Today, the weather in Beijing is very good. The sunset in the west is red and gorgeous.

But Yan Hong's heart is very heavy.

In two hours, the invincible elegance will come to Dongcheng hotel to negotiate with Shen Yinbing and take over the racecourse project of Beishan group at a low price.

Standing in front of the corridor window, looking at the sky outside the window, Yan Hong sighed and murmured: "I hope I can persuade the elegant, save the reputation of Xiaobing and Beishan group - where is Gao Fei

Think of Gao Fei from the morning to now has not appeared, Yan Hong is a little angry, think he is not sensible, even if can't help, but you are here with you.

Yan Hong frowned, took out her cell phone, dialed Gao Fei's phone, with blame in her tone: "Gao Fei, what have you been doing outside all day?"

Gao Fei's indifferent voice came from the other side: "ah, I finally came to the imperial capital. Should I take this opportunity to have a good look at the scenery? Hehe, I'm in Tiananmen Square now. I heard that here -- "

Without waiting for Gao Fei to finish, Yan Hong interrupted him harshly: "Gao Fei, are you too uncounted? On? General manager Shen is now facing unprecedented difficulties. You are not here to accompany her, but you go sightseeing alone? "

Goofy said lazily: "I accompany her? Hey, hey, hey, she needs me? I wanted to accompany her in the morning, but she turned me out because Peng Yuanhang had gone. I still need to accompany her? "

"Even if she turns you out, you should understand! You'll be right back! what? You haven't had enough? Gao Fei, don't make me scold you - Hello? Hello, hello? "

When Yan Hong angrily talks about it, Gao Fei pulls the phone.

"This bastard is too numerous. I have to teach him a lesson!"

Yan Hong gritted her teeth and scolded. When she turned around, she saw Shen Yinbing standing behind her.

Shen Yinbing looks very ugly. She must have heard the conversation between Yan Hong and Gao Fei.

Yan Hongqiang laughed and said in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, that Gao Fei is too irritating. At this time, he went to play. I'll call again and let him come back. "

Shen Yinbing said lightly: "forget it, it's boring. He likes to play. Anyway, even if he comes, it won't make any difference. "

Yan Hong lowered her eyes: "he may be angry because you turned him out?"

Shen Yinbing stood at the window with her arms in her arms and sneered, "is he angry? He has no right to be angry! You don't know. When Peng Yuanhang came, he told me that it was very easy to solve the problem. Ha, who does he think he is, Laozi? Hum, I didn't mean to throw him out, but if he doesn't go out, Peng Yuanhang will leave - sister Hong, what do you think I should do? "

Yan Hong sighed low: "Alas, Mr. Shen, don't be angry for him, he is just like this."

Shen Yinbing turned to the suite and said coldly, "sister Hong, if you call him again, you will say that from this moment on, he is no longer a member of Beishan group."

"President Shen"

Yan Hong a stay, just want to say what, Shen Yinbing impatiently waved his hand, head also don't return of say: "you now inform him, I don't want to see him again!"


Fang Xiaozhou is the only female among the four deputy directors. Because of her strong background, even when the director met her, she had to be polite. She said that her status in the Bureau was aloof, which was not half false.

Because there was a dinner party tonight, Fang Xiaozhou did not rush home after work, but sat behind his desk, browsing a document at will.

Help, help - there's a knock on the door.

Director Fang raised his head and said, "please come in."

Secretary Xiao Wang came in from the outside.

Director Fang tilted his chin slightly and said casually, "Xiao Wang, haven't you come home yet?"

"Fangju, someone just sent us a USB flash drive. I don't need to show it to you. I said you would be interested."

Xiao Wang handed over a USB flash disk with both hands.


Fang Xiaozhou frowned, pinched the USB flash disk, looked at it, and then inserted it into the computer.

Soon, the USB flash drive opens, showing two videos and a recording file.

Fang Xiaoxiao clicks on the first video and starts playing.

In the picture, there are two people sitting in the car, the light is a little dim, but we can still see that the two people are frightened, and one of them is still bleeding on his cheek.

Fang Xiaozhou's face changed, and then returned to normal. He waved his hand and said to Xiao Wang, "go out first."

"All right."

Xiao Wang agreed, turned and walked out of the office.

The two people in the video, obviously under the threat of someone, gingerly said a conspiracy, which involved a local group, a deputy director of the development department, and also mentioned a person's name: elegant.

Without this name, Fang Xiaozhou would never have paid so much attention to this video.

Because elegance is her son.

After watching the first video, Fang opened the second one.

