Fell in love with a Psycho

Chapter 41:chapter 41


Colton stood, smirking at both me and Ashton. I stared at him in disbelief. "How could you do this?" I asked making him avert his gaze to me.

His eyes darkened. "You. You were suppose to fall in love with me. Not Ashton." Colton spat through gritted teeth.

My eyes widened, I turn to Ashton was was staring at Colton in shock before it was covered up with fury.

"Im going to kill you." Ashton spoke with a cold tone. Colton smirk and took the gun from Marcus.

"Not before I kill you 'buddie'." He tease with a smirk. My breath hitched once Colton pointed the gun at Ashton.

"Wait I want to watch." A voice said. Tom moved out the way to reveal Brittany. I clench my jaws seeing her.

She 'waddled' towards Marcus, who wrapped his arm around her waist. "Of course you can watch babe." Marcus said smirking at both me and Ashton.

"I fucking knew it wasn't my child." Ashton spat glaring at Brittany. Both her and Marcus laugh.

"Oh no its your child. It was our plan to get me pregnant by you since Marcus cant. But don't worry you don't need to worry about raising it since, well you'll be dead." Brittany announced. I glared at her with full hate but I couldn't help but to feel a pain at my heart.

Ashton really was the father.

I then heard a quiet 'pssh' and turn to see Hunter. He was tied up with the rest of the guys but I seen a shiny object in his hands. Quickly yet smoothly he slid a gun in my direction. I grabbed it and hid it behind me.

I turn back to find Colton raising his gun at Ashton but before he could do anything, I quickly shot him with the gun Hunter slid to me.

Colton gasp and snap his gaze to me. His eyes showed hurt and regret. He dropped the gun before his whole body fell to the ground, unconscious.

Ashton then quickly grabbed the gun colton had and shot Tom twice in the chest. He fell to the ground...dead.

"Now let the game begin brother." Ashton spat with a wicked smirk on his face.

He then pointed the gun at Brittany and shot her...In the head.

I let out a gasp as she drop to the floor.

Two things were running through my mind. One, Ashton killed Brittany and two, he killed her unborn child.

"No!" Marcus yelled before tackling Ashton. I didn't know what to do but to help untie the guys. I ran to Hunter and untied him.

"You help them while I help Ashton." He said which I nodded to. I untied Val then Logan and Vanessa and that's when they start waking up.

"Fuck I have rope burn!" Logan yelled rubbing his wrists.

"Fuck, Marcus come on dumb ass." Val said before him and Logan went to help Ashton and Hunter.

Vanessa clung on to me and we watched as the guys beat the living daylights out of Marcus. Tears were running down my face, I was terrified at the smirks they wore. They were psychos, lunatics, maniacs....

"Hayley." Vanessa whispered. I turn to her to find her staring at something with wide eyes.

I followed her gaze and saw Colton on the ground, holding his chest with a gun in his hands. He pointed it at the guys and my eyes widen.

"Guys colton!" Vanessa yelled before two shots was heard. I squeeze my eyes shut feeling my heart pound rapidly against my chest.

Hearing my name being yelled, I opened it to find Colton with a bullet in his head. I then turn to see who he shot and my throat ran dry.

I ran to him but it was like everything was in slow motion.

"No wake up please!"


3 Hours Later

"Its okay ." Val whispered to me as we sat in the hospital's waiting room.

I stop to shifting in my seat. Wiping the tears away, I sent a nod towards Val. He gave me a sympathetic smile before turning to watch a sleeping Vanessa.

I glance at Hunter who was already staring at me. He gave me a small smile in which I just return a fake one.

I looked away feeling eyes on me.

Dark blue eyes met mines.


He's been leaning against the wall with a blank face. He haven't showed no emotions since Logan was shot. After Logan had jumped infront of the bullet that was directed to Ashton, we rushed Logan to the hospital after Ashton killed Colton.

As for Marcus, the cops arrested Marcus. Ashton didn't kill Marcus. He was close to it though, but the cops had burst through the doors.

No one knew who called the police but it did stop Ashton from killing his brother.

Marcus was sentence to life in prison. So we wouldn't be seeing him again. But Marcus did left a warning. As he was getting put away he smirked at me and mouthed;

"See you soon."

Just then the doctor walked in the room. "How's he?" I asked jumping out my seat rushing to him.

"He's fine. The bullet didn't hit his rib or spine so he's okay. But he'll have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks so we make sure when he's okay and that we didn't miss anything." The doctor said and we all nodded.

"Logan asleep right now so you all will have to cone back tomorrows." The doctor added before walking away.

I let out a breath and turn to the guys.

"Lets go home."


I walked into the room and went straight my balcony. I stood by the railings and took a deep breath.

The air flew past my skin making chill bumps appear but I didn't care. I needed this, I needed to get away from the dangerous world of Ashton.

My mind then went to my parents. I knew they're freaking out and all I wanted was to jump in their arms.

"You should probably come back in or else you'll get a cold." A husky voice said from behind me.

I didnt turn around, I couldn't. Then all of a sudden I felt him behind me. His body heat provided warmness and the strange this about it was, it was a safe warmness...

"I need you Hayley." He whispered in my ear. "I need your pureness to overcome my darkness."

I shiver at his words. He was so close to me. I felt his hands snake around my waist.

"I need a heart." He mumble. "I need your heart." He added bringing his lips to my neck. His hot breath brushed my skin. I turned around to face him.

I looked up to meet his fiercely blue eyes. "Ashton I-" His lips crashing on mine cut me off.

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