Beishan group is a leading group of private enterprises in Southern Hebei, which integrates real estate, catering, advertising and other industries.

The headquarters building with more than 20 floors is located at the foot of the beautiful Qianfo Mountain, surrounded by blue glass curtain walls, which can be seen from a distance.

At about 7:50 in the morning, goofy took a taxi to the front of the building.

Looking at the eight gilded characters of "headquarters of Jinan Beishan group" on the front of the building, Gao Fei shook his head: "does a headquarters occupy such a large amount of resources? It's a waste. It's a shame. "

After feeling for a while, Gao Fei came to the hall door.

In front of the hall, there are two beautiful women in red sleeveless Qipao. A breeze urges them to lift their skirts. Their white legs are very greedy.

After seeing Gao Fei come, two etiquette ladies smile and say hello: "welcome to Beishan group headquarters!"

"Ha ha, you're very kind. What's your name, beauty? If you are free at noon, please have a cup of coffee

Gao Fei looks at the round face beauty on the left with a smile, and his eyes become a seam.

Round face beauty's face is still with a good-looking smile, looking at Gao Fei's eyes, but with a look of disdain: cut, you wear this, it's OK to buy me coffee?

"Hehe, I'll talk about it later, ha."

Goofy, knowing, laughs and walks into the hall.

When he came to the front desk, the front desk service sister also welcomed him with a smile, which made Mr. Gao feel at home.

After learning that Gao Fei came to the head office to report, the service attitude of his younger sister became more cordial: "Sir, the human resources department is on the ninth floor, room A-9."

"Thank you. I'll treat you to coffee when I'm free."

After habitually throwing down a bad check, goofy took the elevator to the ninth floor.

When he comes to the door with the "human resources department" sign, Gao Fei raises his hand and knocks on the open door.

In the spacious and bright office, there are seven or eight tables. Four or five young men and women in white-collar clothes are working hard.

After hearing the knock, a little girl nearest to the door politely said, "excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Goofy walked into the office and said straight to the point, "my name is goofy. I'm here to report."

"Goofy? Ah, you are Gao Fei. "

A woman in a black dress and rimless glasses stood up from behind the innermost desk.

"Are you su Xiaomei who called me?"

Goofy walked over with a smile.

"Well, yes, I'm Su Xiaomei."

Su Xiaomei extends her hand to Gao Fei across the table.

"Hello, Miss Su. To tell you the truth, when I heard your voice on the phone, I guessed that such a beautiful voice must be a beautiful woman. Today I saw you and knew that I was wrong. It turns out that your voice is more beautiful than yours. "

When Gao Fei faces a woman, he always acts like a gentleman. After a few words of free flattery, he sits in the chair in front of her.

"Ha ha, Mr. Gao really knows how to talk."

Ming knows that Gao Fei is trying to make her happy, but Su Xiaomei is really happy.

Su Xiaomei was also very free and easy. After a few polite words, she went back to business: "Mr. Gao, have you brought all the information for the report?"

"Yes, please have a look."

Goofy took out a big envelope from under his rib and handed it to him with both hands.

Su Xiaomei took it and opened it. There was only one driver's license in such a big envelope.

Seeing Su Xiaomei as if in a daze, Gao Fei said awkwardly, "well, to tell you the truth, I didn't expect Beishan group to call me, so I came in a hurry. You know, the resumes of my PhD in economics from Harvard University, MBA and MBA are all in San Francisco, and I haven't had time to fax them. As for the ID card, I'm sorry that I lost it yesterday and I haven't made it up yet. Look... "

Su Xiaomei didn't expect that Mr. Gao had such a profound "cultural heritage", and she was immediately awed: "Oh, Mr. Gao, it doesn't matter. Of course, ID card is required, but we also have a copy of your previous application. As long as I can match you. "

Goofy said quickly, "I can definitely get the number of the ID number, which is 370121198."

Su Xiaomei took out the copy of Gao Fei's ID card, checked it carefully, nodded and said, "well, it's absolutely correct, so that you don't need the original - Oh, yes, this is the employment contract from Beishan group."

"Yes, thank you."

Goofy said thanks and took the contract.

The general meaning of the contract is to employ Gao Fei as a full-time driver of the group's senior leaders. The probation period is one month and the monthly salary is three thousand five. After the probation period, they will enjoy the salary, welfare and other benefits of the company's regular employees.

Generally speaking, there is nothing special about this employment contract, and the salary offered also conforms to the wage level of local probation period in Southern Hebei.

After looking at the contract and saying no, goofy signed his name at the end of the contract according to what Su Xiaomei said.

After Gao Fei signed, Su Xiaomei stood up and held out her hand to him again: "Congratulations, Gao Fei, it's a great honor to be a colleague with you."

Gao Fei also stood up and said with a smile, "ha ha, I'm honored. However, I have a question. Please explain it to me. "

Su Xiaomei nodded: "I'm willing to help."

Gao Fei asked: "I remember that I failed to apply for the position in Beishan group last time, so why did I hire me again?"

Su Xiaomei replied with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Gao. I don't know exactly, because it was arranged by Vice President Yan himself."

