Barbara and James, who are lying in the jungle, accurately blow up the heads of several gangsters through the high power infrared night vision sight on the sniper rifle, forcing them all to lie in the mud, and then quickly search for the trace of Gao Fei.

But let them down, in the moment they pull the trigger, goofy unexpectedly strange disappeared.

Did that guy get shot and lie in the mud?

James was so nervous that he jumped up from the ground, climbed up a tree like a monkey, rode on a branch, raised a single pass high-power infrared night vision telescope, and tried to find Gao Fei.

He clearly saw that the gangsters who had just chased Gao Fei had started to climb back close to the ground, but there was no Gao Fei.

James put his left hand over his headset and whispered, "Gao, Zorro, where have you been? Please come back, please come back!"

In the headset, it's quiet, there's no sound.

A moment later, the monkey also climbed up the tree and asked nervously, "has he been shot?"

James frowned and said firmly, "no way! If he had been hit by these three abuses, he would have died countless times. "

"I think so too, but what about his people?"

The monkey grabbed the telescope in James' hand and looked at the muddy water one meter carefully.

Monkey in the sniper team, has been responsible for the task of investigation, not only action sensitive, but also the best eyesight.

But now he can't see Gao Fei, only to see dozens of gangsters have slowly retreated to the hostages, began to use guns to force the hostages to gather back to the water prison.

James asked with concern, "how's it going?"

Depressed, the monkey put down his telescope and shook his head: "I can't see him - no matter how fast he is, he can't run into the swamp in such a short time. Is he... "

When the monkey said this, James said, "is he going back?"

Monkey wry smile: "in addition to he took advantage of the chaos and returned there, I think there is no reason to explain."

"Wocao, the sun terrace is his mother's!"

James scolded bitterly, hit the tree with his fist, covered his earphone and said in a loud voice: "Gao - asshole, you think you are Zorro. Where are you going? Hurry to show up! Give you three seconds, or I'll take care of your woman! "

Three seconds is very short, that is, the second hand jumps three times - soon passed, but there is still no high flying sound in the headset.

When James was about to roar again, the monkey patted him on the shoulder, sighed and said, "Hey, man, stop yelling. That boy must have thrown away all the earphones. Even if you yell at him, he won't come out again. I think we'd better withdraw first and join the old man. Some of the hostages who are injured will be in danger if they are late. "

"But if he has a problem, how can he tell Nell? Cao

James scolded a hate, but also helpless, can only jump down the tree, take the sniper rifle in the Bush, and whiteboard they retreat into the back of the jungle.

Behind the jungle, more than 100 hostages (most of them are women and children) gather together, but no one cries because they are afraid that crying will expose their position and lead to disaster. Anyway, when they get out of danger, they have more time to cry with their relatives and friends. Why hurry for a moment?

"Monkey, Barbara, you two lead the way ahead. Gorilla and I will meet the old man immediately after the whiteboard breaks!"

James waved his hand to clarify the division of labor.

The monkey and Barbara nodded, ran to the hostages with their guns in their arms, and whispered, "everyone, come with me. Now we'll take you to the rescue team! Don't panic. Don't fall behind. Surround the women and children in the middle. Help the injured and the ill. Let's go now! "

Monkey dares to promise that after graduating from kindergarten, these people should never be as obedient as they are now. He immediately followed his orders, surrounded the women, children, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in the middle, helped each other, and then slowly retreated to the outside of the jungle.

James after the three, gorillas stay at the back, whiteboard left, holding assault rifles back to follow the team.

Just a few meters out, James saw a girl running from the hostage team, wiping his shoulder and running to the gorilla.

He quickly reached out and grabbed her: "Hi! What are you going to do? "

The girl flicked her arm and said, "I'm going to ask why the man who rescued me from the water prison didn't follow me!"

James did not say anything, there are two girls ran over: "Shen, Shen!"

President Shen - after listening to other people call girls like this, James understood in his heart: is this Shen Yinbing that goofy is going to save? Tut Tut, that kid's vision is not bad. Although this girl is not as tall as Nier, the two in front are not as big as Nier, they are absolutely standard Oriental beauties.

Ah Xia ran over and said to James with an apologetic smile: "sorry, Mr. Shen is worried about the person who rescued us. He wants to come and ask."

Thinking of Gao Fei's temporary name of Zorro's hick, James woke up and said, "he didn't come because he had other tasks to do. At present, what you should do most is to cooperate with us and go to the rescue team immediately, in case the situation on the road changes. "

Shen Yinbing immediately asked, "is he in danger?"

