Looking at Gao Fei's impassioned face, Shen Yinbing has an illusion, as if this boy is really her boyfriend, who can shed blood for her!

It's just that she knows this kid is acting.

Even if the boy's life is cheaper than a beggar, he won't be stupid enough to ignore the danger in order to fake his girlfriend.

All of a sudden, Shen Yinbing has a deep sense of helplessness. She really wants Gao Fei to be her boyfriend. She doesn't even have the ability to fart, but at least she has a spiritual sustenance, doesn't she?

In a trance, Shen Yinbing took a cup of tea and took a sip.

Then she opened her mouth and spurted out the tea.

As soon as Lao Su wanted to talk, the mist fell down.

"Ah, Xiaobing, what's the matter with you?"

The mountain of Northern Jiangsu is full of tea. I don't know how my daughter, who has always been very cultured, can make such a low-level mistake and even drink tea. Fortunately, there is no outsider now.

"Cough, cough! No, nothing. I just drank it in the intake pipe and choked

Shen Yinbing stood up in a hurry and ran to the bathroom.

Hum, the tea with salt is not good.

Gao Fei said with a sneer in his heart: it's just that you didn't expect to take the wrong cup, which is called lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot.


"Did that guy's taste buds degenerate? He can drink such salty water. "

After gargling several times, Shen Yinbing felt a little better, but then he felt a little nauseous: "I actually drank my tea. It was disgusting. Did he brush his teeth?"

The thought of drinking the tea Gao Fei had drunk was tantamount to indirect kissing - and the thought of his smelly mouth made Miss Shen ashamed and angry. She wished that the toothbrush she was holding in her hand was a knife, which poked two transparent holes in the guy's body.

When Miss Shen Da brushed her teeth twice, almost all of them went down one layer, she came out of the bathroom.

Subei mountain has changed a shirt and is sitting on the sofa talking to Gao Fei.

Shen Yinbing, who hates in his heart and seems to be doing nothing on the surface, comes to sit next to Gao Fei and asks anxiously, "Dad, what are you going to do?"

Subei mountain said with a bitter smile: "since I'm targeted by a killer, what else can I do except stay at home and hire bodyguards to watch the house? But uncle Liu also said that he would send police to protect me. But - alas, there are those who have been thieves for thousands of years, but there are no those who have been anti thieves for thousands of years. I can't stay at home for the rest of my life, can I? "

Shen Yinbing said anxiously: "can't the police seal up the of platform? Then no one will see the bonus. "

"Seal up of platform? It's not easy. "

"Uncle Liu has said that of platform has existed for many years, hundreds of people are hung on it every year, and countless people are assassinated. The influence is bad, but Interpol has been unable to ban it," Subei mountain explained

Shen Yinbing look dim down: "then you hide at home all your life, never go out?"

Gao Fei suddenly said, "in fact, it's very easy to solve."

Shen Yinbing gave him a white look: "Gao Fei, don't stand and talk. It won't hurt your back. Is it easy to solve it? Ha, tell me, how to solve it? "

Gao Fei said: "as long as we find out who is going to assassinate uncle Su and ask him to withdraw the reward on the of platform, uncle Su will be OK."

Shen Yinbing's eyes brightened and grabbed his arm: "yes, but who is that man?"

Gao Fei shook his head with a bitter smile: "I don't know."

"I thought you could do anything."

Shen Yinbing turned and looked at Lao Su: "Dad, who is most likely to have your idea?"

Lao Su frowned: "how can I guess? For the sake of business, many people have been offended over the years, but I really can't remember who would hate me so much and even offer a reward of three million dollars. "

"So it is."

Shen Yinbing looked dejected: "over the years, there are no ten or eight people who have had problems with us in business, but we can't question them one by one, can we?"

Goofy said again: "sometimes, the people who plot against you are not only your opponents, but also your friends, especially those who have big interests with you."


Su Bei Shan was stunned, then dropped his eyes and thought deeply.


In the back garden of Su's villa, next to the swimming pool.

Looking at the pool of water, Gao Fei wanted to take off all his clothes. He plunged down and swam for half an hour.

Shen Yinbing was standing beside the swimming pool with her arms in her arms. Dai Mei was watching the pool water with a slight lock. She had been so motionless for a long time that she didn't know what she was thinking.

Looking up at the gloomy sky, Gao Fei touches her flat stomach and reminds Shen Yinbing that it's time to have lunch. However, for fear of disturbing her thoughts, he has to sit on the couch in all sorts of boring ways.

As Gao Fei sat down, Shen Yinbing turned to look at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Subconsciously, goofy touched his face and asked, "what's the matter? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Shen Yinbing shakes her head.

