Fang Xiaochuan knew Gao Jiancheng, and they developed into a teacher-student relationship, which Chen Tianshou secretly arranged.

Fang Xiaochuan is pregnant with Gao Fei. When Gao's family finds out, she orders Gao Jiancheng to break up with her. She is forced to go back to her hometown in Southern Hebei and gives birth to Gao Fei secretly. Chen Tianshou secretly arranges this.

At the time when Gao Fei was born, a girl got pregnant before she got married and gave birth to her child. This is quite immoral in the countryside. No matter how strong Fang Xiaozhou's character is, she shouldn't have given birth to Gao Fei. But in fact, Gao Fei was born unharmed. It's impossible to say that no one helped her or enlightened her.

Chen Tianshou secretly arranged the person who helped her and enlightened her.

After Gao Fei was born, Fang Xiaozhou went to the river to seek death after being blinded. He happened to meet Shen ruoxuan, who came to southern Hebei to look for the mountains in Northern Jiangsu, and gave the child to Shen ruoxuan. Chen Tianshou secretly arranged this.

Shen ruoxuan took over the child, and Fang Xiaochuan left Beijing immediately. The couple in Subei mountain had to send Gao Fei to hope orphanage and let him grow up in the orphanage. They explained that Mu Tianya was thrown away again. Frustrated, they joined the army and left the sad area of Southern Hebei. They made outstanding achievements in the army, but later they were expelled from the army for violating the "unity between the army and the people.", Since then, he has become a glorious international mercenary

When they met Nier, they fell in love and were forced to return home to hibernate for two years. Then they ran into Shen Yinbing and started a series of wonderful lives in China. Until today, he was plotted by moxie Zhengdong to plant the hot sun. He became a humanoid planter and lay half dead in the old house of Fangjia village waiting to die. Chen Guoguo and moxie Zhengdong came to baiyun temple to save him, Mr. Du Daochang.

Du Daochang finally said that he was the leader of the seven killers, and Chen Tianshou was the eldest of the seven killers of the previous generation. In fact, Chen Tianshou arranged all these things in secret.

Even if he is dead, some things have happened step by step in accordance with his 30-year plan, without any deviation.

Thirty years ago, Gao Fei was the most important part of Chen Tianshou's plan.

In the past 30 years, Chen Tianshou has been a shadow behind the major events and turning points he has encountered.

Chen Tianshou's plan, which took 30 years, has only one purpose, that is, to make the anguijiao and the three wolf divisions that have plagued the imperial courts of all dynasties come to an end in this era.

Now, the old generation of Angui King Shangguan Fengling has been sleeping in the mountains of Lingnan. The new generation of Angui King Chen Guoguo is pregnant and just wants to be a happy little woman. So far, Angui religion with a history of two thousand years has gradually become a legend.

After saying so much in one breath, Taoist Du took a long breath of relief and said, "the old leader has already arrived. After Gao Fei's burning sun bug, you two will come to baiyun temple to find me and honest monk. So that night before he drove back to the west, he gave me the antidote for burning sun bug."

With that, Du Daochang took out a small wooden box from the wide sleeve of his robe and handed it to Chen Guoguo: "there are six pills in it, three white and three black, two pills a day. White pills are taken during the day and black pills are taken at night. After three days in a row, Gao Fei's hot sun poison will be resolved. Depending on his special constitution, he can recover around New Year's day."


Chen Guoguo, who had been stunned by his father's 30-year-old plan, didn't wake up until Taoist Du handed over the small wooden box and copied it.

Open a look, there are six pills, each with Dieda pills as the size, three white, three black, emitting a faint fragrance, let Chen Guoguo smell, can't help but spirit shock.

"Wuliangtianzun, as for whether these pills can solve the poison of Gaofei, the old Taoist is not sure, but your father said that at that time."

Before Taoist Du's voice fell, moye Zhengdong suddenly asked coldly, "Oh? According to what you just said, Gao Fei mistakenly entered my underground Loulan, and I planted the sun bug, so as to change the special Shura constitution of my moye family. Chen Tianshou made this happen, didn't he? "

Du Daochang faces moye Zhengdong and nods slightly: "the female resident is right. Gao Fei strays into the underground Loulan and becomes the key person to change the female resident and moye family. This is really arranged by the old leader."

"Ha ha, if that's the case, I'll ask."

Moye Zhengdong sneered in a low voice and said slowly, "Gaofei and Chen Guoguo have become lovers, ending the two thousand year history of anguijiao, which can be used as a father. I can understand that he doesn't want to make future generations the targets that the imperial court must eradicate."

After a pause, moye Zhengdong continued: "but what I don't understand is that the moye family living in the underground Loulan has something to do with Chen Tianshou. Let him kindly help me change my special constitution? Does he have a very close relationship with my moye family? "

Taoist Du slightly raised his head and said: "the female hermit is right, but the old leader and the moye family have something to say!"

Moye Zhengdong laughed again, the laughter was colder, spitting out a few words: "nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense."

