On the road outside the window, the street lights meander to the horizon, like stars.

The traffic on the road, at nine o'clock in the summer night, is still flowing.

After a heavy rain, the fresh night wind blows from the southern mountain area, slowly blowing on the face, gently like a lover's hand, making Gao Fei feel very comfortable.

Gao Fei holds his arms in his hands and stands in front of the window, looking at the beautiful night scene in Southern Hebei. On the surface, he looks indifferent, but in his mind, he is flying fast: what is the origin of this Yan Hong?

Gao Fei does not deny that vice president Yan, a charming and sexy little creature, is the wife of the boss of Beishan group. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is absolutely a great man.

After all, not everyone can afford to drive a Ferrari.

In this economic society where milk is mother and money is father, rich people are respected and even scared by many people.

This is a reality that cannot be refuted.

However, why did director Shi take out a flattering face after recognizing Yan Hong tonight?

Gao Fei is not an official, but he is also very clear, let alone Yan Hong is the wife of Subei mountain. Even if Subei mountain comes to the scene tonight, according to Shi Dongpeng's official position, there is no need to flatter him like this.

And then there was boss Wang. After Shi Dongpeng whispered to him, he turned pale with fright.

Gao Fei is not naive to think that boss Wang is so afraid of Yan Hong. It's not because she has a billionaire husband.

Shi Dongpeng and his courteous attitude towards Yan Hong can only explain one problem: Yan Hong's true origin is by no means simple!

Even, Gao Fei guesses that Yan Hong's true origin is unknown to Shen Yinbing.

So, what is the origin of Yan Hong?

In other words, according to the conclusion that "behind every beautiful woman, there is a strong man", who is the really strong man behind Yan Hong?

Goofy was curious and wanted to know.

Can he just know Yan Hong not long, even if he wants to break the head, also can't come out.

"Hey, the man standing behind her can do whatever he likes and do my shit!"

Gao Fei laughs, pops the cigarette end out of the window, turns around and walks to the bed.

I don't know why, Gao Fei thinks that there is a strong man standing behind Yan Hong, but that man is not behind the mountain in Northern Jiangsu. He has a faint discomfort in his heart. He is eager for her to turn around at this time, and then he presses her on the bed and does it hard!

Of course, Gao Fei knows that he has this abnormal psychology, which is just jealousy, jealousy of the powerful man behind Yan Hong.

"I'm such a fool. How could I have such an idea?"

Goofy flicked his mouth, picked up his canvas bag from under the head of the bed and took out his laptop.

Connected to the power supply, plug in the wireless network card, boot, goofy directly logged in to the of international killer platform.

After quickly sliding the mouse to find the name of Subei mountain, Gao Fei frowned slightly: it's only two days since he accepted the task, and there are nine killers who want to take over the business.

In other words, these nine people all hope that if the "elder generation" does not succeed in assassinating Subei mountain in one month, then they are expected to get the three million dollars.

On the of killer platform, there is a rule: if the killer is alive and fails to complete the task within the specified time, he will completely lose the chance to get a reward.

To put it bluntly, if Gao Fei doesn't kill Subei mountain in a month, even if he kills Subei mountain later, of platform won't give him a reward.

"For just three million dollars, there are so many people waiting in line - hehe, it seems that the world economy is very depressed now."

Gao Fei shrugs, and the landplane on the cupboard rings.

Goofy didn't care. He thought it was from the front desk customer service. He reached for the microphone and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

On the other side of the phone, a sweet Hong Kong and Taiwan accent came: "first monk, OK, do you want special service? The goods are good and the price is cheap, and bonnon is satisfied with it.... "

"I'm not interested."

Without waiting for the woman over there to finish speaking, goofy took off the phone.

If it is put in peacetime, as long as the price is right and the person is long and beautiful, Gao Fei doesn't mind spending a thousand and eight hundred yuan, and finding a little sister to enjoy one night.

Anyway, in the evening, he had already used Yan Hong's bank card to withdraw 20000 yuan of pocket money from the ATM, and now he is a rich man.

But he's really not interested tonight.

Gao Fei didn't mind after he took off the phone. Anyway, this kind of thing often happens in hotels, and it's not uncommon.

After carefully putting away the computer and putting the canvas bag in the wardrobe, goofy was going to the bathroom to pee when someone knocked on the door.


Goofy goes over and opens the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Gao Fei felt a strong fragrance coming. Then a man crowded in and threw himself directly into his arms. He put his hands around his neck and put his red lips together.

