“Cough, cough, umm… you see, I’ve always been very considerate towards the fairer sex.”


Qi Yue hugged his arms tightly; feeling a little cold.

“Yi Xi, do you want to play together? I’ll turn on a computer for you,” Qi Yue greeted enthusiastically.

“No thank you, I came here specifically to find him.”

Gu Jing Yuan glowered, “Why are you here?”

“R’x blal vs cakdt Ql-tl bsxl.”

Ck Zwl oyp y zkvvzl nsdqwple zkpvldkdt vs vblka lmnbydtl, “Zsw vos zkhl vstlvbla?”

Mys Zk Dk dseele, “R vbswtbv usw jdlo?”

“Zsw’al alyzzu pkczkdtp? R vbswtbv vbl oyu usw twup yeealpp lynb svbla oyp fwpv qsa qwd.”

Uyk Nk Nkdt vbswtbv vbyv pbl oyp vbl qkapv vs jdso ycswv vbkp, cwv kv oyp ynvwyzzu Ck Zwl. Mbkp rlapsd zkpvldle vs ps xydu sq vblka nsdhlapyvksdp cwv kv dlhla naspple bkp xkde… bso scvwpl bl xwpv’hl clld.

Qw Kkdt Zwyd’p hlkdp fwxrle, “Ebs yzzsole usw vs ekhwztl kv?”

“Ql-tl eked’v ts vs pnbssz, R nswzed’v nsdvasz vbl pkvwyvksd xuplzq,” Mys Zk Dk czkdjle kddsnldvzu.

Fs kv’p bkp qywzv?

“Or does Ge-ge prefer to have rumors about our puppy love spreading around?”

Seeing his green face, Tao Yi Xi smiled, “So it’s better to let others know of our actual relationship. Am I right, Ge-ge?”     

“You, shut up.”

He never seemed to be able to out-talk her. Not like he could beat her up. He could only swallow his anger. Even if he was a hero1, there was nothing he could do about it.

“Ge-ge is still planning on staying?”

Gu Jing Yuan pretended not to hear her.

“Alright then, I’ve brought my books along. I can accompany you here.”

She occupied the slot next to him. She really took out her assignment and started completing it.

This was the first time Qi Yue witnessed people doing homework in an Internet cafe. It was also the first time he was in such close proximity to a bookworm while they were doing homework. Even the game he was currently playing lost its lure.

“Wow, how did you calculate it so quickly?”

“Actually, this is very simple. Just spot what the question is asking and apply the relevant formula to solve it,” Tao Yi Xi patiently explained to him.

“Don’t you need to think about the formula first before penning it down?”

“Huh? Shouldn’t it already be memorized beforehand?” Tao Yi Xi stated it as if it was a matter of fact.

“Er…” Qi Yue was never one that crammed the textbook.

An underachiever wouldn’t understand the thought process of a bookworm, but it didn’t hinder him from thinking that she was amazing!

It was as if she had no flaws, close to perfection!

Good looks, high IQ, and gentle personality. The more one interacted with her, the more pleasing to the eyes she got. 

The two continued to chatter. 

So damn noisy.

Glancing over, whenever Qi Yue asked a question, he would unconsciously lean closer. The distance between the two was getting smaller and smaller.

He crunched on the hard mint candy in his mouth. 

Heh! This girl thought that she was really capable of anything. Did she think that if she hooked Qi Yue, she’d be able to get closer to him? 


The cold voice broke the harmonious exchange between the two. Tao Yi Xi looked up at him.

Gu Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows, “Play a game with me. If you win, I’ll go back with you.”

Tao Yi Xi chuckled, “Ge-ge, you’re so sinister. As a good student, how will I know how to play video games?” 

Because her voice was too mellow, even when she was clearly scolding him, it sounded like she was acting coquettishly.

Gu Jing Yuan, “…” 

Tao Yi Xi offered, “why not… Since you’re annoyed by my presence, as long as you can do better than me in the exams, I won’t bother you anymore. In fact, I’ll pack my bags and leave immediately. This condition should satisfy you right?”

Gu Jing Yuan remained silent so she continued, “I’m an obedient child. Since Uncle Gu wants me to follow you, I can only do so. Seems like the amount of time I’ll be spending sticking to you is going to be a while.” 

Based on logic, Gu Jing Yuan was swayed.