Taoist Du Zhengdao said: "the female hermit only thought that the moye family, who lived in the underground Loulan, except Shen ruoxuan, had never been in the world for nearly two thousand years. Besides, no one has ever been to that place except Angui king. Therefore, before that, underground Loulan was an unknown existence for anyone outside, so the old leader naturally could not interfere with you... Female Curie, do you mean that? "

Moye Zhengdong nodded and said calmly, "yes."

The honest monk on one side suddenly asked, "benefactor moye, you should know the legend of quemoola, right?"

According to legend, after Nu Wa created a human being, there was already the existence of demons. Ten thousand gods and Demons harmed the world. Finally, they were suppressed by the emperor of heaven in the hell of Jiuyou 18th floor. They sent qingniu to guard them. They had no reason to enter the world and harmed the world.

Ten thousand gods and demons are guarded by qingniu in the 18th floor of Jiuyou hell. They have no place to vent their exuberant energy, and finally kill each other. Many years later, most of the gods and Demons kill each other and die. There are only a few small demons left in the 18th floor of Jiuyou hell.

When the emperor saw that the demons were almost destroyed, he ordered qingniu, who was guarding here, to leave on his own and join the world to practice with Laozi. Finally, Laozi rode qingniu out of the pass and disappeared.

After qingniu left, a little devil finally escaped from the hell of Jiuyou and eighteen floors. After entering the world, he called himself kumora and became the most ancient Donghu people.

After 130 years of inheritance, the Donghu people, who regard kumora as their leader, gradually split into several tribes, including Xianbei, Rouran, Khitan and Shiwei (the predecessor of Mongolian).

"In the Han Dynasty, Tuoba, moye and other multiple surnames in the western regions of the thirty-six western regions were all Donghu people, or the descendants of quimola. The old leader also mentioned that there should be a sculpture of quimola in a palace in the underground Loulan."

After the honest monk finished telling the story of quimola, Taoist Du took the words again: "moye, I don't know if the old leader is right?"

Moye Zhengdong is wearing a bronze mask. If she didn't wear a mask, Taoist Du wouldn't ask, because the surprise on her face had already explained something.

When Gao Fei saw the quimola sculpture lying idle in the small palace in the underground Loulan, Chen Tianshou had already driven the crane to the West - but he had never been to the underground Loulan, how could he know there was a quimola sculpture below?

Taoist Du didn't wait for moye Zhengdong to say anything. He continued to say slowly: "Shura is one of the six ways of reincarnation in the world, but it is born out of the devil's way just like shataolang and angoui, so it can also become a person in the devil's way and come down in one continuous line with angoui."

Moye ningrong, the ancestor of moye Zhengdong, and Lingyu palace leader, the ancestor of Angui king, were originally the half sisters of Loulan king in the Han Dynasty. They learned from the female shaman of Qilian Mountain. Taoist priest Du said that moye Zhengdong and Chen Guoguo came down in the same line, which is reasonable.

"Since the moye family and Angui king are both evil ways, why can't the old leader help the moye family change your special constitution when he ends the two thousand year long trouble of Angui religion?"

Du Daochang's voice is not high, but with a detached calm.

Moye Zhengdong couldn't calm down, and even began to tremble, because she found that she couldn't refute what Lao Du said. After a moment, she asked a question that Chen Guoguo had long wanted to ask: "well, who is Chen Tianshou? How can he interfere in the affairs of anguijiao and underground Loulan? "

Du Daochang did not answer immediately, but looked to luogong tower.

Luogong tower in the moonlight seems to emit a circle of auspicious light, which makes people feel calm and the whole world is peaceful.

After a long time, Taoist priest Du suddenly chuckled: "moye, you should know how the world calls us Taoists, right?"

Moye Zhengdong did not say anything, Chen Guoguo blurted out: "is not the nose?"

People call monks as bald donkeys, but Taoists as ox noses. In fact, these two names are not derogatory, just as the southerners call the northerners beiguazi and the northerners call the southerners nanmanzi.

After Chen Guoguo said these words, he realized that he was calling her father Chen Tianshou a cow nose. He immediately felt embarrassed, but Taoist Du said with a smile, "yes, we Taoists are cow noses, which have something to do with cows - and the one who was ordered to guard the ten thousand gods and demons in the hell on the 18th floor of Jiuyou was a green cow. Later, qingniu entered the world, quimola fled, and qingniu went out of the gate with Laozi... Then he was ranked in the immortal class again. "

Moye Zhengdong suddenly understood and said in a low voice, "do you mean Chen Tianshou is actually the green ox? He joined the WTO to arrange all this, just to use Gao Fei to eliminate the evil way and change the special constitution of Shura? "

"Boundless heaven!"

Taoist Du didn't answer. Instead, he made a loud noise and said to luogong Tower: "no matter where the old leader comes from, it doesn't matter. What's important is that as he planned, anguijiao disappeared, the moye family was reborn, and Huaxia ushered in its greatest flourishing age in thousands of years. "

"That's the most important thing, isn't it?"

Taoist Du slowly sweeps to moxie Zhengdong. Chen Guoguo and Chen Guoguo, with a simple and honest smile like qingniu, suddenly give birth to the illusion that maybe he is the qingniu.

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