In the Thai Restaurant box, the delirious Qincheng City threw her skirt on the sofa when she took it off.

Then she was carried to the sofa by Zhang Shunshui and had that kind of relationship with Gao Fei.

This black dress, which was under her body at that time, was inevitably stained with saliva, including Zhang Shunshui's.

After waiting for her to wake up, she was so confused that she didn't notice them at all, so she put them on her body.

Similarly, Gao Fei, who is ashamed in his heart, did not notice this.

But Liu Guohua saw it.

After seeing this white stain, Qincheng made a loud noise in his head, and stood pale on the spot: it's over, it's over!

Liu Guohua is not a kindergarten child. Of course, he can see what this white stain is.

Goofy is also silly: along the way, why didn't I see these?

Liu Guohua stares at Qincheng's skirt and stands up slowly. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Chengcheng, come here. I think you should explain to me what's going on."

Qincheng walked up to him like a walking corpse. As soon as his mouth moved, Liu Guohua raised his hand and slapped her in the face: PA!

The glasses on Qincheng's face were pulled out a long way, her people also turned two circles in the same place, finally fell on the sofa, a trace of blood, like a small snake spilled from the corner of her mouth.

But she didn't feel the pain and didn't even cover her cheek with her hand.

Liu Guohua reached for her hair and pulled her up from the sofa. He didn't care if she was sitting next to Gao Fei. He lifted the skirt and exposed the whole pair of legs to Gao Fei's eyelids.

Liu Guohua's right hand holding the skirt trembled slightly, his voice trembled: "Chengcheng, this, this should be what you left behind by doing that kind of thing with men?"

Qincheng wanted to say no, but she just laughed and closed her eyes.

She didn't want to explain anything. She expected to be beaten up by her husband so that she might feel better.


Liu Guohua clenched his teeth, raised his right hand again, and yanked at Qincheng's face.

Bang, just when Liu Guohua's right hand is about to touch Qincheng's cheek, Gao Fei grabs his wrist in time.

"What are you doing?"

"Mr. Liu, please let me explain to you."

"Go away!"

Liu Guohua struggled hard for a while, and his face was ferocious: "Gao Fei, did you do this, didn't you?"

Goofy hesitated and nodded: "yes, but --"

"Shut up

Without waiting for Gao Fei to finish, Liu Guohua yelled: "I won't listen to your explanation, you release me!"

"Calm down before I let you go."

Gao Fei shook his head. Just as he was about to catch Liu Guohua's other hand, Qincheng city seemed to be crazy. He rushed to him with a shrill voice and pushed his chest hard: "you go, go! We don't care about the couple's affairs. Go, go

Great shame, let Qincheng city into a tiger, high fly caught off guard, she was pushed to the sofa.

But Liu Guohua let go of Qincheng's hair and sneered.

Qincheng slowly knelt down in front of the sofa and cried: "Gaofei, you go, why don't you go?"

"I can't go, I have to be responsible for what I do, because you are hurt for me."

Gao Fei shook his head and looked at Liu Guohua: "Mr. Liu, I think you should listen to my explanation. After you've heard that, what fire can come to me? Mr. Qin is innocent. "

"Innocent? Well, I'll listen to your explanation first

Liu Guohua sneered and sat on the sofa.

"Goofy, why don't you go? I don't want people to know about it!"

Qincheng knelt on the floor and cried on the sofa.

Gao Fei took a deep breath and looked at Liu Guohua: "teacher Qin and I met only yesterday afternoon. We were in the pedestrian street."

It took Gao Fei a few minutes to explain how he got to know Qincheng City: "later, when I learned that Mr. Qin was a professor of Normal University, I thought that one of my nieces wanted to study in that university, so I entrusted her to help. At that time, Mr. Qin agreed, saying that the vice principal of the school was her tutor

Although he didn't see with his own eyes how Zhang Shunshui calculated Qincheng at the beginning, Gao Fei could infer the same thing, so he told the whole story in detail, and finally said: "Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry. In fact, Mr. Qin and I didn't want this kind of thing to happen, but we had to do it at that time. If you don't believe it, you can check it on the Internet, and you should be able to find the flavor of Spain. "

With a cold face, Liu Guohua took out his mobile phone and began to search for Spanish customs.

Spanish pure (that word will be harmonious) medicine, just like the island country small movie, is a world-famous "brand", Liu Guohua on the mobile phone search, found the Spanish style.

The content on the Internet is completely consistent with what Gao Fei said. Liu Guohua's face looks a little better.

Qin Cheng city also stopped crying, and her eyes were red at her husband, as suspect waiting for a judge's decision.

Liu Guohua put down his mobile phone and asked in a low voice, "what about the digital camera?"