But he was not stupid, “You’re bullying me.”

Just like how she didn’t know how to play games, he was a mediocre student. Hence, he even had to repeat a grade.

Tao Yi Xi blinked, “that’s not true. I’m trying to help Ge-ge find a solution. After all, we’re all students who have received nine years of compulsory education. We’re technically on the same starting line.”


Gu Jing Yuan unwrapped another piece of mint and bit hard into it.

Tao Yi Xi relented, “let’s not make things difficult for each other. Before the monthly exams, I’ll practice playing Heroes2. While you attend school and do your best. The loser will have to listen to the winner.”

Gu Jing Yuan’s mouth twitched. What an arrogant goody-two-shoes, did she really think that she was omnipotent? 


Qi Yue desperately gave Tao Yi Xi a wink, but she did not change her mind even after seeing it.

He could only sigh in WeChat: [Sister Yi Xi, you’ll regret it! You’ve never played the game before and don’t know how perverted Brother Yuan’s level is.]

Tao Yi Xi: [If there’s a will, there’s a way.]

“Then Ge-ge, shall we go back?”

She was already finished with her homework, the rest was just self-revisions.

Gu Jing Yuan grabbed his coat. After all, he was also tired, go back then go back.

When they got home, she took a large stack of test papers and handed them to him. Along with a pink envelope on top.

“The teacher asked me to pass these to you. And this letter is signed, so you should know who it’s from.”

Based on Shen Chen Chen’s tone, the two of them should be acquainted. 

“Hmph!” He tore it up without even looking and raised his brows in provocation.

As if saying, ‘Let’s see how you explain this to her.’

Tao Yi Xi’s expression remained unchanged.

After all, she had already warned Shen Chen Chen of this probability. This outcome was not the slightest bit surprising, alright?

On the contrary, it was these papers that changed her expression into one of pity.

She regretfully informed him, “Ge-ge, I attempted some of the past year’s papers. I think there’s also a similar question in today’s assignment. You missed out on scoring a high mark question last round. Sigh… Ge-ge, it seems that the gap between you and me will only get bigger and bigger.”

Gu Jing Yuan, “…” 

“I’m going to bed first. Good night Ge-ge.”

She took two steps forward before turning her head, her flowing hair twirled in a gentle, graceful arc. Under the crystal chandelier, her white porcelain skin looked like it was glowing.

“By the way, I know that Ge-ge’s character isn’t very good, but you haven’t fallen to being despicable yet right? You wouldn’t use excuses like not wanting to go to school just to hinder my studies, yes?” 

Gu Jing Yuan held back his anger, “I won’t. Get lost.”

“Thank you, Ge-ge.”

Gu Jing Yuan squinted. Looking at her retreating back, he felt that something was not quite right.

In the morning, after her breakfast, Tao Yi Xi personally knocked on Gu Jing Yuan’s door after she collected her schoolbag.

She patiently and rhythmically knocked on his door.

The abruptly opened door caused the wind to slightly lift her long mane.

Gu Jing Yuan glared at her gloomily. Apparently, he got up on the wrong side of the bed again.

Tao Yi Xi grinned, “Morning Ge-ge. It’s time to get up and go to school.”

He faltered. The ‘get lost’ was unpleasantly swallowed back into his stomach. 

She smiled more brilliantly.

His angry but unable to rebuttal look was extremely pleasing to her eyes.

Seeing Gu Jing Yuan slowly strode downstairs with his empty schoolbag, everyone was stunned. They spontaneously looked at the big clock in the living room; seven o’clock.

Was this still their ignorant and incompetent young master?

Gu Mu Yang had a morning meeting today and was having breakfast in the dining room, Xia Yan was serving by his side. Seeing Gu Jing Yuan coming down so early in the morning, his gaze softened. But Gu Jing Yuan’s lazy appearance caused his anger to rise again.

Like before, he coldly reproached, “Look at yourself! Who goes to school looking as sloppily as you do?”

Gu Jing Yuan paused.

Tao Yi Xi tightened her hands on the shoulder strap of her schoolbag. She was truly fearful that this young master would just turn and leave.

She was truly speechless. It was already rare that he would go to school on time. Hence, this was already considered a small breakthrough. Could this Uncle Gu not be a hindrance?

She secretly tugged at Gu Jing Yuan’s cuff. When he lowered his head, he found her lustrous eyes flowing with water.