James turned to look at the hostages and asked, "what do you think?"

"There must be danger."

Shen Yinbing lowered her eyes, hesitated and asked in a low voice, "excuse me, can I know the name of that person?"

James did not hesitate, casually replied: "his name is Zorro, we all call him detective Zorro!"

"So his real name is Zorro."

Shen Yinbing murmured and repeated, raised his head, summoned up courage and asked, "what does he look like, what kind of people is he from? Oh, I ask these questions just to thank him in the future. "

James turned his white eyes for a moment: "he's pockmarked and has big teeth. He's from Arab countries. He already has a wife and children. He's a son, but his wife is very beautiful - why, you don't like Zorro?"

Shen Yinbing blushed and shook her head to deny: "no, no, I don't mean that. As I said just now, I just want to thank him in the future. "

James said with a smile: "you don't need to thank us. We've come to rescue you. You're also hired. We've been paid enough for a long time. Well, beautiful lady, I thank you for Zorro's concern. Is it time for you to return to the team now? "

"Oh, I, I'll be back in a minute."

Shen Yinbing nods and, with the support of Xiao Song and a Xia, pursues the team.

Looking at Shen Yinbing's back, James suddenly said, "Hey, I lied to you in some places just now."

Shen Yinbing turned her head and asked blankly, "have you lied to me?"

James wiped the mud on his face and said, "Zorro has a beautiful wife and a son over a year old. But he hasn't married his wife, and he's not pockmarked and toothy, let alone Arab. As a matter of fact, he is a Chinese who likes to use the Internet to cajole beautiful girls like you. I have his request number. Do you want it? "

Shen Yinbing was bewildered by James's words. She had a wife and a son, but she didn't get married. But she immediately nodded: "well, you know how to beg, so you tell me his begging number."

"His request number is 569xx841, and his net name is detective Zorro. You can look it up when you go back and thank him personally. Well, miss, I've told you all I have to tell you. We've got to get on our way! "

James raised his hand and snapped his fingers. He ignored her, but he was laughing.

Gao Fei does fall in love with begging when he is in pain. His begging number is the same number, and his net name is also called detective Zorro (which is why he changes his name to Zorro eagerly). However, few people know about him except James, Mu Tianya and Liang Ming.

"569xx841, Zorro, 569 --"

Shen Yinbing firmly remembers this request number. When she walks, she feels a lot lighter.


Monkey guessed right, goofy did return to the base.

After he fell in the mud, he rolled on the ground for more than a dozen times, and kept away from the range of astoli and others by the darkness and rain and fog. Then he turned off his calling equipment and threw his assault rifle into the mud. When the enemy rushed to his original position, he quickly crawled to the other side of the base.

If he hadn't seen the little white girl die in front of his eyes, goofy would have retreated to the jungle and met them under the cover of James and others.

But the tragic death of the little white girl aroused Gao Fei's madness: he wanted to go back, mix in the hostages, and find a chance to kill all these gangsters!

By the cruelest means!

Especially the one who took the lead, ashdory, he vowed to make her regret coming to this world!

Just as no one can stop Gao Fei's retreat, no one can prevent Gao Fei from returning to the base and mixing with the hostages.

When ashduoli and others carefully climb back to the hostages, goofy has been "obediently" hiding in a water prison under the threat of the gangster's gun.

Not to mention that there are less than 200 hostages at the scene. The gangsters can't remember the appearance of each hostage. Even if they can remember, they will never find Gao Fei, because all the people at the scene, including the gangsters, have become mud monkeys. Who can know who?

After returning to the hostages, ashduoli immediately ordered several men to take a pair of hostages and occupy the watchtower again.

Escorting hostages means that the snipers in the distance are afraid to shoot at will.

After ordering all this, ashduoli did not dare to go to the only bamboo building any more. She stood in front of the water prison and ordered her men to start counting their casualties and the number of hostages.

After about half an hour of counting, her men reported the confirmed information.

After a fierce battle just now, more than half of the more than 100 hands brought by astoli were injured and 47 others were injured.

There were more than 300 hostages, 55 dead, 151 hostages at the scene, all the other hostages were "missing", and none of the women and children were left.

In fact, many hostages escaped into the swamp in the scuffle just now. Some of them may have successfully escaped into the jungle, and some of them will stay in the swamp forever.

Of course, that's not what ashdory cares about.

As long as she can still hold hundreds of hostages in her hands, it proves that her plan has not failed. For these hostages, the Chinese authorities must release Maimaiti.

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