"It's in my bag. I'll get it for you."

Qincheng quickly stood up and ran to the clothes rack, took out the digital camera from the bag.

When he handed the camera to his husband, Qincheng took a look at Gao Fei.

Gao Fei understands that Qincheng is a way for him to avoid. After all, the content above is too indecent, which can definitely stimulate Liu Guohua.

But Gao Fei just got up from the sofa, Liu Guohua said coldly: "Gao Fei, sit down!"

Gao Fei said with a wry smile: "Mr. Liu, I think I'd better avoid it for a while. After you've finished reading it --"

Liu Guohua interrupted Gao Fei's words: "don't avoid it. Anyway, you've done it. Are you still afraid of me?"

How does this man talk?

Gaofei frowned, but saw that Qincheng was looking at him with begging eyes, so he had to click his mouth and sit down again.

The video in the digital camera is silent.

Fortunately, Qincheng, standing on one side, didn't feel more shame.

Like Gao Fei, she was peeping at Liu Guohua's face.

Liu Guohua began to watch the video with a sneer on his face, but when he saw it later, he almost trembled.

Qincheng knew that her husband must have seen her in the high flying expedition.

In fact, when she recalled her appearance afterwards, she also secretly scolded herself for being too shameless. How could she do that?

Even teacher Qin was ashamed to face her reaction at that time, not to mention her husband.

She looked at Gao Fei from the corner of her eye, but she saw that the guy was calm at this time: anyway, things have happened, he did it to save talents. Otherwise, with Zhang Shunshui's "force value" of the old lecheron, even if he used both hands and mouth, he would not be able to solve the Spanish style medicine of tiger and wolf, which is bound to leave sequelae to Qincheng.

He has the courage to devote himself to saving others. There is no need for him to feel too guilty.

It took more than an hour from beginning to end, and Liu Guohua watched the video carefully.

His serious attitude made Gao Fei wonder in secret: how can he finish it? Do you appreciate what his wife and I did?

The tired Qincheng also sat down, his hands between his knees, his head down, waiting for the fall.

Liu Guohua licked his lips, turned off the camera, put it aside and looked at Gao Fei.

Gao Fei's bitter smile: "Mr. Liu, do you understand now?"

"I see."

Liu Guohua light back a, asked Qincheng City: "City City, how do you deal with Zhang Shunshui?"

"I didn't dare to call the police. I was afraid it would affect you. I just warned him to stay away from me and let him go."

Qincheng answered in a low voice.

Liu Guohua nodded: "well, you're doing the right thing. Although I really want to kill him or ruin him, it's not good for us

After listening to her husband's calm voice, Qincheng looked up and said carefully, "Guohua, if you want to blame me, you can only blame me for believing in Zhang Shunshui too much."

Liu Guohua a face of pain: "to say, I also have the responsibility, after all, I did not promise to accompany you."

Qincheng then asked, "can you forgive Gao Fei?"

Liu Guohua looked at Gao Fei and said with a silent sneer, "do you think I will forgive someone who has given me a green hat?"

Qin Cheng's face changed: "however, he was forced at that time."

"I know."

Liu Guohua ignored his wife and directly asked Gao Fei, "Gao Fei, if you were me, what would you do?"

Gao Fei didn't know what to say except for a bitter smile.

Liu Guohua knocked on the sofa with his left hand, and after a long silence, he said: "Chengcheng, Gaofei, the matter has come to this point, and it can't be changed. I can forgive you, but you have to promise me a condition

Gaofei and Qincheng immediately said: "you say, as long as I can do it!"

"You can do it."

Liu Guohua's eyes flashed a strange smile, slowly said: "I want you two to give me a baby."

Before Liu Guohua's voice fell, Gao Fei and his wife were petrified.

When Liu Guohua said that there should be a condition, Gao Fei thought that he would be asked never to say anything about it, and then he would take out a sum of money to compensate for his innocence.

Qincheng thought that her husband asked her not to see Gao Fei again.

But they didn't expect that Liu Guohua's condition was so amazing, ridiculous and untrue, like seeing a man suddenly turn into a pig on the street.

Not only did he not force Gao Fei and Qincheng to never meet, but he wanted them to give him a baby!

Leng for a long time, Gao Fei asked: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, can you say your conditions again?"

"Well, I'll say it again."

Liu Guohua face relaxed, repeated: "if you want me to forgive you, you must and Qincheng together, for me to have a child."

"No, I will not! Liu Guohua, you are humiliating me. You are not a man, at least not a man! "

Qin Cheng's face turned red, hissed and screamed, waving his hands: "why do you want to do this?"

Gao Fei doesn't have any action, but just looks at Liu Guohua, full of fog: is there such a good thing in the world?

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