With Goofy's countdown firing, he pulled the trigger.

Ding's a percussion pin light ring, Gao Fei's shoulder slightly vibrated for a while, then the muzzle of the gun quickly swung, again.

The three g36c short assault rifles have built-in silencing system, and the white board has attached special external silencers to them. It sounds like the cry of a mosquito, so even if there is no sound of rain beating leaves, people close to you may not be able to hear it.

Six dark blue trajectories covered by heavy rain, like lightning, pierced through the rain, fog and night, and disappeared. Five guards in raincoats shook one after another and fell heavily on the ground.

But one of them covered his ears and was about to shout. Goofy pulled the trigger for the third time!

Whew, the g36c short assault rifle bullet flashed in front of the guard's roaring, shot out of his open mouth, splashed blood on the back of his head, but was soon diluted by the rain.

"Black pearl, what's the matter with you?"

The monkey's angry voice came from the earphone.

Black Pearl Barbara held the whiteboard, the most advanced sniper gun in the world, but she didn't hit the target at the first time. She just pierced his ear. Fortunately, goofy mended the gun in time and sent him to Allah before the elder brother cried out.

Black Pearl didn't say a word. I believe she must be red now.

"Stop it, you two change guns, ready to provide strong fire support at any time!"

Gao Fei grabs his rifle, jumps from the ground, bends his waist and snakes to the other side of the water prison.

After the monkey's investigation and Barbara's description (Barbara had been to the base when she was trying to get in touch with the captain. Although she didn't expect to attack the base one day, her professional inertia made her subconsciously observe the layout of the surrounding facilities. It was with these things that the monkey successfully sneaked into the water prison), Goofy, they have basically figured out the layout of the base. They are more or less familiar with it. Under the cover of heavy rain, they successfully escaped the watchtower and soon got close to the water prison.

Six water prisons are arranged on both sides of a wooden bridge leading to the bamboo tower in the shape of a pin. Four guards are walking back and forth with AK-47 in their arms, looking around at the watchtowers from time to time.

According to the original plan of Gao Fei and others, the first thing to deal with when sneaking into the base is the eight guards on the four watchtowers.

However, the sudden heavy rain made it unnecessary for them to do that: in the heavy rain at night, the sentries on the watchtower have become blind, and their flashlights can only shine more than ten meters in the rain (the base has been abandoned for many years, and the waterproof and explosion-proof searchlights have no power for a long time).

Gaofei three slowly climbed to the bottom of the wooden bridge, quietly climbed up along the pillar, clasped the bottom of the bridge with both hands, waiting for the monkey's order.

According to the monkey's observation, the four guards on the wooden bridge also change every hour, but their change of guard time is different from that of the guards on the passageway, which will be delayed by 20 minutes.

If goofy kills them now, they will be found by the people who change their guard later, so they have to wait, wait for the next team to guard.

Gao Fei looked down at the water prison, only to see a black head, motionless are hanging, let the rain hit them on the head.

Extreme fear has made the hostages numb. What's more, it's raining heavily, and no one will look up.

Looking at these heads, Gao Fei is really worried: he doesn't know which one Shen Yinbing is.

About ten minutes later, four people came out of the bamboo building in the middle, holding guns and laughing: "Ali, what's the situation?"

Ah Li, standing on Gao Fei's head, yelled: "everything is normal! Mercer, you're three minutes late. "

"Ha, just a few minutes. It doesn't work."

With a smile, Mercer put the gun on the wooden bridge railing, turned his head to look at the bamboo building, and grabbed Ali who was about to return to the house: "Hey, don't hurry!"

Ali asked, "what's the matter? Do you want us to accompany you?"

"Hey, hey, you don't want to accompany me, but don't blame me for not calling you!"

"What's good?"

"See there?"

Mercer nodded his chin at the nearest water prison to the bamboo building and said with a smile, "there are more than 40 people over there who are women, including many beautiful women. I've been looking forward to that tall Chinese girl for a long time. Ashdory, they are in the bamboo house. Our brothers have to have fun, right

There was excitement in Ali's voice: "Mercer, do you mean - how many women shall we play with?"

Mercer said with a smile: "if you don't play, it's not worth playing! How about going or not? "

"Yes, of course, but we can't go all the time. We have to leave someone to watch. Well, tisai and gegula are waiting here. They are old enough to hold back. They'll go after we're done. Anyway, it's still early in the morning, and these women won't live long. Let them enjoy the beauty of the world again! "

Despite tisai's protest (they want to go together), Mercer and Ali walk down the wooden bridge happily.

"Asshole, Ali, this asshole, always bullies us both!"

Thinking that everyone else is going to play with beauties, but we are both in the rain here, tisai and gegu wax are very angry. They lie on the bridge railing and look over to the third water cell.

"Tessa, don't be angry. Anyway, there are so many women over there. How many can they play with six of them?"

