Fell in love with a Psycho

Chapter 1:chapter 1


"Who did this?" A furious Miss. Hennings asked. 46

The corners of my lips lift into a unconscious smile. I wouldn't even call it a smile, maybe just an small smirk or a twitch of lips as I stare down at my book. I knew who do it and knew he wanted to make a scene, but that's just who he was.

The whole class remain silent. Even with my head down I could see people trying to hold in their laughter. Everyone waited for someone to speak, but not one individual opened their mouth to contribute.

"Well I'm going to ask again who did this?" I lifted my head at Miss. Hennings, who was soaked in blue paint. Then laughter boomed through the room. My dark blue eyes wonder over towards Lucas, a smirk played on my lips, as I watch him and his brother Max erupted in laughter.

I could say Lucas was certainly a pranksters. He love pranking and he does it almost everyday with Max. I looked towards Miss. Hennings to find her glaring at the two laughing boys, anger clear in her green eyes.

"Lucas and Max Smith Office Now!" She snapped. Lucas and Max got up-still laughing before walking past her. I seen Lucas turn towards me, sending me a wink which I just return before he left the class.


"Hey babe." I heard Lucas voice behind me. I shut my locker and turned to face him and Max. My lips twitch upwards and they gave me a grin. "Did you like our amazing stunt today?" Lucas asked slinging a arm around my shoulder.

And before you jump to conclusion we are not dating. He isn't my boyfriend and I'm not his girlfriend. Lucas is my bestfriend-more like a brother, the same goes to Max.

They both are brothers to me, nothing more. But I'm not going to say they are not attractive because that would be a lie. Lucas has blonde hair with grey eyes and Max had brown hair with grey eyes. They both are 6'1.

"Yeah I did." I said a smirk on my lips as I recalled Miss. Hennings with an furious look covered in blue paint. Lucas and Max always surprise me with their pranks.

"So what did you get?" I asked as we walk in the cafeteria. My eyes roam around the cafeteria, seeing everyone divided into sections.

The nerds, the outcast, and last but not least the popular. Everyone was buzzing with conversations and rumors. Lake Wood High School was very...cliché.

"We got a week of detention." Max said casually as if it wasn't a big deal. I shook my head with an smile on my face. These two....

Me, Lucas and Max headed towards the lunch line. I scrunch my nose in disgust as I stare at the greasy food. I sigh and put a slice of pizza on my plate and paid for my food.

I walk towards the table that we always sit at and sat down. "So who is your next target?" I asked and both of them grinned at me.

"Our math teacher?" I asked and they nodded. Mr. Phipps hated them and they hated Mr.Phipps It started when Lucas and Max was talking in class and Mr. Phipps told them to quiet down.

You know Lucas and Max, they just ignored him and kept talking. Mr. Phipps then got them in trouble with the principle and Lucas and Max always wanted revenge on him.

"So Hayley what are you doing tonight?" Lucas asked me as he took a bite of his chicken burger.

"I don't know why?" I asked. Lucas and Max exchange looks with smirks on their faces. "We're going to a party." Max said and before I could say no Lucas voice cut in.

"Alright it settle. Hayley be ready at seven." He said and I sighed, knowing he would drag me to the party if I don't go. I nodded and him and Max cheered high fiving each other.

A small smile formed on my lip and I shook my head.

This is going to be a long night.

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