This time, she watched it more carefully. On her pretty face, she was angry: someone wanted to use these videos to threaten her son!

As a matter of fact, Fang Xiaochuan has already heard what happened from director Liang's Confessions: her son only took a fancy to the racecourse project of the Beishan group in Southern Hebei Province and wanted to buy it at a low price, but people didn't want to. That's why he used intrigue

However, Fang Xiaochuan was not angry because of this: my son is the third generation of Hong Kong. What's the big deal about his seizing a local group project? If you really don't want to, you can sit down and discuss. Is it necessary to use such inferior means to threaten me as a mother?

"Hum, even if you find the witness and find out the truth, so what? As the deputy director of the Communist Party of China, I can block all media reports on your documents with one sentence. "

With a sneer, Fang shook his head disapprovingly, and then opened the last recording file.

Inside the player, there is a man's voice, which is bold and unconstrained northeast accent: "Hello, leaders. I'm Peng Yuanhang, who is called" flower cluster little bee "in the Jianghu. I'd like to give my greetings to you. I believe you have seen those two videos, and basically understand the development process of things, so as to realize the ugly face of a prince and his immoral means. Alas, to tell you the truth, I feel very painful in my heart! Why do you say that elegant Chunshu group, with such powerful parents and endless bad life, is so greedy that it has to use dirty tricks to seize other people's property? What does that mean - I drink first. "

After a while of drinking water, the voice continued: "this only shows that the world is declining and people's heart is not old, but also shows that some of our leaders have no way to teach their children! The ancients said that the son is not taught, the father's fault, elegant can have today's so domineering, and his parents usually teach, absolutely has a direct relationship, as an ordinary Chinese citizen, I deeply blush, shame, disdain for company! "

Fang's face was completely black, but he was still able to listen down with patience: "leaders, I believe when you see and hear all this, you think I was sent by Beishan group. In fact, it's not the case, man. I'm just a person in the Jianghu who has no fixed place. Besides being greedy and lustful, my biggest advantage is that I love to fight against injustice. So, don't count it on Beishan group. I just know it by accident. "

"Hum, who are you lying to? I didn't expect a small Beishan group to use this kind of method in a frenzy! "

Fang Xiaochuan sneered and continued to listen to the voice: "of course, I also firmly believe that the leaders think that I am under the command of Beishan group. Even if I am forced to deal with this matter fairly, I will hate Beishan group secretly and fight hard in the future. But I would like to warn some people, especially the elegant one. If he dares to do so, he will die. Wow, hahaha - I know you won't believe it, but I can provide a strong evidence for you leaders. "

Fang Xiaochuan was about to clap the table, and her pretty face began to twist. She forced herself to listen: "on November 24, 2009, I went to Afghanistan alone, strangled dura Abbas, the No. 3 figure of an organization, with a piece of hemp rope. However, in order to cover up the truth of paying people to kill people, the official claimed that he died of cerebral hemorrhage. On March 8, 2010, New York congressman Kate was stabbed to death in his right ear with an iron nail. The official claimed that he died of electric leakage in the bath. Hehe, it was also done by me. Someone offered five million dollars. October 28 of the same year, Italy -- "

The Northeast accent man said four cases in succession before returning to the truth: "others may not know the truth of these people's death, but I believe that the relevant departments of Huaxia will certainly know the truth. Dear leaders, you can believe it or not, just as you can help the poor girl of Beishan group, or you can not. This is not very important for me. What's important is that I hope to see the news of redressing the wrongs of Beishan group on TV and on the Internet before 8:30 tonight. Leaders can ignore it, or even use powerful state departments to thoroughly investigate the Beishan group, but in that case, elegance will be dead! "

When he heard this, Fang's boat shivered, and the Northeast accent continued: "I have prepared three copies of the same documents. One for the elegant and great mother. Miss Fang Xiaozhou. One of them was given to Pang ran, director of the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of public security. Hehe, I have to show off here. Since I can put the documents in Pang Ran's desk drawer quietly, I can assassinate him! Of course, that's not what I want. Oh, by the way, to get back to business, the third document may be sent to the hemispheric television station in Qatar. I believe they are definitely interested in these. "

"Well, speaking of this, I'm thirsty again. If you don't talk about it, please consider it. Goodbye."

Northeast accent man seems to do a kiss action, and then quietly.

"Threat, the threat of chiguoguo, dare to threaten me!"

When Fang's boat bit her lower lip tightly, the plane rang, and she immediately grabbed it: "Hello, who?"

A low voice came from the microphone: "is it director Fang? I'm Pang ran from the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of public security! "

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