“Ge-ge, if we don’t leave now, we’ll be late again. I don’t want to be scolded by the teacher again. Besides… you promised me yesterday.”


Was she made of water? Only know how to cry every time.

How annoying.

Gu Jing Yuan ignored Gu Mu Yang and swiftly walked off with his long legs. No one knew if he was running from Gu Mu Yang or Tao Yi Xi.

Tao Yi Xi calmed down, turned around, and bade Gu Mu Yang farewell before leaving.

He could be unbridled, but she couldn’t.


They managed to step into class the moment the bell rang. 

All their classmates couldn’t believe their eyes. Gu Jing Yuan never arrived at school on time.

This sister was truly something.

They were shocked, but their hearts were filled with respect for Tao Yi Xi.

Gu Jing Yuan was the only one who dared to play on his phone so brazenly in class. When the form teacher entered the classroom, his steps stuttered.

He really wasn’t mistaken! Early this morning, Gu Jing Yuan was sitting in his class!

He felt a little gratified, even if he saw that Gu Jing Yuan wasn’t acting as how a student should be.

When passing by Gu Jing Yuan’s desk, he lightly tapped on it. Motioning for him to exercise some restraint.

The desk was a bit small, and Gu Jing Yuan was tall in stature. His especially long legs were arbitrarily placed outwards into the walkway. Its position was as presumptuous as he was.

Gu Jing Yuan lifted his eyes but when he saw that it was just the form teacher, he didn’t give him any face and continued doing what he did. Truly giving the form teacher a headache.

The form teacher looked imploringly at Tao Yi Xi. But she innocently shrugged helplessly; her hands were tied.

She still had her own things to do and didn’t want to waste more energy on him. It already took a lot of effort to trick him into coming to school. And she couldn’t guarantee that he won’t seek trouble later on.

The form teacher patted his wisps of hair while consoling himself. He must not rush it, one step at a time.

“This morning, we’ll be reading through the Chinese textbook. May I have the class representative to stand and recite the passage.”

Tao Yi Xi took out the Chinese textbook from her neatly packed bag. The boring classical Chinese book was filled with her graceful handwriting.

He briefly looked at it, ‘tsk, what a nerd.’

After he was tired from gaming, he laid down on the desk and napped. When he woke up, he realized that only two classes had passed. This was too boring.

As he got up, Tao Yi Xi took a small book and was about to follow.

“I’m going to the toilet.”

“Does Ge-ge know the saying, ‘a fall into the pit, a gain in one’s wit’? It means that one gains wisdom with each lesson learnt.” 

Gu Jing Yuan gritted his teeth, “This time it’s real, I’ll even leave Qi Yue here as a guarantee.”

Tao Yi Xi reluctantly agreed, “Then I’ll give you five minutes, okay? If you’re not back by then, I’ll be inclined to inform Uncle Gu. He’ll most likely dispatch people to search the whole city for you.” 

“Fuck, I get it. So damn annoying.”

It was the first time Qi Yue heard Brother Yuan burst into two cuss words in one sentence without raising his hands.

“Sister Xi Yi, you’re awesome!” He gave her a thumbs up.

Tao Yi Xi really started the countdown and waited.

Qi Yue still felt that his irritable Brother Yuan wouldn’t be so obedient. He must’ve climbed over the wall from their usual ‘escape place’.

Alas, he was abandoned again today.

But staring at Tao Yi Xi’s slender back, he felt a little happy in his heart. If he was abandoned, then he was abandoned. He could share two more breaths of the same air as his goddess.

With five seconds left, Qi Yue turned on his phone and typed: [Brother Yuan, where are we going to play today?]

Just as the countdown reached zero, Tao Yi Xi looked up. Just in time to see Gu Jing Yuan walking back with an ugly expression.

Tao Yi Xi curled her lips into a smile. Her clear and bright eyes flashed with a trace of triumph.

“I’ve always assumed that people with long legs would walk fairly quickly. I didn’t expect Ge-ge to be so slow.”

Gu Jing Yuan threw her a look, he was nearly angered to death.

I love how Tao Yi Xi always seemed to leave Gu Jing Yuan speechless… (≧ω≦)

And Happy Lunar New Year peeps! May those that are celebrating get loads of red packets!

If not, hope this extra chapter can somehow make up for it~

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