Shortly after the storm team arrived by armed helicopter, two planes landed at manglanshan airport one after another.

The first to land was a large broadcasting airliner.

This is the largest airliner of Southwest China Airlines, carrying more than 70 doctors and nurses. They came to South Vietnam only for one task, that is, to take the hostages home.

The second is a medium-sized transport plane, which is specially used to transport the bodies of the dead hostages.

Shen Yinbing and others, who left manglan meadow first, immediately accepted the examination of medical staff again.

Most of them are women and children, but few of them are injured. However, many of them are frightened. There are two little girls who are afraid of others. They will scream when they see the medical staff coming.

In the afternoon, the second group of hostages, escorted by the South Vietnamese military, arrived at manglanshan airport.

Among the first people to escape, there are also relatives of these people. The first thing we met after we survived was to cry bitterly.

And those who lost their loved ones, but also stroked the corpse crying, some fainted in the past.

In the meantime, there are many missing relatives who are dragging people around to ask for information.

During the first rescue last night, some hostages ran in all directions, some trapped in the swamp, some lost their way in the jungle. The South Vietnamese military has sent a large number of soldiers to look for the missing.

But it will take time. After all, it's hard to find people in the jungle.

Looking at those crying people, Shen Yinbing was also infected, and a Xia and Xiao Song sat in the corner of the waiting hall, quietly wiping their tears.


At this time, someone called her name in surprise.

Shen Yinbing looked around and saw that Jiao Enzuo, who was dirty and clean, was walking over with a quick and excited face.

After seeing Jiao Enzuo, Shen Yinbing was absent-minded for a moment: how could I forget him?

It turns out that Shen Yinbing, in the past ten hours after she got out of danger, except for fear, anger and happiness, most of what she thought was the mysterious detective Zorro, but she never thought of Jiao Enzo!

Don't know how to return a responsibility, she completely forgot Jiao Enzuo, is coerced together with her.

At this time, after seeing Jiao Enzo, she suddenly woke up and stood up with a surprise: "Enzo, are you ok? That's great

"Yes, I'm fine, you're fine, we're all fine, that's great!"

Jiao Enzuo looks at a Xia and Xiao Song and opens his arms to embrace Shen Yinbing.

It's normal for us to celebrate and comfort our companions by hugging after a disaster. It's an instinctive action of human nature, regardless of occasion, gender and place.

It is said that after Jiao Enzuo made this move, Shen Yinbing, who had "lived and died together" with him, should give a warm response, lie down in his arms, hold him tightly and cry in a low voice.

But in fact, Shen Yinbing's arms moved, but subconsciously stepped back.

The smile in Jiao Enzuo's eyes solidified in an instant, and his outspread hands also stopped in mid air.

"Here, there are many people here."

Shen Yinbing lowered her eyes and then changed the topic: "Enzo, when I was following them to retreat last night, I seemed to hear you scream."

It was the shrill scream that awakened Astoria and others, caused dozens of hostage casualties, and put the remaining hostages in dire straits.

To some extent, the person who screamed was the culprit who killed the most hostages in this terrorist incident - the hostages who fled for the first time. They all agreed.

Jiao Enzuo's eyes changed quickly, then he put down his hands blankly: "I screamed? How could I scream last night? I heard the scream of the man in the same water cell as me, whose sole was pierced by a nail in the water cell. "

After listening to Jiao Enzuo's denial of having screamed, Shen Yinbing felt relieved: "ah, maybe I heard it wrong, but that voice is very like you - come on, sit down and tell me how you were rescued."

Shen Yinbing is not the only one who wants to know how Jiao Enzuo got out of danger. Even the rescue medical staff are concerned about this problem. Those who see the safety of their relatives and friends immediately say it in a daze.

Compared with the escape of the first group of hostages, the escape process of the second group of hostages is flat. Gao Yunhua submitted the purchase to the gangster, who released the hostages and then retreated into the jungle. There was no hot gunfight during the process, and the brilliance was not up to standard——

After listening to Jiao Enzuo finish the whole process of escape in detail, Shen Yinbing was a little disappointed and asked: "Enzuo, then, I ask you, in the early morning to your escape period, did you see Zorro, or have you heard of this name?"

Jiao Enzuo was stunned: "detective Zorro? No, what does he do and what does it have to do with us? "

Next to Xiao Song, he broke in and said, "Hey, detective Zorro, one of the people who rescued us last night. He was cut off when we escaped from the base, but later he got into the base and cheated the terrorists. Those terrorists tried to kill all the hostages of the big plot, he is through the wireless communication device, I think he is mixed in with you

After listening to Xiao Song's words, Jiao Enzuo suddenly realized: "ah, I know. So he's Zorro

Shen Yinbing immediately asked, "why, have you met him?"

