Fell in love with a Psycho

Chapter 30:chapter 30

Ashton POV

"Don't fucking lie to me..." I spat as I held her by her neck. I had her against the wall and ignored Vanessa calls to let her go.

Brittany clawed at my hand. "I-im not I-i-i swear!" She wheezed out but that just made me tighten my grip.

"Ashton stop! You can't kill her!"

I glared at Vanessa who just glare back at me. I released Brittany and she fell to the ground moaning in pain.

"Vanessa go get a pregnancy test.." I order and she nodded. I turn back to Brittany giving her my coldest glare.

"If your lying.... I'll make your life a living hell...."

Hailey POV

"Are you sure? I don't want nothing to happen to you again?"

Max voice said through the phone. I sigh and lean against the headboard.

"Yeah I'm fine....How Lucas?" I asked curious about him. The last time I seen him was when I told him I was leaving, to stay with a friend.

At first he didn't believe me but then I had Vanessa help.

To be honest..I miss him. Him and Max, they are my best friends and I know they are just worry about me.

I heard a sigh from Max "He's fine, he just have been distant lately." He said and I nodded but realized he couldn't see me.

Before I could even say anything Colton burst in my room. "You need to come with me." He said seriously.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Um Max I'll have to call you back." I said and once I heard him say goodbye I turn to Colton.

"What's going on?" I asked and he ran a hand through his hair.

"I can't explain it, your just gonna come and see for yourself." He said and that only made my confusion increase. I got off the bed and follow Colton...


I walk with Colton through the warehouse doors. For some reason something felt wrong making me slightly shiver.

"In here." Colton said as we walk in a room, where everyone was at. Telling by their faces I knew something was very wrong...

"Hailey." Logan greeted and Ashton snap his head towards me. I was taken back at the coldness and anger in them.

"What's going o-" I cut myself when I notice Vanessa holding a box in her hand.

A pregnancy test..

My eyes connected with Vanessa, I gave her a confused look and she shook her head. Brittany than came in the room looking confident.

"I'm ready to take the test." She said and my eyes widened slightly.

"Your pregnant?" I asked and her eyes showed mischievous as they stare into mine. A smirk made its way on her lips.


"We don't know for sure." Ashton spat glaring at Brittany. His posture was tense and his eyes were stone cold. I knew he was furious.

"And Brittany if your lying...I'm ending you."


I sat next to Colton as everyone wait for Brittany to come out. She's been in there for forty minutes and I knew it doesn't take that long...

Questions fill my mind. What if she really is pregnant? What if she's not lying? But one question stuck out,

Who's the father?

I hesitantly look towards Ashton to find him already looking at me. I held his intense gaze for a moment before looking away.

What if Ashton's the father? I mean they have been together before and it was more than once. I wonder if he used protection, or was this plan...

I sigh and ran a hand through my hair. This room was suffocating me and I needed to get out. "I'm going to get some water." I said getting up and quickly walking out the room.

I blink back tears that form in my eyes. I had feelings for Ashton, even when I fight really hard to get rid of them.

I walk into the kitchen and got a glass. I ran some water in it and took a sip. I sat on the counter and stare out in space.

"Why did you leave?"

I turn my head towards Ashton who was leaning against the kitchen doorframe. I tried to calm my heart down and clear my throat.

"I need to think." I reply and ran my finger around my glass that was sitting on my lap. I heard footsteps and look up to find Ashton standing in front of me.

I held his gaze as took the glass from my hand and sat it next to me. His dark blue eyes seem to got darker as he stare into mine.

"What do you want?" I whisper, telling by the look on his face he was confused at what I was asking him.

"I don't know what I want right now sweetheart..." He answered and I broke eye contact with him.

I was feeling lots of emotions right now and I wanted nothing but to run away from him...

"Hailey I need to ask you something." I look up at him and nodded, telling him to go on.

"Do you trust me?"

I was taken back by his question. I look at him in shocked before thinking about it. He blew up a school, he kidnapped me, he torture me and yet I feel things towards him.

His crazy psycho brother is after me because of Ashton ways. But yet Ashton is protecting me from him. I knew Ashton wouldn't let his brother take me and that's why I trust him.

I trust him....

I stare into Ashton's eyes before nodding. A small smile form on his lips making my breath hitched. Smile?

But before he could say anything Vanessa came rushing in the room. Her face showed nothing but anger and sympathy.

"Brittany's test are in..." She said and her eyes met mine. She held up the test and my heart broke in million pieces seeing two lines. Ashton froze and I pretty much see the fury in his eyes.

"She's pregnant..."

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