This is a girl with colorful hair, wearing a black silk suspender skirt, revealing half of her white chest. The long legs under the skirt are very beautiful, but they are too thin.

Gao Fei doesn't like skinny sexy beauties. The elder of color world has such a clear saying: ride a skinny donkey and get fat

Too thin woman no hand sexy, pressure up the panic, boring.

Gao Fei raised his hand, blocked the girl's lips and pushed her on the door.

Half of the girl's face was pressed by Gao Fei's right hand. She cried and raised her hand to break it.

"Tut Tut, you're the only one with a small body. It's a shame for the Yellow women's army

Gao Fei shakes his head and sighs. He quickly pinches the little pigeon on the girl's left.

It's true that he didn't mean to have sex with this girl, but if he didn't eat the tofu, it would be a silly comparison.

"Go, go, try your luck somewhere else. You're not my type. Next time you come back, try to fatten up! "

Goofy opens his big hand, grabs the girl by the neck, pushes her out and closes the door with a bang.


Zhang Wenwen was very angry today. She raced with other people. She was forced to make the best of it and won the victory.

Although it's normal for her to shake the little pigeon to the guy driving the BMW and dazzle his titanium alloy dog eyes, she thinks it's a shame, an unforgivable shame!

Especially when I saw Meng Fei and others celebrating for her, I used to drink sweet red wine in my mouth, just like boiled water.

Meng Fei, like Zhang Wenwen, is a "top student" of the No.5 Middle School in Southern Hebei Province. Their relationship is even more of a close friend.

However, Meng Fei's conditions are much better than Zhang Wenwen's. her father, Meng Fanxing, is said to be the underground king of Southern Hebei.

In other words, Meng Fei is the underground princess in Southern Hebei. The most important thing is money. Zhang Wenwen's red modern trot is her.

At that time, before racing with the boy driving a white BMW, Zhang Wenwen once excitedly called Meng Fei and said that she finally met a silly silly boy who was going to race with her

Meng Fei was overjoyed and said that she would wait for the "Red Chamber bar" to celebrate her return.

As soon as Zhang Wenwen enters the red chamber bar, Meng Fei cheerfully greets her. She complains that she has not "fought side by side" with her, and asks the guy who dares to challenge her sisters how miserable his death is.

In the past, Zhang Wenwen would boast about how she lost her opponent.

But this time, she just said that she almost let the boy run into the gutter and drink on the sofa.

Seeing that Zhang Wenwen's expression was different, Meng Fei quickly asked what was going on.

In the eyes of Zhang Wenwen, Meng Fei and others, it's nothing to show off their miserable capital to a strange man. It's just like the occasional whim, when people stand side by side in the bathroom of the supermarket to pee - what's more, it's just a piece of cake.

So, unable to bear the questioning of Meng Fei and others, Zhang Wenwen told the story of the car racing once again.

"What? Wokuo, that boy forced you to kill me? Ma Dan, I didn't pay attention to our sisters! "

Meng Fei was very angry. She put her foot on the table and asked angrily, "Wenwen, tell me, where is that boy from? Let's go to him right away and make him kowtow to you! Is our sister's pigeon so delicious? Look, I didn't call the dog to chop down shabby! "

Gouzi is the head of the security guard of the red chamber bar. He is a brave general under the boss Meng Fanxing. He has fought countless battles in his life, but he seldom loses.

Zhang Wenwen sighed: "well, I don't know where the boy lives. Forget it, Jinan is so big, where can I find him? Drink, drink, life is short, just have fun in time! "

Meng Fei and others think the same thing. After persuading Zhang Wenwen a few more words, three or five rebellious children have fun in the bar.

The restaurant where he and Yan Hong eat is just across from the red chamber bar, and Zhang Wenwen happens to see him: "Hey, Xiao Fei, you see, that's the boy! In the morning, I drove a white BMW with a big girl, but in the evening, I drove a Ferrari with a young woman. "

Meng Fei ran over and said, "well, is it really him?"

Zhang Wenwen hummed and sneered: "can I read it wrong?"

"Wenwen, I believe your vision! You say, what should we do with him. Ma Dan, why don't I ask the dog to chop him now? "

Meng Fei proposed.

Zhang Wenwen sneered: "after seeing my girl's proud capital, it's time to cut it! Can just cut, still can't let this girl Long Yan big Yue! Hum, I have to ruin him to get rid of my hatred. "

Meng Fei rubbed his hands: "what do you say to do, money, money, people, as long as you say it, sister is not ambiguous."

Zhang Wenwen said with a smile: "Xiao Fei, come here with your ears. I have a brilliant plan. Let's do this..."

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