Seeing the care in Shen Yinbing's eyes, Jiao Enzuo's eyes narrowed slightly: "I didn't see what he looked like, but all of us saw with our own eyes that four terrorists killed him in the water prison."

"What, he was killed!"

Shen Yinbing stood up from his chair with a loud voice, and his face faded.

Jiao Enzuo's face was full of pain: "yes. When the terrorists learned that he was mixed with the hostages, they immediately launched a rigorous search - unfortunately, he and I are not the same water prison, and I can't help him when he was killed in the mud by four gangsters. "

Shen Yinbing slowly sat back on the chair and murmured, "how could he and he die like this? He is so powerful. "

Jiao Enzuo bit his lower lip and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Bing, do you know that detective Zorro?"

Shen Yinbing shook his head slowly: "I, I don't know. But I know that if I didn't have him, I would be humiliated by gangsters, and I couldn't escape... How could he die, how could he? "

After learning that Zorro was killed in the water prison, Shen Yinbing was not only sad, but also lost a lot.

When the gorilla tells Shen Yinbing about Zorro's request number, her heart quietly changes. She plans to land and ask for help immediately after returning home. She will first add his friends and then ask to meet him.

Even, she has such a wish in her heart: if she can, she will marry detective Zorro!

It is quite normal for Shen Yinbing to have such a state of mind, which is in line with people's secular view: Heroes save beauty, and beauties finally agree with each other by example.

But Zorro is dead.


The hijacking of flight mh456, which shocked the world, came to an end in 48 hours with the joint efforts of China and South Vietnam.

In this incident, China and South Vietnam dispatched more than 3000 rescue workers, 19 airplanes of various types, 83 ambulances, and 221 medical and nursing personnel. Among them, 123 Eastern Turks including Maimaiti were killed except one female major criminal (ashdori) whose whereabouts were unknown. Among the 351 hostages, 76 died and 104 were injured, 83 people suffered severe mental trauma

In short, compared with the terrorist incident in Beslan, North Ossetia, southern Russia (more than 300 hostages died, including 155 children), the death of 76 hostages is heartbreaking, but it is undoubtedly lucky. After all, this is a very bad hostage kidnapping case.

In response to this incident, the Chinese foreign ministry held a press conference to first pay a silent tribute to the victims and then denounce the evil acts of the East Turks by all means to achieve their goals.

Finally, the foreign ministry spokesman criticized some western countries that provided economic aid to the East Turks in a stern and outspoken voice.

Perhaps the spokesman was too excited. Before the end of the press conference, he even said indignantly, "if a country still provides economic assistance to the East Turks, Huaxia will never sit back and refuse to fight back with a tit for tat approach, and then support an Al Qaeda that carries out terrorist attacks in a country!"

The meaning of this sentence is simple and easy to understand, and the main idea is this: warn some western countries headed by the United States that if you support the East Turks to separate China, then we will support the original followers of Afghanistan!

You don't want us to have a good time. We don't want to have a good time!

The last few words of the foreign ministry spokesman, which were obviously out of control, caused a great stir in the world.

For example, the island country, which is famous for its love of peace, immediately issued a statement denouncing Hua Xia, claiming that such a statement is irresponsible and supports terrorist activities in disguised form, which undermines China's reputation as a country of etiquette.

However, to everyone's surprise, the United States, which has always regarded itself as the world's police, has become dumb this time, and has no longer held out the face of justice to refute.

It seems that the eight American citizens who died in the hijacking incident also aroused their strong dissatisfaction with the eastern Turks, making them once again taste the depression of lifting stones and hitting their own feet.

On the other hand, hundreds of millions of Chinese netizens strongly support the spokesman's statement, saying that if they support uncle Ladeng's subordinates to continue to carry out terrorist attacks against the United States, they will donate one month's salary, and if they dare to bomb the island's "national society", they will give three months' salary, and so on.

For a moment, because of the hijacking, hundreds of millions of Chinese netizens turned into angry youths. They were eager to go to some countries with explosive bags on their shoulders and live forever like the Communist Party of China


When the whole world began to pay attention to the mh456 hijacking incident and hundreds of millions of people were discussing it, goofy quietly returned home.

As he quietly go, and quietly back, wave a hand, did not bring a trace of blood.

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