I wish you success in your application!

With the high flying point under the OK key, the computer page immediately displayed this line of words, and then of website platform page automatically closed.

Although he just typed a few lines, goofy felt very tired, as if he had just fought with two eastern European beauties in the middle of the night.

Goofy knew it was because he was too excited.

From today on, he finally decided to go back to the old days!

It was a big bowl of wine, a big piece of meat, never worry about no job, no money, no woman's passion years.

The only thing he has to do is to use what he has learned all his life to kill the target!

Similarly, the only thing he can lose is his precious life!

Is life precious?

Gao Fei raised his hand and wiped the sweat stains on his forehead. He went to the window and pushed open a window. Looking at the light rain outside, he laughed and murmured: "this is just a great age of laughing at the poor but not the prostitutes. As long as it's money, any problem including life is no longer a problem."

Gao Fei slowly closed his eyes and listened to the rustle of raindrops on the glass. It was very pleasant, just like the sound of an M8 assault rifle, which gradually brought him back to the old days.


Unlike most people, Gao Fei has no idea who his parents are because he grew up in the hope orphanage in Southern Hebei.

When he was 18 years old, Gao Fei, who worked in a welfare factory in Southern Hebei, was in great pain because of his frustrated love.

Under the persuasion of his good friend Liang Ming, Gao Fei enlisted in the army that autumn and became a soldier of an ace army in Northwest China military region.

At any time, goofy will not regret joining the army.

Because he felt that he was born to be a professional soldier. All his potential in the army was fully displayed.

As soon as the recruit company was finished, he was selected into the "Fengbao special brigade" of the military region because of his excellent performance.

After becoming a special soldier, Gao Fei felt more like a fish in water, and in the second year of joining the special brigade, he won the individual all-around champion of the whole military region.

If it wasn't for the third year when he went out, the son of a local city official robbed a civilian girl, broke his leg and was expelled from the army, I believe today's Gao Fei would have done a lot in the army. He would not have gone to France in a rage and joined the French Foreign Legion!

As in China, Gao Fei, who joined the French Foreign Legion, with his excellent performance, soon became the soul of the "sniper" team of the ace a army, nicknamed ghost dance!

For the sake of money, they not only form teams to sweep all targets, but also often rob killers of their jobs. This is why goofy registers gold card members on the of platform.

Four years of mercenary career, so that he tasted a more wonderful life.

However, just as he was expelled from the army because of a woman in China, Gao Fei returned to China two years ago because of a woman.

The two most important turns in Gao Fei's life are related to women.

After returning to China for two years, Gao Fei, who didn't even have a junior high school diploma, didn't find a decent job at all.

And he is not willing to go to the construction site or the railway station to compete with those migrant workers——

Anyway, Mr. Gao is also the master who once slept with several top female stars in Europe and the United States. If you do that kind of work in order to fill your stomach, will it make you live?

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