Gao Fei was stunned: "Vice President Yan? I don't seem to know vice president Yan, do I? "

"Ha ha, I don't know what's going on. When you see vice president Yan, you should understand. Well, she's waiting for you in the vice president's office. Please follow me

Su Xiaomei smiles sweetly and walks to the office door first.


When Su Xiaomei pushes the door of vice president Yan's office on the 19th floor, Gao Fei is still thinking about who this vice president Yan is and why he suddenly hired him.

When he walked into the office and saw the woman behind the desk, he was stunned on the spot. Subconsciously, he raised his hand and began to wipe his eyes: ah ah, my friend, did you recognize the wrong person? This so-called vice president Yan is actually her!?

Vice President Yan is no one else. It was in the bar last night that he was shouting to take out 200000 yuan a month to support Gao Fei's Yan Hong.

Today, Yan Hong, who changed into a white dress and black high-heeled shoes, saw Gao Fei's eyes staring at him and standing there in a daze. After that, she first gave him a wink and then nodded to Su Xiaomei: "well, Deputy Director Su, thank you."

"You're welcome, vice president Yan. If I don't have any orders, I'll go back to work."

After slightly bowing to Yan Hong, Su Xiaomei turns around and sees Gao Fei staring at vice president Yan, who looks like a dull pig. Dai Mei frowns and reminds her in a low voice: "Gao Fei, vice president Yan is always the wife of the boss. Pay attention to yourself!"

When Gao Fei first met Su Xiaomei, he once flattered others, leaving a good impression on her. So when he saw that he was staring at Yan Hong in a daze, he kindly reminded him.

"Oh - the wife of the boss - oh."

Gao Fei wakes up like a dream. He quickly takes back his eyes to Yan Hong and smiles to Su Xiaomei: "thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll count."

Su Xiaomei smiles back and walks out with high heels.

After the door was closed, Yan Hong went around the table and leaned on the edge of the table. Her left foot stretched back and her right knee bent up. She put on a very provocative posture and said in a greasy voice: "ha ha, Gao Fei, are you surprised now?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "it's not just surprise, it's extraordinary surprise. Yan and vice president Yan, you want me to work around you. Don't you really want to support me? "

Yan Hongmei's eyes flow: "what do you think?"

Gao Fei raised his hand to wipe his mouth, went to the sofa and sat down: "I think if you really have this sincerity, then you'd better add 100000 yuan a month."

After a pause, goofy said solemnly, "I'm serious."

God can testify for Mr. Gao. Now he is really serious.

Since Vice President Yan is such a little creature, he has not only offered a huge salary to support him, but now he has been recruited to Beishan group. If he refuses again, he will be beaten by thunder

"Cluck, cluck!"

After seeing Gao Fei's serious appearance, Yan Hong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, so that he was unbridled and had no reserve that vice president should have!

Gao Fei Leng: "what are you laughing at?"

"No, nothing. I just think you're funny."

Yan Hong raised her hand and patted her heart, and asked: "Gao Fei, do you think I really want to wrap you?"

Like a silly bird, Gao asked, "is it fake?"

Yan Hongjiao angrily glared at him: "of course it's fake!"

"The night before yesterday... Didn't you mean to play with me?"

Goofy's face turned red and began to get angry.

"That's not playing with you."

Yan Hong went to the sofa opposite Gao Fei, sat down and cocked up her good-looking legs. She said frankly, "that night, it was just an interview."


Goofy felt his head start to get bigger.

Yan Hong nodded: "yes, do you still remember what happened in your office building at noon the day before yesterday?"

Gao Fei is a young man. Naturally, he will never forget what happened the day before yesterday.

After a little consideration, Gao Fei understood: "Oh, I know. The female president in the office building yesterday and the other few gangsters who rushed in later are all arranged by you. They are part of the interview."

Yan Hong nodded: "yes, it's all interviews. Congratulations, Gao Fei. You are the first person who has passed the three-tier interview in the past three months. You have been accepted by Beishan group. "

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment. Then he stood up from the sofa and walked to the door with a gentle smile.

After seeing Gao Fei get up and go, Yan Hong wondered: "Hey, Gao Fei, what are you going to do?"

"Come and leave, of course!"

Gao Fei grabs the doorknob with his right hand and turns to look at Yan Hong with awe inspiring Justice: "sorry, vice president Yan, although I passed the interview of your company, your way of interview has greatly hurt my self-esteem! So, I decided not to do this job! Please don't keep me any longer. Goodbye

Yan Hong, who thinks she has controlled Gao Fei in the palm of her hand, didn't expect that this cheeky guy wanted to be taken care of by her just now, but after she told the truth, she immediately turned around and left.

"Hey, goofy, stop for me."

Yan Hong quickly stood up and explained, "you misunderstood me. Can you listen to me?"

Gao Fei is about to assassinate Subei mountain. It's not easy for him to get close to him. Of course, he won't leave like this.

Just want to go, just pinch, find some self-esteem just, see Yan Hong busy to retain, also borrow slope down donkey, light said: "that you say, I listen - remember, my dignity is limited."

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