Ge Gu wax patted tisai on the shoulder and drew back his neck. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt that a big cold hand suddenly grabbed his throat!

The last sound Ge Gu wax heard was the crack of the throat bone.

At the same time, he also saw the last scene in the world: tisai was covered by a man's mouth, the blade flashed through the rain, and the blood jumped out of his throat like an arrow!

After pinching tisai's throat, the gorilla and whiteboard looked at each other, took off their raincoats, put them on their bodies, covered their ears and said in a low voice, "monkey, this side has been done. Now it's time for you to clean up the two watchtower sentinels in front of us!"


The water in the water prison is very cold, and the rain from the sky is also very cold. After more than ten hours of soaking, Shen Yinbing's temperature seems to be the same as the water temperature, only ten degrees.

Cold is her only feeling now.

But the coldness of the outside world and her body can't suppress the fear in her heart. If it wasn't for a Xia and Xiao Song who were close to her, I don't believe she could have supported her for such a long time.

Bamboo buildings, wooden bridges, water prisons and constantly shuttling sentinels, which used to be seen only in Vietnam war movies, now appear in front of her.

What's more, she is one of the clients.

When she was driven to the base, she also imagined that as long as the Chinese authorities met their conditions, they would be released soon.

However, when several people who escaped at night were killed mercilessly, and Astoria and they discussed to kill all the hostages, Shen Yinbing and others' last hope was also dashed. Even their courage to escape and resist was taken away by the bodies they dragged away.

Everyone knows that the gangster deliberately let them see the four bodies, which is to warn them not to act rashly, otherwise this is the end!

Shen Yinbing is not sure if there is Jiao Enzuo among the four people. After she was taken to the water prison, she never saw him again.

I didn't expect that I would die like this - Shen Yinbing let the rain fall from her hair and cheek, holding the arms of Xiao Song and a Xia tightly, hanging her head and motionless.

Like other women, their power of tears and crying has been exhausted in more than 20 hours.

They can't do anything at present, the only thing they can do is wait to die.

With a crash, someone opened the door of the water prison.

Some people looked up at the cell door in horror, and saw a few bright flashlight lights on their faces, mixed with men's suppressed laughter.

A flashlight flashed on Shen Yinbing's face, and the man laughed: "ha, ha, Mercer, do you see that? This is mine! I took a fancy to her at the first sight

Mercer scolded: "Cao, I have a crush on her, too! But I won't compete with you. Anyway, there is no shortage of beautiful women - you guys, wait here, and you'll come down when I'm finished with ALI! "

What are they going to do? What's yours or mine?

Shen Yinbing looks at the man who jumps out of the water prison with dull eyes. When a woman hostage is pushed down by him and screams, she suddenly wakes up: they want to defile us!

"I don't want you to do this. Get out of here!"

Ah Xia, who is responsible for protecting Shen Yinbing, is still loyal and dutiful at this time. She blocks her face and glares at ah Li who is coming from the water.

The water in the water prison is not very deep. There should be a drain hole. No matter how heavy the rain is, the water level is always submerged in Shen Yinbing's waist and in front of Ali's belly.

"Damn watch, you want to die!"

Ah Li raised his hand impolitely and hit ah Xia on the head with a hard blow.

Seeing that a Xia is Shen Yinbing's bodyguard, the gangster tied her hands back.

Ah Xia, who hadn't eaten for more than 20 hours, and surrounded by hostages, couldn't escape ah Li's fierce right hook. She was knocked unconscious and fell on a hostage, but only caused a short scream, because they had no courage and strength to shout again.

"You, you don't come here, go away, go away!"

Xiao Song took Shen Yinbing's arm and retreated, his eyes full of sad fear.

Ah Li, with a sneer, raised his hand to pick up Xiao Song's hair and threw it back abruptly: "Mercer, this woman is pretty good, so you can do it!"

"Yes? Well, I'll take this! "

Mercer grins grimly, hugs song and tears her clothes.

"Go away, go away!"

Xiao Song screamed and struggled.

But her mouth was soon blocked by Mercer, and the hostages next to her subconsciously avoided her. Although people knew that they could not escape the tragic ending, they had no courage to resist and could only escape.

"You, you don't come here, don't come here!"

Shen Yinbing held his arms in both hands, and his body trembled violently, then slowly retreated.

Unfortunately, she soon retreated to the iron fence of the water prison, and could not take another step back.

"Hey, little beauty, come and play with me. This is the last sweet memory of your death."

Ah Li grins grimly, grabs Shen Yinbing's clothes and tears them at both sides.

With the crack of silk, Shen Yinbing's coat was torn to pieces, revealing her dirty white shirt, but it couldn't cover up her plumpness.

"Ah Xia, Xiao Song - Gao Fei!"

When Shen Yinbing is pulled to his arms by ah Li's hair, she cries out to ah Xia in despair. But she doesn't know why, she suddenly thinks of another person: Gao Fei.

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