"What are you looking at? Do you think I'm different? If you dare to race, you are handsome and handsome... "

"You are very shameless."

Shen Yinbing impolitely interrupts Gao Fei's words. Before he retorts, he asks, "Gao Fei, are you really a vagrant?"


Gao Fei corrected: "I'm a unemployed youth - why, don't you feel like I'm not?"

Shen Yinbing nodded: "well, it's not like it."

"What's not like? Do you think I should be a second generation official or rich? "

"I'm sure you have no hope of becoming a second generation in your life."

Shen Yinbing spared no effort to fight against Gao Fei, but he said: "but I think you are very smart."

Goofy shook his feet and cocked up: "you finally told the truth."

Shen Yinbing sat on the couch next to Gao Fei, grabbed her skirt with her right hand, covered her slender legs, and asked, "how did you think that the person who wanted to be bad for my father might be a friend?"

Gao Fei flashed a trace of pain in his eyes and said, "what's so strange about this? Driven by great interests, friends are sometimes more terrible than enemies because they know you better. "

"Well, that makes a lot of sense."

Shen Yinbing nodded, but suddenly asked, "do you think I should be with dad now?"

Gao Fei now knows that since Shen Yinbing and old Su had a quarrel, she moved out of Su's villa and lived alone in a petty bourgeois community. Even if the father and daughter had a good relationship, she didn't move back.

Goofy said lazily: "normally, when Uncle Su is in unknown danger, you as a daughter should move back with him. But... "

"But what?"

Shen Yinbing dissatisfied said: "you a big man's family, don't be so hesitant, like a girl."

"Don't worry, I may be a bad guy in my life, but I will never be a woman squatting to pee. God can guarantee that - Hey, don't move your hands and feet. You don't know the simple truth that men and women don't give and accept each other, do you?"

Gao Fei dodged Shen Yinbing's claws and continued: "however, if I were your father, I would not let you move back."


"It's easy."

Gao Fei explained: "because I'm in danger now, I don't know when there will be killers coming to ask for their lives. If one of them doesn't work well, our father and daughter will suffer - Hey, they all say don't move your hands and feet!"

Shen Yinbing blushed: "who let you take advantage of me!"

"I'm just a metaphor, a metaphor, you know?"

Gao Fei said angrily: "forget it, I won't talk to you. In a word, if you want your father to be at ease, don't move back."

Shen Yinbing murmured: "just now, my father said the same thing."

"It seems that your father and I are heroes."

Seeing Shen Yinbing's frowning, Gao Fei can't bear it.

But he just can't bear it. After all, he has taken over the task now. If he cancels it, it will be a serious blow to his reputation of "ghost dance".

What's more, Subei mountain is worth three million dollars.

Let alone three million US dollars, that's 30000 US dollars. For Gao Fei, who now has zero deposits, he is also extremely eager.

As a successful killer, we must not be disturbed by any emotion.

Even a successful killer can't have love.

Because with the killer of love, he is no longer a killer. When he kills, he will be affected by some happiness.

It's something goofy doesn't want to see.

Shen Yinbing stares at the pool water. After a long time, she sighs and stands up from her chair: "Oh, forget it. Let's go."

Gao Fei jumped up and said excitedly, "are you going to lunch? Tell your baby sitter to make more meat dishes, such as bear's paw and bird's nest. The more, the better. I'm starving to death! "

Although it's destined to kill the owner of the villa and break the heart of the beautiful woman, it's not the reason for Gao Fei to eat them.

Shen Yinbing did not speak, but looked at him strangely.

Goofy wondered, "what's the matter? What's wrong with what I said?"

Shen Yinbing asked, "did I leave you for dinner?"


"Uncle Su, I'm not hungry. I'm not really hungry! I have something else to do - what? Have you asked sister-in-law Wang to prepare the meal? Oh, yes - but I'm in a hurry. I have to go. Sorry, uncle Su, it's me who wasted your kindness. Please come back first, and we'll have lunch next time. Ha ha, don't send it. I'll just take a taxi there. Hold on, please. Goodbye

After being sent out of the villa gate by Su's father and daughter, Gao Fei looks sorry.

When he turned around, he said in a low voice: "iron cock, no, it's iron hen! It's one o'clock in the afternoon, but I don't care about lunch. I deserve to be assassinated! "

Gao Fei, who was so hungry, walked along the side of the road with his chest high in his father's and daughter's eyes, and soon came to the intersection of the main road and the villa road.

"Lying trough, Shen Yinbing! You wait for me. I'll make you cry sometimes! "

After a hard blow to the direction of coming, Gao Fei heard a loud noise in the air: CLICK!

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